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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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"Huh, coincidence? So were ya here from before or just came? I mean, these folks said you've been...'eyeing' me for a while now. Why didn't ya come to say hi or something?" Cass looks at the girl confusedly. Was she always this scatterbrained? Or was she faking it? But why in the world would she follow him from the shadows? Unless...



"...akh-!" No way, no way, she couldn't have been. Nope. It was too early for that. Definitely. But unless that was the case...why would she follow him? Unless she was telling the truth and hadn't noticed him.

He shook his head and sighed.



"Nah, whatever it is, nevermind. Come join us or something, we're talking about some big ass jerk who got shot down by the Romani family daughter. It's pretty entertaining." Cass gestures for Emilee to come sit with them at the bar.

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She sighed in relief again. It seemed like she was constantly getting scared in this new job, her life time wouldn't last much longer if she kept losing so many years of her life with each scare. She calmed down and took a seat. "If it was true love it would have happened." Was Emilee's opinion on the story. "Is she in love with someone? I bet she's in love with the heir of a rivaling family and she can never be with him. But she will fight for her love. Is that it? Tell the story!"

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"Guys here said she got married shortly after kicking the poor guy." Cass sat next to Emilee, gestured for another pint and drank a bit more. "And hell, the guy who wanted to marry her actually was from a rivalling family, so no romantic fantasy stuff there. 'Twas something that's gotta do with the Romani family's famous brew, right?" He looked over at the men at the bar for confirmation. "Some Baron dude from the north."


"Other than that, there was something about some holy lady murdering someone. Tell us about that." Cass nudges the men to tell 'em more about it.

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"Well yes, it is a rather nice sword all things considered. Though if I'm completely honest, having this particular sword has also been a bit of trouble. As you witnessed earlier," Madante sighs before continuing. "This sword was custom made for me with the intention of it never breaking. Though that last detail was put in solely so I would never need to buy another weapon again. Even if I feel like something new can aid me..."



"Yeah, the Romani daughter apparently married some guy she knew for quite some time. As a result, she wasn't too interested in the Baron's advances," the man confirms before switching topics.


"As for the holy lady murdering someone, I don't have the greatest of details. The whole matter was hush-hush and the only reason I know about it is cause of a friend of mine who has some friends in the church. Apparently the woman went and murdered a few people in her family or something. Rumors say that she even killed her own daughter. Don't know what possessed her to do something like that to be honest, but I have been hearing rumors so maybe they have some weight. Who knows?" the man shrugs before taking a drink. On the right end of the bar, the barkeeper serves Belros, who has not been noticed by anyone as of yet, a drink.

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“Ye can’t get it sharpened or something? Surely you can get it improved in some way.” Karik looked puzzled at Madante’s words. “Heck, I’ve heard of craftsmen that can turn even pebbles into weapons of war.” Karik thought about his words for a bit, wondering how true his words actually were.


“How they ever did that, Aye’ll never know, but it did and we live with the knowledge that it happened.”


“Aye don’t see why you you’d need a sword that never breaks, anyway.” Karik looked at his Hatchet, having already seen quite a bit of wear from combat. “This thing’ll break, but it just means Aye need to get a new one. Heck, Aye’ll probably see about one later today.” Karik looked back at the commander. “What’re you so worried about?”

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"Technically, the sword could get sharpened and strengthened. The issue with that though is...well..." Madante trails off before finally deciding to finish his statement. "Things like that cost money. And thanks to a family flub-up, money is not something I have at all. Even this sword technically doesn't belong to me. Because of that, if I ever lost it...things would get bad for me. I say as if things weren't already rather iffy in my life," Madante sighs. "But I don't think you care much about my little tale. For now I'll just continue to do my best for as long as I can."

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“Don’t come from money, huh?” Karik looked at the emblem on his right shoulder. “Not too nice living on that part of the society.” Karik slid the cloak off, glaring at the ornament. “I’m certainly lucky to have this thing, in some ways. Protected me for so long before that day.” Karik shook his head, sliding the cloak back over his shoulder. A small pat on the emblem kept it fit snug on his shoulder.


“Say, how about...” Karik reached into his pocket, finding the Vespers he was given for his work back at Gateon Port. “Three thousand.” Karik threw the pouch at Madante, hoping he’d catch it before it hit him. “I don’t need those. Consider it about… a fourth of what you get for commanding the unit that saved me.” Karik smiled, hoping that those Vespers would go somewhere useful. “Go buy yourself someone nice. And I won’t take ‘no thanks’ as an answer.”


Give 3000 Vespers to Madante

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"This is...I'm sorry Karik, I really appreciate it, but I can't take your money," Madante says. Appearing from nowhere, the convoy man arrives besides Madante.



"I'm afraid that Madante here is contractually obligated to direct all of his direct monetary assets to me. That being said, purchased items do not strictly count as direct monetary assets, so those would be a more appropriate gift. I hope you understand," the man states, grabbing the pouch from Madante and handing it back to Karik.

