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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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*NPCs at the scene: Uno*



"I was already aware of all the details, but I appreaciate the help either way." Uno smiles at you. "The Tree of Life is most likely the Core of this Nexus. I doubt the Aether Foundation informed you of it yet, but the Tree of Life might be corrupted. Can't you see, all around you...the lack of real life. Nonexistent death, only a permeating eternity. Nothing dies naturally, yet nothing lives naturally either. The camp has no provisions because nobody ever gets hungry here. You must've figured that if you're friends with Zeta, the girl found here. Let's go now, though. We should hurry and save the Exeggutor."

Uno steps forward with these cryptic words addressed at you. Following Frederick, the group finds another batch of Exeggcute. These too, are being kept by a pair of feisty looking Crabrawler...


Uno steps forward feebly and lets Lampy jump down from her arm.





Lampy immediately releases a ball of electricity from its lanterns, shooting it with a swift motion at the helpless Crabrawlers.



"Like ripples on water..."


Lampy Action: Electro Ball on Crabrawler 1 (110 Power)

Crit: 19,1 (no crit)

/Crabrawler 1 receives 90 dmg/


The electricity strikes the Crabrawler with enormous force, sending it flying backwards towards the treeline. The other Crabrawler jumps at Lampy, readying its fist, while the wounded one keeps still.


Crabrawler 2: Rock Smash on Lampy (100 Power)

Crit: 62,2 (no crit)

Defense drop: 31,8 (Lampy's defense drops)

/Lampy receives 80 dmg/


Its fist strikes Lampy hard, but Uno doesn't budge. The Chinchou is punched backwards towards his master's feet and stands back up rather quickly, obviously just as unfazed as Uno. This intimidates the Crabrawler and it scurries towards its injured friend. Uno, however, turns to the party. "You've never caught a Pokemon, right? I think Lampy and I left that one in quite the position for you to make use of. Catch the Crabrawler if you so wish, I won't be mad." She says as she points at the injured female Crabrawler.





Lampy (♂), Lv: 15

HP (95/175): ####################

Atk: 43

Def: 43

SpA: 58

SpD: 64

Spe: 84

Nature: Jolly (+Spe/-SpA)

Ability: Illuminate (lol)

EP: /

Moves: Electro Ball (110 power on Crabrawlers), Water Gun (80 power), Thunder Wave, Supersonic




Turn Order: Uno (Lampy) -> Crabrawler 1 -> Crabrawler 2 -> Shelly (Axew) -> Frederick (Theodore) -> Kai (Anté)


Music: En Route

Crabrawler 1 (♀), Lv: 10

HP (8/98): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 62

SP.ATK: 46

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 69

Nature: /

Ability: Iron Fist

Moves: ---


Crabrawler 2 (♂), Lv: 10

HP (98/98): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 62

SP.ATK: 46

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 69

Nature: /

Ability: Anger Point

Moves: Rock Smash








After moving away from the group, Emm and Radovan are reminded to stay safe by Terry. They find that the path branches out into a dead end and two other corridors.



[The map of Floor -1 has been updated;]

Red dot is Cathode and Zeta

Blue dot is the Wailord crew

Dirty yellow dot is Emm and Rad





*+ Zeta and Clarence*


Cathode approaches the Morelull but the Pokemon doesn't seem to give a shit about her presence. It completely ignores her.


"Let's go, Cathode! Mr. Terry, your Clefairy is adorable!" Zeta was walking around, poking and prodding Clarence the Clefairy. He seemed to be doing his best not to blast her away with an attack. Anyways, upon venturing into the corridor, Cathode and Zeta indeed come across a dead end. However, shining beneath the surface of the water, slightly differently from the sparkles within it, Zeta catches glimpse of something metallic and kneels down to pick it up curiously. Cathode wouldn't be able to see what Zeta is even searching for as the younger girl pushes her hand underneath the cold surface of the water and pulls out what appears to be a Mechamon of a Porygon-like Pokemon unknown to Cathode. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Zeta's eyes sparkle. "What is this!?" She holds it up above her head victoriously and brings it over to Cathode. "Cathode, Cathode, what is this!? What is it!? It's so cute and pretty!"


