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Rejuvenation V12 Pokémon Location Guide


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On 11/26/2019 at 4:52 PM, Crimson_Mc_Black said:

Outside of Blacksteeple, where can one get a Tangela. I tried going to the Sheridan Wetlands during the morning but no luck

Sheridan Wetlands (Morning) is really the only other place outside of Blacksteeple to find wild Tangela.

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On 7/17/2019 at 4:53 PM, Alex said:

List of Available Pokémon by Generation

Gen 1:

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Bulbasaur: Starter Pokemon, Kakori Help Center quest (Egg)
Ivysaur: Evolve Bulbasaur
Venusaur: Evolve Ivysaur

Charmander: Starter Pokemon, buy from Vendor in Carotos (Strength required)
Charmeleon: Evolve Charmander
Charizard: Evolve Charmeleon

Squirtle: Starter Pokemon, Aquamarine Cave Event
Wartortle: Evolve Squirtle
Blastoise: Evolve Wartortle

Caterpie: Gearen City (Chrisola Hotel), Route 2(Headbutt)
Metapod: Evolve Caterpie, Gearen City (Chrisola Hotel), Route 2
Butterfree: Evolve Metapod, Route 2, Terajuma Jungle, Forest of Time, Kugearen woods (Headbutt), Route 7, Honec Woods, Pom-pom Meadow

Weedle: Gearen City, Route 2 (Headbutt)
Kakuna: Evolve Weedle
Beedrill: Evolve Kakuna, Forest of Time (headbutt), Terajuma jungle, Honec Woods

Pidgey: Gearen City, Gearen Park, Route 1, Goldenwood Forest, Route 2(Headbutt)
Pidgeotto: Evolve Pidgey, Chrysalis Courtyard, Wispy Tower, Secret Shore, Route 2, Route 3,  Evergreen Forest (Headbutt), Akuwa Town
Pidgeot: Evolve Pidgeotto, Route 3, Central Square, Dream District, Shopping District

Rattata: Dream District, Residential District, Judicial District (night)
Raticate: Evolve Rattata, Backstage Theatre, West Gearen, Main Street, Dream District, Residential District, Judicial District (night)

Alolan Rattata: Gearen city, Abandoned Sewers, Goldenleaf Gym, Gearen City, Shopping District
Alolan Raticate: Evolve Alolan Rattata

Spearow: Gearen Park, Judicial District, Neo Gearen Park
Fearow: Evolve Spearow, Judicial District, Route 7

Ekans: East Gearen, Gearen Sewers, Terajuma Jungle, Terajuma Cave, Ranger Outpost
Arbok: Evolve Ekans, Deep Sewers, Route 2, Goldenleaf Town, ForgottenPass, Sheridan wetlands, West Gearen Sewers

Pikachu: Evolve Pichu, Safari Zone
Raichu: Evolve Pikachu

Alolan Raichu: Evolve Pikachu - Apophyll Pancakes

Sandshrew: Amethyst Cave, Carotos Mountain.
Sandslash: Amethyst New-Cave, Corrupted cave

Alolan Sanshrew: Breed Alolan Sandslash
Alolan Sandslash: Valor mountain (calm)

Nidoran♀: Gearen City Event
Nidorina: Evolve Nidoran♀, Valor mountain(neutral)
Nidoqueen: Evolve Nidorina.

Nidoran♂: Gearen City Event
Nidorino: Evolve Nidoran♂, Valor mountain (Neutral mood)
Nidoking: Evolve Nidorino.

Clefairy: Evolve Cleffa, Moon field
Clefable: Evolve Clefairy

Vulpix: Valor Mountain (Anger)
Ninetales: Evolve Vulpix

Alolan Vulpix: Trade for Alolan Sandshrew in Kristiline Town
Alolan Ninetales: Evolve Alolan Vulpix with Ice Stone

Jigglypuff: Amethyst Grotto
Wigglytuff: evolve Jigglypuff

Zubat: Mirage Cave (Requires Flash TM)
Golbat: Evolve Zubat.

Oddish: Gearen City, Chrisola Hotel rooftop, Route 2, Spring of Purification, Terajuma Cave, East Gearen City - Neo (Night)
Gloom: Evolve Oddish, Terajuma jungle, East Gearen City - Neo (Night)
Vileplume: Evolve Gloom, Terajuma Jungle, Corrupted cave

Paras: Gearen City (Night), Spring of Purification.
Parasect: Evolve Paras, Corrupted cave, Darchlight forest (day)

Venonat: Gearen City, Terajuma Jungle (Night)
Venomoth: Evolve Venonat

Diglett: Amethyst Cave
Dugtrio: Evolve Diglett, Valor Mountain, Forsaken Lab, Darchlight Caves, Zorrialyn Desert, Ruined City

Alolan Diglett: Phasial Cave, Forsaken Lab
Alolan Dugtrio: Evolve A-Diglett

Meowth: Goldenwood Forest (Shadow), Goldenleaf Town, Forgotten Pass, Route 4, Terajuma Jungle.
Persian: Evolve Meowth.

Alolan Meowth: Chrysalis Courtyard
Alolan Persian: Evolve A-Meowth, Chrysalis Courtyard

Psyduck: Route 1 (Surf), Evergreen Cave (Surf), Safari Zone, Aquamarine Cave
Golduck: Evolve Psyduck, Deep Terajuma Jungle (Surf), River's end (Surf), Safari Zone, Aquamarine Cave

Mankey: Secret Shore, Teila Resort (Shadow Pokemon)
Primeape: Evolve Mankey

Growlithe: Happiness Event on Terajuma Island
Arcanine: Evolve Growlithe.

Poliwag: Phasial Cave event after rescuing the 6 Poliwag, Goldenwood Forest after donating Poliwag
Poliwhirl: Evolve Poliwag
Poliwrath: Evolve Poliwhirl w/ Water stone

Abra: Valor Mountain Summit
Kadabra: Evolve Abra
Alakazam: Evolve Kadabra (Link Heart)

Machop: Route 5, Valor shore
Machoke: Evolve Machop, Valor shore (Route 5)
Machamp: Evolve Machoke (Link heart)

Bellsprout: East Gearen City, Gearen Park, Neo Gearen Park, Spring of Purification
Weepinbell: Evolve Bellsprout, Terajuma shore/jungle, West Gearen, Route 6, Safari Zone
Victreebell: Evolve Weepinbell with leaf stone

Tentacool: Route 11 (Surf), Sheridan Wetlands Laboratory (Surf)
Tentacruel: Evolve Tentacool, Sheridan Wetlands Laboratory (Surf), Outside Evergeen Island (Surf)

Geodude: Amethyst Cave, Goldenwood Cave,Wispy Ruins, Amethyst Depths, Forsaken lab
Graveler: Valor mountain (Active mood), Amethyst mines, Forsaken lab
Golem: Evolve Graveller with a Link Heart

Alolan Geodude: Breed A-Graveler
Alolan Graveler: Wispy ruins, Forlorned Cavern
Alolan Golem: Evolve A-Graveller with a Link Heart

Ponyta: Carotos Mountain (Shadow), Route 7 , Grand Dream Gate, Route 8
Rapidash: Evolve Ponyta, Route 7, Grand Dream Gate, Route 8

Slowpoke: Valor Shore (At night after Lighthouse quest)
Slowbro: Evolve Slowpoke

Magnemite: Safari Zone (complete Kakori Help Center)
Magneton: Evolve Magnemite.

