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  1. Rejuv players still don't know how to turn on Debug with Notepad++? Lol, lmao
  2. I'm not really one for posting in these forums; usually I just comment on devblogs. However... This is really the first time I've gotten to be part of a big game release like this that I really cared about, and the community has made it a lot of fun! Reborn deserves to go down in history as (one of?) the greatest Pokemon fangame--nay, Pokemon game period--ever created, and I mean that wholeheartedly. I assure you I'm not the type to hand out compliments willy-nilly. It's enough to make me forgive the devs for some of the more obnoxious puzzles in this game... Thank you, Devs, for all your hard work!
  3. Phew! What an incredible update.
  4. ......Noel is one of the 'most universally experienced difficulty spikes in the game'? I don't think he's ever beaten me, or even come particularly close...he fights on a field that isn't particularly advantageous to his team, and normal types are kinda easy to dunk on. This isn't meant to be a #HumbleBrag or something, to be clear, because Marcello also says he has always found Aya really easy and she fucking DESTROYS me. It's interesting how different people's experiences can be!
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