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The man simply examines the whip, before laughing and saying "Heh, you know they said a wanted criminal posing as a member of Lone Star was using one of these to commit some rather grisly murders, you wouldn't know anything about that now would you?" A wink accompanied the start of him continuing "This is worth 800 nuyen to me, one because it isn't exactly in high demand, and two because this is most likely evidence in an ongoing criminal case, but yeah please hold on a moment" the man steps into the store's back room for a moment, leaving Lexiel by herself.


The Bullet would find a particularly helpful man with an evil grin, a pair of now rose colored sunglasses, and a generally Austrian appearance, he greets The Bullet with a simple "I find it funny that this place would have a living bullet walking around it".


Sister Maria simply states "There are four reasons why you shouldn't have come here, 1. We stopped selling weed ever since it became legal, 2. Such a thing does not in fact exist. 3. There is a very real chance that you will die, and 4. We only have one enchanted weapon in stock, but you do not want it.".

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Oh, how wonderful. More people like this.


"I'd rather not be here myself, in all truth. But that is besides the point. Would you happen to know anything about the nature of this world, and how I suddenly arrived here? I'm quite lost." The Bullet speaks loud enough to be heard in a wide radius around him, probably unwisely.


At this rate, the Bullet may just have to roll with things and start attacking, but he hoped very dearly that it did not come to that. These people were simply quite irritating. But he would maintain his honor and dignity, and put up with them until he found an answer.



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The man simply stares directly at The Bullet, before finally saying "You are currently in the Ares subsidiary Weapon's store known as Weapon's world located inside of heh scenic Seattle now I do not know how you got here myself but are you sure that you hadn't simply walked this far? Or maybe it was magic related you are positively radiating the stuff although I have yet to see a mage who could summon such an interesting entity".


The shopkeepeer returns with a single dark grey plastic briefcase, before popping it open to reveal a rather blocky looking rifle with a stereotypical scope, he then says "No points for style, but with 12 cartridges of ammo this will set you back by 1,500 nuyen, while a bayonet can be affixed to the bottom of the barrel, I do not recommend doing so.".

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Bah. Of course he knew not of how he was summoned. The Gungeon's tale rarely ever reaches into that much depth, if he had ever even heard it. For now, this man was quite useless, and surely the Bullet could find something better.


Looking around, he notices the woman waiting at the register. Maybe she would be more helpful.


He boldly approaches her, and salutes on his approach. "Hello there, m'lady! I apologize for the lack of niceties, but I am quite lost here and would like to find a way back to my world. You see, I recently arrived here through unknown means, and seem to be in one of the many other worlds outside of the Gungeon's magic. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Edited by spümpkin
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"Hello.  I'm Lexiel.  Pleasure to meet you.  It seems there's been a lot of interplanar teleportation recently; the boundaries between the worlds are getting thin," Lexiel shares, smiling warmly, "Unfortunately, I couldn't say how to get you back to your world.  I could go there myself, and bring a message, but Planeswalking doesn't allow for passengers.  A lot of my associates are in the same situation.  Somebody's been calling people from all over the multiverse to fight against the Eldrazi, world-eating creatures from the space between universes, and they are among that number.  We do have a vehicle that can travel between worlds, though.  Once we complete our business here we could help you get back to your native plane, assuming you don't wish to join our little crusade.  Unfortunately, I have never been to this plane before.  I don't know what it is called.  I believe we are in the city of Seattle, though.  Uh, you wouldn't happen to have a name, sir?"

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Finally, someone who treated him as though he were a sentient being, and not some other's slave.


Extending a hand, The Bullet smiles. "You may call me The Bullet. I don't usually go by any other name. But, hmm.... Seattle, you say? I have met some who have spoken of such a place before, although it was probably from a different world..."


World-eating creatures, huh? If that were the case, then the Gungeon might not be far behind. Knowing in his cold, lead heart what he must do, he kneels to Lexiel whilst holding his sword in front of him against the ground in a display of respect.


"I will join your honorable quest. I must do what is right for my kin. What exactly is your business in this... Seattle? I will attempt to help as much as possible."



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The blonde man puts the camera down, leans back into his seat, and finally says "We finished recording data the moment you gave me a DNA sample, now we just have to wait for the data to be processed, if all goes well you won't even know that you had it, up until the point where a guard calls you Ben Dover and everything goes to shit when you fail to respond to the name. That will be 15,000 nuyen".

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"Are you quite certain that there is nothing of interest to us? There is a very real chance that we will die on our current task, and anything that might lessen that would be appreciated." Edmond watched, concern apparent on his face. This was the location that was in the leads...right?

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"We are investigating some sort of neo-Aztech cult that we believe to be engaging in human sacrifice.  They wish to summon an Eldrazi or some other destructive entity with dark rituals," Lexiel shares quietly, "We're purchasing equipment, mostly for our designated scout, but also for the rest of us.  Unfortunately, our most skilled infiltrators have... medical conditions that keep them from passing through the cultists security measures, which will make things challenging."  By most skilled, she means everybody but Visrii, naturally.


She then turns to the shopkeeper.  "Looks good, but I do believe I want a bayonet for this.  What are my options?"

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"Hey, the market price for a SIN is ten thousand nuyen. There better be a reason why you're charging us 50% more." Halley argued, feeling like the blondie was trying to rip them off.

