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Lexiel wasn't exactly thrilled with her choices.  Being on the ground against a flying enemy was bad.  And he was tough enough that she'd need high cost spells to stand much of a chance.  But, he'd also managed to react faster than she could, and was somehow able to engage the entire group at once.  Her only option seemed to be to buy time, set up, and hope to bury him in summons.  Lexiel uses Lightning Helix on him again, healing herself.

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With a skin that tough... must be dragonhide or something. Fuck, this will go for a little while.

Visrii follows through with his sweep by turning and breaking the man's guard through a sharp jab with his blunt side, then kicking the man's leg in an attempt to down him.

Death Mark (Increases damage taken by target by DEX% for 3 turns, 3*DEX for Visrii's attack.)


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Round Three

Visrii successfully yet ineffectually kicks the man and hits him with the blunt end of the spear, which in a Metagame and 4th wall breaking sense succeeds in applying the debuff but fails to actually trip the man who is still flying.

The Austrian man's shin hurts Visrii's leg, while the Austrian man punches Visrii in the face dealing 15 damage and 9 damage.

Lexiel fires lightning at the monster of a man, dealing 1 point of damage and healing herself by 6 points of damage.

The Bullet manages to cover the man in gunpowder, which neatly ties into...

Halley's prophecied attack finally arrives, dealing 12 points of damage and blinding the man for a round.

Halley is still too hot to handle -8 health, effect ends next round.


Visrii: 28

Oh Crap!: 25

Lexiel: 15

The Bullet: 12

Halley: 6


Visrii: 1/35

Halley: 14/32

Lexiel: 22/40

The Bullet: 38/38


Oh Crap: Lightly wounded

It was at this point that the Austrian man received a rather loud call as he was getting ready to Punch Visrii in the face once more, he received the call in a rather casual manner, and proceeded to fly away while saying "SATELLITES ARE HERE, I'LL KILL YOU NEXT TIME BEN DOVER THE INCOMPETENT HALBEDIER AND LESS IMPORTANT OTHERS".

The pipping bomb was still on the rooftop....


The shotgun replied with "You don't seem as overly dickish or militaristic as the soldier from earlier, so I'll make it short, if you can find a way to release me I'll promise that you won't die from something like getting stabbed to death or something equally lame".

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Lexiel sets up a standard Izzet explosion containment ward, aimed at the Austrian guy as he flees into the distance.  She then attempts to set the bomb off by dropping a meteorite on it with her Comet Storm spell.

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"Satellites? Why would that make you-" Halley cut herself off, as she looked into the streets below. Specifically, the storefront shelves of a TV store. She was on the news already.


"Guys, whatever you do... don't look up." She alerted the group. It was impossible to escape, with the eyes from above watching them. "Surveillance satellites. They'll track us down to hell and beyond." She cautiously observed Lexiel quarantining the bomb.

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The bomb explodes in the direction of the retreating Austrian man, charring part of his back and ruining his black leather jacket, he does not seem bothered by this, although the shockwave does cause him to plummet downwards for a few minutes.


It was at this point that the group were assaulted by a short black man in a black suit and black suit pants with black afro styled hair and a rather large machinegun, the taller man in  an equally black outfit says "Oh for fucks sake you do realize that we actually need to kill you for trying to kill our boss right?". The shorter man continued with "I mean really? I would put a bullet in you for betraying our trust in the first place, but now? I owe you a thousand" the man proceeds to cock the machinegun dramatically "And I'm paying that back with interest.".

The sound of the explosion presumably masked their approach, they are on the other side of the rooftop, there appears to be another fire escape past the final resting place of the Pipping Bomb 2052-2053.



Smell of the day: Red tape

Interests: Not dying under a hail of machinegun fire

Disinterests: The exact opposite of that first thing happening



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"Your boss wasn't a good guy to begin with, anyways. Not sure how many grands he paid to get men with loyalty of such degrees, but people like you- " Halley quickly shot the machinegun mid-sentence, causing an explosion that obscured the vision between the two sides. "could be so much more than underlings for guys like him, ya know?" She immediately hopped down the fire escape.

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"Urza's bones, are you serious?  Did you not see the explosion from that bomb?  The one your boss planted on the building you were in?" Lexiel asks reasonably, "You should probably go home and rethink how you perform background checks on your future employers.  That guy didn't deserve your loyalty.  He tried to kill you for no reason at all!"

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Halley succeeded in firing a blast at the oddly durable machinegun, although the man quickly responded with "Yes, how convenient that the both of you 'find' a bomb directly over the office where our employer was, after shooting the man and blowing up the elevator, do you know how expensive those are? The both of us will be paying that for days! DAYS!" he then randomly fired his machinegun at Halley and Lexiel's direction, the taller of the pair simply runs towards the Bullet.

