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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Maybe you have a point. Due to the absence of TM75 Swords Dance and having Multi-Attack with base power of 90, it won't help at all.
  2. For me, I beat Arceus a long time ago, thanks to my Blaziken with Speed Boost (at least, Judgement move can often fail Arceus because of this field that can change the type of this move).
  3. What starter did you choose earlier before battle with Arceus?
  4. This is the day for “What if” dialogue for Pokemon Desolation. Before that, if you haven’t seen “What if” Mega Evolution, here’s the list and day of what I wrote :

    Mega Pyroar - December 18, 2020

    Mega Slowking - February 12, 2021

    Mega elemental monkeys (Simisage, Simisear, Simipour) - February 19, 2021

    Perfection Eeveelutions (Except Umbreon) - February 26, 2021

    Well, in my thoughts, I wish that the other Eeveelutions would mega evolve in Pokemon Desolation. But without permission, that won’t do.

    Anyway, here’s the scenario. Before the double battle with Shiv against Baron and Crescent member, Baron will mention about Scarlett (Occurs if Scarlett has more relationship with player than the rest of the characters) :

    Baron : That’s what the real strength is.

    As for you, ”Player”. You’re the reason why Scarlett betrayed me and left our group.

    To think you’re capable of helping people more than I do.

    If player is male :

    Baron : You and Scarlett are just like Shiv and Nova.

    Your actions are no different from him.

    Why does she hesitate to obey me when it’s about you?

    Oh, please. Like you would protect her. Seriously?


    Answer :

    - If you do something to her, I’LL KILL YOU.

    - If you hurt her, I’ll never forgive you.

    - I won’t let anyone make her suffer.


    Regardless of the answer :

    Shiv : Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! I know the reason why you’re angry.

    (Green text - Relationship with Scarlett gained) I wonder what will Scarlett react that after what you said?

    Baron : So you try to threaten me. Very well.


    If player is female :

    Baron : Are you happy that she’s with you?

    To be honest, I hate you.

    No matter what, whatever you’re by our side or their side, I really hate you.

    Don’t you think it was easy way to let her live with you? What a fool like you.


    Answer :

    - She didn’t deserve anything for you.

    - You’re the one who’s a fool.

    - It’s all your fault.


    Regardless of the answer :

    Shiv : (Green text - Relationship with Scarlett gained) Well said, “Player”.

    Baron : So that’s how it goes for you. How boring.


    The original dialogue resumes.


    Note : If there had a choice for the player to be a non-binary, I would have added the dialogue. Anyway, see you tomorrow. Bye.

  5. This image. Ferris Wheel. So beautiful.
  6. There’s “What if” for Pokemon Reborn. After Pyrous Mountain incident, before leaving Apophyll Region to unlock the door leading to Byxbysion Region, Victoria would came ask to the player about being a gym leader. So, here’s the dialogue :

    Victoria : Hey, wait.


    Victoria came.


    Victoria : I wanted to know about what it is to be a gym leader.

    I don’t want to disappoint Kiki. Not after she chose me.

    Answer :

    - Ask Ame for that.

    - Don’t worry.

    - It’s hard to explain.

    - You will succeed.


    Choosing “Ask Ame for that” :

    Victoria : Oh, OK. I will do.


    Choosing “Don’t worry” :

    Victoria : Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean that.

    But I’m not gonna disappoint you either (Victoria +1)


    Choosing “It’s hard to explain” :

    Victoria : Hey, that’s not a good thing to say that. (Victoria -1)

    Maybe I should ask Ame.


    Choosing “You will succeed” :

    Victoria : Thanks for cheering me up. I’m very fine, now. (Victoria +2)


    Resuming :

    Victoria : “Player”. I need to ask something. If you were a candidate for gym leader, what type would you like to be?


    Answering one of the types of pokemon will gain relationship points with corresponding type of gym leaders and some characters except Team Meteor members, Anna and Shade. (Choosing Normal type will give 1 relationship point with Noel, but choosing Poison type not only gains 1 relationship point with Aya, but also with Cain.)


