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I Am (And Forever Will Be) A Cool, Cute, Handsome, Hot, Dope, Perfect, Subtraction-by-Seven-God Ghoul [Say That Fast; I'm Honored]


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Hiiiiii. Kaneki Ken at your screen. I should have done intros the moment I have created this account but darn, procrastination and laziness combined forces and attacked me - turns out, super effec--- ENOUGH. I can't stop blabbering why is that so *gets tormented*

Anyway, I, again, am Kaneki Ken which you could call Kaneki-kun. Before I have done this intro, I have posted 3(?) topics regarding site problems(?) which probably caused annoyance to the admins since I keep posting and posting.

I am a fifteen-year-old cool, cute, handsome, dope, perfect, math-god guy from the Philippines. I am a grade 10.

I actually have played Reborn before but because of laziness, I didn't create an account. So yeah, I have played for half a year, but then our netbook had a problem; I wasn't able to get my account, so now I'm starting over again. Sad.

I used to write novels (in which I wasn't able to complete) and short stories, with the genres being adventure, mystery/thriller, horror, action, romance, fantasy, sci-fi, crime fiction. I stopped because of laziness having not enough time.

I suck with art. Really. We're mortal enemies. Pft.

I love music. I listen to J-Rock and K-Pop a lot (in K-Pop, I am a YGstan).

I don't know how to approach people. I suck with crowds.

I have no friends. I treated many like one, but nobody treated me the same way back.


I like playing RPGs. I dream of playing in a VRMMORPG. I also like eating (sweets and ice cream are in the priority list!)

So, yeah. that's me. Mind being my friend? :)

PS. Yes, I am a ghoul @_@ Kidding!

PPS. Sorry for the strikethroughs. I kind of liked them ._.

Why'd you open this? Wanted to get spoiled?

Edited by Kaneki
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Welcome to Reborn, Kaneki!

Funnily enough, I was about to report the Trainer Card and Sprite issues before I saw that you had posted about them.

I actually had doubts reporting them since I thought they may just be due to bad internet connection. Haha

Anyway, thanks for the welcome :)

Thank you, too EXLink32 :)

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Hello Kaneki-kun!!! Welcome to Reborn! :3

As you may notice, I came from the Oriental Sea Pearl as well. :)

I hope you'll enjoy your stay. If you have any questions or in need of assistance, feel free to PM me.

Have fun! And don't be afraid to mingle with these guys. They're actually quite nice. :3

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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