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[IC] TotM DC; Borderlands Subplot: Pandora's Box


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The four Axemen Psychos charge forward, two ganging up on Stellio, and the other two charging at Vitor and Lilly. The two charging Stellio (24 vs 23)(20 vs 29) both hitting, but one pings off of his impressive armor, the other hitting for 14 damage, (11v23) from the sudden ding to his head armor. The two charging Stellio's teammates take 29 damage each (Stellio heals for 14), as each lose an arm in the attack, but press onwards towards Vitor and Lilly (28! vs 21)(19 vs 16). Both are struck by the flailing axemen, and take 10 damage and 6 damage respectively (12 vs 21)(16 vs 13), Lilly being rammed to the ground, and knocked prone!


The four Clubber Psychos split up, and seem to ignore Stellio's aura... going for their own targets of Freya, Lucine, Ena, and Tim. (18 vs 8)(22 vs 7)(24 vs 23)(16 vs 23!) Three of the clubbers find their mark, only the fourth missing Tim, the prior three taking 14, 13, and 10 damage respectively (11 vs 20), and Ena remains unfazed to any additional effects after the hit.


Vitor places turrets on Lucine and Law! He proceeds to be quite annoyed at the axeman that just cut him up a bit, and stabs with Gae Bolg (13 vs 12) and finds his mark dealing 18 damage, finishing off that psycho.


Lilly strikes towards the axeman that attacks her with her spear, aiming to use "Rending Explosion" (18 vs 14) finding her mark dealing 5 damage, finishing the Psycho off with a surprising explosion of gore!


Freya summons her stealthy Drop Bear! It remains stealthed! She proceeds to use her Natural Requiem, summoning 32 frail zombies. The zombies shamble over to one of the Clubbers (20 vs 12) who is mauled, taking 31 damage until death, the next (22 vs 9) takes 19 damage, as bites cover his now bloody body! He's still living, and looking crazier than ever.


Lucine goes over to Law, assisting with the Peacekeeping. It spins up, and begins firing at one of the remaining Axemen, (25 vs 21) the bullets meet the Psycho's torso, dealing a massive 38 damage! He's turned to red mist quicker than he could say meat bicycle.


Tim charges his Lens!


Ena takes aim at the last Axeman, pulling the trigger (25 vs 7)(2! Crit!) landing a crit upon it's head, turning it to read mist at a massive 32 damage!


Law was assisting with the Peacekeeper!


Ador changes targets, as all the axemen are dead, using Glitter Stream on one of the Clubbers (15 vs 11), dealing 3 damage, and blinding one of the Clubbers!


Stellio aimed at an Axeman, only to have its head blown off by Ena, so he switches to a Clubber sending four needles flying at him dealing 4 damage, gaining +4 STR and ESS. He then proceeds to swing with Headsman, decapitating the Clubber with 35 damage.


At the noise and carnage outside, a very tall and muscular man with ragged clothes and a bright orange gun steps out of a tent, revving up the gun. He lowers his gun, and Sprays out at the crowd of enemies dealing 2 damage to each zombie, and 4 to every visible ally! He proceeds to bash as Lucine with the butt of his gun (23 v 10), dealing 5 damage, and knocks her prone, taking her off of the Peacekeeper!




Average Dex: 3


Badass Bruiser: 8
Badass Bruiser: 8

Vitor: 7

Vitor: 7
Psychos: 4
Lilly: 2
Freya: 2
Lucine: 2
Tim: 2
Ena: 1
Law: 1

Ador: 1
Stellio: 0
Stellio: 0





Vitor: 14/28

Lilly: 14/24, Prone (Halved Con until you use an action to stand) 

Ador: 20/24

Freya: 2/20

Lucine: 2/24, Prone (Halved Con until using an action to stand)

Tim: 22/26

Ena: 22/36, Unfazed!

Law: 18/22

Stellio: 24/28, +6 STR, +5 ESS

Zombie Horde: 32 extra dead.

Drop Bear: 48/48



4 Psycho Axemen, 4 dead

4 Psycho Clubbers, 1 Scratched and Blinded, 1 Bloodied, 2 dead

Badass Bruiser, Healthy, Shield (-18)

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When Freya summoned her "zombies" again, she already knew that they wouldn't have been too good. The ground just didn't feel... Dead enough? She wasn't really sure how to describe it, but she wasn't exactly able to see when one of the psychos managed to whack her hard in the head, causing her to cry out in pain as she physically fell, her vision becoming blurred as she did so. God that hurt... She could barely feel her head anymore. She could see her zombies rise up to get to work on killing the guy the hurt her... At least, she thought so, she couldn't exactly remember... What, was that her own blood she just blinked out of her eyes?  It probably was, considering the warmness at her forehead. Either way, she had to get back up at least, which she began to do, grabbing her staff and beginning to prop herself up...