[Clarence seems to be having something to say about it...but Zeta doesn't notice him as she's overtaken by finding the Mechamon. However, Cathode can opt to interact with Clarence about the issue if she so wishes.]





*+ Terry*


Terry lets out an annoyed sigh and walks up to Kalva and the gang wanting to go catch Wailords. "Iunno where you pulled the number 3, Kalva. I let Clarence go with the girls so I can't be of much help in a fight, but I want to make sure you guys are safe so I'm coming with you if nothing can change your mind about going. Either us 4 go or I'll stop you from going by force." He says, glaring at Kalva. If the boy was going to pull any more shennanigans that were going to make people leave him, this wasn't gonna end well. The others were way too submissive about letting Kalva have his way. Terry was gonna knock the boy out if the need arose. That's what his eyes said to Kalva as the large man stared him down. "...and besides Gina would kill me if anything happened to you, Kalva."


The group so proceeds down the corridor. With each step, the water seems to be getting deeper and the area around them darker. Broken crystals line the walls, having lost their shine presumably when the Wailord trashed them. The corridor is also rather spacious on all sides, much more than any of the other corridors, once again, presumably because of Wailord. It lets out cries in intervals as they approach, and then..........

everyone slips and drops in water too deep for them to walk in anymore. Verna can remain airborne and Quina can sorta swim, but Morelull would need help staying afloat properly.


"Yeesh. Everyone alright?" Terry asks. "It's not too late to turn around. The Wailord is close by but it's unsafe to approach it swimming. If it's panicked it might just think up to smash us against the wall..."


[The corridor seems to be opening towards an underground pool of water...the party can still turn around and go back...]

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"Cool, it's been a while since Axew got to battle." Shelly reached down to the pokeball at her waist, hefted it, and then released Axew. "Hey Axew, you ready to fight? We're gonna need to take down that Crabrawler right there." Axew crouched forward, letting out a guttural growl. "No, not that one, the other one! Now go get em!" Axew seemed to find the correct target the second time, and dashed into battle. Just with a slight bit of waddle, Axew approached the Crabrawler with a gleeful glare around her tusks. She drew back her stubby arm, and swung it at the eyes of the creature. And again, with the other arm, claws out. After the first two strikes, the Axew sped up, unleashing a flurry of cutting blows on the crab pokemon, before attempting to retreat to moderate safety.


Action: Scratch on the male Crabrawler, power 40.

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Radovan idly waved at Terry and said "You take care as well" as he followed Emannuel down the presumably dark and dreary fourth corridor. And after he finally encountered the crossroads he glanced around the corridor they were in for a few moments to try and find out some more about the area. He would then decide to awkwardly sidle up to the young man to say. "So Emmanuel do you have any ideas about wherewe should go next? Because I personally think that we should continue down the corridor that is marked as heading south west on our map".

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Frederick looked at the Crabrawlers. One was weak from the blows of Uno while the other was still heavily undamaged, for the most part. Uno suggested that one of them could catch it if they wanted to, but Frederick thought that it wasn't such a good idea to catch such an aggressive Pokemon. 

Frederick looked at Karla - perhaps she wanted the Crabrawler for herself as he asked her, "Are you interested in the Crabrawler, Karla?" Without waiting to validate if Karla wanted the Crabrawler, he called on Theodore to attack the second Crabrawler to give more room for Karla to capture the first Crabrawler.

"Theodore, use Tackle on the second Crabrawler," he ordered. Theodore eagerly dashed towards the Crabrawler and hit him full on with his body - a 100% no restrictions, no limitation, powerful tackle. 

