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A question, A Rant, and a Reach out for help. Women, and the reality behind it all.


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Hey guys, inspired by my recent friend Juuzou, I have decided to put myself out there and ask for help in a topic that has eluded and cursed me for several years now.

As stated in the topic, Females, or more importantly getting a girlfriend has eluded me for a long time now. I suppose i could ask for all the opinions and tips about how to get one, but i've already done as much research as I can, and i can't get anywhere if there are no opportunities, but now I must ask the rest of you a question: Is romance in movies, animes, tv shows and in any other type of media actually legit at all?

Things like, where the guy protagonist does something heroic in a stupidly rare opportunity and the girl falls for him. Or like, for example, in rwby, where pyrrha, an incredible nearly perfect girl nearly falls head over heals into jaune's lap while jaune appears to be a bumbling idiot? are any of those scenarios actually real? Do any of us nerdy types who dream of being the hero actually get to ever fulfill those rolls, get the girl, and ride off into the sunset? Do we at all get to snuggle up at night with our perfect lovers?

Do any of us even have a chance? It is things like these that tug at my 'heart strings' and present ideal scenarios actually real? or are all these dreams mere illusions of grandeur, meant to fool us into thinking we have any sort of chance while all the 'bad boys' steal all the girls and break their hearts? I suppose this is both a question and a rant, as i suppose many of you could speculate or simply empathize with what I am going through, but any of you who have been lucky enough, could you try and enlighten us? Is there really any fleeting chance of hope? Or is it all merely an illusion?

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Ima write a big post in a moment, but lemme just start by saying I think you're way overthinking this

Is romance in movies, animes, tv shows and in any other type of media actually legit at all?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *Wipes tear from eyes* No, not in the slightest. That type of romance is idealized so that the majority of the audience will feel good about themselves

Things like, where the guy protagonist does something heroic in a stupidly rare opportunity and the girl falls for him.

Nope, heroism is imagined and the rare case where someone does fall for their savior it tends to work out badly

r like, for example, in rwby, where pyrrha, an incredible nearly perfect girl nearly falls head over heals into jaune's lap while jaune appears to be a bumbling idiot?

You make a big mistake and miss a key word here

Firstly, "perfect girl" is very subjective and by using any woman as a standard you're literally saying that any woman who isn't her is therefore imperfect, which immediately sets you up for failure in romance. Though I do get your point because Pyrrha is a wonderful young woman and Jaune is lucky to have her heart

And the key word here is appears. No he's not crazy powerful or super smart. But he's a good person, if a bit reckless and in over his head. It's clear that Pyrrha sees beyond his social awkwardness into who he really is (also helps that's she super awkward herself and thus kinda understands)

Do any of us nerdy types who dream of being the hero actually get to ever fulfill those rolls, get the girl, and ride off into the sunset? Do we at all get to snuggle up at night with our perfect lovers?

No you don't get to be the hero

And no you don't get to snuggle with your perfect lover, because nobody exists who is your perfect lover (as in, in your head what you think of as perfect, I'm sure there's someone just right for you out there. I'm just trying to make a psychological point about how your current way of thinking is flawed) As I already sorta said, the very idea of perfection itself is imperfect

or are all these dreams mere illusions of grandeur, meant to fool us into thinking we have any sort of chance while all the 'bad boys' steal all the girls and break their hearts?

Yes they are illusions, but so are the bad boys that steal their hearts. Yes some girls are more interested in that sort of guy, but that doesn't mean they all are. And it definitely doesn't mean you have to be some storybook hero to get a girl

but any of you who have been lucky enough, could you try and enlighten us?

Well, seeing as I am the Goddess of Luck and have the most amazing, perfectly imperfect girl on the planet as my heart I think I'm qualified to comment here

Well, for one, it's not necessarily something you seek out. The harder you look, the less likely you are to find (like when you lose the TV remote or your car keys, it's only after you stop searching that they show up) That's not to say you should just ignore every girl you like ever, because then you'll end up missing the right one. But take a step back and let it happen, instead of trying to find some shortcut to making it work

Basically, you're trying to hard, ease up a bit. Instead of trying to be the hero, just focus on being a good person. Someone's bound to take notice. It's not likely to happen any time soon, but love is a game of patience. I'd wager you're probably still under 20 so you've got plenty of time

Life isn't a fairy tale but don't lose heart, I mean how are you supposed to love someone without it? :P

With hope,


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Can't speak for all the ladies, but the grand stuff on TV isn't something that happens. It oversimplifies something that is really hard to explain in real life, like just about all fiction.

