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Everything posted by Lits

  1. Need to practice more Vi, Must become more of a SlamDunk Crusader. I'm not feeling great with her atm, I need some work with rotation and counter ganking, but my objective control for the most part I feel comfortable with (solo first dragon at lvl 4, then continue to get dragons as they spawn. Ignore the BT, misclicked it over BoTRK, didn't notice til it was too late)
  2. Go to 13:09, and hopefully you laugh when it happens, ends at 13:22
  3. If you need someone to talk to, I usually check here a few times a day. Best of luck and shine on, Don't let familial disputes get you down, it happens to everyone, sometimes on worse levels. Trust me, I know.
  4. Free as in no money involved? DevPro is a free application to download that is entirely automated, with updates every sunday, we try to fix everything possible and get the newest cards to the players to test. There is no unlocking or level ups involved, all cards are available to play from the beginning.
  5. he said poll will be final on sunday, and I would not mind more players at all, the more the merrier.
  6. ITS BACK! Why did I just now find out about this?! It's Mahvel time baby
  7. Imma make sure this field doesn't get past stage 1, it's gonna be my life goal in reborn to make sure the users of this field have a bad day.
  8. Yep, Liandry does not burn to death, can confirm. Watched as a Draven walked away after I got him down to 30 HP and liandry ticks were doing literal 0 damage.
  9. sweet, can't wait to play some of you guys, should be fun.
  10. make crobat use brave bird, and as its rising then proceeds to swoop, yell "I am the night!"

    1. Combat


      I named my Brobat Crobat-Man. Take that fantasy game!

  11. Speaking of Dive, Once again, I show you must be a true SlamDunk Crusader to gain my affection. (darius dove me when I was 200 HP, I get the kill and walk away with about 70HP) after that I snowballed to the point where it took malz ult, darius ult and jax stun to kill me, but even after all that, I took jax to about 30 HP, and darius to about 300, Lee and Azir came in and got all three. Sadly they thought darius was trolling, but he was trying his hardest, I ended up honoring him. (this was a team of golds and plats I think, cause that's all there was on my team, sivir had the victorious skin) I didn't check their ranks cause that would just mess up my way of playing.
  12. http://prnt.sc/byn8c8 Started a new game in reborn, Didn't even try for it either.
  13. I hope you marked him for death in every fight.
  14. Cass D/C'd and caits heal wouldn't work, this must be the work of an enemy stand!
  15. Dude, RE:Zero is insane

  16. I remember release charlotte, gave me so much salt. Finally beat her due to a bug with rhydon and lightning rod
  17. You need to be a master romancer of the SlamDunk Crusaders to open my heart
  18. I would have to prefer TCG for now, even tho my favorite deck will be up to full power next year
  19. Could have gone better, could have gone worse
  20. So, I was partially spot on with my guess on skaarl, neato. Overall, I might like him. I'll try him out for a while sure.
  21. DevPro only goes by Europe's TCG rulings for cards, not OCG, unless the cards in question are OCG only. And for competitive, most people use TCG match play, but some feel more comfortable with OCG banlist. Best to hold a poll and see what people want. If you want to talk more about it, you can PM me on DevPro, im there more often than anywhere else, name is IV (its an i)
  22. think of it like the dark souls of pokemon fan games. Every difficult challenge gives you an equally rewarding feeling. the difficulty is what makes it fun.
  23. I think Skaarl will take all damage until a certain set amount based on level, then he will leave kled by himself (who will be super low health) and hide in a bush somewhere. with skaarl, he'll have more Movement speed, and an escape, without skaarl, kled will be slower than jhin with no escapes. this probably won't happen, but it would be a unique interaction.
  24. Juri will always be Juri to me, as long as she plays almost the same. And she'll always be my main while she stays almost the exact same.
  25. What a beautiful Dunkong
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