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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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"Hrm..." the shopkeeper frowns as he glances over the worn down weapons. "I'll cut 350 off the total price of the rapier and knife. Sound fine?" the shopkeeper asks.




Belros hears a few people discussing particular archery techniques for both hunting and combat. He also hears from two men in the back about some sort of trial happening in Arcadia, though the two men leave before Belros can hear more about it. He then overhears two women talking about something regarding the Romani family and a recent incident for a brief moment, before talking about their shopping endeavors.



Cass finds a store that contains a variety of supplies, primarily staves, but also general medications like vulneraries. The shop even has a section for wandering bards and dancers, containing a few pieces of equipment for them.


Shop List:


Heal- 400
Antidote- 400
Sleep- 400
Poison- 400
Befuddled- 800
Unlock- 400
Hermes' Whistle- 400
Blissful Melody- 400
Menhit's Whisper- 800
Soldier's Drum- 400
Charming Flute- 400
Surprising Shimy- 400
Subtle Jynx- 400
Vulnerary- 250


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Inside the tavern is a group of men at the bar, chatting loudly with each other. Though they have a few drinks in front of them, none of them seem to be drunk quite yet. One of the men notices Cass entering and calls him over.

"Come on by! Drinks are on the house today apparently. Not sure why, but I'm sure as heck not complaining. The drinks here come from the Romanis themselves, the finest brews in all the islands. Come on, sit and chat."

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"Romani family huh?  That's the people the boat captain was talking about, this could be bad." He thought to himself. That seemed like the more pressing information at the moment. He took an Iron Longbow to the counter where there keeper was. 


"How about 400 Vespers for this bow? Also, have you heard about the Romani's? Apparently an incident happened there recently."

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"400 is just fine sir. As for the Romanis, they recently had a bit of a scuffle with one of the barons of the north end of the island. Guy supposedly wants ownership of the Romani brew or some such and the family isn't willing to sell it. Last I heard of things, the younger son got in a fight with some of the Baron's men and the two groups left on pretty bad terms. That was a few weeks ago though and not much else has happened since. Chances are they already settled the matter in private. Anything else you care to know?" the shopkeeper asks.

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"Finally!" Free drinks? Hell yeah! "I shouldn't have even gone to that stupid store, ha!" He salutes the gentlemen at the bar before walking over, setting his guitar to the side and ordering one up himself. He'd chug it down immediately. "So what're ye talking about?" He tries to join their conversation.


Meanwhile, he'd order another drink.

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"It's not stalking, I'm keeping an eye on him." Emilee reassures herself, keeping a distance away from Cass but still shadowing him. She stayed outside the general shop, and entered the tavern after him. She immediately loves it, the smell of alcohol, the patrons, the loud atmosphere. Still intent on keeping her distance though, she stays near the bar. "Could I have a large cold beer please. Not too much foam either." With her back turned to Cass she looks over her shoulder every once in a while to check on him. 

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"Not too much really, though I've heard some interesting rumors. Apparently some church lady or other is getting tried for murder or something in a couple of weeks or so. Not sure on the exact details of what exactly happened, but the trial is going to be held in Arcadia. Sadly its a private trial so unless someone fesses up about the thing to the public, that's all we're getting. Past that, I heard the big bad Baron has been rounding up new recruits. That guy's desperate to try and get his hands on the Romani family brew. Heard the guy tried marrying into the family once, but get this. The girl publicly shot him down, and what's even more rich is that she went and got married a few weeks later. Boy he was livid after that," the man laughed before looking over Cass.


"You a traveling musician or something? I've not seen a guitar like that any place around here," the man asks.


To the side out of sight, the barkeeper passes Emilee her drink. "Here you are little lady. Free of charge, all drinks are on the house today for all patrons," he tells her.

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"Thank you so much!" Emilee takes a large portion of it in one go and smiles as she is done. "Are those good people over there? I'm friends with the redhaired musician and I'm trying to make sure he doesn't fall in with a bad crowd." She says pointing at Cass and the group. 