I'm going to go ahead and say that women don't fall for archetypes, but people. No one in their right mind is looking specifically for one type of person because that person probably doesn't exist. So no, women don't just end up with "bad boys" and leave all the "nerdy boys" behind.

There's nothing you can do to make a girl (or anyone) like you than to be nice. There's a chance you'll never find someone, that exists with even the best looking, coolest people. You might end up alone, who knows. Or you might not. The best you can do is put yourself out there and be kind to people, get involved in things, and not be afraid to do new things. If you don't actively try to meet people, you'll never find someone you might like. And if you do find someone, be nice. There's a chance they won't like you the same way, but that's okay. Keep at it. Thinking you're doomed to be alone is how you'll really end up alone.

I would know this because I thought the same way you did a while back, and once I stopped worrying about it was when I finally found someone. Just chill out and enjoy life.

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Okay, so I'm probably the least qualified person to give you advice on this, but I'll say something anyways.

It totally depends on the girl. If you're looking for a damsel in distress situation to pop up, odds are it won't happen. Not in the way you expect it at least. The closest thing you'll probably get is a girl heartbroken because her boyfriend dumped her. As you said, it's stupidly rare. Not impossible, but rare. There are cases where people are in actual danger (ex being mugged), so then I hope you're armed. Or a good fighter. Or possibly bullet proof.

Something that people don't realize is that guys in anime often take quite a beating to get the girl. Some get stabbed in an effort to protect them. In real life, you won't recover as quickly, and you're no good if you're dead.

As for bad boys... I've heard that girls like confidence. Bad boys exude confidence, and cheap cologne. Something about danger. Unfortunately, danger is a thing. And heartbreaks. Maybe you'll get your chance after all.

What I've found that works is just being nice, confident, and funny. And not an asshole. Or creepy. Do that, and one day your prince(ss) will come.

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All that stuff in media etc... is complete bull. It is the idealized form of love or Romanticism. It's the grand gestures and the things people use to over-embellish the points of what it is etc... Movies, books, anime... it all shows what we think love is and what we think we desire. It's what we believe is it's true form... but it is hardly the case. It's basically a carrot dangled far above out heads that we can never reach because there is no way to ever get it. It doesn't exist.

Like Ideals... it is a social construct dangled far above out heads It's something we are told all our lives we should want and desire... and yet it simply does not exist.

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In short, life isn't a movie. It's not an anime. It's real life. You can't generalize all women (or men) into these tropes set by movies. To some women confidence is important and to some women it isn't. The same can be said of men. Drawing a comparison to tropes from media is the worst way to look at finding a relationship since it may end up just like the movie, fictional.

That being said, I don't think it's good to go out searching for relationships. I think any sort of connection should just grow naturally. Hang out at places you enjoy and meet people there. They'll share your interests. See something that someone posts and you agree or disagree with them? Contact them and chat a bit.

That being said, always remember to respect peoples boundaries. If they don't seem to be into you or don't want to talk to you, then respect that choice and let them be.

It's all much more confusing than what media makes it all look like. Live your life and don't particularly try to get into a relationship. Let it come natural.

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K, so finally finished editing my earlier post and holy wow people are fast

What I've found that works is just being nice, confident, and funny. And not an asshole. Or creepy. Do that, and one day your prince(ss) will come.

Eh, confidence isn't necessarily necessary. Sometimes being meek can be attractive, different people have different tastes. I'm plenty creepy and look at where that's got me owo

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K, so finally finished editing my earlier post and holy wow people are fast

Eh, confidence isn't necessarily necessary. Sometimes being meek can be attractive, different people have different tastes. I'm plenty creepy and look at where that's got me owo

True, true. Like I said, I'm not the best person to answer this, but you summed it up nicely.


I laughed a lot harder than I probably should have at this.

