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Everything posted by Lits

  1. Look who I bumped into randomly on my team the other night. I Didn't notice until Ark had typed in chat in pre-game lobby, notice the Club name and was like "oh damn you guys are from reborn" Happy Accident, also, Garen things vs new Yorick. He actually was beating my ass until I hit 4-5, I could then 1v1 him even with his goons and Waifu.
  2. http://prnt.sc/cg6nj8 <<< Did I get a shiny cresselia in random? And does it happen often?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      It's shiny. Normally Cresselia has a blue and yellow body with pink rings.

    3. krim


      It's shiny. And getting shinies in random battles is rare but I don't think it's nearly as rare as the actual shiny chance.

    4. Lits


      Weird, My friends keep saying I'm a walking cheat code cause I usually get shinies or just OP teams in random battles

  3. Mob Psycho 100, just what I expect from the creator of One Punch Man. decent comedy and story

  4. Random League lobby with arcana rush and Arkhidon

  5. Its all about that kill participation. And eating missiles for your annie, yum.
  6. Bluemoon took it 2-0, I forgot my side deck, and with it backrow hate. My deck dies to backrow.dek
  7. Holy Shit, RE:Zero is way too hype right now

  8. Changed my name on DevPro to FunnyValentine

  9. So they made Odd-eyes Mirage dragon TCG but not the better lesser odd-eyes? What do I gotta do to get Persona Dragon legal for TCG?
  10. Crobat is love, Crobat is life. Another thing i'm wishful for is mega stones for either metagross or lucario as I just trained up both of them, would be nice to have a backup in case my Crobat somehow can't carry me.
  11. I want to see the talonflame line really bad, gotta have muh fire types. Also, Honedge event would be lovely.
  12. Senior year should be your most laidback year, be friendly to everyone, show the newcomers the ropes and shortcuts to classes, tell them which teachers are cool and which you should never get on their bad side. Make sure you just get all your tests done and you'll be good. Don't forget to show them which vending machines you can shake down for free food/drinks! Overall, just have fun with it. You're only a senior in highschool once in your lifetime unless you're super old and a teacher in highschool.
  13. This happens to me in regular games, it's also quite common to play against 2-3 diamonds as well for me. I'm just silver Rito.
  14. "Killer Queen has already touched that doorknob"
  15. Crobat does not need a mega-evo to carry me, I'm doing just fine without it.
  16. Feels bad having to bury a very sweet and faithful dog. What a Terrible day for rain.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I know that feeling. As long as the dog had a happy life that's all that matters

    2. Red_Chaos


      its sucks, buried one about 3 weeks ago

    3. doombotmecha


      lost 2 cats the a few weeks ago, my condlences

  17. I.....don't know what to say, other than my friend who played lux wanting me to play garen that she locked him in and demanded I trade with her (she was first pick, and she wanted lux and didn't want a counter pick to happen) So level 4 I got first blood, and since that fight, renekton did NOT respect my kill pressure. Later on trundle went over and found a shyvana in our jungle and I went to help him. My Q E literally did 60% of her HP from full health (both of us were Level 5 btw). I have a bad feeling thats all my friends want me to play now, just Garen. Mid game I actually got a 1v3 triple on shyvana, morgana and viktor.
  18. GGs Roxas, yeah, tech choice card for infernoids is really Mischief of the Gnomes, and I got super lucky on milling one of my two copies after I sided them in. Cause one of my friends mains RR, I knew I had to stop the shenanigans before they started. It was fun playing infernoids again after a few months of not using them, deck still doesn't fail me. It was super fun roxas, best of luck next week.
  19. For all those interested, Roxas and I may be playing in an hour, so those who wish to spectate, be ready to. We should play around 6 PM EST
  20. Fly swatter, not only are you dishing out justice of the highest degree, but you will do so with comedic value
  21. How to deal with seeing ghosts: Claim you're just seeing someone elses Stand ability

  22. They are, but you are forgetting something. Shaddolls have a quick play fusion spell, easily dodged those target effects then set up another construct, and most decks ran 1 of each of castel and most dropped 101 when NECH came out.
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