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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Visrii was quite annoyed at this rude awakening. There had been something in his dream, but the shock had sizzled it away.

"Right..." Visrii jumped off the book-flinger's platform and glanced down the dark stone hallway. He was tempted to scowl at the bookflinger, but since Alexandria was looming over him, he decided against it.

"So, where are we?"

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"We are in an underground location of indeterminate origin.  However, it is likely magically reinforced, was concealed behind a pile of boulders, and is the most logical source of the shadow creatures we battled earlier.  I believe the owner may have triggered a deadfall when he realized his minions would not halt us.  The rocks did not halt us either.  The enemy population of this location is unknown.  Becoming insensate again is not recommended."

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Visrii looked back at the remains of the rock. "Noted." The rock smashing was most likely Alexandria's doing.

Visrii walked slowly forward, cautiously taking note of everything.
Until he heard something.

He nearly jumped at the voice, but he stayed calm.

It was strange, like a person shouting at him inside his mind, though it sounded faint and far-off.
Normal people would have been petrified at this, but Visrii knew what it meant. The voice was familiar too. A deep, rough voice.
It was someone calling them from the Beyond, a kind of dreamy veil that spanned over realms.
He deadpanned outside, but inside he responded loudly.
"Fu- Wyvis! What are you doing here!?"
Wyvis was a Reaver guard from his own realm, having the ability to speak through the Beyond. Wyvis was perhaps the only person Visrii could trust, despite Visrii hating himself for doing so.
He heard the voice coming louder and louder.
"What the hell are YOU doing? Where the hell are you? I've been searching for you everywhere!"
Visrii grit his teeth. Damn. That was hard to tell.

"Look, I've got this mission, and it's in another realm. It's complicated."
"I've got time."
Visrii sighed. The tenacity of Wyvis was often frustrating.
"Right, some asshole -"
"Some prick-"
"Fine. SOMEONE needed help. So I was sucked into this realm, and the Sun knows where I am. Now I'm stuck with a bunch of strangers and now have to fight these 'Heartless' creatures."
"...bunch of strangers? You, collaborating with other people? That's a first." Wyvis' voice sounded amused.
"Shut up! I'm just travelling with them. I can't do much on my own, because I'm weaker here somehow."


Visrii didn't hear anything, but he could tell the next question was quite tense. "How many times did you faint?"
Visrii looked morosely down at his sickly looking arms. "Thrice."
The voice was alarmed. "Thrice?!"
He grimly nodded. "Thrice. In a day. It's getting worse."
"And without medicine too! Shit, I need to find you."
Visrii said, "NO! You stay right where you are! Don't you dare try coming over here!"
"You can't survive on your own, Visrii! Tell me where you last came over, and keep me informed."
Visrii gave up trying to dissuade Wyvis. If he said he'd find Visrii, he had his head stuck in the clouds for a fair while.


"Cainwood. But don't try to come over, you've got that?"
"Okay, fine. But try to collaborate with those folk, won't you?" 
"One's knocked me out."
"Well, I don't know the situation, but right now, they're the best chance you've got at surviving. Stick with them, and try to make some friends for once, will you?"
Visrii thought about telling Wyvis his recent troubles, but decided against it. Wyvis'll probably lecture him for an hour if he did. And Wyvis wasn't even older, too!
"Noted." Visrii growled.


And with that, Visrii felt the presence leaving. Swept away again, that Wyvis kid. He was quite strong headed when anyone was in danger, and trusted Visrii to ends of the earth. Both an admirable trait and a possibly fatal flaw. 
Trust, has Visrii knew so well, was a double edged sword. And Visrii had stamped it out of his sight - Wyvis, in polar opposite, had wielded it like a sword of justice.
Visrii looked down again at his arms. He, realistically, was not going to live for a few more years. Perhaps 3 at best. But he'd have to live, at least for Wyvis. The contact with Wyvis didn't achieve much, but it gave him a brewing sense of determination, something he hadn't felt in years.
Perhaps he wasn't a hero for everyone. Perhaps he wasn't a hero at all. But if he was a hero for at least the one person who cared about him in the world, then good for him.
He'll live, keep his head high, and though he had rejected it long ago, he'll have to unsheath that cursed sword of Trust, if it meant that much for Wyvis.
He'll win.


...and underneath his cloak, as faint as it is, the Visrii's necklace started to dimly glow. 

Edited by AGuyPassingThrough
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Solomon wasn't surprised that Visrii had woken up, at this point the young man had passed out and been revived so many times that it feels like a running gag, nor was he surprised about the faint murmurings coming out of the young man, magical communication is very cheap and reliable after all, but still, it's sort of annoying to have someone walk into your head isn't it? He decided not to bother Alexandria anymore, lest he accidentally insinuate that she was.... Old, but her story about possibly being a human mind transferred to a machine was vaguely familiar, although Solomon felt that she has never been inside the matrix.


And so he turned to face a less dangerous character, the young engineer that had surprisingly been able to understand latin, his plasma weapon was very interesting, but he didn't seem to be the violent type, the grey cloaked man smiled as he said "Hey... Edmond, you are an engineer right? One of those industrious fellows with a welder?".

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"Well, I am an engineer, I do have a welder as you can see, and I like to think of myself as industrious. However, I'll leave the last part up to others to judge. What would you consider your occupation to be?"

Edmond was not yet comfortable with directly asking about the place from whence Solomon had come. It was also likely that any conversation started now would be cut short by combat if it meandered for too long.

