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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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"No, they aren't anymore Cadence." Rayne said probably barely audible, though she was rather close by to Cade so... she probably heard it. "They could've ruined my hard work, and your friend's work as well. That's not allowed." she didn't really linger there long after saying that... but it'd be a bit unnerving. Rayne was certainly not herself at the moment. Perhaps, this situation was just too much of a heavy does of reality for her to be her typical happy go lucky self.

She flew next to Darius a strange sorta smile on her face. "
Let's break through here, that way we can get out of here quickly... okay?" she said to the Dark Mage next to her. She took out the short spear that she'd yet to use. lt should do a bit more of a number on this armour than her more regular tools.

Move to D1, Attack Null Knight 1 with Short Spear.

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"..." There was a long, drawn out pause that dominated the air. The hand wrapped around her hilt seemed to grip it only tighter, tighter, and tighter still, as the inscriptions lining the blade gradually became alive with a sickly, almost otherwordly green light, as the veins in her hand throbbed. Finally however, the reign of silence was at an end, as she drew the enchanted weapon, the radiant aura surrounding it nigh blinding by that point. 


"I see..." 


"How very unfortunate for this knight then."


Without even turning to look at the man she was firing upon, she lifted the blade, let the winds wrap around it's length for a moment, before a hurricane gale filled the space in between them, the torrents of razor-like air screeching like the countless victims of some ancient massacre.


D3, Make an example out of Null Knight 3 with Gale Sword


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(Darius is supporting Rayne)
(Rayne will attack twice)
(Rayne is going into overdrive)


Attack: 8
Hit: 97%
Crit: 9%

Null Knight 1:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Rayne's Attack 1: 37, hit!
Null Knight 1 takes 8 damage!
Rayne's eyes glimmer (92)


Rayne's Attack 2: 65, hit!
Null Knight 1 takes 8 damage!
Rayne's eyes glimmer (8)


Adept Attack: 60, hit!
Null Knight 1 takes 8 damage!


Moving forward with her spear in hand, she strikes the null knight in quick succession, landing an extra hit onto the knight. Though he has not fallen, the knight is noticeably injured.



(Rayne is supporting Cadence)
(Cadence will attack twice)
(Null Knight 3 has the advantage)

Attack: 15
Hit: 69%
Crit: 24%

Null Knight 3:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Cadence's Attack 1: 32, hit!
Null Knight 3 takes 15 damage!


Cadence's Attack 2: 34, hit!
Null Knight 3 takes 15 damage!




Cadence's new sword blows through much of the null knight's armor, gravely wounding him and causing him to fall on his knees.




(Clarisse is feeling natural)
(Clarisse is with her army)
(Clarisse will attack twice)
(Rayne is supporting Clarisse)


Attack: 17
Hit: 93%
Crit: 7%

Null Knight 3:
Attack: 8
Hit: 53%
Crit: 0%


Clarisse's Attack 1: 98, miss.


Null Knight 3's Attack: 64, miss.


Clarisse's Attack 2: 53, hit!
Clarisse defeats Null Knight 3 with 17 damage!


Though Clarisse tries to finish off the easy target, the knight manages to retaliate once, blocking her hammer strike. Unfortunately, he was unable to guard twice, and Clarisse's second strike finished off the knight.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (J1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (J2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (J3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (E23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (29/29) (F22) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D24) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (I3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)
Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)

Mage 5: (26/26) (J24) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (8/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (L2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (M22) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U1) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (S20) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I7) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (I18) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (U11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (29/29) (H15) Steel Lance (30/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D1) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (23/25)E 
Belros: (15/22) (E21) Cutlass (23/25)E, Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Barrier 1/5 Beffuddled 2/3 Grace 2/3
Cadence: (19/22) (D3) Parrying Knife (29/30)E, Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (22/25), Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (23/23) (D9) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (D2) Flux (40/40), Carrion (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/24) (D16) Iron Bow (24/45)E, Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (27/30), Steel Yari (25/25)
Cass: (29/29) (D14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (29/29) (C5) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (26/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D4) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (15/28) (E3) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20) Grace 2/3
Helena: (28/29) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (3/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 48/100



Edited by Zetaark
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Seeing the staggered knights close to rounding the bend, Idei tightens his grip on the leather reins, frowning when Belros rushes off in front. Cutting a path through? His gaze lifts to their foes again, heart in his throat as he watches Belros confront the first of the line, taking a blow — but he manages to retaliate, and the thickly armored man topples easily to the cutlass' force.


