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Na Nobuyuki

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About Na Nobuyuki

  • Birthday 04/25/2001

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  1. i wanna try and read this again later but currently everything is blurring togeather word wise
  2. I've looked at the second card a few times cause it has a signiture on the bottom kinda n i could be wrong with the letters i've translated but i'm unsure (lw w willlams or lrw w willldms ) now weird thought what if its a anoagram i could be wrong but i've looked at it a few times
  3. Been sitting on this for a few days what if that is coreys dead wife. (ik that sounds crazy but we've seen ghosts before in reborn so not out of the question) That and she has a pony tail
  4. Honestly not what i was expecting. (what i was expecting was probably concepts for the pulse machines we never got to see. and only heard of.) but a person intresting.
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