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As a girl, I'd be offended... but mostly? I'm just sad. Sad that the media is skewing people's minds into thinking like a romance novel.

Short answer: That kind of romance pretty much doesn't exist, and girls are all attracted to WILDLY different personalities.

I mean, I'd prefer a person who talks to me honestly, enjoys the same things I do, and doesn't necessarily have to be "perfect". They don't even have to be OMG HAWT. Hell, I'd rather they weren't. Some other girls probably couldn't care less about that. Some probably want something entirely different.

Just... I don't know, try to find a girl who has similar interest as you. Odds are, she'd feel the same way you do, only about guys.

Uh... don't sweat it, I guess? And don't set some sort of unattainable requirements. Not all girls are drop dead gorgeous. But the ones that aren't are just as worth of consideration as those who are.

Or something. I don't know. All I can say is, don't look at tv for your relationship guide.

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I really like Pyrrha as a character but golly does her relationship with Jaune bother me a lot because of all the things you've said. He does nothing to deserve her. She's basically a not-so-manic pixie dream girl and those sorts of plot devices are disgustingly overused.

And why? Media is not meant to be an accurate representation of reality. By and large, it's meant to sell. As a male viewer, you're expected to identify with Jaune and vicariously enjoy his being able to get that perfect girl icon. This is effective at gratifying male viewers, which is why it's such a popular pattern, but the backlash is that it creates false expectations like what you're now dealing with.

My advice is to stop assuming that girls are any different from anyone else. Would you want to date a bumbling idiot-- regardless of gender?

You, and many others, think of girls as a gender first, and as people second. Try to remember that everyone is a person like any other. When you can do that, it's not so hard to empathize and connect with people.

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I'm not the best at these kinds of things, but I can agree with everyone else, Don't look towards any form of media as a guide to relationships, just get to know the person you like, and let them get to know you. Don't pressure them, give em space when you feel they need it, overall just be yourself in general(you should do all this with everyone no matter the gender.) Just be patient.

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As typical and cliche as it sounds, trust me, just be yourself. Media's portrayal of relationships is nothing more than a dream, 99% of the time you're not going to pull some big heroic act or the girl isn't just going to randomly fall for you. Get to know them, be there for them, but don't let someone walk all over you. I wouldn't honestly go actively looking for a relationship on your own; if it happens, it does, but if it doesn't and you're searching 24/7, you're going to seem extremely desperate. I mean, my current relationship happened completely by accident...

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Everyone gets the idea of love completely wrong.

- Men, you guys have a variety of different innate wants and desires. Some of you out there are arrogant and want the finest piece of ass you can find for bragging rights and end up objectifying those you catch - and not only does it come across as pig-headed - most of the time it DOESNT. WORK. Eventually, you find out that the flame dies, and neither of you are open enough to continue the relationship. The other side of the spectrum for dudes is that they are either completely desperate or completely hopeless. Some of the other guys out here may lock themselves in their rooms and not even talk to the girls out there - and it's a shame because being a hermit leaves a lot a good girls without a lot of good guys.

- Women, it's already been pointed out that there's something about the "bad boy" that's alluring. Some of us are into the sex just as much as "men" seem to be and make those poor judgements in quality. Some of us hurt ourselves and like the men who hide in their bedrooms also withdraw to our shells. We're NO DIFFERENT than they are - and we come with the added drama of being better at letting our feelings go on average better than they do - the fount of "drama".

Notice a pattern here? Everyone wants the sex. Everyone hides. Everyone wants to put their arm around the arm of their prize.

and yet, NOBODY -really- dates for the reason they should. Biologically, we're scouting out potential mates. Socially, we're looking for lifelong partners.

Hilda's argument for faulty relationships being related to ill intent - the Weiss' Argument For Continuence.


  • If a couple are dating for selfish, fleeting, carnal, or non-existential reasons, the relationship is faulty.
  • People are dating for selfish, fleeting, carnal, or non-existential reasons.
  • Therefore, the relationships said people have are faulty
  • Therefore, the relationships will fail.


My advice, in specifics to the original poster, is to lower your expectations and re-assess what you are looking for. Please do not fall into society's trap of dating for the hell of it. Look for people that have a genuine potential to grow old and DIE with you - and still look smoking hot while doing it.