Something in his gut tells him that separating themselves further from their other comrades behind them is not going to be a wise idea, but if Belros is set on this course of action, he cannot just leave him to die.



"Don't get ahead of yourself," he warns softly to the spy as he draws Kite up behind him, bowstring drawn back to his cheek before he lets the arrow fly.


Move to D22 and Attack Armor6 with Steel Bow.

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(Idei will attack twice)


Attack: 6
Hit: 81%
Crit: 3%

Knight 6:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Idei's Attack 1: 80, hit!

Knight 6 takes 6 damage!


Idei's Attack 2: 13, hit!

Knight 6 takes 6 damage!


Idei's shots managed to strike the knight, getting through the gaps of his armor and wounding him slightly.



(Cadence is supporting Karik)
(Karik will attack twice)
(Null Knight 1 has the advantage)


Attack: 7
Hit: 77%
Crit: 17%

Null Knight 1:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Karik's Attack 1: 91, miss.
(Next time shall be different!)


Karik's Attack 2: 10, hit!
Null Knight 1 takes 7 damage!


Karik's first hatchet toss was deflected by the null knight's weapon, one that was designed for combat against axes. Though it didn't prevent the second blow from connecting, it allowed the knight to barely hold on to his life.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (29/29) (J1) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (J2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (29/29) (J3) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (29/29) (E23) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (F22) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (L8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (L17) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (D24) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (H7) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (G18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (I3) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (P15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)

Mage 4: (26/26) (I20) Storm (30/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (J24) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (1/32) (F1) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (F24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (M12) Physic (15/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (L2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (R20) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (M22) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (U1) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (S20) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (I7) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (I18) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (U11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (29/29) (H15) Steel Lance (30/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (C7) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (23/25)E 
Belros: (15/22) (E21) Cutlass (23/25)E, Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Barrier 1/5 Beffuddled 2/3 Grace 2/3
Cadence: (19/22) (E6) Parrying Knife (29/30)E, Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (22/25), Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (23/23) (D9) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (D2) Flux (40/40), Carrion (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/24) (D22) Iron Bow (24/45), Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (25/30)E, Steel Yari (25/25)
Cass: (29/29) (D14) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (29/29) (E2) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (25/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D4) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (15/28) (E7) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D15) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20) Grace 2/3
Helena: (28/29) (E16) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (3/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (20/20) (J9)
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (20/20) (J16)
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 54/100



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Running after Belros and Idei, Cass felt smirky over his performance. Tya, there'll be nothin' to worry about for the two of them now. Still, they didn't finish the knights off, so there was time for some more assistance.



Move to D21, 'Play' for Idei and Bel

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Though they've cleared out a number of the advancing knights already, with so few of them in this hall, it's probably still best to take caution. A younger Idei, fifteen and eager to prove himself, would have wanted to race in, but now's not the time to be reminiscing. "We should fall back," he says — maybe to Belros, or Cass, or no one in particular. He turns to the guitarist next to him. "Get on."


He trusts that Belros would be wise enough to follow him in retreat — hopefully. "I wouldn't want to leave you to fend against those knights on your own," he remarks to Cass, pivoting Kite on his hooves. "Though I am sure you'd be sturdy enough, right?"


Returning to the area behind the wall from which he'd come, he glances to Madante nearby. "Captain, can you help him off?"


Rescue Cass and Canto to C16.

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"Yeah, I think it'd be safer to pick Belros up. He's been taking a beating this whole time. Guy needs a break, though I doubt he'd take it. He's been actin' all kindsa weird." Cass shrugs as Idei rides him back to safety. Belros should follow them anyways. Looking over at the Captain from up at Kite's back, Cass grins.



"Oi, ya feels like I'm bein' tossed around a bit. Feels kinda funny, aye?" He puts his guitar away and crosses his hands, waiting to get picked up and put back down off the horse or whatever.