Only to be forced back down to the ground when something hit her in the chest, only feeling like a small push to her due to her dazyness. God she really wasn't feeling good right now...


For anyone else watching, they would basically see Freya having gotten whacked in the side of the head by one of the psychos, falling to the floor before her zombies began to protect their master by killing the psychos, before they were all shot down by the Badass Bruiser. Freya herself wasn't looking too good, with the area above her left eye covered by a trail of blood, and new holes in the center of her outfit. Thankfully, her signature black tendrils were already forming, trying to repair the damage caused to her.


At the same time, the Drop Bear suddenly jumped out of stealth, jumping out of nowhere to pin the Badass Bruiser to the floor.


Freya adds Necroregeneration to her action list to repair the damage. Her Drop Bear finally comes out of hiding to knock down the Bruiser with Pounce. As it was stealthed, the Drop Bear effect activates to let it automatically win it's pin check.



Slots: 5/5


Relevant Perks


Death’s Lock
“Oh noooo, I’m deaaaad, blegh.”
Through planning ahead (or just preparing a spell ahead of time), Freya can survive death once, coming back to life after the turn is over with half her health. However, after being used, Freya must reset the spell, which takes an hour of work to complete.




(Perk backed)Necromancy: Freya targets a dead enemy, specifically, the skeleton of a long dead body, or a revenant, reviving them to heed her command. These revived creatures have their dexterity reduced to 0, though Freya is forced to make an Essence vs Resistance check in order to keep them at their full strength. A success let's Freya use them with their stats at their normal ability, while failing halves each stat aside from Con. These minions count as actions, and must have actions slots to use.

Necromancy Level 2: Dex is now able to be at half capacity if Freya succeeds her roll, but remains at 0 if she fails her reanimation roll.
Necromancy Level 3: Dex is now able to be at full capacity if Freya succeeds her roll, but is halved if she fails her reanimation roll.
Necromancy Level 4: Freya's reanimation roll (Essence vs Resistance) now halves the bodies Resistance stat for the purpose of the roll.




Freya's Personal Little Zombie World: Freya, after learning about the fact that multiple universes exist, whipped up a spell to help abuse that fact, managing to create her own little dimension that she chooses to store her creations in. Freya can store (Syn+Int) zombies into this place at any point in time, and merely creates portals to let them out.
Level 2: Freya can now equip this in combat, which lets her summon a minion as a free action if Freya has an open action slot.
Level 3: Freya's Personal Little Zombie World now considers undead within it to be alive, so long as they are in there.  Undead are capable of training and growing within this pocket space, so long as their false-living needs are taken care of.


Necroregeneration: While Necromancy likes to work with the dead, Freya's learned to use it to actually heal herself without her having to focus entirely on it.

Level 1: Freya heals 2 hp per turn

Level 2: Healing increased by another +2.

Level 3: Necroregeneration now does not take up an action slot. However, for every 2 hp it heals, Freya's Syn goes down by -1.




Natural Requiem: Freya infuses powerful necromancy into nearby soil, causing it to temporarily return to what it once was, spawning undead made of the ground itself. Freya summons Syn*4 zombies made from material in the ground around her, which are grouped into one. Freya then rolls 1d4, which is the health of each zombie. Each zombie can attack for 1d2 damage each. Usable once per encounter.
Level 2: Only 15 zombies can die from a single damage source

Level 3: Each zombie can attack for 1d2+Syn/4 damage




Black Stick of Death: Freya’s large, special staff, which is… Not that special, only being made from black wood and being about as long as Freya is tall. However, the top does open up a bit, revealing a small glass bowl fused into the wood that Freya uses for certain spells. When equipped, Freya gains +3 Essence when using Necromancy, and can use the Black Stick of Death as an attack, which deals 1d6+Syn damage.

Level 2: As it turns out, Freya has molded little rat skeletons into the bottom of her staff, which can be used to let the staff follow Freya while keeping her hands full. She generally doesn’t show this off to much people, but it is something. The Black Stick of Death does not take up an action slot to use.
Level 3: The Staff has begun to store the life energy from those that die around Freya, creating purple roses that sprout from the staff every encounter, equal to the number of people that die. These roses have many crafting uses, though they vary depending on the life energy stored within them.