Farfetch'd: Evergreen Forest

Doduo: Route 3, Mirage Woods, Safari Zone
Dodrio: Evolve Doduo, Route 7 (day)

Seel: Chrisola Casino (1000 coins), Aquamarine cave, Valor mountain(surf), Aquamarine Cave(surf)
Dewgong: Evolve Seel, Valor Mountain (Calm mood, surfing)

Grimer: Abandoned Sewers (Old Rod/Good Rod), Deep sewers
Muk: Evolve Grimer, Corrupted cave, Chamber of Awakening

Alolan Grimer: Goldenwood Forest (Shadow)
Alolan Muk: Evolve A-Grimer, Corrupted Cave

Shellder: Valor Mountain (Calm mood, Good rod)
Cloyster: Evolve Shellder (Water stone)

Gastly: Door 9 in Wispy Ruins
Haunter: Evolve Gastly
Gengar: Evolve Haunter

Onix: Carotos Mountain, Route 5 (Past)

Drowzee: Route 2, Main district, Dream district, Central Square, Shopping District, Nightmare World
Hypno: Evolve Drowzee, Main district, Dream district, Central Square, Shopping District, Nightmare World

Krabby: Terajuma Shore, Route 6, Valor Shore, Route 11
Kingler: Evolve Krabby, Aquamarine Cave, Seabound Cave, Evergreen Cave

Voltorb: Gearen City Event, Safari Zone (complete Kakori Help Center)
Electrode: Evolve Voltorb, Safari Zone (complete Kakori Help Center)

Exeggcute: Terajuma Shore, Terajuma Jungle
Exeggutor: Evolve Exeggcute with leaf stone.
Alolan Exeggutor: Evolve Exeggcute (Terajuma)

Cubone: Forgotten Path (morning, rare in the day) Goldenleaf Town (morning, rare in the day)
Marowak: Evolve Cubone, Valor Mountain (Neutral), Zorrialyn Desert, Ruined City
Alolan Marowak: Evolve Cubone (night)

Hitmonlee: Evolve Tyrogue
Hitmonchan: Evolve Tyrogue

Lickitung: Akuwa Town, Alternate Route 2, Kristiline Town, Isle of Angels, Safari Zone

Koffing: Abandoned Sewers, Deep Sewers, Safari Zone
Weezing: Evolve Koffing, Deep Sewers, Safari Zone

Rhyhorn: Valor Mountain Cliffside
Rhydon: Evolve Rhyhorn, Valor Mountain Cliffside

Chansey: Safari Zone, Caratos Mountain (strength required)

Tangela: Sheridan wetlands (morning), Hidden Grove (Blacksteeple)

Kangaskhan: Safari Zone

Horsea: Aquamarine Ruins (requires Dive)
Seadra: Evolve Horsea

Goldeen: Amethyst Cave, Sheridan Village, Goldenwood Forest/Cave, Route 3, Route 11, Akuwa Town, Dream District -> Old rod, Good rod or surf
Seaking: Evolve Goldeen, Available wherever Goldeen is available

Staryu:  Valor mountain (Good rod), Terajuma Shore (at night after Lighthouse quest)
Starmie: Evolve Staryu

Mr. Mime: Evolve Mime Jr.

Scyther: Safari Zone (post 13th badge, requires rock climb)

Jynx: Seabound Cave, Evergreen Cave, Evolve Smoochum

Electabuzz: Evolve Elekid.

Magmar: Evolve Magby.

Pinsir: Kakori Gym, Sheridan Village (Past), Alternate Route 2

Tauros: Route 7

Magikarp: axed in v 2, never forget. Except forget. Because I hate Magikarp. With a passion. Destroy Magikarp.
Gyarados: Gyarados does not exist because Magikarp doesn't exist. Forget, and be happy.

Lapras: Evergreen Cave [South] Event

Ditto: Chase around the region until Route 4 after completing the Solrock quest

Eevee: Reward for completing the final Sheridan Help quest, Reward for completing all the Kimono girl quests.
Vaporeon: Evolve Eevee (Water stone)
Jolteon: Evolve Eevee (Thunderstone)
Flareon: Evolve Eevee (Fire stone)

Porygon: Kakori HQ

Omanyte: Find Fossil in Mining Stones.
Omastar: Evolve Omanyte

Kabuto: Find Fossil in Mining Stones

Kabutops: Evolve Kabuto

Aerodactyl: Buy Fossil in West Gearen

Snorlax: Evolve Munchlax, Honec Woods Event

Articuno: N/A

Zapdos: N/A

Moltres: N/A

Dratini: N/A
Dragonair: N/A
Dragonite: N/A

Mewtwo: NO!!!!!!

Mew: N/A



Gen 2:

  Reveal hidden contents

Chikorita: Starter Pokemon, Route 2 (Trade for Plusle)
Bayleef: Evolve Chikorita
Meganium: Evolve Bayleef

Cyndaquil: Starter Pokemon, Carotos mountain (egg, requires magma drift)
Quilava: Evolve Cyndaquil
Typhlosion: Evolve Quilava

Totodile: Starter Pokemon, Chrisola Hotel Pool event (Requires surf)
Croconaw: Evolve Totodile
Feraligatr: Evolve Croconaw

Sentret: Route 1, Goldenwood Forest
Furret: Evolve Sentret, Goldenwood Forest

Hoothoot: Gearen City (Night), Route 2,  Terajuma Jungle (Night), Dream district, Unown dimension, Main Street, Central Square, Shopping District
Noctowl: Goldenleaf Town, Forgotten Path, Evergreen Forest (Headbutt), Terajuma Jungle (Night), Unown dimension, Route 5, Dream district

Ledyba: Sheridan Village (morning/day), Sheridan Arena (morning/day), Terajuma cave (morning), Terajuma Jungle (morning), Deep Terajuma Jungle (morning)
Ledian: Evolve Ledyba, Evergreen Forest (Trees)

Spinarak: Terajuma Jungle/Cave (night)
Ariados: Chrysalis Courtyard, Terajuma Jungle

Crobat: Evolve Golbat via friendship

Chinchou: Valor Shore (Shadow Pokemon)
Lanturn: Evolve Chinchou

Pichu: Reward for final East Gearen City Help Center quest

Cleffa: Moon Field, Trade for Igglybuff in Sheridan

Igglybuff: Route 2 (Night)

Togepi: Mystery egg
Togetic: Evolve Togepi (Max happiness)

Natu: Amethyst Cave, Wispy ruins, Safari Zone
Xatu: Evolve Natu, Wispy ruins

Mareep: Kristiline Town Help Center (lighthouse quest reward)
Flaaffy: Evolve Mareep
Ampharos: Evolve Flaafy

Bellossom: Evolve Gloom with Sun Stone

Marill: Evolve Azurill, Azure Shore
Azumarill: Evolve Marill.