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Yea, staying this close to all these enemies is just asking for trouble. A retreat would be good for now.  "Taking on all of these guys? Yea no, that ain't happening." Belros remarks making his way back to the doorway. The stass effects are still present but he's gotten used to it enough to focus a little bit.


Move to D18

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[Enemy Phase]


Knight 1 Moves to F2 and attacks Karik



(Knight 1 has the advantage)
(Karik will attack twice)
(This time will be different for Karik)


Knight 1:
Attack: 12 
Hit: 80%
Crit: 2%


Attack: 3
Hit: 92%
Crit: 17%


Knight 1's Attack: 72, hit!
Karik takes 12 damage!


Karik's Attack 1: 93, miss.
(Next time shall be different)


Karik's Attack 2: 39, hit!
Knight 1 takes 3 damage!


Moving forward, the knight attempts to strike the pirate. The pirate tries to attack with his hatchet, but his first blow is completely deflected, and the knight gets a clean hit in. The second hatchet strike connected, but only barely scratched the knight's armor.

Knight 3 Moves to E1 and attacks Rayne



(Knight 3 has the advantage)
(Cadence is supporting Rayne)
(Rayne is going into overdrive)
(Rayne will attack twice)


Knight 3:
Attack: 17 
Hit: 66%
Crit: 0%


Attack: 7
Hit: 90%
Crit: 24%


Knight 3's Attack: 85, miss.


Rayne's Attack 1: 53, hit!
Knight 3 takes 7 damage!
Rayne's eyes glimmer (43).


Rayne's Attack 2: 98, miss.
Rayne's eyes glimmer (75).


Following the other knight, this one tries to strike the pegasus rider. Unfortunately, he is not agile enough to connect the hit, causing him to get a spear for his trouble. Rayne tries to toss another, but the knight swats it aside with his axe.


Knight 2 Moves to H2


Null Knight 1 Moves to J1


Dancer 5 Moves to L1 and dances for Null Knight 1


Null Knight 1 Moves to M2


Scavenger 3 Moves to M1


Thief 3 Moves to O1


Knight 11 Moves to U4


Knight 7 Moves to J8 and attacks the Wall



Knight 7:
Attack: 15
Hit: 100%
Crit: 3%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Knight 7 Strikes the crack in the wall! 
The crack takes 15 damage and begins to crumble.


Knight 12 Moves to J15 and attacks the Wall



Knight 12:
Attack: 14
Hit: 100%
Crit: 3%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Knight 12 strikes the crack in the wall!
THe crack takes 14 damage and begins to crumble.



Mage 4 Moves to I17 and attacks the Wall



Mage 4:
Attack: 15
Hit: 100%
Crit: 20%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Mage 4 Strikes the crack in the wall! 
The crack takes 15 damage and is destroyed!



Priest 1 Moves to L8


Dancer 3 Moves to J18 and dance Mage 4


Mage 4 Moves to J14


Dancer 4 moves to J16 and dances for Mage 4



Mage 4 Moves to J11 and attacks the Wall



Mage 4:
Attack: 15
Hit: 100%
Crit: 20%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Mage 4 Strikes the crack in the wall! 
The crack takes 15 damage and is destroyed!



Dancer 2 Moves to K8 and dances for Priest 1


Priest 1 Moves to L5 and uses Physic on Null Knight 1


Dancer 6 Moves to L15 and dances for Knight 12


Knight 12 Moves to L13


Knight 8 Moves to J15


Troubadour 1 Moves to J12


Knight 5 Moves to E19 and attacks Belros



(Knight 5 has the advantage)
(Madante is supporting Belros)
(Belros is protected by Ninis' Grace)


Knight 5:
Attack: 7 
Hit: 54%
Crit: 0%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Knight 5's Attack: 69, miss.


Moving forward, the knight tries to strike Belros with his javelin, but his armor makes it hard to aim, causing him to miss his target.