Patience is key.

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So you get the gist that media builds up the HYPE, but then it's kinda killed off...

If you view it that way.

Really, if you want the perfect relationship, you just need to put the effort into both working for it and seeing it the right way as well as the right partner. That's essentially the trinity of a perfect relationship. The first two apply beyond just your love life; in fact, love is the most difficult facet to apply any kind of realistic, optimistic feeling to. You'll need a partner who's putting forth the same effort you are to making a relationship truly sweet. If it's not overexerting yourself as you realize the relationship you desire, then the biggest roadblock is finding someone who thinks similarly. Whether or not that same person will be the one who loves you as you do them is where any pessimistic viewpoint of love lies. And if the similarity can be drawn, loving is like playing Minesweeper. No one knows how it works and you usually lose, but on the off chance you win, you've struck gold. Draw out that victory and enjoy it as much as you can. Some other roadblock may show up and topple your house of minesweepers? cards, but if you put the effort into making what you truly desire a reality, you are your only limitation. Everything else can be resolved in some way.

With that said, good luck, friend.

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Well, for one, it's not necessarily something you seek out. The harder you look, the less likely you are to find

That's it. Lexi absolutely nailed it right here.

There are many things you can do in order to keep a relationship, it takes effort, patience and dedication. But to find a relationship to begin with? Completely different story.

Relationships happen, it's not something you can engineer, it's not something you can control. They just happen. And this is not true JUST for love, but for all kinds of relationships as well: do you have any good friends? If so, an you tell us the strategy you adopted to make them become your friends? No you can't, that's the point I am trying to make. You meet people, you are natural around them, and eventually something that is impossible to explain with words happens, and then you are friends. Love is the same thing. If you approach a girl with a plan in your mind, if you do not what comes natural, but rather a series of actions you had schemed beforehand specifically in the hope of making her fall for you, you have already lost. It will never work, simply because there aren't two people in this world who are the same, so the actions you have schemed, specifically to attract the attention of girls, might be exactly what that particular girl hates.

You need to be natural. You need to be yourself and yes, I am aware that it sounds very stereotypical and cliché, but that's how it is. If a girl does not like your true self, then a relationship with her is impossible. Trying to pretend to be someone else won't work for two reasons: there is no guarantee the girl will like the person you are pretending to be either, and even if she does, the truth will emerge eventually.

Of course you might argue "I have been myself with lots of girls and non of them liked me" but well, I am afraid that is something that cannot be cured. I mean, if a girl just does not like you, there is nothing to be done about it. The whole "insistence will win her heart" thing shown in movies is not only unrealistic, it is actually a crime (called "stalking") in real life. So if you are turned down, just don't give up and move on. It might feel disheartening on the long run, but you need to keep at it: you WILL find the one right for you eventually.

Judging from your profile, you are 18. You are still so young. Not finding love is not a tragedy at that age, and finding it only for it to end after a while is not a tragedy either: you still have a long way to go, try and enjoy what you get, instead of struggling in vain to get what is out of your reach. Go out in the vast world without thinking about anything, just be yourself, and you WILL find someone eventually.

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As others have said you need to stop thinking of girls as a foreign species. They are just like you and are going to like you more if you just speak to them like you would to a boy. Random acts of heroism do not help you connect with other people and you should just try to treat them like a real person. Love is really not that different from friendship and you need to think of women as friends.

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Ah love and women. One of the few things I'm not well-versed in have loads of secondhand experience. First thing's first, my old man always told me to never ever fall for the first girl to kiss me or gimme a piece of ass. Well said on his part.

Everyone is different, just like with our preferences to sexuality, relationships are different with everyone here. Personally, my idea of love is a deep affection toward partnership, almost like "best friends" sort of thing. I would never mind if my girlfriend was a whore at all, unless she cared the most about me rather than another at the end of the day. I've only ever had two on-and-off girlfriends myself, and only with one of them did any sort of carnal exchanges occur.

The first one was a sorta nerdy type like me, and we both loved anime and Pokemon, and other oddball stuff like Magic the Gathering and the outdoors. She dumped me because she was already doing terrible in school, and with me, it just piled on a little. She was given the ultimatum of me or financial support from her folks. She chose the latter out of a need for it.