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The woman sighs before saying "Well if you insist..." The woman calls one of the robed....people over, before whispering something into their...ears, a couple of moments later the man brings an unassuming looking shotgun with a pistol grip and a muzzle, she then clears her throat before saying "This is an enchanted Mossberg CDMT combat shotgun, it was enchanted as part of a bet, to see if it was possible to affect spirits negatively with a gun, or to put it more bluntly" the woman takes the shotgun in her hand and fires it directly at a nearby watcher spirit, causing it to yelp out in pain before disappearing completely, she then cocks the shotgun once before continuing with "This shotgun contains a rather angry spirit inside of it, which lashes out against anything the wielder allows it to, it is worth 800 nuyen due to reasons that definitely aren't suspicious or noteworthy at all.".


The blonde man does not chuckle as he says "Because in the span of a few minutes this man has done nothing but show case how little he knows of social situations, while also personally insulting my intelligence, that and it's pretty obvious what the three of you are planning to do with it, and I am quite sure of my status of being the only man in town daft enough to deal with a bunch of greenhorns.".


The shopkeeper sighs before saying "For an additional 150 nuyen I can give you a ceramic bayonet, or if you really don't care about weight on the end of the barrel I can just affix a chain knife on the end for 200 nuyen and call it a day".

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"How dangerous would it be to handle without using it? I'm thinking in terms of storage. Additionally, is there anything else that one should be aware of when using it?" An angry spirit...interesting, to say the least. Might be too dangerous, I suppose...

"Does it still retain the components of a regular shotgun? Would it work with shells? Actually, do you have any other artifacts that would require a practitioner of magic to be able to be used?"

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"Oh, yes, yes... I see. I should be fine with my current equipment, and I am quite unsure of the currency used in this place.  But you are without any skilled infiltrators? What exactly are these security measures, and what is preventing passage past them? And if not infiltrating, what else can we do?"


The Bullet ponders, scratching his lack of a chin. How would a human cultist summon an entity that could destroy worlds? He had never heard of such a thing before, but he had little other choices.

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Halley glared at Visrii for a second, then turned back to the man. "At first glance, you recognized us as greenhorns. You could've turned us down right away, but I know what you're going for. You know we're desperate, and we wouldn't have a single clue on where else to buy another SIN. So, you decided to take the opportunity and rip us off. You're not daft; you're nasty." She said, putting the credstick on the table.


"Take it. Such is the law of this world, huh?"

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Maria responds with "It is a shotgun with an angry spirit inside of it, but other than that it is a regular shotgun, that accepts shells, as for the question of how dangerous it is...It depends entirely on the answer of the following question, how many mad magicians who do things For Science! Do you have?".


The man laughs as he transfers the funds from the credstick "You got you wanted, but you lost what you had".

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"One. However, I think I'll make a point of keeping it far away from him. One more quick question before I make a purchase: Are there any other artifacts for sale or trade that would not be of use to a normal person, but might still be of interest to someone well versed in the arts of magic?"

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Lexiel checks her funds after trading the weeblord whip in, and hands over the necessary currency.  "Weight isn't much of a concern for me.  I'll take the chain knife," One of the few genuine benefits of being an Archangel is that weapons and armor have a way of making themselves easier to use in her hands.  "Thank you for sharing your expertise, good sir.


"Well, Bullet, the big obstacle is that he's the only one of us, here you included, with DNA for the security system to recognize.  Thus, he's the only one who can be given a valid ID to pass through it."

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Maria shakes her head slightly before saying "Nope, that was it for now, unless you know a mage who is interested in magic items revolving around the concept of randomness and professionalism, or at least I would say that if some douche hadn't already bought both of those items.".


The shopkeeper simply walks to the back of the store and picks up an extremely small chainsaw, before walking back to the front of the store and slotting it in the front of the weapon (Weapon can now deal 2d3+STR damage instead of 2d3+DEX), he then takes Lexiel's credstick and transfers 1,700 nuyen into the store's account, he then smiles and says "It was a pleasure doing business with you.".

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"Alright. I'll buy it. Do you have a credstick scanner or something for the transaction?" Edmond had seen nothing resembling one on his way in, but he had to assume that they kept on somewhere if they were to make sales like this...

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Maria proceeded to take out a small blocky looking device from inside of her coat, it had a quite noticeable number pad and what looked like a slot for a credstick "What? I carry this around everywhere".

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Visrii yawns and stretches from the 'DNA' processing. To be honest, he didn't care that this 'councillor' called high stakes. The money wasn't his, so the repercussions weren't his. Besides, he dealt enough to be used to rip-offs. Ideally, he would neutralise the man and relieve him of his possessions, and find another dealer. But there being only one dealer, well, there wasn't much choice in the matter. And dealers knew it.

Visrii turns around and addresses 'Lexiel'. "We got what we wanted, so let's leave. 'fore you decide to 'fix' this place." He adds bitterly.

He looks at the new recruit. Hell, he couldn't get in two steps without meeting a new recruit. Whoever was sending them in, they must be quite desperate.

He then goes straight to the arms dealer and taking out his credstick, asks the dealer, "Tell me what you've in stock for magic users."

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Maria swiftly takes the credstick from Edmund's hand, and slots it inside of the device, before typing in something into the device, and handing him back his credstick "I'm uh, not going to plastic wrap that for you".


The shopkeeper simply stares at Visrii before saying "Not unless you're a physical adept, in which case the Centurion Laser Axe would be quite useful if you ever need to cut a tank into pieces, granted you'll still get killed long before you get to the tank....".

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"Thank you. I'll be taking the shotgun now then?" Edmond patiently waited for the woman to fulfill her side of the agreement. I doubt that she'd try to rip me off, seeing that it's simply a shotgun with a spirit in it, and if they wanted to rob me, they could have gone without this whole charade...so, I suppose I don't really have to worry...about them at least.

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