Mage 5 Moves to F23


Dancer 1 Moves to H23 and dances for Mage 5


Mage 5 Moves to D20 and attacks Belros



(Madante is supporting Belros)
(Belros is protected by Ninis' Grace)

(Belros is protected by a barrier)


Mage 5:
Attack: 7 
Hit: 71%
Crit: 0%


Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Mage 5's Attack: 1, hit!
Belros takes 7 damage!


Concentrating, the mage's magic manages to strike Belros, though the enchantments he has lessens the impact a fair bit.


Null Knight 6 Moves to H24


Scavenger 6 Moves to G22


Scavenger 5 Moves to P17 and unlocks the door


Thief 4 Moves to P18

[Ally Phase]


Madante Moves to D16 and takes Cass and place him on D17



"Great, they're coming in to pincer us in. Guys, finish up your business with this area and let's get back with the others," Helena remarks as she notices all the enemies gathering in the bottom room.

Helena Moves to C15 and attacks Knight 5 with Meteor



(Idei is supporting Helena)


Attack: 22
Hit: 85%
Crit: 13%


Knight 5:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Helena's Attack: 11, hit!
Knight 5 takes 22 damage!


The meteor lands true, though not with the devastating force of the previous two. Though the knight survives, he is badly injured.


Turn 6


Cadence Heals for 10 HP

Karik Heals for 2 HP

Belros' Barrier fully fades

Belros continues to compose himself

Belros' protection wanes

Madante's protection wanes


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (26/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (22/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (7/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (F22) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (J8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (J15) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (H23) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (K8) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (J18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (L1) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)

Mage 4: (26/26) (J11) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (D20) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (21/32) (M2) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (H24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (14/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (L2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (G22) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (O1) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (J12) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (I18) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (U4) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (29/29) (L13) Steel Lance (29/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D1) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (8/22) (D18) Cutlass (23/25)E, Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Beffuddled 1/3 Grace 1/3
Cadence: (22/22) (D3) Parrying Knife (29/30)E, Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (22/25), Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (23/23) (E4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (D2) Flux (40/40), Carrion (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/24) (C16) Iron Bow (24/45), Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (25/30)E, Steel Yari (25/25)
Cass: (29/29) (D17) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (19/29) (E2) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (24/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D4) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (28/28) (E3) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D16) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20) Grace 1/3
Helena: (28/29) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (2/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 69/100





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No relent, not even so much as a glance at the battered and broken corpses as the armored thugs fell. Seeing another one come up to try and take a swing at Rayne, immediately the winds at her beck and call began howling all over again. One lightning quick stroke, barely a flash of silver and green, and the air found itself culminating into a blade, so thin, so fine....barely even visible to the naked eye.


The poor sod would never see it coming.


C1, Execute Armor Knight 3 with Galesword

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The forces in front of them fall, one by one, but they seem to keep coming, judging by the second wave approaching not far behind the line they have broken through. For now, though, Darius focused on finishing off the enemies in front of them right now. Whipping out his Flux tome, he prepares to end the poor fool's life.


Equip Flux, eliminate Knight 1.

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(Cadence will attack twice)
(Cadence has the advantage)
(Rayne is supporting Cadence)


Attack: 22
Hit: 100%
Crit: 24%


Knight 3:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -

Cadence's Attack 1: 19, hit! (10: CRIT!)
Cadence defeats Knight 3 with a devastating 66 damage!






(Rayne is supporting Darius)

(Darius has momentary bliss)

(Darius will attack twice)

(Darius is enjoying the suffering)


Attack: 22
Hit: 77%
Crit: 7%


Knight 1:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Darius' Attack 1: 87, miss.


Darius' Attack 2: 65, hit!
Knight 1 takes 22 damage!


Darius' first strike of magic missed it's mark as the knight sidestepped the blast. The second burst of magic hit it's mark, but it was unable to finish off the knight.

Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (4/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)

Armored Knight 5: (7/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)
Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (F22) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (J8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (J15) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (H23) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (K8) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (J18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (L1) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)

Mage 4: (26/26) (J11) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (D20) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (21/32) (M2) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (H24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (14/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (L2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (G22) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (O1) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (J12) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (I18) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (U4) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (29/29) (L13) Steel Lance (29/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D1) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (8/22) (D18) Cutlass (23/25)E, Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40), Vulnerary (2/3) Beffuddled 1/3 Grace 1/3
Cadence: (22/22) (C1) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (21/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) 
Emilee: (23/23) (E4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (D2) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20)
Idei: (23/24) (C16) Iron Bow (24/45), Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (25/30)E, Steel Yari (25/25)
Cass: (29/29) (D17) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (19/29) (E2) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (24/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D4) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (28/28) (E3) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D16) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20) Grace 1/3
Helena: (28/29) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (2/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 75/100



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There's a note of trepidation to his call. It's not the blast of wind magic striking the spy that has him alarmed; rather, the nomad's attention is on the soldiers coming up from the lower room that they had put out of mind. There hadn't been enemies there that he remembers — they must have come in through doors, or . . . He turns to look ahead again, watching one of the injured knights drawing close around the corridor too — hoping to chase them down before they can retreat, it looks like.


It doesn't really matter where the other ones had come from. What matters is getting out of here alive.



"There are more behind us. They will be on us soon." It is as his father had shown him once: only pursue the targets in front of you, and you leave your back wide open for an arrow to the spinal cord. "You should tend to your wounds, and then we should retreat."


Move to C19 and shoot Armor 5.

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"Yea, I was just about to say the same thing." Bel responded taking out his medicine. It seems that he's been using a lot of it lately.  He shouldn't be using so many provisions like this, but without Emilee there was nothing he could do. 


Equip Poison Knife and use a Vulnerary 

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One blade became two. Two became three, three became four, four to five, and so on, and so forth, each and every last of them layering atop each other, shifting in harmonious destruction, their cry drowning out all other noise on the battlefield. A merciless Spinning Saw of wind, great and fierce, stretching from floor to ceiling of the corridor, so thick that only now did it take visible form. Faster, faster, faster still it came, each blade adding all that more dogged speed to it's warpath.

      The grinding of metal, the crunch of bone, the tearing of flesh, the screams of the damned- the final moments of the knight filled with an ungodly cacophony as the massive construct met his armor and and the arcane forces passed through it as if it were mere tissue paper, vibrant, scarlet mist blooming in the air, his Axe dropping from his hand, before his hand was removed from it's arm, his arm from it's shoulder, and his shoulder torn out of his very torso. Each part of him, in the blink of an eye, consumed by the unrelenting force of the storm, already broken limbs snapping further as the violent force engulfed and shredded to mere pulp that bedecked the halls like some merry winter festival.


And before long, something ejected from the chaotic maelstrom- something that slammed into the wall with a dull, slick noise before slidding down to the floor. Body shattered, every inch of his flesh shredded and flayed beyond recognition of even the closest of lovers, the scarlet mist still hanging over the area, but slowly beginning to settle into countless droplets along the floor and walls. The whole place reeked of Iron.


And in the silence following the winds calming, The girl lowered her sword, turned her head towards the enemies awaiting further down the hall, and with a glint in her eye that would've made most mad men seem sane by comparison, gave one simple warning:


"Well would ya look at that. I haven't begun to get started here, and this is how your knightly friend fared. It really makes me wonder what I might do to the rest of you sods, if you don't drop your weapons and surrender." 





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(Cass is supporting Idei)
(Idei will attack twice)


Attack: 7
Hit: 87%
Crit: 8%


Knight 5:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -

Idei's Attack 1: 18, hit!
Idei defeats Knight 5 with 7 damage!


One more shot was all that was needed to take down the already injured knight, breaking the line even further.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (4/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (F22) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (J8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (J15) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (H23) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (K8) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (J18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (L1) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)

Mage 4: (26/26) (J11) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (D20) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (21/32) (M2) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (H24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (14/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (L2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (G22) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (O1) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (J12) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (I18) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (U4) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (29/29) (L13) Steel Lance (29/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D1) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (18/22) (D18) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Beffuddled 1/3 Grace 1/3 Taken A Turn
Cadence: (22/22) (C1) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (21/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Taken A Turn
Emilee: (23/23) (E4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (D2) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Taken A Turn
Idei: (23/24) (C16) Iron Bow (24/45), Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30)E, Steel Yari (25/25) Taken A Turn
Cass: (29/29) (D17) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (19/29) (E2) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (24/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) 
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D4) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (28/28) (E3) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D16) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20) Grace 1/3
Helena: (28/29) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (2/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 78/100



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(Knight 1 has the advantage)
(Karik will attack twice)

(Cadence is supporting Karik)
(This time will be different for Karik)


Attack: 4
Hit: 92%
Crit: 17%


Knight 1:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -

Karik's Attack 1: 53, hit!
Karik defeats Knight 1 with 4 damage!