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“A gift, huh?” Karik looked at the cloaked man, taking the pouch of Vespers back from him. The boy wondered what dealings he had made with Madante, to the point that he'd not allow any monetary gifts to the commander. As much as he’d love to interrogate him and get more information on the matter, the convoy man probably had a few swords in his back pocket. Stupid swords. Too agile for the young Pirate to deal with.


“Then direct me to the best blacksmith I can find around here." Karik's voice carried a rather annoyed tone as he spoke. "Surely improving his blade in some way can count as a gift. And if not, how about weapon salesmen better than the stock dealers they have around here?” Karik's eyes held a glare in the convoy man's direction.

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gEWFISM.png Myrdwyn looked over the wares. A few of the weapons looked interesting, but she noted one discrepancy. . . "Hey, you've got an axe and a sword with all sorts of fancy artwork and stuff on 'em, what about a lance?" The weapons themselves, unlike most heavily decorated weapons, seemed hefty and powerful at their cores, though something about them was offputting. . . Though that feeling might have also been echoes of a hangover. Or the fact that she'd been stuck on a boat for days and hadn't been able to do much of anything other than pet and/or yell at Ecquis. Or that suspicious meat she'd eaten. . . 

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"Well, while an improvement for this sword may be nice, I think I'd prefer to get a different sword so I could have more options. Still though, nobody has ever offered me a gift before. It means a lot to me Karik, it really does," Madante says while trying to hold back tears. "I'm not sure what the shop has in stock, but perhaps they may have something nice in stock."



"Oh those things? There aren't too many of the lance variety to be honest, but I'll see what I can find," the shopkeeper answers, going into the back of the shop. Myrdwyn hears a bit of rustling, but after a few minutes, the shopkeeper comes back with a large, demonic looking lance. "Looks like we happened to have one around. Lucky you. You'll have to be if you want to use this thing. I've heard many a tale of people killing themselves with these, but if you really want it, 400 vespers is the price, just like the other varieties," the man explains.

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u6XIfZC.png "Killing themselves? I'm too good for that." She dug 800 Vespers out of a pocket.

yWRKETb.png "I'll take it and the iron lance, too." She wondered a bit about what the man said. Did people really manage to stab themselves with these? Sounded amateurish to her, but. . . Bah, whatever. A weapon was a weapon. 

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Geez, it’s just 3000 Vespers. No need to start tearing up, it’s not that much.


“Let’s go, then!” Karik grabbed onto Madante’s wrist before pulling the commander towards a nearby weapon store. He would’ve stopped to see what was going on with Cadence and Rayne in the doorway, but they probably had their own stories to tell later. A problem for him later on. There was a side door they could use, anyway.


“Excuse me, sir!” Karik was about to push the heavily armored little girl out of the way. Then he realized it was Myrdwyn and now wasn’t the time for that. “Aye’m looking for yer finest blade, of the heavy sword style variety.” Karik looked over the swords on display, nothing really catching his eye. "Maybe something not on the shelves. Something for very important fellows?" Karik waved his right shoulder around, hoping that it might help. It certainly worked for clothes, maybe it'd help with weapons.


“Unless that Wooden Sword is some amazing legendary hero’s previous weapon. Kinda doubt that, though.”

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6 hours ago, Hukuna the Undying said:


"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." she said tears welling under her eyes. She was just on the verge of bawling her eyes out, she tried as hard as she could not to though.


"Eh, I wasn't paying that much attention either..." Cadence sighed, placing a hand on the rider's shoulder. Why she was getting so emotional over something so trivial, she didn't really know, but unlike the treacherous Anima or her other allies, Rayne was one of the few whose company she could probably enjoy right now, with the mess her thoughts had been in the past few days. Even if she knew any pleasantry was simply a fleeting distraction from her own issues...


"Come on, no need to get so upset, I'm just as much to blame here. Why were you in such a hurry anyway? More trouble already?" She giggled a little at the jest, but it quickly faded and died as a dejected sigh took it's place. She felt herself die a little on the inside at the mere thought of yet again having to get involved in yet another time-wasting mess with a bunch of terrorist rabble or miscellaneous scumbags. 3 times over just the course of two weeks or so was already enough, she'd sooner just leave the place and let the locals clean up their own damn mess...


"Anyway... you alright?"

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"I'm okay." she said a bit meekly. It was nearly a whisper. She paused for a moment not saying something long enough for it to get just a touch awkward. However she cut through it by beginning to speak again. "I wasn't really in any hurry. I was just thinking about what I was going to do after I picked up some new weaponry. It's only a short errand so I'll have a bit of free time that I need to fill so I was thinking. Which tends to lead to me spacing out a bit too much."


Rayne only really noticed now that Clarisse hadn't followed her. She thought she would have but perhaps Clarisse had some things she wanted to do? Rayne was sorta hogging her to herself for the most part. Maybe she was hovering over Clarisse too much? Naaaaaaaaaah. However, Clarisse should be able to have time to herself. So long as she was with someone Rayne wouldn't get lost. She jsut felt rather comfortable around the fighter. She wasn't really sure why, but now that she wasn't around she felt that absence quite a bit more. She was a little sad she wasn't around right now. Rayne liked her company, she felt safer while she was around. She was so strong and pretty, and nice. Cadence would notice Rayne spacing out a bit, until she popped back into reality. "I'm at a loss really. Maybe I'll just catch up on some sleep? That might be nice."