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Lexiel sighs heavily.  "And straight to the lethal force they go.  Is nobody around here civilized?"  She pulls two goblins out of the aether and chucks one at each goon.  Assuming they aren't somehow intercepted, each goblin latches onto a goon's head and starts biting and scratching at them.  "You two, get those guys.  Halley, Bullet, Visrii, we're leaving before someone else dangerous shows up."

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"Down here, everyone! We can leave through the alleyways!" Halley shouted, before sliding down the fire escape. She charged up her blaster again as she waited for the rest of the group to catch up.

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"This isn't good." What an understatement. With a growing sense of unease, Edmond surveyed the flames. If they hadn't spread too far, he might be able to get some people out. I can't just run in, since there might not be anyone in there... A second matter, though of much less importance, was the increasing likelihood that he would be unable to purchase anything.


Check how far the flames have spread, and whether there seems to be anyone in imminent danger. Also check whether some sort of fire department vehicles are visible in the street.

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The flames appear to be mostly contained inside of the relatively isolated store, and there appears to be a woman banging at the sealed glass doors, and while sirens are audible they may or may not be heading this way...


The goblins succeed in annoying the short man with the machinegun, although the man running towards the group simply kicks the goblin in what it presumes to be it's privates once before saying "Smaller than I am used to, but what the fuck is up with the barbecue sauce?" he then continues charging towards the group.

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Blood and adrenaline flowing freely from his wounds, he fought the urge to fight on and, producing a trap crystal, chucks it on the ground as he runs toward the edge of the building. Completely ignoring the fire exit, he produces a silver string and clears the railings in a leap, soaring through the stench filled air. As he descends freefall, the string snatches the railing and slows Visrii's descent. With a twist, Visrii wedges the blade end of Climax on the side of the building to further reduce his speed, sparks flying off as metal meets metal. He lands with a thud - though he's not harmed, it's a tough landing. To top his escape off, Visrii takes out the detonation crystal and crushes it, filling the rooftop with temporary blinding light. 

Hah... hah... the alleyways, was it?

Visrii groans a little, and jogs toward the alleyways closest to the fire escape. 

The old float string dupe party trick. Many had tried to catch him, many times he had used this method as an emergency escape. And it had never failed to work. He leans against an alleyway wall, waiting for the others to arrive as he recovers from the battle. 

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The shotgun seems unamused by this statement, and responds with "Let me put it this way, you started dealing with out and open devil worshippers a moment ago, and by this point I just want to hop back to my good old shadowy home and torture some damned souls for another 500 years, and then watch the world end again, it's a very rare event, and I don't want to miss it for something as lame as being stuck in some shotgun carried by a dimension hopping DJ".


Visrii successfully survives his clearly suicidal stunt, although it only seems to stop the charging man, the man with the machinegun and his fancy shaded cybereyes has by this point successfully stabbed a goblin to death, and is now aiming his machinegun at Halley, with a defiant yell of "FUCK YOU ASSASSIN!" before firing once more.

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"Sorry, but I need that!" Edmond snatched the shotgun from Theo without waiting for any sort of affirmation. Covering his mouth with his shirt, he dashed over to the door of the Stuffer Shack, and smashed the butt of the shotgun against the glass a few times.


Edmond tries to break open the doors of the burning building.

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Oh good gun. How in the world had it come to this? Not only had they failed to defeat the man from earlier, now there were two others? And one of them was a heretic?!

The Bullet couldn't believe his luck. Or the absence of such.

"We must escape! Now!" 

And with that, The Bullet fired himself in the direction of the fire escape, rolling to land safely. 

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"Sorry, gotta bounce!" Halley unwrapped the ribbons around her waist and whirled them rapidly, parrying the dispersed bullets as she ran deeper into the alleyways, away from the machinegun's line of fire. She scrambled through the alleyways, toward the direction of the Psychedelic Pirates.

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Edmond would be greeted by an angry "Hey Genius, I'm a fucking shotgun, not a battery ram" after attempting to beat down the glass doors, rather surprisingly both the glass doors and the butt of the shotgun looks completely unharmed.


Halley's escape was rather uneventful, other than a distinct feeling that she was being watched, although no matter where she looked she couldn't find anyone looking at her, or in fact anyone at all! Not even The Bullet or Visrii was in sight as she ran vaguely towards the direction of the Nightclub.


The Bullet lands on the ground rather roughly, but is otherwise unscathed, it seemed that this heretic filled land was rather hostile.

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"It was worth a shot." Now is this thing loaded? Edmond gestured for the frantic woman behind the glass to move away. Once she had done so, he pulled the trigger of the gun, intending to shatter the door.


Try to shoot the door, and if that doesn't work, try to pry it open.

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Halley slowed down her steps. "They haven't caught up... Do they want to run or not?" She looked around, but there wasn't a soul to be seen. "Well then..." She aimed her Comet Blaster upwards, and fired a storm of small flares. "I just have to do this a few times and the others will eventually catch up with me." She charged again as she kept on running.

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