    Victoria : So that’s the answer. Carry on.

    Well. This is goodbye. Don’t worry, we’ll meet again later when you have become stronger. Bye.


    Victoria went back to Apophyll Academy and the original scenario continues.


    Note : It would be surprising to see the renovated Byxbysion Region if possible. See you tomorrow. Bye.

  7. This weekend will have change of program. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn will be in Saturday day, so don't worry. The most thing that has changed it's because of the Easter Day which it will occur in Sunday day. So that means that in Sunday day, "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation will be replaced by "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Desolation and will be moved on to Monday day. And I have to say something. During special days, I give hypothetical dialogue/music for Pokemon Desolation and will replace the other things that I would do normally. That's the second rule. For those who didn't like the "What if" Social Links, I have to say :

    "From the bottom of my heart, I'm deeply sorry that I have dissapointed you for everything". 😧

    Well, see you tomorrow.

  8. It has been mentioned several months ago. But it's possible that new crests aren't guaranted to be in V13. Well, sorry for that. But it's good thing there are some pokemons that can be stronger, even if they don't need crests.
  9. I kinda prefer Gmax forms to be considered as Custom Megas in V13. Well, to be honest, there are Z-Moves as well and Crests, too. So I know there's no point on asking about Dynamax, and I think it's because it's very hard to develop on Dynamax sprites and Max Moves. That's why.
  10. This time, there's "What if" Social Links for Pokemon Rejuvenation. For Social Links :


    - Fool : Protagonist's purpose

    - Magician : Ren

    - Priestess : Melia

    - Empress : Alexandra

    - Emperor : Damien

    - Hierophant : Tesla

    - Lovers : Aelita

    - Chariot : Amber

    - Justice : Erin

    - Hermit : Ana

    - Fortune : Mosely

    - Strength : Goomink

    - Hanged Man : Huey

    - Death : Narcissa

    - Temperance : Venam

    - Devil : Puppet Master

    - Tower : Spector

    - Star : Risa

    - Moon : Valarie

    - Sun : Reina

    - Judgement : Crescent

    - World : Interceptor's will


    Social Links do the same as Pokemon Reborn except for the World Arcana that could be unlocked by maxing other Social Links. Maxing Social Link of World Arcana will make the player to choose the right answer automatically without fail, following the choice/the route that leads to True Ending and gives the permission to break pokemon's limiter (Total EV count will rise from 510 to 1512 but the individual stat max will always reach to 252), regardless of difficulty level. So here's the Fool Arcana once again :

    Ren : Later, "Player". We'll see each other soon, I'm sure.


    You have started your life as a trainer...


    Thou art I... And I am thou...

    Thou hast established a new bond...


    It brings thee goal of the new life with hope and determination...


    Thou shalt be blessed when creating Social Link of the Fool Arcana...


    You have established the Protagonist's Purpose Social Link of the Fool Arcana!


    You may earn pokemon's team EXP bonus when battling the wild pokemon.


    Ren left.


    Note : That's all for now. See you next weekend. Bye.

  11. Now, it's time for "What if" Social Links for Pokemon Reborn. And before that, if there had Social Links, that would be :


    - Fool : Protagonist's journey

    - Magician : Arclight

    - Priestess : Victoria

    - Empress : Saphira

    - Emperor : Hardy

    - Hierophant : Samson and Ciel

    - Lovers : Julia

    - Chariot : Titania

    - Justice : Randomus

    - Hermit : Shelly

    - Fortune : Serra

    - Strength : Team Aqua/Magma Leader

    - Hanged Man : Taka (Reshiram Route)/Cain (Zekrom Route)

    - Death : Shade

    - Temperance : Florinia

    - Devil : Aya

    - Tower : Solaris

    - Star : Noel

    - Moon : Luna

    - Sun : Charlotte

    - Judgement : Ame

    - World : Anna


    Having Social Links will make people's pokemon team stronger and earn player's pokemon EXP bonus, depending by having someone or having Multi Battle with other character the player bonded with. The more rank raises, the more EXP gains rasises, too. If the Social Link rank is high enough, the chance to catch pokemon with higher IV stats will increase and also to hatch pokemon egg containing a pokemon with higher IV stats as well. Maxing the Social Link will give the player the opportunity to catch Mythical Pokemon, depending on different arcana.

