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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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"God eaters are created, right? Sakaki mentioned something about it being a dangerous operation. What're the complication and fatality rates, and what's involved?" Depending on when these new God Eaters arrived, perhaps the (other) good doctor would be kind enough to let Harry inspect blood samples from before and after the tests among other things.

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Frigus nodded to Tattletale then turned to leave the bus, Both Alyssa and the engineer seemed to have left.  The latter he could see talking to Satomi near one of the large machines they were transported here in, "helicopters" they were called.  He didn't see much point in interrupting so instead made his way back to the elevator and back down to floor 5. 


During the elevator ride he tried to piece together any sort of plan or idea to try and help Mirri with the Darkness.  He wasn't exactly prepared for the task, the closest he'd come to actually helping with anything like this was simply being around Ignia, though she seemed to mostly work out her own problems with minimal intervention of the Masters or anyone else.  Half the Masters were to busy with their own projects to notice there was even a problem until it was nearly resolved.  What he needed was to find out what exactly was the source of her issues, she spoke of breaking her order's code of honor and of a massacre lead by a man named "Darth Vader", but either could be a face for something deeper, he really couldn't know for sure.  He needed to see with more clarity, he wasn't going to get anywhere just skimming the surface for her Heart that much was obvious, and whatever was happening she needed to see it too.  Finally something clicked and he had an idea of what he needed to do, he hadn't experienced a Dive into the Heart very many times, but he had a good idea of how to trigger one and it was made infinitely easier with a Keyblade.


The elevator door clicked upon reaching the 5th floor so he stepped out of the it and took a look around, Dr. Paylor seemed to have left, as well as Harry, several of the others were working at computers, and a few were just standing around talking.

He walked up to the group and said to no one in particular:

"So did I uhh, miss anything interesting?"

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Jun had quietly followed after Harry and the rest of the science! Group much earlier when they talked about the God Eater enhancement, and after everyone else had finished talking she just as quietly signed up for genetic testing on a nearby terminal.

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With a final, slowing scritch of her pen, Satomi kind of just trailed off mid-stroke, leaving a word half-finished. Oops... busted. Satomi froze for a couple of minutes before she slowly turned to face the engineer confronting her... who turned out to be a girl that appeared to be around her age, and that was the closest she'd seen yet to being at her height level, which caused her eyebrows to raise in surprise for a moment. It didn't erase the awkwardness of perhaps predictably being questioned about her activity near the helicopter though. "Ummmmmm..." Satomi hesitated for a moment. "Iii, um, I didn't intend to touch anything? I, um, just wanted to get a closer look at this vehicle. To, um, learn about it." She paused again, still embarrassed, and then spoke again a little quieter. "I, um, really like machines."

Edited by Powder Miner
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When Somatotrope arrived, she would step into a crossroad of three hallways, each with plenty of doors on each of them. It seemed that this section of Fenrir was much more expensive than the rest. After two minutes of waiting though, the elevator dinged, revealing Dr. Sakaki… Who was roughly 7 minutes early,


“Ah, early I see. Wonderful, wonderful, come along Miss Julie, we should get this test underway as soon as possible” he said, smiling at Somatotrope before walking past her leading her through the hallways. After about a minute of walking, he stopped by a door, opening it and stepping to the side, letting Somatotrope enter first.


Inside was a large, expansive room, blast walled with a viewing room at the far end. There was only one actual item in the room… A large, red terminal, with a blinking screen on it.


“Alright then, Miss Julie. Please, show me what your power can do” Sakaki said, suddenly standing in the observation room. How he managed to get from the door to the actual room (which was now shut) all the way to that observation room in that short amount of time was beyond anyone, but either way… Somatotrope now had a terminal practically asking for it.





For a second, the scientist remained silent, clocking off the percentages in their head, “Yes, God Eaters are created, and supervised by both Director Johannes and Dr. Sakaki. The actual compatibility test is a two parter, the first part is a test with a potential God Eater's blood to see if it would be capable of hosting Aragami Cells. If they're positive in the first part, they move on to the second, which is the actual God Eater creation test, where a God Eater and their God Arc synthesize.  The complication rates are about 30%, though fatality rates are in the high 60s” the scientist replied with a shrug, “It’s better than last years fatality rates, at least” they added.




At Satomi’s whispered statement, Licca smiled, “Just a joke, don't worry. A little touching isn’t going to break this” she stated, then raised an eyebrow, “Never seen a helicopter before?”