Use Tackle on 2nd Crabrawler, 40 Power

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“I’d be up for a new friend!” Kai spun in a circle as she jumped up, throwing her Aether Ball into the air to fall back to the ground to release Anté. “You don’t need to do much this time, friend.” Kai swung out her A-Comm, looking through the commands to find what she was looking for. “Lesse, branches, water, some kinda Move Slot, there it is!” She tapped the prompt on her screen, a sphere materializing in front of her screen in response. The girl swiped it into her hand as she stared straight towards the weakened Crabrawler.


Kai whispered as she concentrated her focus on the Crabrawler’s movements, her eyes watching every single small twitch. “Initiating capture event. Lock on target.” Kai flashed a smile as her eyes locked straight on the creature, preparing her throw. “Come on, let’s make a new friend!”


Kai Action: Throw an Aether Ball at Crabrawler 1

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Suprised, Cathode took the robotic figurine of what seemed like a pokemon, albeit an unknown one to her, into her hands, all the while not failing to notice Clarence's behavior next to her. The clefairy seemed to know more about this item than the both of Zetta and herself.


"Um, Zetta? I-I think Clarence over here recognizes this thing. Maybe you can help me in trying to make out what he tries to convey..."

She turned to the clefairy and did the start herself.

"Clarence? D-do you know someone who had this? Is it someone we might know too? From Aether Foundation maybe?"

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*NPCs at the scene: Uno*





Axew runs forward, swiping at the Crabrawler.

Crit: 75,6 no crit

Damage drops by 20% (Rivalry/different genders)

/Crabrawler 2 receives 38 damage/


The scratch leaves shallow marks on the Crabrawler's shell, and Axew retreats safely, only to give space for Theodore to strike.

Crit: 81,5 no crit

/Crabrawler 2 receives 70 damage/


Axew's attack may have been weaker, but it left a perfect opening for Theodore to strike. His Tackle knocked the Crabrawler out swiftly.

/Crabrawler 2 fainted/


Meanwhile, though, Kai's Aether Ball flew through the air and towards the other Crabrawler. It hit the target's head and shone blue for a moment as it opened to suck the Pokemon in. Falling down on the ground, it shook once as its signal grew red...then twice...and finally three times before it stopped shaking and its lights changed hue over to a softer and victorious green.



"Congratulation, you seem to have successfully caught it." Uno speaks from the side as the battle ends.



/Axew, Ante, Theodore gained 45 Exp/

Ante and Theodore leveled up-!


/Kai has earned 10 EP for catching a Pokemon/

/Axew, Ante and Theodore have each gained 5 EP/



With the Crabrawlers handled, the Exeggcute are now safe. You take them over to the Exeggutor, but it doesn't seem content yet. You need to set off one last time.


/The Space Aether Employees fully restore your Pokemon/



"There seem to be more of its children out there." Uno remarks, looking off into the distance. "But before that, how did it feel to catch a new Pokemon?" She turns to Kai with a faint smile. "Call her out to introduce herself. She might also need a name. It's important for a Pokemon to trust you."


[One more Exeggcute remains. Will you proceed onto the final battle?]






*+ Zeta and Clarence*


"Huh?" Zeta looks at Cathode in confusion before turning towards Clarence with a big smile on her face. "Oh, so you know what this is? It's so pretty~" The Clefairy seems to ignore the girl and instead focuses on Cathode. He can't speak but he places a hand over his mouth as if to act out a clearing of one's throat. He then points towards Cathode's A-Comm. He gestures as if talking on the phone with someone and then frowns while putting a finger over his upper lip. Moustache, perhaps?


[Either way, Clarence seems to want Cathode to contact someone on the A-Comm.]


The pantomime is, however, broken by Zeta's sudden gasp. At the exit of the corridor now stands a small figure of a Pokemon with gems for eyes.



The Sableye leers at you, cackling in silence. Clarence turns to face it disinterestedly while Zeta beams up again.

"Awwwwwww, you're one of Lumi's friends, aren't you!" She asks, clapping her hands together. "Did you get lost? You know Lumi came with us, right?"