    For the first time, here's for Arcana Fool after the dialogue :

    Ame : So you want "Starter" Pokemon?


    The player chose "Yes".


    "Player" obtained "Starter Pokemon".


    After obtaining a starter pokemon, you feel like you started your journey...


    Thou art I... And I am thou...

    Thou hast established a new bond...


    It brings thee beginning of the new journey to become stronger...


    Thou shalt be blessed when creating Social Link of the Fool Arcana...


    You have established the Protagonist's Journey Social Link of the Fool Arcana!


    You may earn pokemon's team EXP bonus when having your starter pokemon.


    Note : That's it for now. You can like it if you want. See you tomorrow.

  12. Hello, everyone. I have good news and bad news. Bad news is there won’t be “What if” dialogue this weekend. But good news is I’m going to do something special. Have you known about Social Links? I really played Persona 4 Golden and it got me thinking. Social Link was considered to be a bond made with a another person. That’s why tomorrow, I will give “What if” Social Links for both Pokemon Reborn and Pokemon Rejuvenation. Consider it as Persona’s Arcana reference.

  13. Read very carefully about the item guide if you want the shards for Beldum.
  14. I chose Ame because she's the most valuable person to me. Who's going to protect Reborn Region without her?
  15. Sorry for being late. I had hard time doing my homework. Well before that, I forgot to tell you more about that form : Ultra Instinct.

    A pokemon capable of turning into Ultra Instinct won't be able to use Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves and Dynamax but will use held items but on severe conditions.

    In order to have a fair battle, there are Ultra Instinct levels. The maximum is level 10. That means this is where a pokemon is able to master its form. So as for the effect :

    Lv1 : Base stats changes, gains the Instinct type and grants immunity to status conditions but lasts 3 turns before reverting back to normal, can't use held items, the ability remains the same and the pokemon acts freely.

    Lv2 : Gains 10% of evasion rate and 20% of accuracy rate.

    Lv3 : Powers up less effective moves to 20%.

    Lv4 : Pokemon no longer acts freely.

    Lv5 : Lasts 5 turns before reverting back to normal.

    Lv6 : Pokemon can use held items.

    Lv7 : Gains 30% of evasion rate and 50% of accuracy rate.

    Lv8 : Powers up moves regardless of effectiveness (50% for less effective, 35% for effective and 20% for super effective) and lasts 8 turns before reverting back to normal.

    Lv9 : Gains 50% of evasion rate, has now the No Guard Ability effect and no longer lasts before reverting back to normal.

    Lv10 : Alters the appearance, makes a pokemon learn an Instinct type move that can't be forgotten and changes the ability.


    In order to level up, a pokemon needs to act in survival way : it must remain during battle with 10 turns in a row but if it levels up, it needs 10 turns more than before.


    As for the other pokemons :

    Ultra Instinct Lucario


    Type : Fighting/Instinct


    Base stats :

    HP : 140

    Attack : 220

    Defense : 140

    Sp. Attack : 230

    Sp. Defense : 140

    Speed : 180

    Total : 1050


    Instinct type move : Aura Predator


    Ultra Instinct Dusk Lycanroc


    Type : Rock/Instinct


    Base stats :

    HP : 150

    Attack : 234

    Defense : 130

    Sp. Attack : 110

    Sp. Defense : 130

    Speed : 220

    Total : 974


    Instinct type move : Speed Counter


    Ultra Instinct Staraptor


    Type : Instinct/Flying


    Base stats :

    HP : 170

    Attack : 240

    Defense : 140

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 120

    Speed : 200

    Total : 970


    Instinct type move : Vicious Bird


    That's all. Back to "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. While the player is in the train to Grand Dream City, there's a conversation between Madame X and Madelis. The scene will be altered if :

    - The player did "What if" route leading to Geara's death.