Refusing to miss yet again, Karik's hatchet toss hit it's mark, taking down the already injured knight and breaking apart the line of knights.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (0/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (F22) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (J8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (J15) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (H23) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (K8) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (J18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (L1) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)

Mage 4: (26/26) (J11) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (D20) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (21/32) (M2) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (H24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (14/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (L2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (G22) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (O1) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (J12) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (I18) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (U4) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (29/29) (L13) Steel Lance (29/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D1) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (18/22) (D18) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Beffuddled 1/3 Grace 1/3 Taken A Turn
Cadence: (22/22) (C1) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (21/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40) Taken A Turn
Emilee: (23/23) (E4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (D2) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Taken A Turn
Idei: (23/24) (C16) Iron Bow (24/45), Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30)E, Steel Yari (25/25) Taken A Turn
Cass: (29/29) (D17) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (19/29) (E1) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (23/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25) Taken A Turn
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (D4) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E
Clarisse: (28/28) (E3) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D16) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20) Grace 1/3
Helena: (28/29) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (2/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 81/100



Edited by Zetaark
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Attack: 21
Hit: 79%
Crit: 0%


Knight 2:
Attack: 6
Hit: 71%
Crit: 1%


Myrdwyn's Attack: 98, miss.


Knight 2's Attack: 97, miss.


Myrdwyn tries to strike the knight with her lance, but he manages to evade the blow. However, Myrdwyn's possession of a flying mount made the knight unable to connect his counterattack.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Armored Knight 1: (0/29) (F2) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 2: (29/29) (H2) Steel Lance (30/30)
Armored Knight 3: (0/29) (E1) Steel Axe (30/30)
Armored Knight 4: (0/29) (E22) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Armored Knight 5: (0/29) (E19) Steel Javelin (30/30)

Armored Knight 6: (17/29) (F22) Steel Club (30/30)
Armored Knight 7: (29/29) (J8) Steel Blade (29/30)
Armored Knight 8: (29/29) (J15) Steel Knife (28/30)
Armored Knight 9: (29/29) (R12) Steel Halberd (30/30)
Armored Knight 10: (29/29) (R13) Short Axe (30/30)
Dancer 1: (11/22) (H23) Soldier's Drum (20/20), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 2: (22/22) (K8) Charming Flute (20/20), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 3: (22/22) (J18) Royal Trumpet (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15),Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 4: (22/22) (L18) Vagrant's Whistle (15/15), Surprising Shimmy (20/20)
Dancer 5: (22/22) (L1) Gentle Flute (5/5), Subtle Jynx (20/20), Door Key (1/1), Chest Key (1/1) (Droppable)
Dancer 6: (22/22) (L15) Glory Chime (15/15), Enchanting Tango (15/15), Door Key (1/1)
Mage 1: (0/26) (D5) Elfire (29/30)
Mage 2: (0/26) (G7) Cold Front (30/30)
Mage 3: (0/26) (G6) Elthunder (29/30)

Mage 4: (26/26) (J11) Storm (28/30)
Mage 5: (26/26) (D20) Elwind (30/30)
Mage 6: (26/26) (P10) Blaze (30/30)
Null Knight 1: (21/32) (M2) Axereaver (20/20), Steel Sword (30/30)
Null Knight 2: (0/32) (F2) Devil's Sword (20/20), Short Axe (30/30)
Null Knight 3: (0/32) (F3) Swordreaver (20/20), Iron Javelin (45/45)
Null Knight 4: (0/32) (F22) Lancereaver (20/20), Hatchet (35/35)
Null Knight 5: (0/32) (F23) Devil's Lance (20/20), Steel Blade (30/30)