The Sableye is silent, staring at Zeta.


[What will Cathode do? Your only way to leave is blocked by this Sableye. It might be too strong to beat with just you and Clarence here. Zeta seems to trust it, so maybe you should too..? Seems awfully suspicious, though. It might've been a trap.]








Emmanuel and Radovan start moving through the corridor to the west, but as soon as they take a few steps forward, their faces hit what appears to be a hard, rock, surface, and before them, all of a sudden, stands a wall that was, until now, obscured by darkness and the interference produced by the crystals. The duo cannot proceed down this path, but as they try to leave the way they entered, they hear what sounds like screeching and flapping of the wings from above. Before they know it, a group of Woobat is upon them-!


AMBUSH: 59,0 no ambush

/Emm and Radovan will start the Turn Order/



Turn Order: Radovan (Larvitar) -> Emmanuel (either Solosis or Poochy) -> Woobat 2 -> Woobat 1 -> Woobat 3


Music: En Route

Woobat 3 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (140/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Klutz

Moves: ---


Woobat 2 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (140/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Unaware

Moves: ---


Woobat 3 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (140/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Klutz

Moves: ---






[The map has been updated.]

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"Well it seems that backing away from their home and apologizing isn't an option so...". After he had finished talking Radovan would then swiftly release his Larvitar from the Aetherball he had kept it in the whole time. And he would point at the first Woobat that swung into view before he rapidly said "Larvitar! Use your bite attack on the Woobat I am pointing at!". This caused his Larvitar to curiously walk up to the cute little bat thing ahead of him...before he suddenly jumped up and bit down hard on his new friend. Radovan would then continue gesturing at the Woobat before he shouted "Also Emmanuel, please try and keep one conscious for me...I really want to try and catch one. And it might be a good idea for us to gang up on one at a time instead of just running around and randomly attacking them by the way".


Larvitar bites down on Woobat 1 using his Bite attack (60 Base Power, 100% Accuracy, 30% chance to flinch. Larvitar has 74 attack stat).

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"No problem, Radovan! Poochy, sit out of this one, alright?" Emmanuel turned to Poochy, who promptly ran behind him. Solosis popped out of his lab coat, as he grabbed her tightly and lobbed her at the Woobat attacked by Larvitar. "Rollout!" 

Action: Solosis uses Rollout on Woobat 1 (Attack Power: 40, 90% Accuracy).

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Cathode made a mental note in her mind (Mustache guy that can be found  through my A-Comm) before turning into the current situation.

In most other cases she would take Zeta's word about it, but usually sableyes are more energetic, especially when they meet people they know. 

This one here might not be one of Lumi's friends, and also seems to be up to something... but she wouldn't just jump into a battle down here if there was any possibility of avoiding it.


"Zeta, be careful" she whispered fast and as discreetly as she could.

In the meantime, she turned around and took out the Powderspray. She kept it hidden from the sableye's view. She also made sure to be able to grab Suzie's ball at a moment's notice.


She then approached the sableye, with the acting skills she trained a little when she was in Mason's office. She couldn't do much for her nervousness tho, so...

"H-hello there! Do you know Zeta here? I don't know who Lumi is, but Zeta's friends are my friends! Do you know the way down here? We are trying to stop this crystal problem and make this place alive again!"

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Kalva ducked his head apologetically. It was only a suggestion that they had to reduce their party size. Perhaps it came across as too...authoritative? Kalva shivered at the thought. He looked further down the tunnel from which Wailord's voice was coming from. From what he had learnt, Pokemon were very sensitive to humans in large numbers, as they were prone to panicking. But as long as they knew they were going to help them...as long as they didn't make sudden movements or made any hostile actions... Kalva hoped that Wailord would understand.


Wailord, we're coming to help you. Please, hold on a little longer...