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"My mentor, for lack of a better term, was a master of Dread magic, so that was what I mostly focused my studies on. Aside from that, Druidic magic just feels...a little too specialized. I tried using them before and while I can't doubt they can be useful in specific circumstances, it's just too exposing..." Darius explained. "As for ancient magics...I guess I just never quite got the appeal of them, I guess."

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"Church lady and murder? Hah! And the other part! That's rich!" Cass laughs along the others. "I totally get the guy though. Who wouldn't wanna get their hands on somethin' as good as this!" He holds his mug up before bringing it to his lips. He then adds. "Who is the Baron guy anyways? Some big shot around here?"


After wiping the foam off his face with his one sleeve, he raised a brow to the guy. "Mmmm, oh right, yes, I'm a traveling musician. I've gone all across the isles, so it ain't a surpise you haven't seen something like this."

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"Hmm? This group is just a couple of regulars who come by every now and again. They work some of the horse ranches around the east side of the island. Pretty good folks I'd say. Still though, not often I see someone so concerned like this. He something special to you?" the barkeeper asks her, glancing over at the bard.


"The Baron? Ah yeah, guess you wouldn't know about him since you aren't from here. The Baron's actual name is Roman, and he's one of the top guys for one of the noble houses on Romani. Not as big as the Romani family themselves, but still pretty big. He runs things up in the north, though recently he's been trying to get some influence in places other than here. But unless you've got high up friends or quality merchandise, you won't get too much recognition outside of your island.  Sort of why he's been harrassing the Romanis as of late, though it seems like he's finally gotten the memo," he pauses before nudging Cass a bit. "Speaking of getting the memo, that lady over there has been eyeing you ever since she came in. Got any ideas why?" he asks Cass, nodding his head in the direction of Emilee.




"That's understandable. Most mages have particular preferences to which magic we use. I for one am not a really big fan of thunder magic at all, even though everyone at my academy was obsessed with it. So I can certainly see where you're coming from," Helena smiles. "Now then, where to next?"

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Another town another place Beau would get cranky. But, Rayne had shopping stuff she needed to do so! Well and eating and sleeping. Beds were nice. "Clarisse, I'm going to be picking up something from the armoury. Hopefully they have something I can replace this old battered thing with." Rayne said showing her the Javelin she had. She didn't realize however that it was the new one she had just purchased back in Irvetos. 


She walked on ahead not really paying attention to if Clarisse was following her or not. SHe jsut watned to pick up that one thing and be done with it. Then she could just relax. Probably...? 

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2 hours ago, Zetaark said:

"Hrm...I'll cut 350 off the total price of the rapier and knife. Sound fine?"



"Fair enough, I suppose..." Cadence sighed, pushing the worn gear closer towards the merchant. "Certainly more than I would've given for them, at least..."

   Her eyes lingered on the mercenary's sword, as she reached into her coat and dug out a few vespers from her tunic. It felt... almost wrong in a way, to sell the thing off. She shook her head clear of the thought though, producing the 1250 vespers for the barter and putting them on the counter. What did it matter anymore? The fool had probably died in the storm- not like it was her fault though. She'd given him a chance, he'd taken it, just because nature had other plans shouldn't give her any guilt over the whole thing. That sword on the counter was nothing more than just another sharpened length of iron used by barbarians, no more, no less. It was about as much a part of the Merc boi as this countertop here was a part of cadence, regardless what the nagging in the back of her mind told her otherwise.

     "There, the old swords and 1250 vespers even. Nice doing business with you." she said, taking up the Parrying Knife and Steel Rapier before turning towards the door to leave...

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"Hah. Roman. Romani." Cass grins before downing the rest of the mug. Except he doesn't manage to down it all. Instead, he chokes after a long gulp as the man nudges him and tells him about the certain lady.


Cass turns his head around to see who it is, but he already knows the answer.