Level 4: By using a lung, bladder, and a portal (don't ask how she got the lung and bladder), Freya can now store 1-10 Gallons of blood in a small pocket dimension and use it for Blood Rituals.


Soul Amulet: A small, black gemstone inside an amulet, that is on a chain that wraps around her neck. +1 Syn until Resurrection is used, which causes this item to be destroyed instantly.


The Vengeful Drop Bear


Dystoan Drop Bear
Str:  14
Dex:  0
Int:  0
Syn:  0
Ess:  0
Cons:  14
Res:  0
HP:  48
Pounce (level 4):  The drop bear makes a strength check against the target's strength, and on a success Pins them.  Pinned enemies can only use actions on themselves or the drop bear, and cannot leave combat.  The drop bear cannot miss them with actions.  Should somebody else try to use actions on anyone participating in a pin, the attack has a 50% chance to hit the other being in the pin.  The drop bear can only pin 2 people at once.  If the drop bear is forced to move, the pin ends.  The drop bear cannot pin things larger than it is.
Rend (level 4, passive):  The drop bear deals 2d6 + strength damage at the beginning of its turns to anyone it has pinned.
Claw Strike (level 2):  The drop bear claws target enemy for 3d6 + strength damage.
Drop Bear (level 2):  The drop bear automatically wins opposed checks if its victim is unaware of its presence.
Stealthy Approach (level 1):  If the drop bear has not acted this combat, it will hide from enemies, becoming impossible to detect without superhuman senses.


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Tim grit his teeth and held his ground as the psychos assaulted him and his newfound companions.

"Only a second more!"

He shouted through grit teeth, and then, about a second later he released the bolt of energy from his Hyperkinetic lens, freeing it to tear through what remained of the enemies.


Tim charges his Hyperkinetic Lens, increasing damage by [Int]*2, he spends 4 EMC to boost it by further by [Int], then he spends 16 EMC and fires it at the Badass Bruiser(unless he's dead in that case which ever Psycho looks the healthiest.) for 48 damage.

Remaining EMC: 24/48.

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These enemies were admirably strong, for all their primitiveness. Perhaps they gained their strength simply through bloodlust and insanity, but still, they were decently powerful. Ena was somewhat surprised when one of those armed with clubs managed to damage some of the circuits in her leg with just a club. The green image projected on her glass faceplate contorted just slightly, before she took aim at another of the clubbers. They seemed like a threat, and it appeared that others were intent on taking down the newcomer.


Take a shot at one of le clubbers. Deals 2d6+INT damage, with a 2*INT (16) % chance to deal double damage, ignoring armor. Also has a +6 to perception checks, and ranged damage.



HP: 20+2xCON=22/36

Moves: 1


Stats: (21)

Essence: 0

Constitution: 3+2+2+2=8

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 8

Resistance: (11)x1.75+7=26

Strength: 4

Synergy: 0




Reserves of Energy: Grants access to the soulbound item “CFC Core Mounts” This item is the central hub of Ena’s body. It has three slots that can hold power sources, which provide CON and/or additional effects. Begins with 3x +2 to CON cores.


A Durable Body: Grants access to the soulbound item “CNT Humanoid Body”


Inbuilt Enforcer: Grants access to the perk backed action "Continuum Investigator".




Mechanical Entity: A combination flaw, rendering the owner susceptible to EMPs, susceptible to remote intrusion or hacking (can be counteracted through tricks or actions later on), unable to be healed by organic healing methods, and causes Ena’s Essence to be reduced by 1


Slots: 6

Imposition: Using knowledge of how enemies act when they have their best toys taken away from them, Ena can efficiently defeat them. Deal weapon damage on an enemy, adding 1d6 for each status or debuff active on that enemy.

Level 2: Adds 2d3 for each status or debuff

Level 3: 1d8 now.


Nerd Rage: Always equipped, doesn't take up a slot. Does. . . something.


Leverage: Through advanced computational software, Ena is capable of applying force in an optimized manner. Ena has +3 STR in combat and when it is being considered for checks.


High Resolution: Ena's optical sensors are finely tuned, allowing her to perceive things at great distance, and accurately calibrate her motions with ranged weapons to hit distant objects. +2 to INT for perception checks, +2 to ranged damage.

Level 2: +1 more to perception checks and damage

Level 3: +1 more to perception checks and damage

Level 4:+1 more to each

Level 5: +1 more to each (for a total of +6 to each currently)


CPH Core Mounts: A high tech hub for power sources. There is a small backup battery in her thigh, but the most of her power comes from this central location. It has three slots for mini items that can boost CON, or provide other minor effects. Soulbound.