Null Knight 6: (32/32) (H24) Parrying Knife (30/30), Glaive (20/20)
Null Knight 7: (32/32) (V12) Devil's Axe (20/20), Iron Pike (35/35)
Null Knight 8: (32/32) (V13) Pursuit(Steel Pilum) (30/30), Steel Rapier (30/30)
Priest 1: (21/21) (L5) Physic (14/15), Heal (30/30)
Scavenger 1: (0/21) (E5) Hustle (37/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 2: (0/21) (D18) Swarm (40/40), Iron Knife (39/40), Lockpick (15/15) Poisoned 2/2

Scavenger 3: (21/21) (R1) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 4: (21/21) (L2) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 5: (21/21) (P17) Yotsmungand (20/20), Parrying Knife (30/30), Lockpick (14/15)
Scavenger 6: (21/21) (G22) Worm (40/40), Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Scavenger 7: (21/21) (T10) Iron Knife (37/40), Poison Knife (40/40), Yotsmungand (20/20), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 1: (0/22) (G2)  Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 2: (0/22) (D17) Long Sword (18/20), Lockpick (14/15) Poisoned 2/2

Thief 3: (22/22) (O1) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Thief 4: (22/22) (P18) Iron Knife (40/40), Lockpick (15/15)
Troubadour 1: (21/21) (J12) Sleep (19/20), Iron Pilum (45/45)
Troubadour 2: (21/21) (I18) Befuddled (15/15), Poison Hand (20/20)

Reinforcements: Health, Location, Weapons
Armored Knight 11: (29/29) (U4) Steel Sword (30/30)
Armored Knight 12: (29/29) (L13) Steel Lance (29/30)

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (18/22) (D1) Iron Javelin (13/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (43/45), Slim Lance (33/35), Short Spear (22/25)E 
Belros: (18/22) (D18) Cutlass (23/25), Parrying Knife (27/30), Lockpick (12/15), Poison Knife (38/40)E, Vulnerary (1/3) Beffuddled 1/3 Grace 1/3 Taken a Turn
Cadence: (22/22) (C1) Parrying Knife (29/30), Steel Rapier (30/30),Vulnerary (2/3), Gale Sword (21/25)E, Poison Knife (40/40)  Taken a Turn
Emilee: (23/23) (E4) Heal (19/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15)E, Sleep (20/20)
Darius: (24/24) (D2) Flux (39/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (2/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (20/20) Taken a Turn
Idei: (23/24) (C19) Iron Bow (24/45), Iron Longbow (30/30), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30)E, Steel Yari (25/25) Taken a Turn
Cass: (29/29) (D17) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15)
Karik: (19/29) (E1) Iron Axe (37/45), Vulnerary (2/3), Hatchet (23/35)E, Steel Axe (30/30), Francisca (25/25)  Taken a Turn
Myrdwyn: (29/29) (G2) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (20/20), Iron Lance (45/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E Taken a Turn
Clarisse: (28/28) (E3) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (45/45), Hammer (18/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3), Poison Hand (19/20)  

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (26/26) (D16) Allegretto (-), Vulnerary (1/3), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (20/20) Grace 1/3
Helena: (28/29) (C15) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (2/5), Elwind (29/30)E, Elthunder (30/30) 

Doors and Chests: Health, Location
Door 1: (50/50) (D8)-Opened
Door 2: (50/50) (D17)-Opened
Door 3: (50/50) (Q1-Q2)-Opened
Door 4: (50/50) (P9)
Door 5: (50/50) (P16)-Opened
Door 6: (50/50) (Q20-Q21)-Opened
Door 7: (50/50) (W12-W13)
TANKDOOR: (???/???) (A12-A13)
Wallcrack 1: (0/20) (F13)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 2: (0/20) (J9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 3: (0/20) (L9)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 4: (0/20) (J16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 5: (0/20) (L16)-Destroyed
Wallcrack 6: (20/20) (T9)
Chest 1: (B1)-Opened
Chest 2: (B21)-Opened
Chest 3: (G5)
Chest 4: (G20)
Chest 5: (I2)
Chest 6: (I23)

Exp Tracker: 82/100



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