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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Magus

  1. Good grief 80 hours for a run of Persona 5. Worth all the time though.

  2. 4 years later, still haven't hit 1000 posts, and still not an Ace member.  I am just a shiny example of laziness.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Under the old system, you would have had enough posts for ace membership. 

    3. RedAlert


      Or... You probably have a life, unlike me, 200 posts in less than a month

    4. Personthing


      It's basically impossible to get ace with how much of a dumpster fire the exp system is anyways.

  3. Tired and mentally drained. Getting tired of this.

  4. Hell.... Hell is a place on earth, to those 7 sailors on the Fitzgerold, rest in peace. It is one thing, you think you can face death, but it is hard to when it is looking you in the face. Man I am beat, been working non stop with the relief. Finally get a day off time to sleep.

    1. Maelstrom


      With the relief? Huh?

    2. Magus


      Yeah, I was put on a dewater team, if you want to know details, google "USS Fitzgerold" it is all over the news right now.

  5. MAGES. From Neptunia, she is easily the best character in that game.
  6. For the first in my life, I truly feel alone. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      "The moments you feel most lonely, are the momnts you need to be alone most."


      buf if you wanna/gotta talk, my PM box is open

    3. Alphagar




      Sorry...ocd. x.x

    4. Wolfox


      I can be like that myself, so dw

  7. Growlith/Arcanine. Amazing ability being intimidate for both single and double battles. Solid move pool and a great type. I always knew how good the pokemon was in the main series games, but here it shines even more.
  8. Glitch City's mix on the Distortion World. It's so intense, maybe battle music for a raid boss?
  9. God have mercy on my soul. Here we go boys, my death warrant has been signed for Monday. Lets hope I get through next week.

  10. Welcome to Reborn, enjoy your stay.
  11. Welcome to Reborn, now that you have signed your soul away you can no longer escape from this place. No but really hello enjoy your time here fren :]
  12. Holy crap, I actually had a full day in the Radio room.Today was a good day.

  13. You know, people make mistakes. I get that, and if that mistake screws many people (myself included) out of money, then I must ask, how the hell do you not make sure you did your job correctly. Just "poof" and gone, that is it. There was an investigation and apparently the test made it to our shore command, but didn't make it to Northfolk where they are graded. Honestly people should really learn how to take their time with their job. Sometimes is good to have a slow, cautious pace then rushing through a task.
  14. to get 4 goddesses online early, or wait until the American release?

    1. Maelstrom


      umm... f2p or wot?

  15. How tough am I... I went 60 days with no internet, one game, in a box that is only 500 ft, seeing the same thing everyday, getting less than 5 hours of sleep.
  16. Welcome to Reborn, I've been to the Philippians a few times now, really fun but so hot and humid. So yeah enjoy your stay.
  17. Well I'm back for now.

  18. Heh I live in Japan, because I am stationed here. You can make it without Japanese, but it is handy (especially if you can read it). I have an apartment in Yokohama, right outside the train station. Honestly it is a beautiful country.
  19. Yup didn't read it anyways, I have too much respect for personal property, and naturally she didn't let me go without a scolding. As for the relationship status, I don't think it matters due to every option leading down the same path.
  20. I got one for you. What country would you like to visit one day?
  21. At the time I wasn't even Magus, I had just moved here from the Chaos Theater and was using my PSN account name. For some reason my profile pic was Shinryu and I don't even know why. Maybe because I was playing FFV at the time?
  22. So yeah I am going to tell you guys something that will blow you away, without spoilers to those who haven't played EP 16 or haven't gotten there. So I got a story for you there. So I am playing Reborn in the crew lounge on a Sunday. Naturally I draw a largeish crowd (about 15 people) because I am playing a fan made poekmon game and bored people will always be up in your business if you got something interesting. Anyways I get to episode 16 ( at this point I haven't played through so completely blind here) and I tell the everyone that Reborn is like the Dark Souls of pokemon. It is harder than normal pokemon, and has a dark story line. So anyways I am at the part when the protagonists raids *insert spoiler here*, and it is when Lin pulls a Red queen and does * insert axed character here l*. I look around and people are completely speechless, I had to get up go to the flight deck and take a deep breath. Yeah damn Ame you blew me away. TLDR; Like everyone in my ship's pokemon club watched *insert character here* get axed. Just imagine this, like 15 people are crowded around my computer, this tiny laptop and are like "bruh WTF just happend", and here I am like "daaaaaamn gurl Whaaaa" it was a huge shock (mainly to me) as I had much speculation, but to be true, it is something out there man. Sometimes Reborn can be too much. Anyways, I can't wait to fight Lin. My goal is total victory, I WILL sweep her with a Magikarp, or if it is doubles, annihilate her with my VGC team I peaked at 1800 with on the ladder. Justice will be served.
  23. Only Miku could make a song about  a Orwellian society so damn cute.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      i like how it sounds kinda industrial when the lyrics are like "its your duty!

    3. Magus


      Just remember, if you are not happy, you are dead. Miku even gives you the option of picking you favorite execution method.

    4. Felicity


      only suitable death is death by snu-snu

  24. Here we go again it is that time of the year when I wake up hating my life.... LET'S DO THIS!!!!

    1. Wolfox


      bad feeling

  25. Less than one percent of people have swept water off a flight deck in the middle of a typhoon. I am in that percent.

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