Slot 1: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON

Slot 2: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON

Slot 3: CFC Light Fusion Core: +2 CON


CNT Humanoid Body: Both Ena’s body, and her armor. It is made of a high strength titanium steel alloy combined with a carbon fiber nanoweave. Grants +3 RES (starting gear level), and gives +75% bonus to base RES (perk level). Soulbound

Level 2: +2 RES

Level 3: +2 RES


1 Overwatch-issue DRM:  This high-powered rifle was designed by legendary engineer Torbjorn Lindholm for extreme penetrative power and accuracy.  Deals 2d6 + int damage, has a dex x2% chance to critically hit.  Critical hits ignore armor.  Characters who are not practiced with firearms may dislocate their shoulders when firing.

Level 2: Intelligent Aim (Trick, Level 1): Ena is able to use intelligence in place of dexterity for determining the DMR's crit chance now. Currently makes the crit chance (2*8 INT)=16% (Used one merit to integrate this trick into the weapon?)


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The blow to the helm only seemed to piss off an already rampaging bear. Stellio turned on the remaining foes as gore slicked his blade, eyes burning behind his visor like twin cauldrons of jet black flame. And his fury seemed especially focused as he charged towards the man with the minigun...


Lightning crackled along his fist. a miniature storm was wrapping around his blade. His voice tore across the field in a mighty war screech that in truth, sounded more appropriate coming from a dragon than it did a mere man. The air itself seemed to distort. The stench of burnt ozone permeated the area...


If the fucker was not dead by the time he got close enough, Stellio had every intention of ending this himself.



I. Stellio switches out the Passive "Rampart Aura" with the trump "Grand Cross"! [Conditional: If the Badass Bruiser is already dead, he will attack any remaining Enemies with the Headsman instead!]

(Self explanatory) [The headsman deals {5d8+Str(12)} Slashing/Dark damage, with a 30% chance to inflict "Dark Adverse", making the target take 1.3x more damage from dark element for the next 3 turns. Stellio recovers 25% of the damage dealt whenever he attacks, minimum of 1hp restored.]

II. Stellio uses Grand Cross to punish the Badass Bruiser if he's still alive! [Conditional: if the above conditional went off, he will instead attack any remaining enemies with the headsman... again!]

(Grand Cross consumes all the user's TP to deal a base of {Str(12)+Ess(10)}*2 Lightning/Crushing damage on the target, with an additional {Str+Ess} added on for every 25 TP over 100 the user is upon use. Assuming Stellio still has only 137 TP by the time this action occurs, he will deal a minimum of {Str(12)+Ess(10)}*3=66 damage on the Badass Bruiser. Stellio recovers 25% of the damage dealt whenever he attacks, minimum of 1hp restored.)




24/28 HP

12/32 MP

137/200 TP

Essence: 5 (+5)
Constitution: 4 
Dexterity: 0 
Intelligence: 6 
Resistance: 14
Strength: 6 (+6)
Synergy: 0 


Relevant Perks

Mana Sphere: [Grants an "MP Meter" which is used to fuel magic actions. Max value equal to {20+Int*2} fills at a rate of {Int} per turn.]

Tactical Devestation: [Grants a "TP Gauge" which is used to activate special techniques. Max value 200; fills at a rate of {Damage Dealt/Received+Essence}]

Ogre of Whitewall: [Stellio gains +1 Strength & Essence every time he deals damage or is damaged. Caps at x2 Str/Ess]


Slots: 7/7


Actives (2)

Diablo's Needle- "Devil of the abyss, ye power hath thrusted onto me; Thrust instead through my sworn enemy!" A home made spell created by stellio, it operates by firing several needles of dark mana to peirce the flesh of his foes. What it lacks in raw power, it makes up for in the number of strikes... potentially. [Cost 5 MP, Dark Element. Launches 4 attacks which deal 1 pure damage each. These attacks can either be focus on the same target, or split among several.] 


Fearful Impact- The user attacks with such ferocity that it strikes terror into the very hearts of their victim... [Cost 40 TP. Free Action. The user's next melee attack will inflict "Fear" status on the target, lowering their Main Offensive Stat and Their Res by the User's Essence for 2 turns.] 


Passives (2)

Years of Service- A veteran with decades of experience behind them knows their way around the killing field better than most... [Passive Ability. The user always has a minimum of 2 moves in combat, rather than 1. This ability is not eligible for any upgrade.] 