Sudowoodo: Evolve Bonsly, Route 9, Forlorned Cavern

Politoed: Evolve Poliwhirl

Hoppip: Route 6,  Terajuma Jungle (flying), Kristiline Town (flying)
Skiploom: Evolve Hoppip, Akuwa Town, Kugearen Woods, Main Street
Jumpluff: Evolve Skiploom, Darchlight Woods, Main Street

Aipom: Route 2 (night), Headbuttable Tree (Route 2, Evergreen Forest), Forest of time (Headbutt), Kugearen woods (Headbutt)

Sunkern: East Gearen City, East Gearen City - Neo, Route 4
Sunflora: Evolve Sunkern, East Gearen City - Neo,  Akuwa Town, Route 4

Yanma: Kakori Depths

Wooper: Route 3, Goldenleaf town, Phasial Cave, Grand Dream Gate, Honec Woods (surf), Route 8 (surf), Honec Woods (surf), Azure Shore (surf), Yui's Ranch (surf)
Quagsire: Evolve Wooper, Caratos cave (Shadow), Route 3 (good rod), Darchlight Woods (surf), Phasial Cave (good rod), Moon Field (good rod), Honec Woods

Espeon: Evolve Eevee (Daytime)
Umbreon: Evolve Eevee (Nighttime)
Murkrow: Darchlight woods (night)

Slowking:  Evolve Slowpoke

Misdreavus: Goldenleaf Town event

Unown: Hidden Library (Gearen), Unown Dimension

Wobbufett: Safari Zone

Girafarig: Amethyst Grotto, Akuwa Town, Safari Zone

Pineco: Goldenleaf Town, Forgotten Path, Route 2, Evergreen Forest, Deep Terajuma Jungle (Headbutt), Forest of Time (headbutt), Kugearen Woods (headbutt)
Forretress: Evolve Pineco, Forest of time (Headbutt), Kugearen woods (Headbutt)

Dunsparce: Amethyst grotto, Forsaken Laboratory, Seabound Cave (Rock Smash), Evergreen Cave (Rock Smash)

Gligar: Zorrialyn Coast, Ruined City

Steelix: Evolve Onix

Snubbull: Goldenleaf Town Event (4th badge required)
Granbull: evolve Snubbull

Qwilfish: Abandoned Sewers, Goldenwood Park (Old Rod/Good rod)

Scizor: Evolve Scyther

Shuckle: Route 2, Wispy Ruins, Sheridan Arena, Sheridan Wetlands, River's End -> (Rock Smash)

Heracross: Sheridan village (requires surf), Past Sheridan Village, Safari Zone

Sneasel: Mystery Egg, Evergreen Forest (Requires Strength, Rock Smash, Rock Climb)

Teddiursa: Blacksteeple Field, Kugearen Woods, East Gearen City - Neo (morning), Teila Resort (Shadow Pokemon)
Ursaring: Evolve Teddiursa, Blacksteeple Field, Kugearen Woods

Slugma: Valor mountain (Active mood), Caratos Mountain, Route 5 (morning)
Magcargo: Evolve Slugma, Valor mountain (Active mood), Safari Zone

Swinub: Tower of Theolia F2/ F3, ???, Blacksteeple Field, Evergreen Cave
Piloswine: Evolve Swinub, Evergreen Cave, Valor mountain (Calm mood)

Corsola: Aquamarine Cave, Akuwa Shore, Secluded Shore

Remoraid: Amethyst Cave (surf), Route 6 (surf), Route 7 (good rod), Honec Woods (good rod), Route 8 (good rod), Valor Shore (surf)
Octillery: Evolve Remoraid, Outside Evergreen Island

Delibird: Valor mountain (calm), Tower of Theolia F2/F3, ???

Mantine: Evolve Mantyke, Forlorned Cavern (surf), Dream District (surf), Main Street (surf), Central Square (surf), Residential District (surf), Shopping District (surf), Route 9 (surf)

Skarmory: Zone Zero (Event)

Houndour: Gift from Korrina, Route 7 (night), Route 8 (night), Grand Dream Gate (night), East Gearen City - Neo (Night)
Houndoom: Evolve Houndour, East Gearen City - Neo (Night)

Kingdra: Evolve Seadra

Phanpy: Goldenleaf Town, Forgotten Path, Safari Zone
Donphan: Evolve Phanpy, Valor Mountain Cliffside

Porygon2: Evolve Porygon

Stantler: Route 7 (night), Evergreen Forest

Smeargle: Trade for Masquerain in Art Gallery

Tyrogue: Aquamarine Cave Event

Hitmontop: Evolve Tyrogue

Smoochum: Seabound Cave, Evergreen Cave

Elekid: Gearen Laboratory (7th badge)

Magby: Gearen Laboratory (7th badge)

Miltank: Route 7, Yui's Ranch

Blissey: Evolve Chansey

Raikou: N/A
Entei: N/A
Suicune: N/A

Larvitar: Mystery Egg
Pupitar: Evolve Larvitar
Tyranitar: Evolve Pupitar

Lugia: N/A
Ho-Oh: N/A

Celebi: N/A


Gen 3:

  Reveal hidden contents

Treecko: Starter Pokemon
Grovyle: Evolve Treecko
Sceptile: Evolve Grovyle

Torchic: Starter Pokemon
Combusken: Evolve Torchic
Blaziken: Evolve Combusken

Mudkip: Starter Pokemon, Sheridan Wetlands event (Rock Climb)
Marshtomp: Evolve Mudkip
Swampert: Evolve Marshtomp

Poochyena: East Gearen City (night), Abandoned Sewers, Goldenleaf Forest, Route 1
Mightyena: Evolve Poochyena, Goldenwood Forest, Wispy path, Blacksteeple Field, Deep Sewers, West Gearen City, Darchlight Woods, Kugearen Woods (night), Sheridan Village (past), 

Zigzagoon: Goldenleaf Town, Forgotten Path (morning), Wispy Path, Spring of Purification
Linoone: Evolve Zigzagoon, Wispy Tower, Goldenleaf Town, Forgotten Path, Wispy Path,  Kugearen Woods

Wurmple: Gearen City
Silcoon: Evolve Wurmple, Kugearen Woods (headbutt), Route 6
Beautifly: Evolve Silcoon, Terajuma Shore, Forest of Time, Kugearen Woods,  Route 6
Cascoon: Evolve Wurmple, Kugearen Woods (headbutt), Route 6
Dustox: Evolve Cascoon, Sheridan Arena (night), Terajuma shore, West Gearen City, Forest of time (Headbutt), Kugearen Woods, Dream District, Central Square, Route 6, Pom-Pom Meadow, Hula Meadow

Lotad: Breed Lombre,  Past Route 3 (Old/Good Rod), Goldenwood Park
Lombre: Route 4 (Event), Past Route 3 (+Water & Good rod), Goldenwood Park
Ludicolo: Evolve Lombre, Goldenwood Park

Seedot: Route 2 (Morning, Day)
Nuzleaf: Sheridan Village, Kugearen Woods
Shiftry: Evolve Nuzleaf, Darchlight Woods, Kugearen Woods

Taillow: Shopping District (Morning), Dream District (Morning), Alternate Route 2 (Morning, Day)
Swellow: Shopping District (Morning, Day), Dream District (Morning, Day), Alternate Route 2 (Morning, Day)

Wingull: Route 10
Pelliper: Route 10, Evolve Wingull

Ralts: Xen Backup lab if you rescued Amber, East Gearen City - Neo (Day)
Kirlia: Evolve Ralts
Gardevoir: Evolve Kirlia

