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- Why is Kurotsune tsundere, as fuck?

Other thoughts on Nisekoi, now that it has ended?

My, my ⁓ Could you possibly explain what Rika is doing in this picture, and what could possibly lead to such a situation?


- After I recently found out the Eiichiro Oda worked (author of One Piece) 19 hours a day it got me wondering, how many hours do you work on Reborn a day? (Or do you not have a schedule and work on it sporadically?)

Edited by Tartar
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Do you think it's possible there are extraterrestrials who play Reborn?

  • i hope so. i really sympathize with haruhi suzumiya. if any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, hit me up! but none of that chuunibyou crap! i only want the real deal!
  • maelstrom probably tbh

> Why do you underestimate me so much?

  • darling, darling... shh, i'm looking out for you here. it's to your advantage if they don't suspect you for as long as possible.

- Why is Kurotsune tsundere, as fuck?

Other thoughts on Nisekoi, now that it has ended?

My, my ⁓ Could you possibly explain what Rika is doing in this picture, and what could possibly lead to such a situation?

- After I recently found out the Eiichiro Oda worked (author of One Piece) 19 hours a day it got me wondering, how many hours do you work on Reborn a day? (Or do you not have a schedule and work on it sporadically?)

  • for the same reason that all tsun's are; they can't pull themselves out of their ego to actually acknowledge human connections, but they still wanna be cute and have them.
  • uhhh maybe you're confusing me with someone else here because i have never seen nisekoi o-o
  • i can't even tell who the person on the bottom is... but to me this looks like some kind of between-chapter recap, where she just destroyed someone else who was going to recap the story and was like 'nah i got this'.
  • in the past, it was all i did, so 19 wouldnt have been too far off. i also tried keeping a schedule for a while but that didn't really work. both of those things did more harm than good. so lately it's sporadic based on my mood. somedays i still don't do anything else. other days i'm just like 'yaaaaah, no.' i've found going about it that way is more productive for me anyway since working on it constantly burned me out and made progress slow... among other issues.
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i can't even tell who the person on the bottom is..

Oh, that's Furudo Erika, a totally different person from Furude Rika, don't get the two confused. She's pretty fun though,she's a class S troll, an intellectual rapist, and a part time pirate.


How do you like her thus far?

Edit: How do you feel about the sprouting of heresy in the Wasteland?

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...Well I can't say I approve of the phrasing. And that video is uhhh.... I don't think I understand the context or point, and she sounds hella annoying there so maybe no thanks...

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How do you feel about the fact that the current size of the thread indicates a lot of us have an unhealthy obsession with you?


How many love letters do you get in your PM box per month :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa:

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This goes to Ame. When did you start playing Okami?

  • what, like, originally? gosh. i remember i first heard about it in 2002 and was super hyped, but I wasn't able to play it until I got Nyu's PS2 which must've been 2008. i basically played that game religiously in order to systematically disregard all of the bad things that were going on in my life, oops.

who is your avatar of/where is it from? I really like it

  • she is Ryouko Otonashi from Dangan Ronpa. I'm hoping she makes an appearance in DR3! but I'm not holding my breath. either way is fine... either I get her, or I get the taste of sweet despair...
    • i dont know the specific artist of this avatar though, i just clipped it from a youtube video lol

Do you like Songs covered in Heavy Metal/Rock?

  • not generally. in fact i'm more likely to like something covered out of that genre into a different one. metal is just.. too much for me, and rock is just ... too much distortion guitar.

How do you feel about the fact that the current size of the thread indicates a lot of us have an unhealthy obsession with you?


How many love letters do you get in your PM box per month :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa:

  • curiosity doesn't have to be the same as an unhealthy obsession! though i do feel bad because i didn't want to eclipse other people. go give some other AMA'ers some love!!
  • usually just one or two
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A silly question, but do you enjoy baking/cooking for others or yourself?

  • inb4 burn jokes
  • but yeah! well most of the time i cba to put effort into cooking if it's just for myself so i take a lot of shortcuts or forget about it. but i enjoy putting more effort into both the food and the presentation when i'm cooking for others.
    • unless it's meat. then i just suffer through it. but i'll do it.

Which do you prefer gas or electric grills?