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Satomi couldn't help but blush a bit, still a little embarrassed, but she then answered Licca's question with some more enthusiasm. "Not before today, no! It's a fascinating device, and looking at it still like this it's very interesting to think that it was capable of lifting itself into the air and carrying all of us; the moment I saw it right here where I could look at it, I couldn't help myself, heh heh heh..." She was about to say something, but reconsidered it. "Ummm, let's see, I know that some people in the base know because of the initial briefing, but how much do you know about where we're from? I just realized that I'll sound very silly if you don't know the basics."

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"Sixty percent?! Well that's a god damn absurd motality rate. Guess you don't need peer review or ethics boards when they all get eaten by the very thing you're injecting into people." Harry groaned. Their tech had looked good, but this was absurd. Even if this was their only option, one would think that basic gene therapy would be able to get a percentage a lot lower than that.


From what they'd said, the initial compatibility test was about seeing if the user would reject the oracle cells, and the secondary test was to see whether the oracle cells would reject the human body. This should be an extremely easy task. Take a sample of the DNA of all god eaters, map it, and cross reference it to see what's common across all of them. Not foolproof of course, since there might be multiple snip combinations that made them suitable for the cells, or the compatibility might only be based on certain factors in the oracle cells--though being completely independent nondifferentiated cells made that seem unlikely. Could be random, but that usually didn't happen in science unless you were at a fundamental level. It usually just meant you didn't know enough. Harry's brow creased, as he continued to stare at the scientist. In the end though, Harry's face softened, and he addressed the scientist.


"Nevermind, thanks. Won't keep you any longer. You seem so terribly invested in your work." Harry stepped out of the laboratory, and headed down to the door that had been marked as the infirmary. He peaked in the door to make sure he wouldn't be disturbing too much before entering, and taking a look around.

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(18 vs 5) Somatotrope’s extrapolation begins to do its work, with the terminal shuddering for a second before… Well, ‘evolving’, growing larger, smoother, with several plates of the terminal shifting to better use their new space. Needless to say, by the end, the terminal looked years ahead of its time, and judging by how her power normally worked, it probably was.


Sakaki seemed to agree with this, nodding his head at the demonstration, “Fascinating, you do not even require touch to use your power. I do recall you saying that this was only a temporary thing… How long would you say that you're effects will last? I would love to dissect this terminal to recreate it” he asked, his voice being amplified through the room by the speakers placed around the roof.





Scientist didn’t seem too bothered by Harry’s comment about the percentages, merely shrugging and turning back to his work when Harry decided to leave. When Harry poked his head into the infirmary, it was… Surprisingly empty. There was a number of pure white beds stationed around, and some TV monitors set up on the walls, but aside from the two, white coated doctors in the room, it was rather lifeless. Though, the two did seem to be at work, preparing a multitude of tools for, what Harry could probably guess, the compatibility test.





The girl, in response, shook her head, bringing a hand to the back of her head, “I don’t really pay attention to where people come from when they just arrive to the branch. I already guessed that you were new here, since I’ve never seen you before, but… I am curious now, since I don’t there’s a place where one can’t have seen a helicopter before” she add, letting her hand fall to her side again.

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After he'd asked the two doctors what they were doing, and received an answer, Harry leaned up against one of the walls, waiting. It'd be interesting to see what the method behind this was. Did they need a blood test, or could they determine it all from genetics, and thus through a cheek swab or something similar?


In any case, while he waited, he decided to mess around a bit with the powers Proditor had granted him. He would simply push the boundaries. See what he could create by concentrating, or reaching as far as he could with his new invisible senses. All he was doing was experimenting. And hopefully, he wouldn't give himself an anyuerism.

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“A day, preferably. That should give me an adequate amount of time to take it apart and map out if it still works” Sakaki stated, pausing for a second before speaking again, “Ah yes, I recall that you wished to conduct a God Eater test, yes? Well, if you still wish to attempt it, we can begin after this experiment.”





Harry’s boundry pushing would come with a surprise when he found his senses… Well, detaching from his body, expanding and filling up the area around him, even ignoring the walls. He couldn’t put a true finger on it, but he could just see and hear everything around him. It was a pretty good feeling.


… At least, until Proditor’s voice suddenly popped in his head, “You should try and keep your psionic signal down. I can likely sense you from another planet if I tried” was all the Ethereal said before he left Harry’s head.