Surskit: Route 3 (Surf), Past Route 3 (+Water), Mirage Woods (surf), Route 2 (surf)
Masquerian: Evolve Surskit, Xen Backup (Shadow), Past Route 3 (Surf)

Shroomish: Evergreen Forest Trade (for Lopunny)
Breloom: Evolve Shroomish

Slakoth: Evergreen Forest (Headbutt), Deep Carotos Mountain (Shadow)
Vigoroth: Evolve Slakoth
Slaking: Evolve Vigoroth

Nincada: Breed Shedinja, Goldenwood Park
Ninjask: Evolve Nincada
Shedinja: Evolve Nincada with poke ball in bag, Outside Wispy Tower (not Event)

Whismur: Route 1 Event, Gearen Park - Neo
Loudred: Evolve Whismur, Past Route 3
Exploud: Evolve Loudred

Makuhita: Sheridan Village, Sheridan Arena, Past Sheridan Village
Hariyama: Evolve Makuhita, Past Sheridan Village

Azurill: Mystery egg, Breed Marill w/ Sea Incense

Nosepass: Carotos Mountain, Past Route 5, Safari Zone

Skitty: Gearen Park, Akuwa Town, Gearen Park - Neo
Delcatty: Akuwa Town, Kugearen Woods, Past Route 3, Hiyoshi City

Sableye: Caught while rescuing Kimono Girl in Nightmare City, Alamissa Urben, Voidal Chasm

Mawile: Gift from Augustus (Xen Brigade)

Aron: Mystery egg, Scholar District Game Corner
Lairon: Evolve Aron
Aggron: Evolve Lairon

Meditite: Amethyst Cave, Amethyst Depths, Amethyst Laboratory
Medicham: Evolve Meditite, Amethyst Mines, Route 5, Valor Shore

Electrike: River's End, East Gearen City - Neo
Manectric: Evolve Electrike, Route 9, East Gearen City - Neo

Plusle: Route 4
Minun: Route 4

Volbeat/Illumise: Route 2, Spring of Purification, Akuwa Town, Honec Woods (morning)

Roselia: Evolve Budew, Corrupted cave, Honec Woods

Gulpin: Abandoned Sewers
Swalot: Evolve Gulpin, Deep Sewers, Safari Zone

Carvanha: Terajuma Jungle, Kugearen Woods (Surf & Good/Old rod), Aquamarine Cave (Old Rod), Safari Zone (Old Rod)
Sharpedo: Evolve Carvanha, Kugearen Woods (surf)

Wailmer: Evergreen Island, Route 11
Wailord: Evolve Wailmer

Numel: Carotos Mountain, Valor Mountain (Anger), Route 5, Valor Shore, Safari Zone
Camerupt: Evolve Numel, Valor mountain (Anger), Past Route 5

Torkoal: Valor Mountain (Anger), Safari Zone (Rock Smash)

Spoink: Chrisola Hotel Casino, Goldenleaf Town, Forgotten Path, Wispy Path
Grumpig: Evolve Spoink

Spinda: Route 5, Valor Shore, Safari Zone

Trapinch: Mystery egg, Sandstorm Cave (Event)
Vibrava: Evolve Trapinch, Sandstorm Cave (Event)
Flygon: Evolve Vibrava

Cacnea: Goldenwood Forest (Shadow Pokemon)
Cacturne: Evolve Cacnea, Zorrialyn Desert, Zorrialyn Coast, Ruined City

Swablu: Sheridan Village, Evergreen Forest, Forest of time (Headbutt)
Altaria: Evolve Swablu, Forest of time (Headbutt)

Zangoose: Route 3, Mirage Woods, Safari Zone

Seviper: Gearen Gym using secret combination

Lunatone: Amethyst Cave Event, Moon field
Solrock: Amethyst Cave Event, Moon field

Barboach:  Amethyst Cave/Depths/Lab/Mines (surf), Wispy Ruins (Old Rod), Kugearen Woods (Good rod), Sheridan Wetlands (old rod)
Whiscash: Evolve Barboach, Wispy Chasm (Good Rod), Zorrialyn Desert (Surf & Good Rod)

Corphish: Wispy Chasm (Old Rod), Sheridan Wetlands (Good Rod), Evegreen Forest (Good Rod), Evergreen Cave [North] (Good Rod), River's End (Good Rod), Darchlight Woods (Surf), Sensu Meadow (Surf)
Crawdaunt: Darchlight Caves (Surf), Darchlight Forest (Surf), Sensu Meadow (Surf), Evolve Corphish

Baltoy: Xen Backup Lab (Shadow), Route 5 (night), Valor Shore (night), Wispy Ruins, Wispy Chasm
Claydol: Evolve Baltoy, Valor mountain (Neutral mood), Wispy Chasm, Voidal Chasm, Alamissa Urben

Lileep: Root Fossil
Cradily: Evolve Lileep

Anorith: Claw Fossil
Armaldo: Evolve Anorith

Feebas: Evergreen Cave Event (requires Strength)
Milotic: Evolve Feebas

Castform: Weather Insitute

Kecleon: Mirage Woods, Safari Zone

Shuppet: Gearen City emerald building at night, Outside Wispy Tower
Bannette: Evolve Shuppet, Outside Wispy Tower, Darchlight Manor

Duskull: Darchlight Manor, Backstage Theatre, Safari Zone
Dusclops: Evolve Duskull, Darchlight Manor, Alamissa Urben

Tropius: Safari Zone, Kugearen Woods

Chimecho: Evolve Chingling, Valor shore, West Gearen City, Route 5 (night)

Absol: Mystery Egg, Voidal Chasm (Legend of the Void quest)

Wynaut: N/A

Snorunt: Evergreen Forest (Night)
Glalie: Evolve Snorunt

Spheal: Tower of Theolia F2/F3, ???, Aquamarine Cave, Secluded Shore
Sealeo: Evolve Spheal, Valor mountain (calm, surfing), Aquamarine Cave, Secluded Shore, Evergreen Trench
Walrein: Evolve Sealeo, Evergreen Trench

Clamperl: Route 6, Aquamarine cave (Both after lighthouse quest), Evergreen Trench
Huntail: Evolve Clamperl
Gorebyss: Evolve Clamperl

Relicanth: Zorrialyn Labyrinth (Dive), Evergreen Trench

Luvdisc: Akuwa Town (Good Rod required), Alternate Route 2 (Old Rod required), Isle of Angels (Good Rod), Safari Zone (Good Rod),  Zorrialyn Labyrinth (Dive)

Bagon: :]
Shelgon; N/A
Salamence: N/A

Beldum: Sheridan Wastelands (Shadow)
Metang: Evolve Beldum
Metagross: Evolve Metang

Regirock: N/A
Regice: N/A
Registeel: N/A

Latias: N/A
Latios: N/A

Kyogre: N/A
Groudon: N/A
Rayquaza: N/A

Jirachi: N/A

Deoxys: Ask Nastasia.