    - The player defeated Madame X's Yveltal.

    There's the dialogue :


    Madame X : If you had just followed Geara's procedure, Melia would be in our hands.

    But no, you had to get your personal feelings involved. Not only that but...

    It's because of your feelings that have caused this action to Geara's fate.

    Madelis : What? What's going on?

    What happened to Geara?

    Madame X : Know your place, Madelis. All I care is about your incompetence. But if you want to know about Geara, then you should see the end of Geara's life being shattered by "Player"'s actions.

    Madelis : WHAT? "Player" killed Geara?



    Madame X uses her sword to slash Madelis.


    Madelis : Y-You slashed me...

    Madame X : Your blood spills to the floor. All is because you brought this upon yourself.

    You're a disgrace. A coward. A good-for-nothing poser. That's what you are now.


    From this point onward, you're fired as a high ranked member of Team Xen.

    Madelis : No... It can't be. This can't be happening. What are you gonna do to me?

    Madame X : Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you, now.

    We'll erase your memories of yourself as a member of Team Xen and kick you out of our basement.

    If you dare to get in my way after you recovered your memories,

    I'm gonna find you and SLAUGHTER YOU TO DEATH.



    Team Xen grunts appear.


    Team Xen Grunt : Yes?

    Madame X : Arrest Madelis and take her to the jail.

    Team Xen Grunt : Roger that.

    Madelis : No. Let go off me. Stop it. Don't.


    The scene ends in darker way for Madelis and the scenario about the player resumes as the original scenario goes on.


    Note : That's it for now. Maybe it's too hard for me to tell the reason about this. Well, see you next weekend.

  16. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. After receiving Cinder Badge and TM 35 - Flamethrower, the dialogue would additionally appear, if the relationship point with Charlotte was 5 or higher :

    Charlotte : Burn, baby.

    Make Team Meteor pretty for me.

    By the way, do you want a cigarette? Consider it as gaining my respect.


    Answer :

    - No. Thank you.

    - Sure. I want one.


    Choosing "No. Thank you." :

    Chalotte : Huh... It's because you don't like it.

    I'll let that slide if it's for the sake of your health.


    Choosing "Sure. I want one." :

    Charlotte : Wow. You're really one of the kind.


    Charlotte gave the player a cigarette and both the player and Charlotte are smoking.


    Charlotte : May this moment be one of the most cherished in our entire life. (Charlotte +1)


    Resuming :

    Charlotte : Well then. See you later.


    That ends the additional dialogue and the original scenario resumes.


    Note : I hope you liked it. See you tomorrow.

    1. Dex


      You know you could probably just write a few of these "What if" dialogue chains and make a thread for them.



    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Nope. I decided to do "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn once per every Saturday days and "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation once per every Sunday days. That's my first rule.

  17. I don't know about needing pokesnax for Totodile. All I know is just be cautious and observe its movements. In order to encounter Totodile, you must approach it when Totodile jumps. I know it's hard. I wasn't able to catch until many attempts later at last year.
  18. To be fair, if it weren’t for Covid, V13 development would have sped up a bit, I guess. Thinking about V13 makes getting hopes up, of course. Once V13 is released, there will be the moment of truth if possible.
  19. Yesterday, I saw Cinderace being ranked again to Uber already. Kinda strange, isn't it? Well, it's "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. In Madelis Throne, in Carotos Mountain, before leaving Keta die by the hands of (False) Shadow Mewtwo :

    Keta : I can't hold on much longer...!

    "Player", let's make a deal, okay? You won't say no, will you?

    Aelita : ...

    Keta : Please, protect Aelita. She's the most valuable person I need to live.

    And defeat Team Xen. Put end to this tragedy.

    I couldn't do anything to protect my family.

    I tried so hard to become a better person.

    If you had been here before I fell into despair, I would have resolve to avenge my family.