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"Wait, what?!" Harry asked aloud, before realizing that he could simply think what he wanted. As quickly as he could,  Harry thought <I'm going to use that to get your attention when I need it if that's alright.>

After he had thought his, he waved away the two doctors who had likely looked up at his exclamation of surprise. After that, he went back to lounging against the wall, and continued to fiddle with this newfound power, feeling out the walls outside the room, and listening to the two doctors speak from much farther than he normally would have been able too.

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Satomi sighed and put her hand to her mouth for a moment, thinking. ”Ummm, well, I guess I might sound crazy, but since the commander around here already knows I guess I’ll just say it anyways. So, uh, I’m with the other people from the bus, and we’re from, well, different realms than this one. If you don’t already disbelieve me, I’m from a place called Rokugan, and the realm I’m from is, well... not quite so advanced as this one. The most complex machinery we have are siege crossbows and trebuchets, so when I ended up in worlds like this one and the one my group was in beforehand... just, there are so many things that are very complicated and very cool! Like this thing!” Satomi had gotten fairly excited towards the end of that statement.

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Kusuke practiced slicing things up with his power for a bit, and the results were. . . thoroughly unsatisfying. Though the failure itself gave him some ideas for the future. There wasn't much to do, though, until they came back with the parts he requested. He could always start snooping around, he supposed, but he would feel uncomfortable doing so; he had no beef with this Fenrir organization, though he did wonder how long that would last. Eventually, he figured that scouting out for information online might be helpful, and more importantly a way to alleviate his boredom.

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“... Use it wisely then” was all Harry got from the Ethereal, who truly left Harry’s mind with that statement, ignoring him when the doctor began to try again. The two other doctors in the room did seem rather offput by Harry’s outburst, but merely shook their heads and went back to work when Harry waved them away.


Using his newfound powers though, Harry would hear the conversation of two scientists, heading to the medical labs from the elevator,


“Strange… The Director has never cleared a test this quickly before. Its strange…”


“Well, the last hour has been extremely weird, with Dr. Sakaki allowing some new arrivals to use that abandoned science floor”


“True. Though, it has gotten the green light from Dr. Sakaki as well… Normally, he’s the one trying to delay a God Eater test so he can maximize survivability. Now here he is, clearing the tests for four different people to become God Eaters that just registered not 15 minutes ago! They could get killed easily!”


“Relax. If Dr. Sakaki is clearing them, that means that he has faith they’ll survive”


That was all Harry managed to hear before the two left his range. Though, not long afterwards, he would notice Sakaki and Somatotrope walking down the hallway to the infirmary...




The girl was, understandably, a bit disbelieving about Satomi’s explanation which was clear on her face as she tilted her head slightly to the side, “I at least knew you came with the group of people that came with that bus” she said before sighing, folding her arms, looking at Satomi’s outfit for a bit before shrugging, unfolding her arms again, “Well, that outfit isn’t normal anyway… Even with the rips and tears. But, that would explain how you’ve never seen a helicopter before” She added, looking up at the helicopter, “These things are pretty nice, I will agree. Not our most complicated stuff though”





For the next minute, Somatotrope would be left to her own devices, letting the terminal continue to grow and upgrade. By the time she was done, the terminal was twice as wide as it had been before, and a bit taller, noticibly having a more advanced appearance than before.


It just so happened that Sakaki had, once again, moved to the door, opening it up and waiting for Somatotrope to follow, “Come along then, Miss Julie. I have a good feeling about your tests” he said, before turning and moving down the halls again, expecting Somatotrope to follow.


After a few more minutes of moving and elevator riding, Sakaki led Somatotrope to the infirmary, telling a passing scientist to send out an automated message to those that had signed up to the God Eater tests, before entering the infirmary, noticing Harry, “Ah, Dr. Walter, I take it you plan to watch the tests?”





Kusuke rather easily finds out that each terminal has access to the Fenrir Database, though its rather obvious that is extremely limited in the information it provides, but seems to have all of the important info there, even if its simplified. Aragami came around 20 years ago and their numbers still weren't going down, there was a only a small list of God Eaters currently stationed at the Fenrir Far East Branch, and, if Kusuke really focused in on it, he would be able to piece together the basis of a God Eater test: Compatible people get put through a test to synchronize a God Arc to themselves, and the rate of death is, unfortunately, high.


He also gains +2 to any roll concerning learning more about God Eater type information due to reading the lore.