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Most of the time the others had spent between bashing and examining the door and surrounding cliff after the shadows had disappeared, Aurora spent simply looking on in disinterest. It still bothered her, how despite being significantly weaker on an individual level, those crawlers had all been far more gone than the masked beasts, like they'd been made of the abyss itself. But despite the growing unease in her gut, it had been quite amusing to watch them try to fight back, only for all their claws to simply glance off the chitin and leave them wide open for a sudden counter; even for those who had somehow managed to strike actual flesh instead of natural armor, the light injuries they'd left had already long since regenerated. Except for the burns on her palms.

        Yes, but those were of her doing, vexing as she found it. She'd never once had any issue handling the power of the shard, before she'd woken up in this realm, and even worse, it'd had been capable of far grander devastation back then- the light and heat it emitted now was like a dim candle when before, it had been a roaring wildfire... though, perhaps that spoke more about her than the implement herself. It's light was merely an extension of her, a manifestation of her raw power.... and for a while now, she'd definitely had been lacking the usual sensation of that force. Just like with the burning light, it was still there, still present, but dimmed, dampened... whatever could've happened to make it so, she pondered...


Finally though, the buffoons managed to open the door. She was surprised it was still intact, from how hard the metal woman had been assaulting it, but whatever reinforcement the barrier might've had did not matter now. Only what lay beyond it... perhaps something actually edible, unlike the tar-bathed runts they'd just fought. Without a word, she followed a few of the more braver lot into the hall, noticing the dim torchlit but making a point to stay out of it as she scanned the large chamber. Darkness was always the best cover for her kind, it was what they knew, what they were raised in, a part of them, even. And from shadows, she ventured ahead and began to investigate the rest of the entrance hall, as the flesh bags seemed to be more occupied with chatting idly, their pace far too leisurely for her liking.

         And Oddly enough, as she took the surroundings all in, she could not help but be reminded of the old castle- that massive, sprawling place of stone and mortar and magic and primordial darkness from the realm she once knew -the very place she'd first woken up, before any and all of this mess, Disoriented, unable to recall even her own name or the significance of the two beings who'd been watching over her. It was a feeling of the unknown, or something having been lost, something dear that may well stay lost, the feeling that despite them calling her Aurora so many times, like she owned that calling, the name was the property of someone else, someone more deserving of whatever significance it had held, once upon a time.


And it was a feeling she did not relish. She hastened her scanning of the walls and floors as she searched, eyes unhindered by the dimness- even in total blackness, she would've seen as fine as day in here. The sooner the way through was found, the better.

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"Oh my job? Well I specialize in creating...Ha, replicas of certain formerly lost works, essentially I provide home decor for bored rich people, among many things, now why don't we move forward for now, we wouldn't want the AI to be alone with the headcase now wouldn't we?". 

Solomon said as he walked after the rest of the group.

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Visrii glanced back at the young man wearing a strange object over his head. He was the one who was pumping strange music in the air. 

He was also injured - cut in the shoulder, most likely by an encounter with the Heartless.

Visrii tossed the man his restorative bandages he had gotten earlier in the town, and continued walking.

Helping people without reward didn't sit right with him - but he promised to himself he'd try; so he would.

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Visrii simply nodded. 

That is, IF we make it back in town.

Visrii fell to walking slowly beside Alexandria. If there was anything that would jump out to eat them, he figured he'd be safer with a metal giant next to him.

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Solomon walks in between Alexandria and Visrii, not in order to protect the heav- the well armed and armored woman from Visrii, but to prevent him from making any stupid little mistakes that he will regret for about... one to twelve seconds maybe? he had never figured out how long it would take for someone to die from having their brain stem severed; maybe he will have to find out....later, there is still that bit about getting home to deal with isn't there.


The grey cloaked man tried to break the ice between the headcase and the Metal Lady by saying "So, how are the two of you getting along?'.

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Visrii looked nonchalantly at the bookflinger (Solomon, he vaguely recalled the name). Huh, so what was with the sudden light tone?

Last time Visrii extended a hand to this guy, Solomon had rejected it spectacularly. But as this time, Solomon approached him first, perhaps second tries were to be.

"With mild success. Neither of us have attacked each other yet, so I'll count it as a success."

Visrii nodded towards the lighted hallway. "So we're gonna shuffle forward till we reach a trap or something?"

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"The lady you are currently talking to is doing that right now, I guess you can think of her as a... Golem if we want to overly simplify things, her name is Alexandria if she hadn't told you that already."

Solomon smiled as he clambered onto yet another construct made out of books.

"You know seeing this group fighting together, it almost made me miss my old group", Solomon sighed in contentment "May they rest in pieces."

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Visrii looked over to Solomon. Well, this new, more friendly version of Solomon was quite strange to him.

But he suppressed suspicions; if he was going to trust someone, he'll have to commit to it, instead of thinking about their possible assassination attempts every 5 seconds.

"Right, you had an old company with you?" He asked. "Were they as diverse as this one, or simply restricted on your own realm?"

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"Heh, company; like any of them would hire us on a permanent basis, we were more like mercenaries, the kind that somebody would ask to do something potentially...morally questionable, it was a very profitable business while it lasted"

Solomon floated around for a bit before he said

"What about you? You seem like the kind of guy who wouldn't say no if I had a problem I wanted you to shoot in exchange for a stack of money."

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As the whole party proceeded forward into the larger hall (presumably even the ones staying in absolute silence, for whatever reason), it painted a slightly clearer picture of what this place might be. The lighting was still a little dull, but managed to adequately fill the space; it looked like a fairly large entrance hall, complete with a large drawbridge (raised at the moment, of course) at one end. A few suits of armor - a sharp eye could tell they were of the decorative, rather than practical variety - stood guard along the walls, marking off the space at regular intervals, with the occasional aged tapestry replacing one. A few hallways split off from this one, but of more interest was the set of doors at the end of the hall; they looked rather grandiose compared to the plain ones they'd passed so far, and a significant amount of light passed through the cracks between the doors and the floor.

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