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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CURIE

  1. If it's event only, it better be stronger than the other forms. Or at least have the same speed stat as the day form.
  2. 150 wins.  75% of the way there.  On a related note, I've also maxed out my BP at 9,999.

    1. Maelstrom


      You should head to those BP vendors and MAKE IT RAIN!!!


  3. So anyway, back to the actual game this thread is about: the Corocoro scan of Dusk Lycanroc finally came out, dunno what took it so long. It confirms that he still has Accelerock (and Counter, but who cares about that lol), and his ability is... Tough Claws? That's actually really good. As long as he keeps the day form's speed this will undoubtedly be the best Lycanroc form. ...Until you realize he has no STAB moves that benefit from it, that is. Unless this form gets head smash or something, his only rock type contact move is accelerock.
  4. I can't help but notice everyone's talking about these games as if they are an "emerald" situation and not sequels. Was this confirmed somewhere and I missed it? Also lol at people comparing Alolan forms to megas. Look at Beedrill and Ratticate. Both were gen 1 early game trash. One got an Alolan form. The other a mega. Guess which one's still trash.
  5. Well, I'm finally back at 140 wins in the Battle Tree.  Let's see if I can go 60 more without something incredibly unlucky happening

    1. Wolfox


      we'll be rooting for you! (no pun intended)

  6. Huh, Pokenchi actually revealed something of substance.  That's new.

  7. Tfw you're missing your chance to meet a dude you're a huge fan because there's a massive traffic jam conveniently right in front of the convention center

    1. Wolfox


      feels bad man

  8. Well, I lost again at battle 97, and this time I can't blame bad luck or making a wrong move.  I've found a specific combination of Pokémon that my team simply cannot beat.

  9. Surprisingly and dissappingly, there were zero plushes of Primarina at the convention today.  Or any of the Alolan starters for that matter, just the first forms.


    I did see a custom made doll of the "Alolan Arcanine" that the chinese leak falsely predicted though.  That was cool.

  10. I didn't know Sheer Cold doesn't work on Ice types.  Apparently the "maximum difficulty" AI of the Battle Tree didn't either.

    1. Wolfox


      I actually never knew that myself. but it's not like you see it used commonly so good on you for finding it out

  11. I try to do the Battle Tree thing a third time and lose at 43 to a TRIPLE CRITICAL.  Why am I still doing this

  12. Well, I tried to get my Battle Tree streak back up, but lost again at 70.  All because a Thunderbolt paralyzed me and I couldn't move twice in a row.  That's a 0.625% chance of happening.

    1. FairFamily


      Assuming one thunderbolt per battle and you suddenly get a 35% of this happening during these 70 matches. If it isn't thunderbolt it might be a crit, burn,... basically these things require huge amounts of luck.

    2. CURIE


      Yeah, I should have specified, it's not just because an unlucky thing happened, it's because it happened at a time when I really needed it not to.  I've had worse luck before and still won, the problem is getting an unlucky break when my team is already struggling.

  13. And I lost my streak at 148.  All because a 90% accuracy move missed three times in a row.

    1. Wolfox


      Hax is hax, and Hax is unfair. you got far tho. Better luck next time :D

  14. Came REALLY close to losing my Battle Tree streak at 120, all because I tried to use Aurora Veil when an opponent had Cloud Nine.  Only reason I won was because of a lucky Stone Edge miss.  I need to pay better attention.

    1. Wolfox


      yeah, that was close

  15. 100 battle tree wins down, 100 more to go.  Unless I end up losing one, in which case I gotta start all over again.  Hopefully I don't lose one.

    1. Wolfox


      we'll be rooting for you (pun intended)

  16. I dunno if you guys heard about the Venezuelan protest votes that happened all over the world today, but there was one in my hometown.  The line was C R A Z Y   L O N G

  17. An upcoming episode title seems to imply Ash's battle against Olivia will be his "hardest battle ever".  Somehow I doubt that...

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      to be fair, the japanese titles are always over-dramatized.

    2. Marcello


      Maybe it's a pun because, y'know



      Rocks are hard.

  18. Finally, after 3,000 years I have my Lopunnite

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seki108


      It will probably be over 12,000 years before the Gardevoirite is released for Gen 7 (unless it was already released and I missed it).

    3. Wolfox


      it's released at the same time

    4. seki108


      Ok, I vaguely remembered you telling me that after I posted this.  I just wanted to post 12,000 (seems to be mecha anime's favoirte time skip).

  19. Just made the last of the 3D printable Reborn Badges.  I wonder how many people will actually download and print them.

    1. HongaarseBeer


      If I had a 3D printer, I would! They look awesome!

  20. The last couple badges each had a bit of a story for me to preface their posts with, but this one really doesn't have anything like that. It wasn't particularly easy or hard to make compared to others I've done. So anyway, here it is. The Legend Badge. And that's all of them! Now you can download and print all 18 Reborn badges and become league champion in real life! Well, assuming you have access to a 3D printer, that is. I wonder how many people here actually do have 3d printers...
  21. Funny that I'm going to a D&D game where one of the guys  is obsessed with the Russian conspiracy theory, on the day when the #1 trending video on YouTube is about a CNN executive admitting they made it all up for ratings.  This will be interesting.

    1. CURIE


      Aaaand he didn't show up.  Disappointed but kinda unsuprised.

  22. When you finish EV training a Pokémon in Reborn and right as you are about to click save your computer crashes

  23. You know, originally I was afraid the Geode Badge would be super hard to do. As you can see, it's not actually a circle, or an oval, but rather this kind of egg-like shape. In Tinkercad, I can only really seem to make circles and stretch them out into ovals. I was afraid I'd have to make a circle and then try to cut parts out of it on one side, and that it'd be super hard to make it not look like crap. But I was in luck, for some reason Tinkercad was giving away pre-made Easter themed models despite it being long past easter. One of which was, you guessed it, an egg. So all I had to do was cut out a slice of the egg, flip it on its side, resize it a bit, and boom. Geode Badge. What I thought might be the hardest badge to do ended up being the easiest. And then my printer decided to make up for how easy the badge was to make, by giving me technical difficulties. Long story short, a wire that does an important thing got broke and caused the thing to overheat so I had to replace it and recalibrate a bunch of stuff. And if that wasn't good enough I also ran out of the gray filament that I was using for the other badges, that's why it's green in the picture unlike all the others. Why Green? I dunno, because green. Anyway, here it is. As for what's next, well, there's only one badge left. Sapphira's badge, which if I remember correctly is called the Legend Badge.
  24. I've already made the 3D printable Geode Badge, but my printer seems to be having problems.  It might be a while before I update the 3D printing thread.

  25. My 6th gen monogen thread appears to have been deleted with the site update, but if it still existed you'd be able to read all about Strawberry the badass Slurpuff. Spoiler alert: He's badass. Other spoiler alert: He took down Solaris' Garchomp (almost) single-handedly Third spoiler alert: He took down the infamous Mega Rayquaza glitch almost single-handedly too
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