  • there's.... such a thing as an electric grill??? woah...
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It's been destroyed and rebuilt several times. The most recent incarnation is far from the first one, but it might have only taken that name more recently in its history.

Whatever it was called before that, probably no one remembers anymore.

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Here we go (imagine rolling the R in here for like 1-2 seconds)

Are there any names for people that you like better than others? (I've always liked Eve and Scott for names for some reason)

Do you own a desk lamp?

Do you have a ceiling fan?

Do you like those little Tide Pods for doing laundry?

Do you use a dryer or hang dry clothing?

Do you prefer box fans or tower fans?

Apples, Oranges, or Bananas?

Is there a drink/beverage you like because of the aesthetics of it?

Would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium?

Have you ever skydived?

Do you want to skydive?

Do you have a favorite brand of toothpaste?

Do you like gum? If so, do you have a favorite flavor or brand?

Do you prefer liquid soap or that foamy soap


Do you like to wear hats?

Do you have a favorite type of hat to see or wear?

How does the sound of cardboard rubbing against something make you feel?

Do you prefer closet storage or dresser storage?

Do you like Dinosaurs?

Is Keanu Reeves immortal?

What do you think is a good bedtime for someone in high school?

Did you grow up having a certain bedtime?

If so, did you like it and go ta bed or did you rebel and stay up!?

Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?

Do you like wrist watches or pocket watches more?

Do you have a favorite bookmark?

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- What were the Pokemon Forums that preceded Reborn called?

- And how did you for that matter even begin trying to host a Pokemon Forum/Community?

- How much of the Reborn Story have you written in advance?

- What is the main thing you want people to take away from Reborn after playing it?

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one very busy week later

Speaking of Reborn~

How did you come up with Ruby Sapphire Emerald and Amethyst as the main thing for Reborn? :3

  • don't remember. but it probably had to do with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald queues based off of 3rd gen games in our league, and then i heard some random talk about an extra amethyst around here or something so i threw it in there or whatever.
    • it also legit could have been random though cuz i think the favicon ( this thing: http://prnt.sc/cfz3n4 ) was made before the league reached the point that it had lines?? so idk. maybe i just justified it later. or maybe i changed that later? shoot, some other people might actually know better than me at this point.

Here we go (imagine rolling the R in here for like 1-2 seconds)

Are there any names for people that you like better than others? (I've always liked Eve and Scott for names for some reason)
Do you own a desk lamp?
Do you have a ceiling fan?
Do you like those little Tide Pods for doing laundry?
Do you use a dryer or hang dry clothing?
Do you prefer box fans or tower fans?
Apples, Oranges, or Bananas?
Is there a drink/beverage you like because of the aesthetics of it?

  • yes. can i remember them? ........maybe.
    • sabrina. sanary. alice. willow. painter. fantasia. luna. nona. angel. crystal. shigure. aisha.
      • that's just what's coming to mind immediately.
    • luna and alice aside, my bias towards a couple of those might show when they appear notably in reborn... but, there's only like three people who -might- still remember which and why.
  • yes. in fact it is the only light in my room (aside from blacklights). and i usually point it right against the wall so even when the light is on it stays nice and cozy-dark in here.
  • yes. and it is half-broken so it clicks on every rotation if i have it set higher than low and it is very annoying. it might fall out soon tbh but that wouldn't be anything new.
  • i have never used them, but the concept is neat
  • people hang dry clothing still?
  • tower
  • apples. specifically pink lady apples.
  • like, fruity alcoholic drinks tend to be pretty cool looking?? but i dont drink so lol

Would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium?
Have you ever skydived?
Do you want to skydive?
Do you have a favorite brand of toothpaste?
Do you like gum? If so, do you have a favorite flavor or brand?
Do you prefer liquid soap or that foamy soap
Do you like to wear hats?

  • aquairum... less bugs there.
  • nope.
  • i'm not opposed, but it's not a particular interest.
  • no. in fact, i'm taking recommendations on if anyone knows a good organic toothpaste that doesn't taste like death. because wow i really hate the taste of my current brand but i dont want to do non-organic.
  • i take it when offered, not usually otherwise. spry brand, green tea flavor.
  • liquid i guess?
  • what
  • not usually. i have a couple hats i like but they conflict with my unhealthy obsession with animal ear jackets (or headphones)

Would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium?
Do you have a favorite type of hat to see or wear?
How does the sound of cardboard rubbing against something make you feel?
Do you prefer closet storage or dresser storage?
Do you like Dinosaurs?
Is Keanu Reeves immortal?