Rampart Aura (will be swapped out with "Grand Cross" if the bruiser is alive)- Stellio seems to radiate a stalwart aura of a defender in battle, forcing foes to face him in open combat before they can advance further to strike at his allies [Enemies cannot attack Stelios's Allies until they take at least one hit from Stellio. They can however, force Stellio to attack them once as a free action, taking damage equal to the formula of Stellio's currently equipped weapon, and nullifying the effects of this passive on them for the rest of the battle. If Stellio has no currently equipped weapon, the damage enemies take defaults to 2d6+Str] 

Ogre's Feast- The power of the abyss can rejuvenate those who were born in it, molded by it... but sometimes, it requires a debt to be paid. A debt that can only be paid in blood.

~Current Effects~[Stellio has 25% Lifesteal, with a minimum of 1hp regained per instance of damage he deals]



Grand Cross (Will be swapped in for "Rampart Aura" if the Bruiser is still alive)- A greatsword technique where the user strikes at the very fabric of reality with their blade, causing a massive bloom of lightning and pressure to engulf their unfortunate victim as a rift violently opens and closes just as quickly... [Consumes all currently available TP once activated. Cost 100 TP Minimum, and can only be activated while wielding a 2-handed sword. At base, deals (Str+Essence)*2 Crushing/Lightning damage on a single target, with a bonus (Str+Ess) damage added for every 25 points over 100 the TP gauge was at upon use.] 




Equipment (2)

The Headsman- A single-edged, 2-handed sword used by executioners. Its broad, curved blade is well suited for parting heads from shoulders

~Current Effects~[Deals 5d8+Str Dark/Slashing Damage. Has a 30% chance to inflict "Dark-Averse" Status on hit, lasting 3 turns; units suffering Dark-Averse take 1.25x more damage dark-based sources. By choosing to spend 5MP when they attack with this weapon, the user may channel mana through it in order to convert their attack from a melee one into a ranged one, which deals the same damage and has all of the same secondary effects as a normal strike.]


Ebony Plate- A suit of black-tinted, full plate armor forged from damasc steel. Highly Resistant to rust, and far more durable than common forms of steel. It almost seems to cut a menacing profile around it's wearer, with its spiked pauldrons and helm...

~Current Effects~[Bound. Grants +11 Res]


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Lucine uses Big Blast on whatever is left alive when her turn comes up.

  • Essence: 3
  • Constitution: 2
  • Dexterity: 2
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Resistance: 2
  • Strength: 1
  • Synergy: 11

Install: HeraklesGod Hand: Negates all actions targeting Lucine's that are Level 2 or lower. After being attacked, she gains +2SYN/3 resistance when attacked with the same damage type for the remainder of the battle. 

Include: Scathach: Clones all projectiles fired.

Kaleidostick Magical Opal (Level 3): Provides numerous things to Lucine, including a fair amount of unnecessary headache at times and the ability to utilize her powers as a magical girl. It's been modified heavily from the original designs by both Lucine and her father, resembling a pair of oversized pistols when in use in combat. The guns lock together into a slightly less threatening-looking winged box when not in combat mode, a box that can fly about under its own power. 
-Damage: (Worlds Cleared+1)d8+SYN
-Soulbound: This item is immune to most item destruction or theft effects, but can be given away, granting most of Lucine's combat powers to the bearer instead. 

 Big Blast I: A long-ranged magical assault consisting of a number of blasts of raw magic. Not a particularly refined technique, but it gets the job done. Deals SYN damage 3 times, to up to 3 different targets. 1 turn cooldown. 

Elphet Style II: Grants a 30% chance of making a followup attack to any offensive action, dealing half of her weapon's dice (e.g. if it were 2d8, the followup would deal 2d4) and half of her STR as damage.

Ammunition of the Waterfront Saint: Bullets that lend attacks the kick of a certain brawling saint. All attacks that hit while this is equipped cause a -2 SYN debuff on the victim lasting 1 turn. Only equippable if the user is already using a firearm.

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Vitor slashes at the big enemy with Gae Bolg, smiling as he feels the crackle in the back of his head of a ready ultimate. But he doesn't unleash it yet; its best to save that for when it's really needed. Instead, he lines up his spear for a second strike, letting the bloodthirsty emulated curse cover the weapon in a smoky aura.  "Emulated Phantasm!  Gae Bolg!"  And he drives the spearpoint home, though by this time, the heart has already been pierced. 