… After he finishes his research, he would then get an automated message from Dr. Sakaki, telling him that the God Eater tests are ready to begin, and that he should head to the 11th floor of the building and enter the infirmary, so they can begin.


Jun and Mirri would also get the message from Dr. Sakaki from their terminals.

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Alyssa gets back to the rest of the group and looks around, hoping to get to know some of the other people she will be working with. Everyone seems..... busy. Or not here. 

Instead she finds a seat and tries to think about what in her life led to her getting here. She wasn't all that special except for her exceptional use of paints and brief undercover work. She used to have a photographic memory when she was younger. But that faded a while ago, probably because of disuse. Maybe she could find it again.

Alyssa spends a little time trying to analyze scenes that she looked at a while ago, reteaching herself a lost skill. After far too long, she realizes that she doesn't even remember the color of the bus. 

So much for artistic infallability. 


Edited by Irbsandcheese
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Harry had begun to speculate about what was happening while he heard the other doctors speaking. It was hard to believe that there were four people on the team foolish enough to try this. . . But, Harry told himself, it could very likely be that they had some way of minimizing the risk, or that they only wished to see whether they were compatible through the genetics test the doctors were prepping. After all, if they were compatible, maybe in a year or so, the fatality rate would be much lower.


When Soma had entered the hallway leading to the room, Harry had frozen. She was going to be taking the test? One possibility was ruled out immediately, that herr powers would give her an edge on surviving this, if he'd understood what she did correctly. It also registered to him that the doctor had called her Julie. It made sense that she wouldn't use a cape name on a medical procedure . . . Interesting.


When Dr. Sakaki entered the infirmary, and posed his question, Harry remained motionless for a bit, before nodding, expression blank. He made his way over to stand a few feet back from wherever the girl would be getting her blood drawn, then coughed, and spoke. "So. . .you're going to try to become a god eater? Why? If I might ask."

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Eva's brow wrinkled in thought. "Do we have any computers that we can use?" The thought wasn't actually intended to go to Proditor, it just sort of did. Eva didn't notice and instead started looking around to see if anyone nearby had the technology they would need.

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"I need more power.  I've been a bystander since I've gotten here.  I've done nothing but run and fail where it counts the most."


"I might have powers, but in the end, I'm just an unskilled ordinary human without them."


She turns away from Harry, trying to hide something in her face.


"And that's not good enough."

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"Well that's stupid, saying that you'd be weak without what makes you powerful. And, I doubt becoming a god eater will make you more skilled." Inferiority, it seemed. It made sense, for the age, and for the fact that her powers were unpredictable, limited, and paled in some respects to other magic here. "You'd simply be hiding your humanity under another layer of power. You know this can be fatal, right? And you still want to do it?" He wasn't going to stop her. Hell, he'd only known anyone here for about two days. He had no real right to do anything except reason with them. He looked towards Dr. Sakaki, trying to read if the man had encouraged this course of action, or preyed upon Somatatrope's feelings of inferiority.

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"You know what a Trigger Event is, right Harry?"


She doesn't wait for him to answer, but does pause before continuing.


"I need this.  I'm willing to pay whatever cost.  I haven't been as vulnerable as I was back there since I triggered."  she says, her mind flashing back to that moment in the previous battle where her sword broke, her armor failed, and her walls crumbled.


"I can't go back to that.  That feeling of uncertainty, helplessness."


"If it makes it easier, think of it as greed.  I want the power that those God Eaters wield more than enough to risk it all."  The same words her father said as he checked in constantly.  Pressured her to take more of a part in Gang activities, groomed her as a successor, assuming that she would gain powers, when she hadn't for 16 years.


"If it makes it easier, think of it as greed, dear.  I'd like to see the Empire Prosper, and I'd like to see you make that happen, sooner or later." he says, with nothing but innocence and a smooth voice tainting his words black.


She shakes the memories out of her head, she doesn't care where she got a phrase like that.  It's a good enough quote to shut up that damn Doctor, hopefully.


"Anything else you'd like to say, before I take this test?"  The way she says it, like it's already a foregone conclusion.

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"Nothing then?"

Frigus shrugged.

"And I thought I was suppose to be the cold one."

Either way he stood around for a few minutes converting the various materials he'd grabbed into Synthesis crystals.

Afterwards he took a few steps over to Kusuke.

"Did you ever figure out more about the GodEaters or the tests?  I heard you ask Dr. Paylor about them before I left and remember he mentioned them being possibly fatal."

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