He thought. It was a little pointless to try and 'think his messages out loud', and many others were a little weirded out when Kalva explained his periodic moments of stasis. But it was a weird habit he had ever since, well, ever since he could remember. If by the off-chance Wailord could hear him, then it was all for the better. As they furthered down the tunnel, Quina responded to the Wailord's cry in regular intervals to keep in contact with them. If Wailord could hear her becoming louder, then it would make Wailord more expectant of them and reduce the chance of panic when they showed up.


Kalva noticed, too, the smashed crystals. It could be a sign of panic, as Terry said. But Wailord had enough consciousness and reason to respond to Verna's signal. He counted the seconds in between Wailord's cries, and confirmed it was in regular intervals. That also indicated that Wailord was aware of them, and that they were calm enough to keep notification of their location and consciousness. It was evidence to the contrary - but what the crystals did indicate, however, was that Wailord could be in a lot of pain; and in need of medical attention. This strengthened Kalva's resolve to push on. He was not going to turn his back against another Pokemon in danger, no matter the odds.


Never again.


Kalva turned to his friends following.

"Wailord's cries are regular and responsive, which means they are not panicked. As long as they understand that we are coming to help them, it should be alright." He wrote on his A-Comm now that the notebook was in danger of water. He still felt guilty for possibly trying to dictate the groups' actions. Was he still dragging the team down? But they had to move on, at least see if Wailord was safe or not... "I'll go...but do you still want to as well?" 

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"My original plan was trying to help the Wailord, so I still wanna go, also..." he reply to Terry, he looked at Quina trying maintain contact with Wailord, "Kalva, is it okay for Verna to help maintain contact with Wailord...?"


I'm not sure where did I get this logic but...


"I feel like it would be best for Wailord to know that there are more than one pokemon or person trying to help it."

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“Hoo ha.” Kai let out grunts as she carried around two of the eggs, exaggerated as she had no difficulty in carrying them back to home base. She skipped back along the way, a big smile on her face as she tried to keep pace with the others in case of an ambush. It was the only thing stopping her from rushing to home base to heal her newly caught friend. She left the eggs she had on her by the Exeggutor, quick to stretch out her arms.


“Sounds like a good idea, then.” Kai gave a small smile to Uno as she took the new Aether Ball attached to her belt. “Come on out, Crabrawler!” The girl gave the Ball a light toss with a flick of her wrist, falling onto the ground close to her before releasing the purple crab.


Kai crouched down to get a closer look at the creature. Her staring eyes would probably put someone in a feeling of unease, only feeling worse from the grin on her face. She continued staring for a long while, almost as if she was analyzing the crab in some way. “You seem pretty tough. Can probably pack quite a punch against anything in your way.”


She finally blinked, her eyes looking softer to anyone who fell in her gaze. Finally done staring at it, she found her eyes drawn to the interesting tuft of hair sticking up well above its head. She kind of wanted to touch it, but that’d be rude to a new friend. She looked at the rather odd look of its pincers, quickly coming up with a name for it. “Nice to meet you, Broughton!” She reached out a hand to grab a pincer in a handshake. Her smile would probably seem kind and inviting if she didn’t still have it on when the creature harshly pinched her hand between its pincers with a great amount of force.


“That’s a bit naughty, isn’t it?” Kai shook off the pincer from her hand, shrugging off the pain as if it never happened. Broughton crossed her arms, making a smirking face that would be difficult for some to figure out given the structure of her mouth. Kai stood back up, waiting for her friends to get ready for the last search.


Kai Action: Find the last Exeggcute at next interest point

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*+ Zeta and Clarence; Sableye 2*



The Sableye looks at Cathode, twisting its head to the side with a rather loud cracking sound, like bones crunching. It then nods as Zeta smiles "Yep, it's one of Lumi's goons!" The Sableye then turns back to Cathode and points out of the corridor before walking out, seemingly responding to Cathode's question if it knew the way out.

"We should totally follow it, Cathode!" Zeta remarks excitedly.


