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[IC] TotM:DC "Terraria: A fresh start"


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"Alright so. Whenever you have something that wants to spread on a large scale, this can be a corruptive influence, a sickness, or even some new technology. It doesn't really matter what it is, it just has to be a large scale change.


"Whenever you have a large scale spread of something, the world wants to push back on that change."


"All ensouled life propagates energy and will into the world by nature. When a change on this scale begins to take root and spread, the souls outside and against that change push back on the change. The Life Return Pressure, formed from the will and energy of life around the change. Likewise, The spreading force also has pressure, The Life Variance Pressure, Composed of the forces backing the change, and the energy in the change."


"As the change spreads further, the amount of opposition it meets continues to rise, and the change will eventually no longer have enough energy and LV to continue to progress. The change will begin to weaken, becoming less dangerous and will begin to distribute its power across itself as it tries to spread as far as It can. Eventually, The LR and LV reach equilibrium and the system stabilizes again. Things migrating in and out, solid borders forming between areas."


"The growth of the LR is more or less a quadratic increase per mile consumed and they usually recede a little once things start to stabilize. The time it takes can vary. I've seen forest turn into winter wonderland playgrounds in a week, but it can take months or years, or even centuries for something to even out."


"Luckily, you can't really get infinite LV, so you can't spread something forever. That's what allows life to exist. Here."


Leo stands up, and goes up to the counter.

"Booze please, something fresh and fruity."

He then returns, takes a little sip, and then, pulls out a little smudge of pink slime, and two bits of demonite ore, his ruby sample, and a thran metal shard.


"Now. Here is why you need Elemental Delineation for life to exist. Everything has mana in it. EVERYTHING. And mana will attune when it touches matter. It's not really doing much right now, so lets see what happens if we put some demonite ore in this booze here."


Leo drops a chunk of demonite in his glass, putting a dome of thran metal mana and iron mana around it just incase it decides to do something violent, letting it come into contact with the liquid. As it sinks into the fluid, the wine immediately begins to rot, bubbling and roiling as green flames leap to its surface.





“Berry Wine” >Demonite Ore (20, 5): This liquid mana causes most non-corrupt living things to appear to smolder and burn with bright green embers. Functionally where they are "burned" their flesh has simply begun decaying and rotting.




"In the blood, the air, the fruit, the water. Attunement happens all the time, you just don't always notice unless it has a lot of energy or a pronounced effect. In this instance, there's probably a fair amount mixed into this glass, and what we are seeing right now, is the effect produced by one or more of those Attunements. In a world without Elemental Delineation, even a single one of these attunements, if even ONE, produces something which can spread, or self propagate, It would consume everything rapidly. The uncounted number of reactions that we don't even notice as they fade away or fail to catch our eye, would spiral out of control."


It's not like Mana types that make spreading effects are all that uncommon. I found a new one just the other day with a simple attunement with this pink gel and the ore. And wax, just by EXISTING in an atmosphere, would create a flame that would consume all heat in the universe."


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The Dryad watches Leo experiment and listens intently to his explanation, eventually though she gestures for the Tavernkeeper to bring her another glass of wine.


"That was an interesting and informative demonstration Leo.  Can I have that?  Thank you."


She reaches over without waiting for a response and pulls the chunk of Demonite ore out of Leo's glass, wipes off the rotten slime, and takes her own glass of wine.


"Before we continue I think I should show you something."


Tania then proceeds to drop the chunk of Demonite into her own glass and push it into the middle of the table for everyone to watch as exactly...nothing happened.


"Now chances are what you just described is entirely accurate.  For your own world.  The issue is that fundamentally every world is different, and while there are some constants, you can never quite know what to expect."


She reached over and picked the glass back up, removed the Demonite, leaned back, and took a sip.


"Truth is all that Mana Attunement, Elemental Delineation, Ensouled beings controling every aspect of the world around then, none of that exists here.  Magic floats in the air sure, and the Great Spirits certainly have the ability to scours the land with their will, but it's just not the same."


She sighed and set back down her glass, leaning forward again.


"I've already done my fair stent of this Multiversal heroism business, but I'll tell you something I learned during my time.  If the Multiverse want's your help, it will help you.  When I was traveling, despite being a universe apart from it I still retained the ability to channel power from my domain of nature here on this world, even on worlds completely antithetical to the dynamic of the Purity and Corruption.  What I'm saying is that you aren't just moving from one place to another, you're taking a little piece of your own world with you.  That is why the wine rots for Leo, but does not rot for me."