Gen 4:

  Reveal hidden contents

Turtwig: Starter Pokemon, Egg reward in West Gearen Help Plaza 
Grotle: Evolve Turtwig
Torterra: Evolve Grotle

Chimchar: Starter Pokemon
Monferno: Evolve Chimchar
Infernape: Evolve Monferno

Piplup: Starter Pokemon, Evergreen Forest Shrine (requires Anju's Pendant)
Prinplup: Evolve Piplup
Empoleon: Evolve Prinplup

Starly: Mystery Egg, Finishing Lost Camp Questline
Staravia: Evolve Starly
Staraptor: Evolve Staravia

Bidoof: Gearen City, Route 2
Bibarel: Phasial Cave, Route 5, Terajuma Cave/Jungle, West Gearen City, Valor Shore, Safari Zone

Kricketot: Sheridan Village, Sheridan Arena, Secret Shore
Kricketune: Evolve Kricketot, Terajuma Cave, Deep Terajuma Jungle, Sheridan Village, Sheridan Arena

Shinx: Chrisola Hotel, East Gearen City - Neo
Luxio: Evolve Shinx, East Gearen City - Neo
Luxray: Evolve Luxio

Budew: Gearen Park (Event), Gearen Park - Neo
Roserade: Evolve Roselia with shiny stone

Cranidos: Skull Fossil via Mining, Skull Fossil via Akuwa Drill center
Rampardos: Evolve Cranidos

Shieldon: Armor Fossil via Mining, Armor Fossil via Akuwa Drill center
Bastiodon: Evolve Shieldon.

Burmy: Honec woods (Honey tree), Evergreen Forest (headbutt), Route 2(headbutt)
Wormadam: Evolve Female Burmy
Mothim: Evolve Male Burmy, Route 9, Honec Woods (night), Forlorned Cavern

Combee: Honec woods (Honey tree), Route 2
Vespiquen: Evolve female Combee.

Pachirisu: Velvet Building at night, Safari Zone

Buizel: Oceana Pier (Event)
Floatzel: Evolve Buizel

Cherubi: Chrisola Hotel rooftop, Route 7/8 (morning), Judicial District, Grand Dream Gate (morning)
Cherrim: Evolve Cherubi, Judicial District, Route 7 (morning)

Shellos: Breed Gastrodon, Sheridan Wetlands, Aquamarine Cave, Zorrialyn Desert (Old Rod)
Gastrodon: Evolve Shellos, Sheridan Wetlands, Aquamarine cave, Zorrialyn Desert (Good Rod), Swamp Pit

Ambipom: Evolve Aipom, Route 2 (after defeating 5th gym), Kugearen woods (Headbutt)

Drifloon: Goldenleaf Town (night), Wispy tower
Drifblim: Evolve Drifloon

Buneary: Trade for Cherubi in Gearen, Evergreen Forest, Goldenwood Park
Lopunny: Evolve Buneary, Goldenwood Park

Mismagius: Evolve Misdreavus

Honchkrow: Evolve Murkrow

Glameow: West Gearen City, East Gearen City - Neo
Purugly: Evolve Glameow, West Gearen City, East Gearen City - Neo

Chingling: Gearen City (Night), Sheridan Village (Night), Sheridan Arena (Night), Secret Shore

Stunky: Breed Skuntank, East Gearen City - Neo (Night)
Skuntank: Evolve Stunky, Corrupted cave, Darchlight Woods, Chamber of Awakening, East Gearen City - Neo (Night), Voidal Chasm

Bronzor: Darchlight Cave
Bronzong: Evolve Bronzor

Bonsly: Amethyst Cave (Shadow)

Mime Jr: Carotos Xen Lab, East Gearen City - Neo (Morning, Night)

Happiny: Breed Chansey (Luck Incense)

Chatot: Axis High

Spiritomb: Event in Darchlight woods

Gible: Zone Zero Event
Gabite: Evolve Gible
Garchomp: Evolve Garchomp

Munchlax: Breed Snorlax

Riolu: It's a secret! 😉
Lucario: Evolve Riolu

Hippopotas: Sand Stream Cave
Hippowdon: Sand Stream Cave

Skorupi: Secret Shore, Chamber of Awakening, Sheridan Wetlands
Drapion: Evolve Skorupi, Corrupted Cave, Chamber of Awakening

Croagunk: Sheridan Wetlands
Toxicroak: Evolve Croagunk

Carnivine: Valor Mountain Cliffside, Wetlands Laboratory (Shadow), Honec Woods

Finneon: Goldenwood Forest (Shadow), Sheridan Village, Route 1 (surf), Route 2, Route 3, Goldenwood Cave (Old and Good Rod), Akuwa Town (surf)
Lumineon: Evolve Finneon, Located wherever Finneon is, Evergreen Trench

Mantyke: Terajuma shore (Surf), Valor shore (Surf), Evergeen Island (Surf), Route 9 (good rod), Forlorned Cavern (surf/fish)

Snover: Forest of Time, Valor mountain (Calm), Evergreen Forest
Abomasnow: Evolve Snover, Forest of Time, Valor mountain (Calm), Blacksteeple Field

Weavile: Evolve Sneasel

Magnezone: Evolve Magneton (West Gearen powerplant, Generator room)

Lickilicky: Evolve Lickilicky

Rhyperior: Evolve Rhydon using a Protector and a Link Heart.

Tangrowth: Evolve Tangela

Electivire: Evolve Electabuzz using an Electirizer and a Link Heart.

Magmortar: Evolve Magmar using a Magmarizer and a Link Heart.

Togekiss: Evolve Togetic (Shiny stone)

Yanmega: Evolve Yanma.

Leafeon: Level Eevee up near Moss Rock.

Glaceon: Level Eevee near Icy Rock

Gliscor: Evolve Gligar

Mamoswine: Evolve Piloswine

Porygon-Z: Evolve Porgyon2 using a Dubious Disc and a Link Heart

Gallade: Evolve Kirlia (Dawn Stone)

Probopass: Evolve Nosepass (West Gearen powerplant, Generator room)

Dusknoir: Evolve Dusclops using a Reaper Cloth and a Link Heart.

Froslass: Evolve Snorunt (Dawn Stone)

Rotom: Lost Castle (Event)

Uxie: N/A
Mesprit: N/A
Azelf: N/A

Dialga: N/A
Palkia: N/A

Giratina: N/A

Heatran: N/A

Regigigas: N/A

Cresselia: N/A

Phione: Terajuma Shore (Night)
Manaphy: N/A

Darkrai: N/A

Shaymin: N/A

Arceus: N/A


Gen 5:

  Reveal hidden contents

Victini: Only 90's kids will remember.

Snivy: Starter Pokemon
Servine: Evolve Snivy
Serperior: Evolve Servine

Tepig: Valor Mountain (requires Rock Climb)
Pignite: Evolve Tepig
Emboar: Evolve Pignite

Oshawott: Starter Pokemon, Azure Shore Event
Dewott: Evolve Oshawott
Samurott: Evolve Dewott

Patrat: Gearen City
Watchog: Evolve Patrat, West Gearen City

Lillipup: Gearen City apartments after visiting Goldenwood forest, Dream District, Main Street, Central Square, Residential District, Shopping District
Herdier: Evolve Lillipup, Route 3, Moon field, Mirage Woods, Chrysalis Courtyard
Stoutland: Evolve Herdier, Dream District, Main Street, Central Square, Residential District, Shopping District

Purrloin: Gearen City
Liepard: Evolve Purrloin, West Gearen City, Past Route 3, Route 9

Pansage: Gearen Park, Gearen Park - Neo
Simisage: Evolve Pansage with leaf stone

Pansear: Gearen Park, Route 2,  Gearen Park - Neo
Simisear: Evolve Pansear with fire stone

