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Starlight Divide


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I'm a big fan of the turn based genre, so this sounds cool. I may be a little skeptical of the "heaven vs. hell" theme, but seeing what you've pulled off with reborn, I don't think I will be disappointed. I guess I don't have questions, but rather, demands: please make some cool monster angels if you're adding in angels. I need monster angels to live. lots of fire and eyes and wings and all that jazz.

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It is settled for me then, I must become an ace member here on the forums before Reborn is finished. Can I do it? If I actually posted a lot probably. Will I be worthy? Judging by how I am now, only wanting it for this purpose...no. I'll aim for the Starlight Divide in the heavens above and promise to return from there with enlightenment... Oh and being a nicer person to people. That's something I don't do too often :P

Edited by Pyrrhon
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Aight, ok love the idea but I have some questions just generally. If i'm not mistaken, a lot of reborn was coded using RPG maker and then yours and others own knowledge, correct? That being the case, will this game also use RPG maker, or will it be using some other system that you might have decided on yet? I ask because, well,, just curious if i'm honest.

Also, will innovative features like fields in reborn be implemented? Reborn took a much different direction from Pokemon main, would Starlight take a different path from Fire emblem, Disgaea, Tactics Ogre and the like?

If it revolves around heaven and hell and that divide, will there be features of other religions and beliefs? Perhaps the cycle of Samsara could be a thing so we can keep legitimately calling this place Reborn

Also, will there be the features of Races, such as Angels and Devils, or would it take more of a Shin megami tensei approach with each character and put them into different classifications of beings?

Sorry if these seem too nosy, but I love questioning beginning concepts like these so that I know they can get off the ground, though I doubt thats a worry in this case

Also, Ames gonna have a better Resume than most Nintendo employees at this rate

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1. Fire Emblem is my jam so yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

2. For all those people saying that the community will be continuing past the game/they have a reason to stick around past the game/what's going to be the deal with the name let me just remind you all that this community was a thing long before the reborn game and that the community itself isn't strictly focused around the game even if it is the major recruiting agent at the moment.

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New thing to be hyped about. I wanted to try Fire Emblem for some time already, so Starlight Divide will definitely have my attention.

Also, I think I saw somewhere mentioned that this game will use Kickstarter, is that true?

Edited by Jaromir
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I'll stick around for sure...so much hype already and the game will not be out for like a year (or more) well then i won't ask questions (the only one i wanted to ask is already there)...i just hope that we'll be able to choose sides in this "war" (i'll go with "hell" i think).

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No offense, but I only play Pokemon, so I ain't as hype as you'd expect.

But this game looks interesting, what's a RPG?

Really? Well why don't you take 5 seconds to google it? Anyway Pokemon (for example) is an RPG

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Disclaimer: These questions reflect my personal opinion and curiosity and that only.

So, there are two things (for now, at least) that I'd like to ask the community about Starlight Divide.

First, would you rather have Starlight Divide follow an episodic format like Reborn, or wait longer for a full game?
Second, although Reborn has a fairly linear storyline, there are several choke-points in the game where it branches off and it's slightly altered by your choices. What was your opinion on this? Do you prefer a story that's linear with minor alterations, like Reborn, a story more focused on choices and consequences, or a more linear and to-the-point storyline?

Lastly, would you like the war of demons and angels to be replaced with a war of anime schoolgirls and tentacle monsters?

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Disclaimer: These questions reflect my personal opinion and curiosity and that only.

So, there are two things (for now, at least) that I'd like to ask the community about Starlight Divide.

First, would you rather have Starlight Divide follow an episodic format like Reborn, or wait longer for a full game?
Second, although Reborn has a fairly linear storyline, there are several choke-points in the game where it branches off and it's slightly altered by your choices. What was your opinion on this? Do you prefer a story that's linear with minor alterations, like Reborn, a story more focused on choices and consequences, or a more linear and to-the-point storyline?

Lastly, would you like the war of demons and angels to be replaced with a war of anime schoolgirls and tentacle monsters?

1. I would rather have it be episodic, better for testing/bug finding/feedback and also because I don't want to wait too long :P

2. I prefer choice and consequence, that way it will have more replay potential,

3. NO! Or, maybe, but without tentacles!

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Disclaimer: These questions reflect my personal opinion and curiosity and that only.

So, there are two things (for now, at least) that I'd like to ask the community about Starlight Divide.

First, would you rather have Starlight Divide follow an episodic format like Reborn, or wait longer for a full game?
Second, although Reborn has a fairly linear storyline, there are several choke-points in the game where it branches off and it's slightly altered by your choices. What was your opinion on this? Do you prefer a story that's linear with minor alterations, like Reborn, a story more focused on choices and consequences, or a more linear and to-the-point storyline?

Lastly, would you like the war of demons and angels to be replaced with a war of anime schoolgirls and tentacle monsters?

1) Episodic is better i think, if we have to wait for the full game it'll take too long

2) Some branches/decisions would be appreciated (if it doesn't take too much time from the development of the game) but the important thing is the story (if it's good like Reborn i won't care if it's totally linear)

3) That would be the third game ^_^

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You know, now that you say this is an RPG, I think I might be interested.

Anyway given how Ame has been able to turn amateur Pokemon games into an adult-version, uber-challenging Pokemon game without introducing too much nonsensical things, I think I would try this Starlight

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