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"So what you're saying is, despite having 'next to no understanding of what I am talking about,' I was right this entire time?" Kusuke almost had to grit his teeth. There was little that was more infuriating than someone smugly strutting about their flawed understanding of the world around them. "I've been saying that the entire time. Things are different in different places, I figured that much was obvious. If this was my world, with this much magic in the air? Everyone who wasn't beastfolk would be slowly dissolving into seithr. Furthermore, who's to say this little safeguard thing is going to hang around once he leaves? If it's his influence that's stopping things from being even worse than they already are, there's no guarantee they stay stable once he's gone."

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Leo for his part tilts his head at the glass, and mutters a few words. Then some more. Letting his magic reach out and lace through the glass and its liquid. Getting a closer look at it with Analyze


[79] It's wine. It's got a few trace piece of mineral from dipping a rock in it.



He leans back in his chair for a few moments crossing his arms. Processing the information. 




Ok so now things made a bit more sense...

It also would explain why kusuke seemed to be able to ignore paradoxes. His time powers were running on some kind of more flexible time rules. Or something. 

It still seemed a little crazy, but this was actual tangible evidence.  

After a few moments he finaly responds.

"Hmmmm, I think its more like Both of us were wrong, while also being right. Neither of us really believed the other, but we were both working under our own physical and magical laws." 

"As for what happens when I leave, I think it will be fine. If the multiverse is actively helping us, then I don't think its going to stop when we leave. That would be counter productive and defeat the point of calling us in the first place. If this were the case, then your time travel abilities could be just as dangerous, Createing paradoxes and contradictions in worlds that dont have laws to deal with that."

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Tania turned to answer Kusuke's question with a calm to heavily contrast his anger and frustration.


"Yes you're right about every world working on different principals, but as for if the safeguard lingers after you all leave I honestly don't know."


She paused and thought for several seconds, trying to puzzle through the unknown territory.


"Well if the safeguard were to dissolve and normal laws take effect presumably it wouldn't selectively remove only what was containing his creations, but also whatever reaction was causing it to function in the first place."

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"I suppose that makes sense. Doesn't mean I want you wantonly experimenting with whatever dangerous nonsense you trip over; safety radius or no, there's still plenty of risk to the people around. A place the size of the bus, or this town, could easily go under because you decided to synthesize up a zombie apocalypse or something." He was at least trying to get the hostility out of his voice, even if Leo was still mostly refusing to admit he'd been wrong about anything. Granted, he had been wrong about whether this delineation thing applied to Leo, but he'd been right on every other count. 

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Meanwhile, before most of this drama had played out and just after the orgy of violence and war crimes had ended, Jun had found herself in a position she never expected to be in; I mean standing on top of a wall overlooking a field full of alien corpses while covered partly in her own blood and mostly in someone else's? What was this? Some sort of tacky holodrama? And the fact that this was the second time she was in this position this month or so was a bit worrying, even if they were doing all of this for a good cause...she thought as she walked about the wall to make sure that everyone was doing quite alright, before she stated exactly where she was going to go and what she intended to do and stepped off towards the nearest stream of water.


She wondered what the people back on Brockton Bay thought of all this as she trudged through the battlefield; one of Uber and Leet's drones were undoubtedly at the scene today, and if those two had a lick of business sense between the two of them, they would have framed all of this as the big payoff for the 'Village under siege' arc; which was good for them and their bottom line she guessed, but it really made her wonder...


Jun's mind had moved on to bigger things by the time she had actually gotten into the drink, as a moment spent wondering about what someone just tuning in to the stream would think about the group; soon caused her to wonder of what what the PRT had managed to watch, and of course, that soon led to her realizing that one of the reasons why they seemed to be doing so well in Tarraia; is that unlike almost everyone they had encountered in Brockton Bay; the people here actually believed that they came from another world, and they were willing to let them help out, and even chip in when the situation called for it...which honestly seemed to be the way forward from now on, at least if they wanted to affect meaningful change in any of the worlds they had visited. But of course how they were supposed to convince people to do so in future worlds was another matter, one that she could already think of a solution to, or at least, the makings of one.


And so after drying off and feeling sufficiently human once more, Jun set off to find the bus, and attempt to find out if she can't call Uber and Leet on the one phone she had found at the back of the bus.