[If you decide to follow the Sableye, you find that it lead you over to Corridor 1]









Radovan's Larvitar bites down hard on the Woobat.

crit: 91,9 no crit

/Woobat 1 takes 140 damage/

/Woobat 1 has fainted/


Solosis's attack new target: 1 (Woobat 2)

Solosis and Emmanuel, seeing as Woobat 1 was defeated so easily, roll towards the second Woobat.

hit: 25,2 hit

crit: 25,8 no crit

/Woobat 2 takes 40 damage/


The single strike is enough for the Woobat to go down while Solosis's aerial telekinetic rolling attack only seems to barely faze the other Woobat. However, Solosis has gained some momentum now, so its new attack will be that much stronger if it lands properly. As its stricken by the Rollout, however, the Woobat swiftly retaliates by flapping its wings and sending a Gust of wind at the psychic blob.


Woobat 2 Action: Gust at Solosis (80 power)

crit: 83,2 no crit

/Solosis takes 60 damage/


The wind blows Solosis away with a frightening amount of force, while the final Woobat focuses on Larvitar again.


Woobat 3 Action: Confusion at Larvitar (95 Power)

crit: 95,7 no crit

confusion: 76,7 no status

/Larvitar takes 75 damage/


It sends a wave of psychic energy at Larvitar who's in close range, levitating him before blasting him off towards the wall blocking their path. Radovan might be able to use this to his advantage, though.






Turn Order: Radovan (Larvitar) -> Emmanuel (Solosis) -> Woobat 2 -> Woobat 3


Music: En Route

Woobat 1 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (0/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Klutz

Moves: ---


Woobat 2 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (100/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Unaware

Moves: Gust (80 power), *special move*, ---


Woobat 3 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (140/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Klutz

Moves: Confusion (95 power), ---


[The boys's A-Comm's flash in response to Woobat 2. It seems to be carrying an unusual move in its arsenal...]

[The water heals all grounded Pokemon for 10% HP: Larvitar regains 11 HP]

-side note: Solosis's Rollout can change targets between turns-


Larvitar: 49/113 HP

Solosis: 40/100 HP

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Radovan swiftly checked his A-Comm after getting an alert from it, and he realized that the second Woobat might be much more dangerous....and much more valuable. And of course he also noticed how the sparkling water that was still on his magical flying Larvitar seemed to heal it somewhat. And he briefly considered letting his Larvitar simply crash into the crystal wall to try and see if it would shatter, but he quickly realized that doing so might knock his only Pokemon out of the fight. This is why he yelled out "Larvitar! Jump up and use your bite attack on the Woobat that just attacked you!". Causing his Larvitar to quickly jump from the crystal wall just as he crashed into it....and bite down hard on the third woobat.


And Radovan would then yell out the words "Try not to kill the Second Woobat! And you should heal your Solosis up a bit by dipping it in the sparkling water!". At Emmanuel and his equally wounded Pokemon.


Larvitar bites down on Woobat 3 using his Bite attack (60 Base Power, 100% Accuracy, 30% chance to flinch. Larvitar has 74 attack stat).

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Emmanuel nodded. A quick estimate showed to him that the second Rollout would knock the second Woobat out, so he decided to use the momentum to give Solosis a water landing, allowing her to soak in the sparkling water.

Action: Solosis uses Rollout to dive into the sparkling water.

Edited by IntSys
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"Water?  Dangerous?"  Taylor asks, voice even blanker than usual with apparent non-comprehension.  Then, he notices that Jet and the Morelull seem distressed at the idea of submerging their heads and puts two and two together.  To get five.  "Ah, of course, some types of Pokemon must not be able to handle submersion.  Perhaps we should return them to Aether Balls before we continue.  That should deal with the water problem nicely."

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"...So it seems..."  Came the awkward reply from Cathode.  And started following the sableye.

She was relieved that contrary to her expectations, it actually was one of Lumi's (whoever that is) friends. She was totally prepared for a battle then and there. Hopefully all of this would not be some long term trick of the cunning dark type.