    Now, it's your turn to do. Please!


    Answer :

    - I will promise.

    - You can count on me.


    Regardless of the answer :

    Keta : ...!

    Heh... After all this, that's what you have to say?

    Seriously, you really are... (Keta +10)

    Madelis : Enough. Once I'm done with you, the others are next.

    Aelita : This is bad.


    The original scenario resumes as Aelita tells the player to find the generator.


    Note : That's it for now. I hope you enjoyed the dialogue. Well, see you next weekend.

  20. At least, I forgot about Charizard and Mewtwo who had their two Mega Evolutions. Well, how about Mega Evolution Z? What would happen if both can mega evolve into this?

    I was thinking now what kind of power they would have :

    Mega Charizard Z

    Type : Fire/Ghost


    Ability : Balanced Power :

    Effect : Both Attack stat and Sp. Attack stat will become Offense stat. (Offense stat is a fusion of Attack stat and Sp. Attack which they will become the same stat. If Attack stat raises, so the Sp. Attack does. That goes the same for the opposite.)


    Stats :

    HP : 78 -> 78

    Attack : 84 -> 160

    Defense : 78 -> 100

    Sp. Attack : 109 -> 160

    Sp. Defense : 85 -> 100

    Speed : 100 -> 136

    Total : 534 -> 734


    Mega Mewtwo Z


    Type : Psychic/Dragon


    Ability : Arrogance :

    Effect : Moves that are less effective/ineffective will become super effective, no matter what.


    Stats :

    HP : 106 -> 106

    Attack : 110 -> 190

    Defense : 90 -> 120

    Sp. Attack : 154 -> 194

    Sp. Defense : 90 -> 120

    Speed : 130 -> 150

    Total : 680 -> 880


    That should do enough. Now, it’s “What if” dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. In South Obsidia Ward, before Cal leaves, he would ask the player about the fate of Kiki (occurs if the player chose to believe Cal when asked) :

    Cal : “Player”. Perhaps...

    Perhaps you knew she would die by the hands of Garchomp.


    Answer :

    - She couldn’t escape her fate.

    - Humans can make mistakes.


    Choosing “She couldn’t escape her fate” :

    Cal : I understand what you mean.


    The player told Cal the events about Abandoned Power Plant.

    You went into Abandoned Power Plant and already defeated Shade.

    Before that, you really saw the future. A horrible future.

    No wonder why are you so calm. If I was with you, I would have... have...

    No, it doesn’t matter. It’s pointless to think for what I should do.

    What is done is done.


    Choosing “Humans can make mistakes” :

    Cal : I see. That’s the most important lesson I have to learn.

    I must accept responsibilities for what I did and I will never repeat the same thing. Never again.

    Thank you. I will remember that. (Cal +1)


    The original dialogue resumes.


    Note : Everyone can make mistakes. The most important is to think before saying something. Who knows what’s gonna happen? Anyway, see you tomorrow and take care of your health.

  21. It's because I currently like that pokemon.

    1. Aariq
    2. Aariq


      I really did not mean that as a serious question.


    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      It's alright. It doesn't matter at all.

  22. How about Pokemon Xenoverse? Do you like to try to play it?
  23. At least, that's a good news for now. I really hope everything will be OK.
  24. I had played Pokemon Rejuvenation, Pokemon Reborn, then I played other fanmade pokemon games. I don't know what to do because I have nothing to play.
  25. For the better or for the worst, it’s “What if” dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Be careful. The story will be altered because there will be role changes. Anyway, instead of Venam being a victim of petrification, there would be another person to take the turn. This happens if the player met conditions :

    - Defeat Rift Gyarados

    - Beat Shadow Mewtwo

    - Receive Anju’s pendant in the Marble Mansion

    - Beat Madame X

    - Free Kreiss

    - Don’t hand over the Magma Stone to Cera

    - Attempt to free the police officer, instead of Maria

    - Take the weird diary and show it to Melia

    - Don’t team up with Florin
    - Don’t expose Flora when given the chance

    - Don’t tell Cassandra when given the chance (if the player didn’t decide to confront Flora after teaming up with her)

    The scenario starts now :

    Lorna : My name is Lorna. The girl who is ALONE!