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"Well, The lab tech golems should be able to keep a lid on any threats that arise during attunement testing and simple projects. Major projects involving the more obvious stuff we can keep working on outside of the village, unless we wind up needing the forge."
"If your worried about a zombie apocaplse specifically, I'm also not much of a necromancer. Zombie viruses and Reanimative death curses are beyond me. Though I suppose if I did a bit of searching and testing, there is a Non zero chance I could synthesize some sort zombie posion with an attunement chain. Not really my style though."


He tilts his head, Idily pouring mana into his cup of rotted wine, and fiddling with it.


Thaum > Rotten Berry Wine[14, 19]: Produces a moderate death mana with no notable effects.

"Huh. If I did want to do something like that this stuff might be a good start...Liquid substance, moderate death mana, no other effects....Maybe If I hybridize it with shiverthorn mana and....Ohhhh." 
Leo had been about to mention the possibility of feeding the mana, mixed with something else and attuned back through a silicate, and applying it back to the wine to transmute it. Instead, something entirely diffrent popped into his mind. 

"Hey Tania, how do corrupt monsters react to posion? I think I might be able to create a toxin which only effects corrupt entities." 

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After a good while of silence, Azgrurk finally shrugged, "AH WELL, NOT MUCH TO DIS 'ERE 'UMIE PAST THE FIRST GLANCE, AND DEY CLEARLY AIN'T A FRIEND, SO-" he began, tossing the Burning Satomi in the air again so he could hold her by the waist, before bringing his other hand to her head. And then, he twisted.

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The Tavern

The palm of Tania's hand made swift impact with her forehead as Leo completely lost himself in a rant about making zombies.

"Could you please try to stay on topic?  Moving on, now that we've established that Leo's powers won't blow everything up at the slightest mishap you two still need to come to some sort of agreement on limitations or at least basic communication."


The South Wall


The creature struggles a bit as Azgrurk tosses it about, but soon enough the struggle is over.  It lets out a final death whimper and then dissolves into a cloud of smoke and small pile of ashen rock.


Satomi loses the ability to make use of her Heart of Vengeance perk until the start of the next plot.

Arminius gains burn scars across his face, they have no mechanical effect outside of RP and can be removed with sufficient healing.

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It didn't take too long for Jun to find her way inside of the bus, or for her to make sure that no small trickstery dragons were waiting inside to screw her over, which was good, she really didn't want anyone to mess around with reality this time, or at least any more than she'd need to with the phone and all. The alleged phone looked as complicated as ever when Jun approached it, and she took her sweet time with fiddling about to work the controls little by little until she knew how to use it well enough to call up the men who had assembled this entire vehicle in the first place, and wait for them to pick up.



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"Uber here, how's it hanging Jun?" Uber picks up, face appearing on screen while L33t makes zappy sparks appear in the background as he tinkers on some esoteric device.


"We've got some good footage from your little adventure.  Might have to cut out the chemical warfare, but other than that...?"


"It was badass!" L33t shouts from within the bowels of a mechanical frame.

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Jun relaxed slightly as she leaned back against a nearby seat and said, "Its all been going surprisingly smoothly this past week, it feels kinda nice to work with the locals instead of having to avoid getting arrested by them for once, which is part of why I called the two of you actually, what do the people back in Brockton Bay think of us so far? And has the PRT noticed at all?".

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"Heh, they've got people on payroll right now just to watch our show!"


"We've been getting a ton of new viewers and donations.  A lot of people seem to think it's a fake publicity stunt... Just... A more entertaining stunt than our old show?"


"Eh, they'll figure it out when the proof rolls in."

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Jun took off her helmet and listened intently to what the pair had to say, before she coughed and suggested, "Sounds about right, and speaking of proof, I kinda need your help with that, we've been going through about...4 worlds in the past two weeks or so? And while we are getting new people to help out in the worlds we travel to, it's a bit of a slow process, one that needs to become a lot more efficient if we ever want to impact lasting change in the worlds we're sent to help in."

She left a brief pause to let her words sink in a little more before she continued with "And this is what I want to ask you for help with, I'm going to ask the rest if they want to help out with this, but I think filming some footage where we field questions they give us and talk about what the PART stands for, along with some video or pamphlets we can distribute that showcases what we have accomplished." 

She started to smile a little wider as she concluded with, "I think could be beneficial for everyone really, the two of you get more and higher quality footage to attract more viewers with and convince more and more people that we are the real deal, and we get something to help convince people to help us expand our operations and allow us to do more than just fight off that one siege."

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"So an interview?  We're not exactly news-anchors..."


"I think it's a good idea.  So you're wanting to come in, people ask questions, you answer them, we record it and spread the footage around?"