Panpour: Gearen Park, Route 2,  Gearen Park - Neo
Simipour: Evolve Panpour with water stone

Munna: Gearen Alleyway, Nightmare World, Outside Wispy Tower

Musharna: Nightmare World, Outside Wispy Tower

Pidove: Route 1, Goldenwood Forest, Gearen City, Route 2 (night)
Tranquill: Evolve Pidove, Goldenwood Forest, Route 4, Main Street, Central Square, Shopping District, Dream District, Goldenwoof Park
Unfezant: Evolve Tranquill, Dream District, Main Street, Central Square, Shopping District, Kugearen Woods

Blitzle: Junction Bridge, Akuwa Town (Morning, Day)
Zebstrika: Evolve Blitzle, Yui's Ranch

Roggenrola: Wispy Ruins, Carotos Mountain
Boldore: Evolve Roggenrola, Wispy Ruins, Wispy Chasm, Valor mountain (neutral), Voidal Chasm, Safari Zone
Gigalith: Evolve Boldore with Link Heart

Woobat: Goldenwood Cave, Abandoned Sewers
Swoobat: Evolve Woobat, Deep Sewers, West Gearen Sewers

Drilbur: Mystery egg
Excadrill: Evolve Drilbur

Audino: Akuwa Town, Route 7, Route 8

Timburr: Tim Burton deleted this one due to copyright
Gurdurr: N/A
Conkeldurr: N/A

Tympole: Sheridan Wetlands, Honec Woods (Surf)
Palpitoad: Evolve Tympole, Sheridan Wetlands, Honec Woods (Surf)
Seismitoad: Evolve Palpitoad, Honec Woods (Surf)

Throh: Sheridan Village (after 3rd Badge)
Sawk: Sheridan Village (after 3rd Badge)

Sewaddle: Goldenwood Cave (event)
Swadloon: Evolve Sewaddle, Isle of Angels, Kristiline Town
Leavanny: Evolve Swadloon, Dream District, Main Street, Central Square, Residential District, Shopping District, Judicial District

Venipede: Phasial Cave
Whirlipede: Evolve Venipede
Scolipede: Evolve Whirlipede

Cottonee: Mystery Egg, Caratos Mountain Vendor (Strength, Blast Powder)
Whimsicott: Evolve Cottonee (Sun stone)

Petilil: Residental District (requires Sunny weather), East Gearen City - Neo (Day)
Lilligant: Evolve Petili

Basculin: Route 2, Route 3 (surfing), Goldenleaf Town, Wispy Path, Phasial Cave, Route 11, Evergreen Forest, Moon Field, Mirage Woods, Terajuma Island, Terajuma Shore, Kakori Village, Valor Shore, Route 6, Aquamarine Cave, Secluded Shore, Isle of Angels, Safari Zone, Darchlight Woods, Darchlight Caves, Sensu Meadow, Kugearen Woods (Surf & Good/Old rod), Past Route 3 (Good Rod)

Sandile: Corrupted cave, Chamber of Awakening
Krokorok: Evolve Sandile, Chamber of Awakening
Krookodile: Evolve Krokorok

Darumaka: Mystery Egg, Axis High Puzzle
Darmanitan: Evolve Darumaka

Maractus: Chrisola Hotel Casino, Zorrialyn Desert, Zorrialyn Coast, Ruined City

Dwebble: Route 2 (Rock smash), Sheridan Wetlands (rock smash), Wispy Ruins (rock smash), Sheridan Village (rock smash), River's End (rock smash), Evergreen Cave (Rock Smash)
Crustle: Evolve Dwebble

Scraggy: Wispy Ruins Event behind Door 6, East Gearen City - Neo (Night)
Scrafty: Evolve Scraggy, East Gearen City - Neo (Night)

Siglyph: Alamissa Urben

Yamask: Darchlight Manor, Backstage Theatre
Cofagrigus: Evolve Yamask, Darchlight Manor, Zorrialyn Labyrinth

Tirtouga: West Gearen Fossil Shop
Carracosta: Evolve Tirtouga

Archen: West Gearen Fossil Shop
Archeops: Evolve Archen

Trubbish: Abandoned Sewers, Deep Sewers
Garbodor: Evolve Trubbish

Zorua: Garufan Ruins event
Zoroark: Evolve Zorua

Minccino: Chrisola Hotel (Event), East Gearen City - Neo (Day)
Cinccino: Evolve Minccino

Gothita: Chrysalis Courtyard or Marble Mansion
Gothorita: Evolve Gothita
Gothielle: Evolve Gothorita

Solosis: Mystery Egg, Goomidra Castle
Duosion: Evolve Solosis
Reuniclus: Evolve Duosion

Ducklett: Akuwa Town (egg)
Swanna: Evolve Ducklett

Vanillite: Carotos Mountain (Shadow), Evergreen Forest, Seabound Cave, Evergreen Cave
Vanillish: Evolve Vanillite, Evergreen Forest, Seabound Cave, Evergreen Cave
Vanilluxe: Evolve Vanillish

Deerling: Route 1, Goldenwood Forest, Route 7/8 (morning), Grand Dream Gate (morning), Yui's Ranch
Sawsbuck: Evolve Deerling, Route 7 (day)

Emolga: Route 4

Karrablast: Sheridan Wetlands, Honec Woods
Escavalier: Evolve using Link Heart.

Shelmet: River's End, Honec Woods
Accelgor: Evolve using Link Heart.

Foongus: Terajuma Jungle/Cave, Route 6, Darchlight Woods
Amoongus: Evolve Foongus, Darchlight woods (night)

Frillish: Wispy Chasm (surf)
Jellicent: Evolve Frillish

Alomomola: Akuwa Town (Good Rod required), Alternate Route 2

Joltik: Mystery Egg, Caratos Mountain Vendor (Strength, Blast Powder)
Glavantula: Evolve Joltik

Ferroseed: N/A
Ferrothorn: N/A

Klink: Amethyst Cave (event)
Klang: Evolve Klink, Forest of Time
Klinklang: Evolve Klang
Tynamo: Judicial District (stormy weather)
Eelektrik: Evolve Tynamo
Eelektross: Evolve Eelektrik

Elgyem: Hidden Library (event)
Beheeyem: Evolve Elgyem

Litwick: Amethyst Cave (Event)
Lampent: Evolve Litwick
Chandelure: Evolve Lampent with Dusk Stone

Axew: Mystery egg, Scholar District Casino
Fraxure: Evolve Axew.
Haxorus: Evolve Fraxure.