  • ...um, still aquarium!
  • i really like those mini-size lolita hats
  • ii dont think it makes me feel like anything... cardboard's pretty tame.
  • closet. although i have dressers, i do not have the luxury of using them.
  • not particularly.
  • idfk probably

Would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium?
What do you think is a good bedtime for someone in high school?
Did you grow up having a certain bedtime?
If so, did you like it and go ta bed or did you rebel and stay up!?
Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man? The muffin man?
Do you like wrist watches or pocket watches more?
Do you have a favorite bookmark?

  • are you doing this on purpose? why are you doing this?
  • whenever the heccka they want, they can make their own life choices
  • i definitely had bed times.
  • and i definitely rebelled.
    • in elementary school, starting when i was like six, i would go to sleep at the required time, but then get up at like 3a so i could play games or watch tv before school.
    • in middle school, i was grounded a lot so i just stayed up and waited for my mom to go to sleep before playing whatever i was grounded from.
    • in high school i became interested in polyphasic sleeping and played around with it so much i destroyed my sleep schedule permanently
    • my mom just gave up at that point.
  • no one must know of our relationship..
  • they're both obsolete but pocket watches have class unlike wristies.
  • like a ... literal bookmark? i don't tend to use those.

Would you classify Terra's b00ty as bodacious or swankalicious?

  • yes

I'm a big fan of Greek mythology and was wondering if you had a favorite mythology and if so what creature/god is your favorite.

  • i usually enjoy norse mythology, but i've been really interested in shinto stuff lately. my favorite mythological creature is definitely the kitsune though. however, I don't really have a specific favorite god or kami.

- What were the Pokemon Forums that preceded Reborn called?
- And how did you for that matter even begin trying to host a Pokemon Forum/Community?
- How much of the Reborn Story have you written in advance?
- What is the main thing you want people to take away from Reborn after playing it?

  • or rather, what were these forums called before they were reborn? -sigh- poke-place. it was a throwaway name that sort of just happened, since it was originally only like 10 people and never expected to go beyond that.
  • when 4th gen came out with wifi battling and trading, i was on a lot of different forums with various people who played, so i made a small subforum on my old site to bring my friends together so we could do stuff
  • the first two episodes were just winged because i figured id get bored of the project and drop it in like a month (kinda sounds like the start of the site itself tbh..). halfway through the third episode i realized that i should probably figure out where the story is going so i drafted an outline straight through to the end. i've continually revised that outline.
  • memories... perspective... nothing in particular but that sort of thing. i think it's really nice when people can walk away from the game feeling more confident about their ability after clearing it, or learn to try different things instead of just depending on numbers advantages, or even just learning that hey emolga is actually really good, or whatever.
    • in terms of the story, i don't have a hope for that. i am totally a fan of plots with consistent themes and purposes, but reborn's is literally just a telling of the league's stories. i encourage players to cling to whatever meaning they find bubbles up from that, because lord knows it was a very important mess that has affected many people.


Monkey Pro League?

  • negs. MP is an RPG Maker site, not a pokemon site. i started the league there during the time that these forums were temporarily not existing, and then moved them here.

Was the Gossip Gardevoir of the forum and online league played by a real Gardevoir?

Can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

  • 9f103a2dd61242b4b6e2587b433f00bf.png

  • im still a kid at heart. so absolutely.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium? I think you just quoted it a bunch of times.

Do you like picnics?

What is your favorite direction on a compass?

Do you prefer backpacks or those shoulder bag things?

Do you like seeing tall grass or short grass better?

Do you have a favorite type of cloud?

If you could be any household appliance, what would you be and why?

Do you like Bats?

Have you ever been to a largely populated event? Concert, a Game, etc

Have you ever gone hiking?

Do you ever want to go backpacking?

Is there a natural wonder you would like to see?

Have you ever had a waterbed?

If so, did you like it?

What type of flooring is your favorite?

Do you prefer being on a sofa/couch or in a chair?

Do you have a favorite time of day/time on a clock?

Do you like spaghetti?