Uber puts a finger to his chin, thinking to himself.


"We'll need to dig up a fancy printer, if you want pamphlets."

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"The containment squad is a good start, even if it gives me the creeps. We get to review anything hazardous you want to work with, and whatever comes out the other end of your workshop. Said workshop gets built in isolation from anything important, and should be rigged to blow as a last resort. Outside of that, we don't bother you, and you get a crack at whatever you want as long as it's not hoarding something unique for yourself. Fair?"

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4 minutes ago, Hal Henderics said:

"So an interview?  We're not exactly news-anchors..."


"I think it's a good idea.  So you're wanting to come in, people ask questions, you answer them, we record it and spread the footage around?"


Uber puts a finger to his chin, thinking to himself.


"We'll need to dig up a fancy printer, if you want pamphlets."

Jun simply nodded in agreement before she calmly said, "Pretty much, although depending on how much we travel we might just have to do the Q&A sessions 'on set' so to speak," she winked a little at the camera as she said that, leaving a little pause before continuing with, "And as for the pamphlets I'll try and write up the drafts myself, but honestly I'm not the best at graphic design, and since unlike me the two of you have several days worth of raw footage to help with... I'll probably have to ask the two of you for help with that as well."

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"Well thanks for the help guys, and taking the time to listen to what I've got to say, I'll look forward to hearing from you again." Jun stood up after she said this, and she was all set and ready to say her goodbyes when she remembered something, and her expression slowly shifted as she asked, "...actually, I have a question, what footage have you streamed so far?."

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Leo considers this a moment before responding.

"I can't just stop everything every time I want to make something to run things by someone. But I won't stop anyone from coming by to see what Im working on as long as they don't do anything stupid. If you ever want a status report, just ask. Even if you can't find time to stop by I made the messenger birds for a reason."

"Also, Im fine with not hording unique things, within reason. Im not just going to hand over anything I directly obtain myself, but as long as the groups who find stuff reasonably discuss and distribute loot we shouldn't have much problem."

"Its also not clear how long Ill be here, or with your group, since I had my own group with me prior to me landing here, I should probably actualy leave soon to go pick the others up. For the same reason, unless we are going to establish a proper base here and return often, building a workshop might be a bit much, and I would need proximity to the smith's place."


Leo pauses as he considers something...leaning forward and rubbing his chin a little.

"Unlesssss…..There might be a Non-zero chance we are supposed to work together and merge groups, all things considered. In which case, the establishment of a permanent group base would make sense, and provide an excellent place to work. This world would actualy be a REALLY good candidate for such a thing, considering how much mana is in the air."

"We do not want to just make a lab blow though, that could easily make things worse. Spreading harmful stuff into the air, feeding things that eat heat, scattering dangerous substances around the area. Dropping it into the void might work, but Im not sure if we could easily make a void hole that large in this world easily. I TRIED to make an opening earlier and failed, though if I built equipment to do it, I might be able to manage it with a reasonable amount of safety."


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"Nuh-uh. not good enough." Kusuke shook his head. "You are definitely going to stop every time it's anything even remotely hazardous. The "check in whenever" thing already doesn't work. Besides, there's plenty to be done with things that aren't liable to explode in your face or turn into gray goo. And yeah, it might be a pain to set up a lab everywhere, but the point is not having places ruined. I, for one, would like to think saving lives is worth the risk. As for rigging the places to blow, I don't really care whether it's a literal explosion or not. There needs to be a panic button that stops whatever is in there from getting out and ruining things." Kusuke resisted the urge to sigh. At least they were getting somewhere, but it didn't stop Leo from still being an insufferable, ungrateful bastard. 

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Leo crosses his arms
"Not workable. Its far to much trouble to run basicly everything by someone before starting. Especially since Im the only one here who is going to have the understanding of the magic I use needed to properly asses danger. It would be more practical for me to simply inform party members in the area. If the messenger birds aren't sufficient, I could upgrade them to transmit a signal over the village. Build a network of birds to relay data to devices, and use that to notify pepole when Im starting something."

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3 hours ago, Hal Henderics said:

"We streamed most of the monster fights, and some clips from the siege.  A lot of that footage had to be cut and censored though."


"We also doctored a few pictures to upload as a separate thing.  Mostly some of the locations."

"Well that's understandable, not a lot of people would want to watch a slow mo of an ogre's head exploding, but what you said about doctoring a couple of pictures makes me a bit curious, just what else did the two of you post anyway?"

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