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"Hmm, a good crushing sword eh? Sadly I don't have any more in stock here. That being said, there is a shop a few blocks past the tavern that sells some interesting gear. Maybe they might have what you're looking for," the man replies.

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“Guess Aye’ll take that Poison Hand Axe, at least.” Karik opened up his pouch, leaving 800 Vespers on the counter before taking one of the Hand Axes off the shelf.


“Anyway, ya heard the man, Madante!” The boy grabbed onto the commander’s wrist again, his arm probably longer than the other by now. “Thanks for yer help!” Karik slid the Hand Axe where he had kept his Iron Club before, storming out of the shop with Madante in tow. He spotted the weapon store past the tavern, stepping in see if he could get a hold of anything he was looking for.

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"Sleep, huh? yeah, some extra sleep might be nice... if not for..." she pushed the thought away. With the increased frequency of Otherworld dreams, sleep hadn't exactly been the most pleasant thing in the world since the shipwreck... honestly more bizarre than anything else. Always in a different area, always stripped of gear with only the Anima to back her up. She'd still yet to find him again... 

     "Yes, well, I'm sure most of others would appreciate some down time too...doesn't help that crap keeps seeming to spring from the woodwork wherever we go." much to her surprise though,The peg rider seemed even more spacey than she originally had on the guard ship... "Uh...Your errand though, weren't you in here to get a new spear or something?"

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Myrdwyn gathered up her lances, noting Karik and the commander's appearance and subsequent disappearance. The kid seemed to think she was his age, which was annoying to say the least. . . what was a kid doing along with the royal guards, anyway? Didn't seem like a good place to put him, even if he could hold his own in a fight. She shrugged to herself as she walked out of the shop and to her wyvern. She'd just have to make sure he didn't get hurt in a fight or something, maybe ask Madante where his parents were. . . It took her a few moments to get the lances arranged on her wyvern's saddle as desired. It wasn't enough to just get them secure; they had to sit in such a way that takeoffs and landings wouldn't result in them falling off, but they could still be drawn and set at a moment's notice. It was especially difficult with the demonic-looking lance; the thing was damn heavy, and Ecquis didn't seem to like it.

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"Yes, that was what I was doing, just picking up some new weaponry. It's all I have to do that I can remember. Can just relax after that errand is complete which shouldn't take long. Well... hopefully I don't get lost this time either. I had to more or less hire someone last time." she said slightly embarrassed. "Anyway, this'll be quick. If you're free we could do something I suppose. Don't think I'm all that great company though."


Rayne dashed into the store and picked out a new Javelin quite quickly. ((Purchase 1 Steel Javelin)) and made her way back out to where Cadence was. "See, easy peasy! Now, where to?"

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"I was thinking of checking up the general goods store, I was thinking of getting a second vulnerary. It never hurts to be prepared. After that...I don't know. I was thinking of getting something to eat, something better then the rations we've been given on the boat trip." Darius spoke as the two of them made their way outside in search of the general goods store or the closest equivalent.

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Clarisse was pretty much wandering. She'd been with Rayne when they got off the boat, but the woman had run off the moment Clarisse turned to ask a local for directions. Without any way to know where she'd gone, she pretty much had to hope she ran into one of the others. 


Which, as she approached the weapon shop, Clarisse saw she did - she'd ran into one of the others, Cadence or something was the name. Well, she seemed to be fine for now, so she could... do what? She didn't really know anyone but the pegasus rider. And... was that the woman who'd got drunk off her ass and caused all the damage? ...If they were working together, the bar fight could leave an awkward tension, which probably wouldn't be great if she was trying to avoid being stabbed at a later point. 


She approached the rider and her (much more reasonable) mount. 



"Hello there... Myrdwyn, right? Recovered from that hangover alright?"

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After a fair bit of searching, Karik and Madante found a shop hidden away. Entering it, it seemed to have a random assortment of items present, ranging from tomes to metal weapons. "My, its rare to see customers here. What can I get you?" the shopkeeper asks.


Shop List (1 item stock limit)


Steel Blade- 800
Steel Axe- 800
Steel Bow- 800
Elthunder- 800
Black Wind- 800


Walking around the town square, the pair of mages finds the general store. The store itself contains various healing items, both in medical forms and staff forms.


Shop List:


Heal- 400
Antidote- 400
Sleep- 400
Poison- 400
Befuddled- 800
Unlock- 400
Hermes' Whistle- 400
Blissful Melody- 400
Menhit's Whisper- 800
Soldier's Drum- 400
Charming Flute- 400
Surprising Shimy- 400
Subtle Jynx- 400
Vulnerary- 250


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After a quick check around the store, Darius proceeded to buy a vulnerary, placing 250 Vespers on the counter.


Darius buys a Vulnerary for 250 Vespers.

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