Cubchoo: Evergreen Forest, Valor Mountain (Calm mood), Forest of Time
Beartic: Evolve Cubchoo, Forest of Time, Valor Mountain (Calm mood),

Cryogonal: Valor Mountain (Calm mood)

Stunfisk: Sheridan Wetlands (Surf), River's End (Surf), Honec Woods, Swamp Pit

Mienfoo: Mystery Egg, Scholar District Casino
Mienshao: Evolve Mienfoo

Druddigon: Valor Mountain (Neutral)

Golett: Wispy Ruins, Valor mountain (Normal mood), Darchlight manor, Voidal Chasm
Golurk: Evolve Golett, Valor mountain (Normal mood), Darchlight manor, Voidal Chasm, Alamissa Urben

Pawniard: Mystery egg, Goomidra Castle
Bisharp: Evolve Pawniard

Bouffalant: Route 7

Rufflet: N/A
Braviary: N/A

Vullaby: Darchlight woods (morning)
Mandibuzz: Evolve Vullaby, Zorrialyn Desert

Heatmor: Valor Mountain (Anger)

Durant: Scholar District Casino

Deino: Department Store 8F
Zweilous: Evolve Deino
Hydreigon: Evolve Zweilous

Larvesta: Mystery Egg, Castle Zygara
Volcarona: Evolve Larvesta

Cobalion: N/A
Terrakion: N/A
Virizion: N/A
Keldeo: N/A

Tornadus: N/A
Thundurus: N/A
Landorus: N/A

Reshiram: N/A
Zekrom: N/A
Kyurem: N/A

Meloetta: N/A

Genesect: N/A


Gen 6:

  Reveal hidden contents

Chespin: Starter
Quilladin: Evolve Chespin
Chesnaught: Evolve Quilladin

Fennekin: Starter, Give Magic Wand to girl in Kakori Village
Braixen: Evolve Fennekin
Delphox: Evolve Braixen

Froakie: Starter
Frogadier: Evolve Froakie
Greninja: Evolve Fragadier

Bunnelby: Goldenleaf town, Forgotten Path, Goldenwood Park
Diggersby: Evolve Bunnelby, Sand Stream Cave, Goldenwood Park

Fletchling: Oceana Pier
Fletchinder: Evolve Fletchling, Sheridan Village, Route 3, Wispy Path, Route 4, Mirage Woods
Talonflame: Evolve Fletchinder, Route 9

Scatterbug: Route 1
Spewpa: Evolve Scatterbug, Goldenwood Forest, Wispy path, Goldenleaf Town
Vivillon: Goldenwood Forest (After invasion), Goldenwood Park

Litleo: Reward for the Dangerous Pokemon quest.
Pyroar: Evolve Litleo

Flabebe: Route 2 Event requiring Research Notes
Floette: Evolve Flabebe
Florges: Evolve Florges

Skiddo: Dream District, Residential District + other disctricts, Route 7, Yui's Ranch, Route 8, Grand Dream Gate
Gogoat: Dream District, Residential District + other disctricts, Route 7, Yui's Ranch, Route 8, Grand Dream Gate

Pancham: Trade Aipom to a girl in Sheridan. (Help Request)
Pangoro: Evolve Pancham, Route 9, Forlorned Cavern

Furfrou: Evergreen Forest, Caratos Mountain Vendor (Strength, Blast Powder)

Espurr: Wispy Path Happiness Event

Meowstic: Evolve Espurr

Honedge: N/A
Doublade: N/A
Aegislash: N/A

Spritzee: Route 2 (Day, Morning)
Aromatisse: Evolve Spritzee with a linkheart while holding a satchet

Swirlix: Route 2 (Morning)
Slurpuff: Trade for Roserade in Central square (while it's raining)

Inkay: Complete the "???" Quest in Kristiline, catch four in Yui's Ranch quest
Malamar: Evolve Inkay

Binacle: Terajuma Shore (Rock Smash), Valor Shore (Rock Smash), Route 6 (Rock Smash), Evergreen Island (Rock Smash), Evergreen Cave (Rock Smash), Route 11 (Rock Smash), Safari Zone (Rock Smash), Evergreen Trench (Rock Smash)
Barbaracle: Evolve Binacle, Evergreen Trench (Rock Smash)

Skrelp: Abandoned Sewers (Good Rod), Honec Woods (Old and Good Rod)
Dragalge: Evolve Skrelp, Swamp Pit, Terajuma Coral Reef

Clauncher: Dream District, Residential District (surf), Goldenwood Park
Clawitzer: Evolve Clauncher, Goldenwood Park, Swamp Pit, Terajuma Coral Reef

Helioptile: Chrisola Casino prize, Zorrialyn Desert, Zone Zero
Heliolisk: Evolve Helioptile with a sun stone, Zorrialyn Desert, Zone Zero

Tyrunt: Akuwa Town Drill Center
Tyrantum: Evolve Tyrunt

Amaura: Akuwa Town Drill Center, Sheridan Wetlands (Shadow, Requires Dive)
Aurorus: Evolve Amaura

Sylveon: Evolve Eevee (Max Happiness + fairy move), Alamissa Urben

Hawlucha: N/A

Dedenne: Route 2 (day)

Carbink: Amethyst Cave, Wispy Ruins, Darchlight Caves, Evergreen Cave, Voidal Chasm

Goomy: Kingdom of Goomidra
Sliggoo: Evolve Goomy
Goodra: Evolve Sliggoo

Klefki: N/A

Phantump: Wispy Chasm
Trevenant: Evolve Phantump with a Linkheart

Pumpkaboo: Goldenleaf Town (night)
Gourgeist: Evolve Pumpkaboo

Bergmite: Valor mountain (calm), Tower of Theolia F2/F3, Seabound Cave,, Evergreen Cave
Avalugg: Evolve Bergmite, Seabound Cave, Evergreen Cave

Noibat: Abandoned Sewers, Goldenwood Cave
Noivern: Evolve Noibat

Xerneas: N/A
Yveltal: N/A
Zygarde-10%: Collect 100 Zygarde Cells

Zygarde-50%: N/A

Zygarde-Complete: N/A


Gen 7:

  Reveal hidden contents

Rowlet: Starter, Terajuma Jungle (Tyluric Falls)
Dartrix: Evolve Rowlet
Decidueye: Evolve Dartrix, Terajuma Jungle (Tyluric Falls, eighth badge required)

Litten: Starter, Junction Bridge (Dull Key required)
Torracat: Evolve Litten
Incineroar: Evolve Torracat

Popplio: Starter, Route 6 Event (Dive required)
Brionne: Evolve Popplio
Primarina: Evolve Brionne

Pikipek: Breed Trumbeak
Trumbeak: Terajuma jungle, Hula Meadow
Toucannon: Evolve Trumbeak, HulaMmeadow

Yungoos: Pom-Pom Meadow
Gumshoos: Deep Terajuma, Terajuma jungle, Hula Meadow

Grubbin: Sheridan Village, Deep Terajuma, Terajuma jungle,
Charjabug: Evolve Grubbin, Route 3, Terajuma Jungle
Vikavolt: evolve Charjabug (Terajuma Jungle), Safari Zone (Kakori Help Plaza finished)

Crabrawler: Forest of time (Headbutt), Route 2 (Headbutt)
Crabominable: Evolve Crabrawler at Icy Rock, Valor mountain (Calm) and Theolia

Oricorio: Pom-Pom Meadow, Hula Meadow, Sensu Meadow

Cutiefly: Pom-Pom Meadow, Hiyoshi City
Ribombee: Evolve Cutiefly, River's End, Hiyoshi City

Rockruff: Route 1, Goldenwood Cave, Goldenwood Forest, Trade on Oceana Pier
Lycanroc: Evolve Rockruff, Route 9, Goldenwood Forest, Forlorned Cavern

Wishiwashi: Mystery egg, Axis High Event

Mareanie: Mystery egg, S.S. Oceana Wreckage (Dive)
Toxapex: Evolve Mareanie

Mudbray: N/A
Mudsdale: N/A

Dewpider: Fishing/Surfing in Forlorned Cave after SPU Quest
Araquanid: Fishing/Surfing in Forlorned Cave after SPU Quest