"So... corridor 1 eh?  I would have saved that one for last. How ironic."  She mumbled, half-smirking.  Outcomes out of her calculations intrigued her, as long as they were not including any immediate danger, like when Suzie fell in the hole,  or, of course, when they included extra social interactions.

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*NPCs at the scene: Uno*


The group makes their way towards where the scan is picking up signs of another Exeggcute. When they arrive at the small clearing, strewn with broken crystal branches that have lost their glow since Meggie tore through them, they find two more Crabrawler, but not just them...behind the Crabrawler, looming over the Exeggcute, stands a Krabby.


"...!" Uno interjects between the group and the Krabby. The Pokemon seem to have realized you were there. She breaths deep and laboured, as if she'd been running, but it might just be panic at this point. "This Krabby...it's different than the Crabrawler. It's...it's..." Uno is cut off and gasps audibly as the Pokemon turn towards you, ready to attack. "We-we must fight. Lampy..!"


Boss ambush: 74,1 no ambush



Lampy jumps to the ground in front of Uno instinctively. He charges his electricity up into his lanters before jumping and spinning in air to shoot the electric orb directly at the Krabby. The Krabby doesn't flinch. Instead, one of the Crabrawlers throw themselves in front of the attack. Uno gasps in surprise and loses her balance. If no one catches her, she'll fall down on her bottom.


Lampy Action: Electro Ball on Crabrawler 2 (110 Power)

crit: 70,9 no crit

/Crabrawler 2 receives 90 damage/


The Electro Ball hits the Crabrawler squarely, throwing it to its back. Its buddy helps it stand back up while the Krabby glares at you with oddly red eyes. You can feel a familiar aura exhuding from the Krabby. One you've experienced in your fight against Meggie. The Krabby lets out a screeching cry of pain, starting to glow a violent pink. You can see the ends of its pincers growing into what appears to be stone. The A-Comm responds with an error, unable to read the Krabby's stats. In fact, it reads the Krabby as already defeated-!


Krabby Action: Leer

/every player character's Pokemon's Defense dropped 1 stage/




Turn Order: Uno (Lampy)-> Crabrawler 1 -> Crabrawler 2 -> Krabby -> Kai (if Broughton) -> Shelly (Axew) -> Frederick (Theodore) -> Kai (if Ante)


Lampy (♂), Lv: 15

HP (175/175): ####################

Atk: 43

Def: 43

SpA: 58

SpD: 64

Spe: 84

Nature: Jolly (+Spe/-SpA)

Ability: Illuminate (lol)

EP: /

Moves: Electro Ball (110 power on Crabrawlers), Water Gun (80 power), Thunder Wave, Supersonic


Music: This is what we've trained for...

Krabby (♀), Lv: 15

HP (0/0): ####################

ATK: -

DEF: -



SPE: -

Nature: ???

Ability: Sheer Force

Moves: Leer


Crabrawler 1 (♀), Lv: 10

HP (98/98): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 62

SP.ATK: 46

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 69

Nature: /

Ability: Anger Point

Moves: ---


Crabrawler 2 (♂), Lv: 10

HP (8/98): ####################

ATK: 90

DEF: 62

SP.ATK: 46

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 69

Nature: /

Ability: Iron Fist

Moves: ---


[NOTE: Kai can choose either Broughton or Ante, but not both. She will act in the Turn Order according to the Pokemon she chooses.]










*+ Zeta and Clarence; Sableye*


Cathode and Zeta follow the Sableye down Corridor 1 in relative silence. The Pokemon doesn't seem to even acknowledge them for the most part, merely looking forward through the entire journey. They come to a crossroads but the Sableye leads them down the upper path, which leads them into a spacious chamber. In the middle of it, laying on the ground, the two girls find a Gabite figure similar to the Porygon one. Cathode can now be sure they're Mechamon.


The Sableye gestures towards Cathode to go pick it up.


[Cathode can send Zeta, Clarence, or pick it up herself.]