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- Have you ever written any fan-fiction? And if, what was it about?

- What was your dream job as a child?

- What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?

- In what ways has your degree in psychology influenced the development of Reborn?

- Your thoughts on the Kingdom Hearts series?

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Would you rather go to a safari or an aquarium? I think you just quoted it a bunch of times.

Do you like picnics?

What is your favorite direction on a compass?

Do you prefer backpacks or those shoulder bag things?

Do you like seeing tall grass or short grass better?

Do you have a favorite type of cloud?

If you could be any household appliance, what would you be and why?

  • Oh, what, you didn't actually put that question multiple times? lolll... gg, forum quotes. I've noticed copy/pasting has been really weird too lately, at least in the advance editor mode. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon.
  • I can't recall ever having one, but I think I'd rather eat indoors, only because I really dislike bugs.
  • Shoulder bag. Unless it's a stylized backpack, like my kitty one (its Chiaki Nanami's backpack), or the coffin backpack I used in high school.
  • Tall grass. Wild Pokemon might live there.
  • Dark. The darker the better. I want them to stretch between horizons and cover everything. Empty sky is depressing.
  • I'd wanna be a freezer, cuz then I'd still be the coolest one there. B)

Do you like Bats?

Have you ever been to a largely populated event? Concert, a Game, etc

Have you ever gone hiking?

Do you ever want to go backpacking?

Is there a natural wonder you would like to see?

  • i like them from a distance. my mother adopted a bat one random morning and they are not as cute close up. but i respect their existence.
  • of course. sports games when i was younger, several large concerts, also my high school graduation which was, you know, held in the same place as the large concerts cuz there were so many damn people. like jesus.. probably some other things i can't think of atm.
  • my father used to take me hiking regularly. we've been all over this state.
  • we went backpacking as well. I don't enjoy that so much though...
  • i dont even know the seven wonders, lol... the aurora is one? i'd love to see that someday.

Have you ever had a waterbed?

If so, did you like it?

What type of flooring is your favorite?

Do you prefer being on a sofa/couch or in a chair?

Do you have a favorite time of day/time on a clock?

Do you like spaghetti?

  • no, but my mom did.
  • i dont remember what happened to it. i think it might've gotten catt'd. but it was fun.
  • these are creative questions.. probably soft carpetting?
  • chair. easier to think that way for me.
  • middle of the night. like 2-4am territory. 11:11 is fun.
  • ...its ok. as long as it doesn't have meat in the sauce or whatever.

- Have you ever written any fan-fiction? And if, what was it about?

- What was your dream job as a child?

- What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?

- In what ways has your degree in psychology influenced the development of Reborn?

- Your thoughts on the Kingdom Hearts series?

  • one time i wrote a pokemon battle fanfic for a contest on bulbagarden. it was a 3v3 match vs silver. i assume i didn't win but i think i forgot to even check.
  • i pretty consistently wanted to be a writer.
  • it involved two members of this site and a giant spider and i cannot talk about the details because that would be a violation of this site's rules. in any case, it was very, very unpleasant and i still do not understand why that was a thing..
  • most notably, it gave me a lot of stretches of psych class hours where i literally had nothing else to do but work on the game while pretending to take notes and not actually paying attention much at all.
    • more seriously, idk about the degree itself, because sometimes i feel like i didn't learn all that much from those classes (not true; just a feeling). that actually wasn't for lack of paying attention, but rather because i'd been interested in the subject for years so many of the things we were presented with, i had already researched and understood on my own a long time ago.
      • so if you're asking about how concepts of psychology rather than the degree itself influenced it-- well, i don't know. they've been part of my thinking for so long, i can't extricate them to imagine how it would have been different.
  • i played chain of memories on the GBA and it was g a r b a g e. then years later i finally got a PS2, played KH1 and it was very fun, and played the PS version of chain of memories and that was great. it is just infinitely better than the GBA version. burn the GBA version.
    • namine is the best.
    • i used to be very close to someone named riku. that ended... very badly, and so i have some strange personal feelings toward the character riku.
    • the first one in particular has a lot of emotional framing and spirit that i found nostalgic even never having played it before or as a kid. that is an ideal.
    • those are the only two games in the series i've played.
      • i am strongly considering doing a blind LP of KH2 after i finish okami.
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