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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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It is finally time. After months and months Jericho's bugging harrassing POLITELY ASKING us to reveal the Pokemon he contributed to this project, the announcement you were all waiting for is finally here. And boy, has it been a long time coming: Jericho dropped the first big reference to his creation in a post he made in MAY 2015, and since then, he has hinted, suggested, or flat-out demanded to see his "homie" a grand total of nine times.

So... will there be an Ice Fighting Huk? ;D

Funny story about that

Still waiting. For my little homie to be revealed.

#StillWaiting :C

So does the line count as 3 then I presume?

Tomas.... Where's my homie? :C

Someday little buddy.... someday you'll get revealed :c

It's... so... close.


What, you thought I made that up?

So yeah, without further ado, here is Articaque!


As its stands, this cute little fella is a pure Ice type, but well, Jericho's multiple posts have already spoiled the amount of stages that form the line, and the typing of the final evolution. In many ways, this is a very unique Pokemon, and one of the many attempts made by this game to make it so that the Ice type sucks a bit less.

Compared to the prototype made by Jericho, the only difference is that the final form was given one extra ability (in other words, we gave it what Jericho suggested plus one more): everything else remained the same, so yeah, Jericho please don't say anything in regards to abilities, moves and/or playstyle, let's leave it to our players to find out for themselves! Of course, they are free to try and guess in they want (but please Jericho, if someone guesses right, don't be like "here is our winner!" lol).

As a final note, it will be a LONG time before you can actually catch this guy. As we mentioned multiple times, there is a late-game area that is completely frozen over (referencing the fact that Oceania is close to the South Pole), and most Ice-type Pokemon are exclusive to that area: Lizargem is an exception, but Articaque is not. However, a NPC will use it in battle against you at one point in Ep 2, so there's that.

Welp, this is all on my part. Please discuss: given how long he has been waiting for this, I think Jericho deserves to be given some satisfaction now :P

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That's a very silly question. Jericho contributed a Pokemon to this project, like many others did. He was a bit pushy in asking to have it revealed, and I poked fun at him for it. End of the story. I see no point in your question other than trying to stir up some childish drama.

Let's stick to talking about Articaque please.

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so Ice/Fighting in the end, huh?


I assume it will be some kind of big, hulking Yeti.

Fighting-Type implies high Physical Attack - since it doesn't really have much of special Attacks, and Ice also has a few pretty good physical moves.

I'm thinking of:

Ice Fang (since on this artwork, it prominently shows its sharp tooth),

Ice Punch, (Elemental Punches are popular among Fighting Types)

Icicle Crash,

Ice Shard, (Ice priority to make up for a possible low speed)

and maybe even Icicle Spear

for Fighting moves:

Mach Punch (Fighting Priority)

Drain Punch (STAB-Recovery to compensate for the 6 weaknesses)

Close Combat (for that Raw-Power!)

Hammer Arm

Power-Up Punch

non-STAB moves:

other elemental Punches (move tutor / TM only?)

Comet Punch



Noble Roar


Work Up





Swagger (? if it's not too broken^^)

Belly Drum

Sleep Talk


possible Abilities:

Thick Fat (to reduce that fire-type damage)

Pure/Huge Power (RAW ATTACK POWER!!!)

Iron Fist (Somehow I got the feeling it won't have many Kick-moves and relies on Punching things)

No Guard

Inner Focus

those are my guesses:

A Yeti-like Ice/Fighting Type that Punches things!

High Physical Atk and Def, Low Special Atk and Def, average HP and speed.

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Looks like my 2 year old cousin. Gg Jeri. But nah I actually really like this mon. Looking forward to seeing how you can make a pure ice type not useless. I'm predicting a bulky ice/fighting type for its final evolution.

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Swagger (? if it's not too broken^^)

Just a reminder, Swagger is a TM move that can be learned by all Pokemon. So yeah, broken or not, this is kinda a given lol.

Also, some of your guesses were spot-on, while some other were completely off target. Not telling you which is which of course :P

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I mean there's plenty of mons that basically have clothes or mock clothes as part of their design. ~((and then you realize that Gardevoir's dress like thing is a bunch of loooooooooong flaps of skin. Have fun with that thought in your head. *shudders* Or Sylveon's MEAT Bows. *Shudders more*))~ so it really just be fur that happens to give off said impression.

Also Ceph... you really think it's going to punch a lot huh? Cause reading through your list it's Punching, Punching, Ice stuffs, MOOOORE PUNCHING.

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Also Ceph... you really think it's going to punch a lot huh? Cause reading through your list it's Punching, Punching, Ice stuffs, MOOOORE PUNCHING.

yeah... I mean, look at its feet!

its feet are hands - with 'thumbs'!

so it effectively could clench its feet to 2 additional fists for punching!

it's like a Machamp where the addititional arms replace the legs!

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I'll guess a few extra moves



Dynamic Punch

Mach Punch

Powder Snow



Shadow Punch

Sky Uppercut

Thunder Punch

Vital Throw


It could even have Fur Coat as an ability, but we all know it's Snow Warning, right?

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Mah - KAK

Macaque's are popular animals. I wonder why none are included in canon games.

Final Evolution


22-HP 27-Atk 18-Def 7-SpA 8-SpD 6-Speed?

Seems a bit low for a final evolution o-o

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22-HP 27-Atk 18-Def 7-SpA 8-SpD 6-Speed?

Seems a bit low for a final evolution o-o

2-HP, 227-Atk ,1-Def, 8-SpA, 7-SpD, 86-Spe

with a choice scarf it works just fine...

For those who like a little puzzle. Others can cheat their way and find out about the final pokemon's name...

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