Larvitar pushes itself off the wall, jumping at the other Woobat swiftly to finish it off with a big chomp like the last one.


/Woobat 3 fainted/


Meanwhile, Solosis stops the Rollout attack and heals a bit of damage by dipping in the water. The water sparkles around her as she moves.


[Solosis recovers 10 HP]


The third and last Woobat, seemingly panicking and flapping its wings rapidly as its buddies fall, starts spewing a venomously violet fluid at Larvitar, but it does nothing.


Woobat 2 Action: Venom Drench on Larvitar



That seems to be its special move, although...not like it did anything in this situation...

Larvitar safely jumps down into the water and it sparkles around the Pokemon.


[Larvitar recovers 11 HP]




Turn Order: Radovan (Larvitar) -> Emmanuel (Solosis) -> Woobat 2 -> Woobat 3


Music: En Route

Woobat 1 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (0/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Klutz

Moves: ---


Woobat 2 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (100/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Unaware

Moves: Gust (80 power), Venom Drench, ---


Woobat 3 (♂), Lv: 8

HP (0/140): ####################

ATK: 48

DEF: 46

SP.ATK: 59

SP.DEF: 46

SPE: 77

Nature: /

Ability: Klutz

Moves: Confusion (95 power), ---



Larvitar: HP (60/113): ####################

Solosis: HP (50/100): ####################

Edited by Bfroger6
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Kai gave a stare towards the strange Krabby. She wanted to know what had happened to it, but she wasn’t willing to risk an Aether Ball yet. “C’mon, Broughton!” Kai threw her new friend’s ball up into the air, releasing the Crabrawler straight into the sky. Of course, Kai had forgotten that she didn’t have time to teach her new friend the acrobatics Anté had already been familiar with, so Broughton was ill-prepared for her fall to the ground. “Oh right, sorry! You alright, buddy?” Kai gave an embarrassed laugh as Broughton picked herself back up to her hind legs, giving what could be assumed to be an annoyed glare at her new master.


“Let’s give ‘em all we got, put everything you got into this!” Kai jumped into the air and gave a twirl, expecting Broughton to do just the same. Her wishes came unanswered as her Pokémon looked over and waited for a command. “Aw, c’mon, you’re supposed to spin, too.” Broughton kept looking back, still waiting for the move. Kai shrugged her arms, defeated by her own Pokémon. “Fine, just use Rock Smash.”


Finally given a command, the crab rushed over towards her target. Once close enough, she pulled back her right pincer, readying a powerful punch boosted by Kai’s encouraging words. She let loose a single jab aimed towards her enemy’s torso.


Broughton Action: ([Attacker Lv1] Special Skill is active); Broughton’s ATK and Sp.ATK increased to +1! Rock  Smash on Crabrawler 1 (130 Physical Power, possibly 156 if boosted by Iron Fist)

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"Alright then, let's go Axew!." Shelly hadn't bothered to return the pokemon to its pokeball, so it was quite quick to waddle forward to battle. Shelly smirked a little watching the creature. Hopefully some of that would go away when she evolved; it just didn't seem very dignified. But for now. . . "Take out the weakened crabrawler, Axew! Hit it with anything, and it's gonna fall like wet tissue paper." At her exclamation, Axew let out a cry, jumping forwards, mouth open wide. Inside, a small blue pulsing glow began to take shape, growing as the small monster ran forward, until it blasted forth to strike the crabrawler. In the meantime, Sheely had noticed Uno's fall, and attempted to catch her gently. As the light of Axews attack died down, something was quite obvious. "That. . . might have been a bit of overkill, Axew?"


Axew Action: Use Dragon Rage on the low HP Crabrawler. Does 40 Damage always.

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Emmanuel suppressed Solosis' offensive a bit more by having her pull more punches. It seemed like Radovan's attempt at capturing the Woobat would have a decent chance to succeed, so he wasn't really worried.

Action: Solosis uses Psywave (Guaranteed 5~15 damage) on Woobat 2.

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