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The Badass Bruiser stands tall, and begins revving his gun again. But then... "Emultated Phantasm! Gae Bolg!" Vitor strikes through the heart of the Badass Bruiser, instantly killing him in a spew of gore! The bits and pieces fall around Vitor, as he's lightly sprayed with blood. The Bruiser's weapon drops to the ground, as well as a small rectangular metal object.


The group makes quick work of the remaining Clubbers, who panic and run, but are quickly handled. Hooray!


+4 Merit!




Vladof Peasant Mauler:

Description: A big machine gun, that sports a bright orange finish, with brown accents. It has white paint that says "Vladof" on the side.

Effect 1: Grants the slotless action "Spray: 6d8 + DEX damage split amongst [DEX] enemies evenly. Expends all ammunition in the Vladof Peasant Mauler, rendering it unsuable for the rest of the encounter."

Effect 2: If all 3 attacks are successfully made, the third attack adds another 1d8 damage.

-(Level 1) 3d8 + DEX damage, 33% chance to miss. Can be fired 3 times, before having to be reloaded (takes 2 actions).


Tediore Healing Shield:

Description: A small metal device, with a small round light. It emits a blue skin-tight weightless personal shield.

Effect 1: Heal 1d4 HP every round of combat.

Effect 2: Takes damage first, and regens after 2 full rounds of taking no damage.

Effect 3: Crowd Control Effects cannot affect the user until this shield is broken.

-(Level 1) Shield HP is [ESS*2].


$467 Borderlands Cash


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Tim watched as the spear wielding man put a rather large hole in the largest of the enemies, then instead of wasting the charge he turned his Hyperkinetic lens on the poor club wielding fools.  Suddenly a small bubble of distortion flew out of the lens, leaving it smoking slightly, when it impacted with the psycho the kinetic forces held within were unleashed, thus turning the man into roughly a pair of legs standing on their own and a small cloud of red mist.


"I'll admit, that could've gone better.  Either way you two look like you could use a hand."


He slid the smoking lens into one of his pockets, along with the ring and amulet.  Then he pulled out a handful of dull colored stones, picked one(a red one) and dumped the rest back into his pocket.  He also drew out what appeared to be a golden sphere with a ring of dark grey stone, he held it above his head and pointed the golden core towards the sun, wisps of yellow, white, and gold energy flowed into it.

He then held the small reddish stone out to Freya and Lucine in turn and each would quickly feel their wounds healing and their bodies becoming less tiered and worn.

Once the two most wounded party members had been healed he turned his attention to anyone else who might have lasting damage.

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As Tim used his healing on Freya (which, combined with Freya’s own regeneration, made the healing extremely quick for her), the young Necromancer could actually begin to feel again… And almost instantly brought a hand to where she was hit in the head, gritting her teeth a bit, “Oooow… Why do everyone we face have to go for me first…” she groaned out, staggering to feet as she shook her head, bringing her hand down to see the blood now covering. She only looked at it for a second, before flicking her hand a bit to get the blood off of it, taking care to wipe a bit of blood off the side of her face, though it was clear she didn’t actually know how much WAS on her own face, considering she only got the area above/around her left eye and not anywhere below it.


Overall though, for someone who had looked nearly dead not a minute ago, Freya was already walking around, having already sent her bear away with a snap of her fingers, dusting herself off from the fight before noticing the metal, rectangular object dropped by the Bruiser (which she didn’t exactly remember. She just knew that it was in the middle of a bunch of blood and gore), bending down to pick it up before inspecting it, “... Huh… What IS this?” she asked aloud, turning the device over in her hand.


As she did so, it could be noted that her staff had grown strange purple roses over it's body, one of which being much larger than the rest in terms of size.


Freya also obtains 8 Death Roses (Psychos) and 1 Death Rose (Bruiser).

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"Excuse me, Tim? Does that magic only effect the living?" Ena had taken some surprisingly strong--still minor in the grand scheme of things--hits in that battle, and she was a bit concerned about both armor integrity, and some smaller servos and circuitry that seemed to have been damaged. If the magic was tailored only to biologicals, Ena would have to make do herself, and attempt to fix the problems on her own, but that seemed rather time consuming.

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"Yowch!" Law shouts as he gets shot at, diving behind a rock, he grabs a nearby Buzzaxe, and gets to work, before long, it is less of an axe, and more of a gun.


Sawblade Gun: A Sawblade launcher made out of a buzzaxe, that fires sawblades at a high velocity.

Effect 1: After 3 shots, must be reloaded by one action.

