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Everything posted by Lits

  1. I shut down gragas top, I don't see him in a while, tell soraka to ward, notice no sightstone. The game declines from there. I'm able to pick off everyone BUT kled in every teamfight, 2 shotting ashe, lux, and morgana. Soraka was pretty useless, ulting to save herself 1v1'ing blue buff. She would also turn tail and run every fight, not using her heal at all. Its also bad that the enemy team apologizes to me for my team in game
  2. Second playthrough on reborn, and I just LOVE the theme that plays when you enter ametrine city, its so good. Need more themes like this in my opinion.

  3. This game was....something. adc ahri with nasus "support" actually won their lane due to rengar camp bot, but late game my Ult and item choices won the team fights, being able to make sure EVERYONE survived the fight was my goal, and I met my goal with the final teamfight, which won the game. Ulting as soon as Gnar went mega and ulted us, made the rest of the enemy team follow up useless, blowing all their skills on me which I survived due to Face of the mountain and a quick heal from Q. We killed the squishies then settled in on gnar who had everything down.
  4. I'm a veteran of the Resident evil series, and about the game that introduces people to the franchise being their favorites, this isn't the case with me, the game that introduced me to the series was Resident evil 2, and while it was freaking amazing, my favorite has to be Resident Evil 4, despite the massive changes to the gameplay and overhaul of the series mechanics, it was a fresh change of pace, and with Resident Evil 7 coming next year, the series will revisit its old FPS gameplay from the Gun Survivor series but with a new fresh spin to it hopefully. I want the series to continue to change but remain resident evil, which sadly Resident Evil 6 didn't seem to do very well. The beginning to the Leon story was the only thing that Resident Evil 6 did right in my eyes. As for other games, like pokemon, I also like the introduction of new pokemon. The new Gameplay mechanics can go either way in my opinion but my opinion can't change how others feel about the games and the core mechanics. Mega Evolution was hype, but I don't know how I feel about Z moves. This must be the work of an enemy stand. I'll reserve my opinion on them when until the games land
  5. next episode is gonna be a bit of a snore fest for me, I never liked this part reading the manga, I felt kinda bored when the
  6. it actually has a ton of synergy for some reason, toy vendor is the key card here
  7. You shouldn't be scared to fight my fabled-destiny hero-fluffal-resonator-phantom knight-synchron deck.
  8. Great games jacob, Best of luck in the league for you and everyone else. Won both matches (best 2/3 TCG)
  9. message me on devpro whenever you want to play, name on there is IV
  10. As I said, I suck with jhin, I just know how to play like a bitch. I'm gonna stand behind my thresh until I see that Rengar warning pop up, then imma hide inside my thresh's lantern.
  11. I have a gripe about one for all on league, they removed the interaction between ziggs and his satchel charge affecting over ziggs on the map. I loved to bounce my teammates into the enemy base or baron pit then aggro it. Good Times.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst


      and here we see why it was removed..

    3. Shamitako


      Aww, but interactions between champ abilities that effect themselves are fun

      Like mass-healing Illaoi

    4. Felicity


      and playing with syndras balls

  12. Anybody play Eyes of Heaven, I've only seen the story mode so far and it's a JoJo fan's wet dream, all 8 JoJos are present and come together to fight a powerful enemy.
  13. I've found that AP WW top that rushes RoA to be very oppressive, Dumpstered fiora and Jayce so far, as well as go even with a trundle. the fiora ran ignite too, so very surprised that I won lane so hard that I had her camping at her turret away from minions. It falls off around the 35 minute mark tho as everyone builds resistance for you, so finish the game before then.
  14. This is great, love the dark souls spin on this run. I might do something like this in the future.
  15. I suck with jhin, but I know how to play like a bitch.
  16. I don't need one anymore, I found an old download file
  17. My old pre-rework GP build still works if played safely, sigh I just want old clunky GP back. So got the S this game, the entire enemy team seemed to want to pile me a lot but oranges are k.
  18. I would also need it, as I uninstalled mine due to it not working properly
  19. DevPro only works on Windows sadly, but I hear you can use a windows emulator and it should work fine.
  20. Discord is free to use, like skype, and you can download it as an app for smartphones, people send you links to servers to join, super easy.
  21. I would like our own, then add whoever showed interest, but the second suggestion is super too.
  22. Right on time, as DevPro only updates on sundays.
  23. Discord is like skype, but instead of calls its drop-in/drop-out voice communication, with its own text chat of course, and it's up to you flash, I'm in 2 different discord servers for devpro (one official and one not official that Deco and WeekendWarrior made)
  24. Sweet, Looking forward to the games.
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