The second one I was too naive to understand was the school tramp at the time. I'd been friends with her since elementary school, so I kinda just ignored it. I was kinda like Kenny from South Park when I heard she was ho'ing around. She dumped me because we had a large falling out that I won't go into details about.

Although from general experience, if you want a girl to love you, you first of all need to know her. Secondly, make sure you look presentable. Anything considered disgusting you may wanna cut back on (farting, burping, etc.). If you're a little on the chubby side, dropping a good ten pounds will help your appearance like you won't believe. Also, make sure you aren't dirt broke. Girls generally don't like guys who are VERY poor.

Well that's really all I can say that hasn't been hashed before. Just remember love and relationships are mostly devotion.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Like others said before, the most important thing is to realize that people are people, regardless of gender. Girls aren't a mysterious species different from your own, and you'll make things so much more difficult if you are stuck in the mindset that they are.

Yes, it can take a long time until you meet a person with who you could be partners. See, just like you couldn't be friends with every person you meet, no every person is a good match for you as a partner.

Personally, I'd say don't look, just wait. But that's not the ultimate truth, obviously, since I know my fair share of people who met through dating sites and are in happy, stable relationships.

Every girl is different, just like everyone else. So are their preferences.

None of the people I dated are sporty. All of them are nerdy to some degree. Two out of three aren't what I'd call confident.

Heck, I'm dating a Rebornian, if that's any measurement c:

What matters IMO is that it's a relationship based on care and trust, and that everyone involved is willing to contribute their part.
Unequal relationships will eventually leave someone (or everyone) unhappy.

Sometimes the "butterfly feeling" is misguided; my second relationship is a prime example of what comes out of rushing into things out of loneliness and with no regards to how compatible one is with the other.

Media glamorizes. Media wants to tell a story, it wants to sell. There's not always truth in television; fictional relationships aren't automatically good, healthy, ideal or even possible. In many cases, they're not even meant to be ideal.

You know that feeling when you meet a person and realize how well you get along and how much you enjoy being around them/talking to them? Like, making friends?

Falling in love is kinda like that, from my experience. It just... happens, and from there, it's in the power of you and the person to build and maintain a working relationship.

My first boyfriend and I may have broken up, but even now, he is still my best friend, and one of the most important people in my life. Why? Because even though we've changed to a degree where we didn't work out romantically any more, there's still an overall great dynamic to our relationship. We still get along great.

To me, at the base of it all, a lover is also a friend.

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I think folks have already covered most of it. Just be your best self, meet a lot of people and you never know where you'll end up getting dragged into. Also, don't be the gentleman I stupidly am: people in relationships are perfectly possible to be in bad times and need a change. Never shy away from them.

But, I have to say that: because of this topic I'm listening to jazz and specifically Grant Green, after a year. And I do that in a hot summer noon. I won't even get into what is wrong with that.

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Hey guys, thanks for all of the advice, from all of your different life views. Yes, nearly everything about a human opinion is subjective, as Lexi had mentioned, but that is what makes a human special no? It is how we define ourselves, and we could appear as totally sexy or a disgusting barf bag, life itself is almost entirely subjective. But I do think I realize where a few of my problems are coming from. It comes from a combination of having adhd, and being impatient, being too exposed too social media and/or idillic romance scenarios, like in anime and in movies, and being a mathematical calculating mind. I like to plan out the world, and see how to make it best for everyone, but love, being a prime emotion, cannot be accounted for.

Thank you, once again, for opening my eyes. I am going off to university very soon, and I do think you all have just helped to change (for the better) my perspective about girls, finding 'the someone' and enjoying life. I've been doing almost everything right, except for the searching and waiting part, which I think now i have almost got it down, but the only way to check would be through application.

now, i must ask a genuine question, that i am very serious about, and i do not mean to offend anybody by it, and if i do, i am sincerely sorry. Are girls any different thinkers than guys? And by that I always here that girls are more illogical and throw in their emotions into all their thoughts, but with what everyone above just said, that doesn't exactly seem true...Can anyone please enlighten me to the truth?

