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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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i will do three calcs then

1. students w/ students

2. students w/ RoG or students

3. Rog w/ RoG

Shippings are getting so serious right now.

By the way, is anybody outside of the boys' dorm right now? I was thinking about having Avis (Murkrow) bump into someone. If not (or you don't want to), that's fine too.

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Shippings are getting so serious right now.

By the way, is anybody outside of the boys' dorm right now? I was thinking about having Avis (Murkrow) bump into someone. If not (or you don't want to), that's fine too.

Well, Robert and Kenny are running to find Shiro(Bfroger), but as far as I know we have Zero idea of where Shiro is actually looking for Shun at, so if he's ok with it and says he found Robert's Riolu, it's a go. Edited by TurboAura
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In reference to commander, Kage can't exactly look at a teacher cause, yknow

he still looks at people when they're talking, he just can't SEE them

Shippings are getting so serious right now.

By the way, is anybody outside of the boys' dorm right now? I was thinking about having Avis (Murkrow) bump into someone. If not (or you don't want to), that's fine too.

Kage is on his way over there, so he's outside.

also lol@rage

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Hmm... so many choices. Danielle, Lana and their pokes are heading to the fire, so it might make more sense for Avis to be heading towards Tacos' character or Kage.

The problem is, I will be off in 40 minutes or so. So, if someone doesn't mind holding off their posts (or you can bunny Avis), I will make a post.

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Jake stood there, tears rolling down his checks and his fists clenching. He though if were the last several years of his life a mistake, were his parents right about him not having a pokemon. He remembered the night when his parents found out about growlithe. All that scoling could it have been true? Before now he though it would be simple to travel on a journey but now he realizes how naive he was. It's not just being with pokemon that makes a journey, it's the experience and for his first it was an utter failure. He slammed the wall with side of his fist and yelled,

"Dammit!" It seemed weird to the people around him but if they only knew. Was it a mistake when he befriended Flare, if he didn't he'd still be on the streets, probably dead by now. But look what happened when he did, he became a naive child who ran away from home just because he couldn't have a pokemon and with what was just proven his parents were right, he probably isn't ready for a pokemon or maybe never will. He ran out the door leaving tears drops that sparkled from the light coming from the window. He left the building and ran in no relative direction but he seemed to be running into the forest.

So... those words from Mareek were a complete waste of breath then. duely noted, he'll let you deal with your own emotional shit in the future

EDIT: nevermind, they did have an effect... he's just completely overeating to them.

"Hey man, you need some direction in your life... yeah, you fucked up a little, but it's not the end of the world. you just gotta learn from it."

"I hate you!" *Runs off into the woods*

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So... those words from Mareek were a complete waste of breath then. duely noted, he'll let you deal with your own emotional shit in the future

EDIT: nevermind, they did have an effect... he's just completely overeating to them.

"Hey man, you need some direction in your life... yeah, you fucked up a little, but it's not the end of the world. you just gotta learn from it."

"I hate you!" *Runs off into the woods*

No they got through to him but right now he's emotionally unstable and can't think straight, it did kinda help and i ment to put your words in somewhere but i forgot. sorry. ):

Edit: I fixed the name to where it's Slade (So his name is Slade Klefkin) Then I added your comment about Slade.

Edited by EXLink32
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I'll put Avis in Slade and Mareek's path, if that's okay? I think the girls will bump into them even without Avis in the long run. Feel free to bunny if necessary. I'll be off after my post.

Have Avis see Slade run into the woods, then have him tell you and fly him back to me, or have him stop me while in the forest. Up to you if ya want to be informed by your murkrow. I'll give you till 9am Pacific Time kuz I want you to impute not me bunnying. (It could be later depending how long it takes me to wake up x3)

Edited by EXLink32
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Have Avis see Slade run into the woods, then have him tell you and fly him back to me, or have him stop me while in the forest. Up to you if ya want to be informed by your murkrow

Got it. I'll edit my post now~

EDIT: I decided to have Avis stop Slade first. That way, you and Stratos can continue the conversation even when I'm off for the night.

Edited by DarkLight
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Got it. I'll edit my post now~

EDIT: I decided to have Avis stop Slade first. That way, you and Stratos can continue the conversation even when I'm off for the night.

I have an idea. Either Avis or Danielle could run into Henry and drag him along (he has a natural talent of getting lost without Zuko). I could just see him freak out about the hole in the fence and wanting to chicken out. Who wouldn't be afraid of something that can do that especially without a pokemon usable. It'd probably be worse if it were Danielle and Lana.

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Nah. Don't take me seriously lol, it was just a suggestion for if you guys are really into shipping pairs and whatnot. Personally I wouldn't really delve into it or act on it RP-wise (unless the ship is super undeniably real, but driven by the flow of the RP and story; I won't pair up just for the sake of pairing up lol) :0 though admittedly I'm curious on whether or not Ezekiel has a part in any ship

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