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"So its a feud between two groups huh." He lays down 400 Vespers and places the bow on his back underneath his cloak. He knows a little about the Romani family, mostly that they own a brewery but he didn't know much about the northern baron. Might as well ask.  "Could you tell me a bit about the northern baron? I haven't much about the man himself."

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"Ahhhhhh... relaxing after this errand will be nice~" Rayne streched clsoing her eyes just iamgining what a nice warm bed would feel like. When she opened them she suddenly saw a bunch of red. The alarm went off in her head. "It's a person it's a person... It's A PERSON!!! ABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORT WALKING PROTOCOLS!!!" but it was already much much too late. She'd not be able to steer off course in time.



"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" Brace for impact! She slammed into the reddish color blob she assumed was another person. However she didn't really get a good look it all happened so fast. She was sitting on the floor holding her head not. Luckily... or maybe not, it was Cadence the airheaded one had slammed into. However she hadn't had the time to realize it yet as she was still recovering from the impact. She had most of the wind knocked out of her and she was still trying to recover that. She gasped violently for air. ((probably acting a bit over-dramatic.)), she at least forced herself to sit upright again.

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"Sure can. The Baron's real name is Roman, and he's from one of the 4 noble houses on this island. He's a rather powerful man on the island, but he doesn't have much reach elsewhere. The Romanis have their legendary brews, the Earthwalkers have been breeding horses for generations, and the Cloudgrens supply the Royal Guard with pegesi. Meanwhile, Roman's house doesn't actually provide anything to people outside the island, they just keep order in the north. He's not too pleased about that, so he's been trying to get in with one of the other houses, though none of his attempts have gotten anywhere. So now he's just a bitter man trying to make it big without actually making something himself," the shopkeeper pauses before leaning in and whispering to Belros.


"And between you and me, there's a few rumors that one of the lesser noble families up north have been running the place better than Roman was, so now the people up there are trying to get Roman out of power. But don't go blabbing about this you hear? Roman doesn't take too well to hearing people say that he's washed up and all. Just a warning," the shopkeeper finishes.

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Karik’s hands were gripped hard around the boat railing as they got into port. Trying to compensate for his short stature, he raised himself up by pushing against the bars, seeing the rustic town around them. “Wow, they weren’t kidding when they said people still live in houses like that.” Karik kept pushing against the railing more, raising himself up to see more of the town. His arms almost gave out, causing him to let go and fall onto the deck.


Karik got back onto his feet, listening to the ship owner’s words. “Aye, matey!” Karik nodded his head as Xavier left the crew to their own devices. Watching Belros jump off the ship in a hurry, probably for the weapon store, Karik had remembered something he didn’t do at Gateon Port, buy himself some new weaponry. Though, looking at the quality of his weaponry, they’d still last a few more bouts of combat.


“Though, Cadence’d probably yell at me if Aye ignored the shops.” Letting out a sigh, Karik decided he'd go off to the weapon store later. When he didn’t have other things he wanted to do. He made himself a mental note, making sure his mind remembered the message in strong letters.


Buy a Poison Hand Axe for 800 Vespers later


The boy took the safe path off the ship that didn’t involve jumping off onto the pier. He saw the convoy man off the ship, as well as their commander. “Hey, convoy man!” Karik waved his arms up, holding up the club he still had from Wakin. “Sorry to bother ya. Aye just need to get rid of this for a bit. None of us be usin’ it, so might as well save it for later.”


Drop off the Iron Club (45/45) with the Convoy Man


“What’s going on here, though?” Karik noticed the man had been talking to Madante. “Somethin’ happening?”

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"Oh for the love of- watch where you're....!" The fencer paused as she got up from the ground, the glare on her already sour expression softening a bit as she saw just who it was. Already, she could sense the Anima checking her over for any injuries. With a sharp, lashing thought she told them all to go and proper fuck off, to which they only continued in spite of. It wasn't until she felt a far heavier presence enter her mind and repeat the command that they finally listened, backing off like frightened children as whatever the force had been faded. There was but one thing she could think of that would get Anima spirits so unnerved, but she put the thought aside for now... they had gone away, left her alone, that was all she cared about, bunch of bloody traitors...