-(Level 2) 2d8 + INT damage, has a [ESS*3]% chance to bounce and hit a target twice


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"Hey, I think that's a shield generator," Vitor takes a close look at the item Freya recovered, "It looks kind of like the one I have, but better.  I think I could make more of these with the right materials if I studied it.  Give whoever wears it a big defensive boost."

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At Vitor's comment, Freya turned her head to him, "Wait, a what?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion at the name. A shield generator? How can an object this small be capable of generating entire shields?


"... Nevermind, forget I asked that. Sounds cool though. Here-" she said, shaking her head before handing Vitor the shield. Then, with that, she turned to the small mustelid with a gun, straightening her hat as she crouched down to be a bit closer to eye level with them, "It's fine, glad we came along to help you out. Getting eaten isn't a good way to go" she stated before raising an eyebrow in curiosity, "Wait, you said you were dumped here to join us? So you know about the entire... Uh... World eating menace thing?"

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"Yeah, I'm a Precursor Delegate!  I'm supposed to be m-my kind's contribution to th-this group."


"I've got Uhh, Tools and education, for just about any-uhh anything!" they stammer out, intimidated at freya's apparent stature.


"I've got Eco, which is kinda a sort of life energy kind of thing, some Precursor Metal, which is really useful, uhh, my Scan Stave for studying things in the field, and my Multitool!"


He says, pulling out a lump of orange metal the size and shape of an ostrich egg.


"It can do nearly anything I need it to, with some creativity and knowhow."

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Freya herself listened with a bit of interest, especially at the Eco talk and the Multitool, "That's pretty cool, actually. I've got my own life energy stuff, right here-" she said, moving her free hand to her staff to pluck off one of the purple roses on the wood, holding it out for Law to see, "Doesn't hold a lot but it's useful for when people recently die around me. Lie what happened in the last minute. Speaking of which, I need to real quick do something... One second" she stated before standing up, reaching up to place the rose on her hat before moving towards the two animal bodies.


As she approached, Freya took out her knife, cutting free the bodies after making sure they wouldn't fall over, quickly storing the knife away before black tendrils crept out from underneath her sleeve, moving up her fingers as she crouched down and placed her hand on the Skag.



(21 vs  15): Success!
Quality: 90!
Random Bits: 88! Moderate Positive Bit!


Freya recieves an improved reanimated Skag, turning it into a Skag Spitter with a harder-hide!


Skag Spitter:

HP: 29


Str: 5
Dex: 3
Con: 3
Int: 0
Res: 5
Syn: 4


Hard-Bodied- This creature's HP is calculated at [20+CON*3] instead.


Acid Spit- Deal 1d4+SYN damage to target. Lowers RES by 1d4 for 1d2 turns.


Bite- Deal 1d6+STR damage to target. 10% chance to cause "Bleed- Take 1d6 damage for 2d2 turns." Cooldown: 2 turns.


Bark- Taunt 1 enemy for 1 turn. Cooldown: 2 turns.


For a few seconds, the Skag didn’t even budge from her magic. Then, it began to twitch before coming back to life, struggling to its feet, shaking it’s head as small drips of aside came out of its mouth. Needless to say, Freya was rather happy at it standing, snapping her fingers to create a portal for it to walk into as she went onto the strange, bird-like creature.



(25 vs 8): Success!
Quality: 57.
Random Bits: 93! Major Positive Bit!


Lightning Rakk:


HP: 24 (12 since it's alone)


Str: 1
Dex: 6
Con: 2
Int: 2
Res: 3
Syn: 6



Bird of a Feather (Perk/Flaw): A Rakk's HP is halved in combat, if not in a flock of at least one other Rakk.

One with the Sky (Perk): This particular Rakk is immune to lightning damage.


Tail Slash- Deal 2d4+Dex damage split among up to 2 enemies. Cooldown: 1 turn.


Grab- If a target is smaller than the Rakk, DEX vs Con roll to see if the target is lifted airborne. If dropped, deal [x]d8 fall damage. X is calculated by how many turns the Rakk flies up into the sky with. To leave the grappel, the target must win a STR vs DEX save, with their STR halved. Cooldown: 3 turns.


Fly- Rakk raises 1 sky-level.


Divebomb- Deal 2d8+Dex damage to a target, with a DEX vs DEX check to see if the target gets a counter-attack. Cooldown: 2 turns.


Thunderbolt- Deal 2d6+SYN damage to a target. SYN vs CON saving throw to not get stunned for one turn. 10% chance to fork to another enemy, effects carrying over. Cooldown: 3 turns.