Fomantis: Gearen Park
Lurantis: Evolve Fomantis, Isle of Angels, Kristiline Town

Morelull: Darchlight Woods(morning), Deep Terajuma jungle, Terajuma jungle
Shiinotic: evolve Morelull, Darchlight Woods, Honec Woods

Salandit: Corrupted cave, Safari Zone
Salazzle: Evolve Salandit, Corrupted cave, Safari Zone

Stufful: Mystery egg, Axis High
Bewear: Evolve Stufful

Bounsweet: Route 4
Steenee: Evolve Bounsweet, River's End, Hiyoshi City, Past Route 5
Tsareena: Evolve Steenee, Alternate route 2

Comfey: River's End

Oranguru: Hula Meadow
Passimian: Teila Resort - trade for Oranguru

Wimpod: Safari Zone (Rock Climb)
Golisopod: Evolve Wimpod

Sandygast: Route 9
Palossand: Evolve Sandygast

Pyukumuku: Teila Resort, Terajuma Shore

Type: Null: River's End (Event)
Silvally: Evolve Type: Null

Minior: Moon Field, Valor mountain Cliffside

Komala: Route 9 (near Theatre, use cut on 2nd bamboo that is on left side)

Turtonator: Valor mountain

Togedemaru: Main street, Central square, Residental district, Shopping District, Dream District, Route 4, Forlorned Cave

Mimikyu: N/A

Bruxish: River's End, Route 9 (surf), Dream district (surf), Central square, Residental district, Shopping District,

Drampa: Valor mountain (calm)

Dhelmise: Mystery Egg, Terajuma Coral Reef

Jangmo-o: Jajajajajaja
Hakamo-o: hahahahahaha
Kommo-o: kokokokokoko

Tapu Koko: N/A
Tapu Lele: N/A
Tapu Bulu: N/A
Tapu Fini: N/A

Cosmog: N/A
Cosmoem: N/A
Solgaleo: N/A
Lunala: N/A

Nihilego: N/A
Buzzwole: N/A
Pheromosa: N/A
Xurkitree: N/A
Celesteela: N/A
Kartana: N/A
Guzzlord: N/A

Necrozma: N/A

Magearna: N/A

Marshadow: N/A

Poipole: N/A
Naganadel: Not even through debug

Stakataka: N/A
Blacephalon: N/A

Zeraora: doesn't actually exist u_u


Unobtainable List:

This list includes Mystery Egg Pokémon due to the random and non-guaranteed nature of it, and the fact that they will be available later. It also includes Riolu, because it's a secret! These Pokémon will be marked with a *.

  Hide contents




























All legendaries, except Type-Null, Silvally, Phione and Zygarde-10%
All Ultra Beasts

If there's an error or something missing, make a post here or PM @Alex

Could this be done per badge? I find it way more useful.

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37 minutes ago, lolokxd said:

Actually, I needa remake the doc now that my old email is deleted which had that.

Yeah. It doesn't show up.

Thinking of replaying reju with v13 with grookey since I want to get a taste of gen 8th in some way. I also would be disgusted getting a pokemon [grimmsnarl and gollisopod]  to use it in the last 10-20 percent of the game.

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Hi there! 

I am currently playing V12 of Rejuvenation and seraching for the event ditto, but it seems like its hiding very well. So I have already found and freed that guy in the cave from the solrock and I just came from the Teila Resort - Tesla gave me the keys to their yacht & the last thing happened was the kidnapping of her daughter Amber by Team Xen. Do I need to go further in the story?

Well, I have already found that ditto 3-4 times (e.g. in the graveyard of goldenleaf town), so I assume I need to find the last hiding spot, but I am not too sure. Can anybody help me, please?

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27 minutes ago, Gurrrl said:

Hi there! 

I am currently playing V12 of Rejuvenation and seraching for the event ditto, but it seems like its hiding very well. So I have already found and freed that guy in the cave from the solrock and I just came from the Teila Resort - Tesla gave me the keys to their yacht & the last thing happened was the kidnapping of her daughter Amber by Team Xen. Do I need to go further in the story?

Well, I have already found that ditto 3-4 times (e.g. in the graveyard of goldenleaf town), so I assume I need to find the last hiding spot, but I am not too sure. Can anybody help me, please?

The last location (where the ditto actually looks like a ditto and wants to battle) is in akuwa town, the ACDMC building on the beach (so you could have had that ditto before blacksteeple)

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7 hours ago, Crimson_Mc_Black said:

Okay so I forgot where you go to change rotoms forms. Where can you do that?

West Gearen Power Plant after you've completed the Rotom/Dufaux quest. It's a room with all the appliances on the ground.

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Okay so, i was looking through the pokedex, seeing which pokemon I still need to catch when i came upon floatzel and (not having gotten the event buizel like a idiot) I check its area and it said that it is located in akuwa town.

I checked all over but i haven't found one yet ( I have that mod where if you lead pokemon has runaway or a smokeball your guaranteed to run into a pokemon you haven't caught yet) Is there a specific time or event I am supposed to do?


Edit. I think Floatzel is located in the cave where they are drilling and we can't access it yet.

Edited by Crimson_Mc_Black
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1 hour ago, Crimson_Mc_Black said:

Okay so, i was looking through the pokedex, seeing which pokemon I still need to catch when i came upon floatzel and (not having gotten the event buizel like a idiot) I check its area and it said that it is located in akuwa town.

I checked all over but i haven't found one yet ( I have that mod where if you lead pokemon has runaway or a smokeball your guaranteed to run into a pokemon you haven't caught yet) Is there a specific time or event I am supposed to do?


Edit. I think Floatzel is located in the cave where they are drilling and we can't access it yet.

There's no event or anything regarding Floatzel around Akuwa. Might just be an oversight by the devs, since the only way to get Floatzel is by evolving the event Buizel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to ask how likely is Pansage to appear in Neo Gearan Park and Marill in Azure Shore? Because I've been searching for both them for a long time and neither have appeared. Also, how do you begin the quest to get Tyrogue?

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On 3/16/2020 at 8:30 AM, Elaxus said:

I wanted to ask how likely is Pansage to appear in Neo Gearan Park and Marill in Azure Shore? Because I've been searching for both them for a long time and neither have appeared. Also, how do you begin the quest to get Tyrogue?

Marill is really rare on Azure Shore as far as I know, since i've been looking for one there myself. And to get Tyrogue, there's a worker somewhere in Aquamarine cave, towards a rock climb spot around where you, Venam and Amber fell down to in the plot. He should be somewhere around that area.

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12 hours ago, Elaxus said:

Thanks for answering. I've been wandering about that for a while now but what about Pansage?

Pansage in Neo Gearen - Park is not there apparently. Checked all around there and I couldn't find a single Pansage. Could be an oversight by the devs on that one.

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On 3/25/2020 at 2:12 PM, Naco said:

Is it possible to find dedenne in the new route 2 ?

If you mean the route 2 in which you've cut down Vivian's rooted tree in the past, then nope.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Quick Question- on the main page for Rejuvenation it says "all 807 pokemon to be found" but the list on the first post here has many unobtainable. Are the pseudo-legendaries/beast boost mons from Gen 7 in the game now? Those are the main ones I'm curious about

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