"Rayne? Are... you alright? Calm down, just slow down, breath, in and out, in and out...see?" she extended a hand, as she demonstrated her own centering technique. Honestly though, she just hoped the rider would be coherent enough to take her advice before she passed out from all that hyperventilation...


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"Oh good, I was afraid he could get mixed in to the wrong crowd." Emilee took a breath of fresh air, easing up. "Special? He's a friend and everyone has a tendency to judge him so I'm looking after him." She explained, but soon after she shot straight up as her name was called. "Oh no he saw me..." She grabbed her drink and walked closer to Cass. "Cass!? What a coincidence to see you here! I uh... I came here to grab a drink! You know, to drink a little and have some fun before we have to set off again."

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"Oh you know, making sure our convoy is in order. And uhh...trying to get some spending money. Can't you at least let me get something?" Madante moans to the cloaked man, who shakes his head.



"You do remember the deal correct? Your weapon was specifically made so that you would not need another," the man crones.



"If I can't manage a new weapon, then how will I be able to better support my men?"



"If you feel what you have is insufficient, I do believe I may have something for you," the man states before pulling out a lancereaver from his robes. "This should be sufficient for your endeavors. Now then, I shall take the club and finish my business. Good day," the man finishes, taking the club and then disappearing into the crowd.



"Well...better than nothing I guess."

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"Heh, alright I'll keep that in mind." Belros chuckled as he made his way towards the door.  "Well thanks for the bow as well as the info, I'll be heading out now." He left out the door making his way to the bar. This whole situation seems a bit fishy and taverns as usually the best place for picking up gossip. As he entered he noticed Cass and Emilee talking together over a couple of drinks. Never would've thought Cass was so slick with the ladies. Not wanting to be a bother he took a seat a couple seats down from them blending into the crowd  "One mug please." He spoke to one of the employees and waited for his drink. As he waited he listened for any interesting conversations coming from the people in the bar, but also kept an eye on his comrades. Belros still didn't trust Cass and he wouldn't risk letting him harm Emilee.

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She did listen. She was still coherent despite the circumstances so hearing Cade's voice was enough for her to regain focus. She focused on regaining her breathe before trying to get back to her feet. It was probably a bad idea seeing it was harder to get air into one's self in a sitting position, but she figured it was best to not move until she did. She gingerly went to stand after hoping that her balance wasn't off or something or she was hurt. She found that she wasn't though and was perfectly capable of standing. She then proceeded to brush off her armour of the debris from the landing.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." she said tears welling under her eyes. She was just on the verge of bawling her eyes out, she tried as hard as she could not to though.

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“Aye’d say it’s pretty good.” Karik tapped on Madante’s new Lancereaver, careful not to put his hand on any of the sharp edges. “Handles those lances you’re probably afraid of. You could help me and our new Fighter out with those now.”


“What are you on about, though? Ye got yerself one of the nicest weapons I’ve ever seen.” Karik took a look at the sword fastened to its sheath by his side. “Fancy-lookin’ sword ye have there. Never seen a thing like that before Aye met ya.” Karik wanted to pull the sword out of its sheathe, getting a close up look at it. Sadly, he didn’t exactly look like a Royal Guard enough to deter officers from pointing a crossbow at him. “Then again, Aye spent awhile on that pirate ship with axes.” Karik shrugged his shoulders, remembering his lack of knowledge of special swords in recent times.


“Still, if I knew how to use a sword, I’d love to carry around somethin’ like that.” Karik looked at the blades in Madante’s possession. “Maybe someday, though. For now, I like this thing.” Karik took out the Iron Axe by his side, remembering that he had removed the ornament and put it on his cloak. “I know where to hit to make sure I don’t kill with this thing. Swords would just make me need to learn how to stop myself.”

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