Like the Skag, the Rakk took a bit before it came back to life, beginning to beat its large wings to get itself off the ground, taking about 10 seconds to get itself to the point where it could actually behind to fly around, doing so at a rather impressive speed as electricity arced around its body before it flew back down, diving straight into Freya’s porta, which close right behind it as it did so.


With that, Freya dusted herself off again, feeling rather proud of herself as she turned around to head back to the group. Two new little guys to keep. The hit in the head was well worth it. 


As she did so, the blood on the ground began to move, snaking along the ground and heading for a small portal Freya created on the ground, flowing into it before filling up the other side, causing the portal to snap shut.


Freya gains 10 Gallons of blood.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"Oh wow, a-animating corpses, huh?"


"I don't think green eco can d-do THAT..."


-Can it?...-


"Anyway, Green eco is really good at making plants grow.   There's an old green sage who had a whole house made of plants."

"But uhh, the multitool is a bit more useful than that, at least."


Law hefts up the heavy metal sphere, and like liquid metal, it shifts until it looks like some kind of slanted hook on a stick, which he takes over to the buzz axes on the ground, and uses it to pry them apart like a crowbar.  It still seems to be quite a heavy object, even in it's smaller and slimmer form.

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"I'm afraid it only works on organics, so it won't be much help to you.  Sorry."


After finishing healing anyone else who asked Tim made his way around the area, he found a number of clusters of long grass, some tumble weeds, and shiny yellow rocks laying around.  He took the rocks and continued his search to one of the tents where he found a small oval box, he opened it to hear a rather odd sound, like something small and metallic being dropped.  He made the split second decision that he was exploring a crazy man's home and should air on the side of caution so he dropped the oval box and dived to the side.  It ended up being the right choice as not a second later the tent exploded sending bits of burning canvas and shrapnel flying about.  After taking a second to stand and dust himself off he made his way back to the tent and picked through the rubble, finding several springs(which he took) and the broken pieces of a gun.

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"Huh, that's odd," Vitor had decided to wander the area in search of something interesting and/or useful when he saw that Tim was probably a lot better qualified to supply first aid than himself.  He seemed to have stepped on something metallic.  Cautiously, Vitor prods at the buried object with Gae Bolg.  Assuming it doesn't respond by trying to kill him, he brushes a portion of it clear of dust and attempts to read its history with his Psychometry action.

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"Yeah... I can't really GROW anything myself. Well, I can, but it kinda destroys the entire thing I'm working with and kind of is a backwards type of thing, so I don't like using it too much" Freya said, watching as Law went to work with his multitool, raising her eyebrows at the tool's shift of form. That was freaking cool. Not long afterwards, a loud explosion came out of nowhere, causing Freya to flinch before turning her head to see what the hell just exploded, which specifically was a 'tent' that was now smoldering ruins.


After a brief moment of confusion concerning the explosion, Freya looked at the other bandit buildings, slowly grinning before running off to explore them, holding her hat as she ran.


... Not a minute later after leaving everyone's sights, the Necromancer came back, noticeably downed while holding a simple wad of bills. She didn't even find anything nice.

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"Hey guys!  Over here!  I found something interesting," Vitor calls out, "Looks like some kind of buried facility belonging to some dudes called Hyperion.  I'm going to try to read its history as best I can.  I can see the past of any object I touch, for those of you I haven't met yet.  Might be something valuable in here, and I can almost certainly divine out where the entrance is."  Vitor uses his psychometry to read the history of the Hyperion facility until he stops getting relevant-seeming information.

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"That's fine, Tim." It would be more tedious to do so, but Ena was confident in her ability to fix some of the more major problems, and her armored plating based on her internal schematics. And that's what she did, using her inbuilt welder, some soldering, and some very small tools built into her left arm. When she was done, she walked over to Vitor, and his discovery.


"Will we need to dig it out then? Or should we just cut our way in?"

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Lucine shuffles over, looking to not be having the best time - though she's back to normal, in a plain hoodie and jeans. She rubs her head a bit before peering at whatever Vitor was messing with, where one of the madmen had struck her from earlier. "Um, by the way, Vitor, do you know if there are any leyline confluences around here? I want to test some stuff when we get a chance."

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After finishing up looking over the smoldering ruins of the tent he found Tim made his to where Vitor and the others were.

"Well if you can't find the entrance this--" He tapped the pocket where he put the reddish lens "Can put a hole in just about anything."

He got a little closer and looked at the panel Vitor had found.

"If you step back for a second I'll clear the area around this."


Tim uses his "Amulet of Eternal Density" to clear all of the sand, dirt, and gravel from around the structure(within reason).

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