ALSO In no way am i saying no more help. If anyone has any other tips, suggestions, advice or otherwise, please continue to post. There is never a time to not learn.

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The truth is that there aren't two people who are the same. A girl is different from me, but another guy is just as different. There are 7 billions people in this world and they are all different. Don't assume girls are different: assume EVERYONE is different, respect everyone equally, and you are good to go.

Also, I don't understand english medical terms: what's adhd?

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The truth is every person thinks differently than another. Gender has nothing to do with it at all and commonly is a things cited when it's not true. People all think differently, the gender not really being a factor to the way people think.

It is a social construct and gender expectations that lead to the whole "Guys should never show emotion other than anger, and women are emotional and do everything based on emotion". And Society is stupid for it. It's society's way of controlling people in it's own way and to force people to conform to a small definition. However, people are rarely that simple and definitely cannot be easily said to ever truly represent that. We have emotions for a reason and some are more prone to showing them or having them bleed into their decisions etc... whether male or female and others are more logical and don't. Then there is everything in-between that. The basic is there is no difference between "girls" and "guys" thinking, but there is between People. Gender doesn't really amount to anything in this equation because genders are a social construct. Think of people as people without facotring in such a thing... and you'll find it much easier to understand somethings in this world.

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The truth is every person thinks differently than another. Gender has nothing to do with it at all and commonly is a things cited when it's not true. People all think differently, the gender not really being a factor to the way people think.

It is a social construct and gender expectations that lead to the whole "Guys should never show emotion other than anger, and women are emotional and do everything based on emotion". And Society is stupid for it. It's society's way of controlling people in it's own way and to force people to conform to a small definition. However, people are rarely that simple and definitely cannot be easily said to ever truly represent that. We have emotions for a reason and some are more prone to showing them or having them bleed into their decisions etc... whether male or female and others are more logical and don't. Then there is everything in-between that. The basic is there is no difference between "girls" and "guys" thinking, but there is between People. Gender doesn't really amount to anything in this equation because genders are a social construct. Think of people as people without facotring in such a thing... and you'll find it much easier to understand somethings in this world.


There's only one thing I'd like tio address and it's this:

finding 'the someone' and enjoying life.

Grasping from context you seem to have ingrained the idea that a relationship is necessary to enjoy life.

The only advice I can give you on that front is what I'm attracted to; And one thing I definitely consider is whether or not a person seems like they could get by without me.

As counter-intuitive as that may be, the idea is this: Focus on enjoying life without needing someone else to do so with you first. Get that down, and at the end of the day, a relationship will become a plus and not a must.

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Just noticed this post now x_x

I inspired something, yay.

But as for what you said,

Romance is 100% legit.

It's real, even for "losers" and "nerds".

There is someone out there for everyone.

I don't mean like soul mates, I don't believe in that,

I do know that there are a bunch of people out there who would be with you.

It's true that women have ideals in terms of partners but,

Who doesn't.

That doesn't mean that they're uninterested.

All you really need is a good personality.

and I don't mean you need to be charismatic, confident and funny or anything.

You just need to not be a jerk.

(If you are a jerk, you can probably still get girls but it probably won't work out)

But you don't seem like a jerk to me.

I have a guy friend who's nearly 18 and has never had a girlfriend.

I found a legit person online too so not everyone is catfishing you.

It took me a really long time to find someone to be with but I didn't look for it.

It just happened.

That's how all of my relationships have started.

I don't know if you CAN look for love actively but I believe that everyone gets their chances.

So don't give up hope!

Wishing you luck,


EDIT: It probably helps if you meet new people (online or IRL).

Maybe go to events or play online video-games,

even if you're shy, someone will probably talk to you eventually.

I don't know if I'm being helpful at all,

but I used to feel like nobody wanted me and I just wanted to say that

Somebody does.

(that doesn't just apply to me, it applies to everyone)

EDIT 2: It's been mentioned already but the whole thing about women (or girls) throwing emotions into everything while guys don't, is just a stereotype. Guys cry, girls can be emotionless, evil sociopaths. It's all the same. Gender doesn't determine your way of thinking.

(Everything in this post is just my opinion, anyone can feel free to disagree with me)

Edited by Juuzou
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