    ??? : Venam. Get back.


    Before petrifying Venam, someone came to interfere and is Huey who tried to punch Lorna, causing serious damage to her.


    Lorna : AAAAAAAAAAH!

    Venam : Huey. What are you doing here?

    Huey : I came here to see how things are going on and by chance, I came here in time.


    Lorna stands up.

    Lorna : You will pay for this.


    Venam : Huey. No.

    Huey : JUST DO AS I SAID.


    Venam runs as fast as she can while crying.


    Huey : So you must be the one responsible for these actions. Isn’t so funny to turn people into stones?

    Lorna : I did in order to teach them a lesson. If you dare to get in my way, then it’s your turn.

    Huey : Try that. I’m not afraid of you.




    Lorna : Dammit. They’re gone. It’s all thanks to that coward.
    No matter.

    After all, good thing they will see what will happen if they witness their friend’s fate.
    I guess nevermind that girl.

    I know we will meet again.

    And as for that, I will find Melia before Team Xen and when I find her, she’s dead.

    Back to the player. After exiting the room, Melia worriedly came.

    Melia : “Player”. You need to come here. Venam isn’t feeling well, not even Lavender of course.


    They came into Venam’s room and witnessed Venam crying in desperate and Lavender’s sickness.


    Melia : Venam. Why are you crying? What’s going on?

    Venam : H-Hue-ey is...

    Melia : Is what?


    Rhodea came.


    Rhodea : Everyone. Hurry up to Central Square! There’s a serious problem here.

    Melia : OK!

    Venam : ...


    After they went to Central Square, witnessing Huey’s fate.


    Melia : No, Huey. This isn’t a joke, isn’t it?

    Rhodea : I can’t believe he really met his fate.

    Venam : It’s my fault for letting Huey turn himself into a stone.

    Melia : It’s OK. Don’t blame yourself.

    Venam : Once we return to penthouse, I will tell everything what happened.

    Rhodea : So you know what’s going on.

    Melia : We have to go, “Player”.




    Melia saw the player being frustrated for the loss of his friend.


    Melia : What’s wrong?


    Melia tries to take hand but the player slapped her hand.


    Melia : “Player”? Why?

    Rhodea : Let us help you.


    But the player refused any help. And then, the player punched the chair in rage many times because of the outcome.


    Melia : “Player”. Please stop.

    Rhodea : Let him be.

    Melia : But...

    Rhodea : What would happen if Venam was petrified?

    Melia : ...

    Rhodea : Just as I thought.

    Venam : I’m so sorry.


    Venam cries in despair.


    Nurse Excuse me, but we’re going to have to take Mr. Huey with us back to the Hospital of Hope.

    Do you want to come?


    The player accepted the request.


    Nurse : Good.

    Kanon : I want to go as well.


    Answer :

    - Stay out of this.

    - I don’t need anyone.


    Choosing “Stay out of this” will scare Kanon :

    Kanon : I get it. I get it. I’m sorry.

    Choosing “I don’t need anyone” :

    Kanon : But I-


    The player menacingly glares at Kanon.


    Kanon : OK. I understand.


    Resuming :

    Melia : At this point, it can’t be helped. Let’s get back to the hotel. But we need to take Lavender to Hospital of Hope. She’s not feeling well.


    And the scenario will be altered as for the outcome :

    -> Venam will tell earlier about what happened in the night before Huey’s fate.

    -> Venam’s role will replace Huey’s role but the scenario will be different.

    -> Venam will also come to the past about the origin of Sheridan Village and to the bad future as the scenario of the bad future will be different, too.

    -> If the player defeats Rift Gardevoir, the player won’t be able to gain relationship points with Huey but will double gaining relationship points with Venam.


    Note : That was long. At least, I finished this. Anyway, see you next weekend.

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