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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by lilyawaka

  1. i just started playing Desolation and. i'm psure Shiv is gonna ruin my life and i will let him

    1. lilyawaka


      i dont need this, i already have taka and fern ruining my life

    2. Dreamy


      this is basically how I felt midway through deso




    3. lilyawaka


      @Dreamblitz wow, where did you find that image of me LMAO

  2. real image of me, finally leaving the desert and entering the castleDwfTPGrWsAAscJz.thumb.jpg.a079778bb02cc1090fbb3c7b0491710a.jpg

  3. am i rly about to redo the entire desert bc i missed a relationship point with taka? ...yes i am. i want the Soft Dialogue (tm) :<

    1. Ikaru


      never ever miss taka points, you made the right choice

    2. lilyawaka


      @Ikaru He is worth it!!!

  4. me, explaining to my friend who doesn't play reborn, why i can never leave the desert in reshiram route fetchimage.jpeg.5726c0c12ecadca6b276314220954d2e.jpeg

  5. Send me your switch codes friends!!! I finally got Sword and need some buddies :3

    1. lilyawaka


      Or mine is 8240-5644-1325 if y’all wanna add me (my full name is Allison but no1 calls me that lol)

  6. My friend sent me an adoptable dog named Fern. She knows me too well, and this dog is TOO CUTE 


  7. PSA to my fellow makeup fans- Tarte is having a huge build-your-own-kit value sale, RT to save a life

  8. The new green boi leak is literally Fern I’m so HYPE DKKSLDKSKSKDKDND

  9. I like Terra so much more in this playthrough omg truly a work of art LMAO

    1. Dreamy


      I think you mean.... 


      work of rawrt

    2. lilyawaka


      Work of b00ty

  10. looking @ my next grad school class overview and wow my next 7 weeks r about to be hell.  someone pls pry me away from my current reborn playthrough so i focus LMAO 

  11. I missed when everyone did their Reborn character tier rankings but i'm gonna post mine here anyway YEET (u have to click for the image i think) 454935324_ScreenShot2019-10-29at1_25_37AM.png.102b5af4b91e4c1902691c375689ad33.png

    1. andracass


      yikes @ fern

    2. SilverAngelus


      Your wallpaper.....is that Fern saying that when the MC gets stuck in the Nuzleaf cage? (I wouldn't know, I've never let him free me)

    3. lilyawaka


      @SilverAngelus YES IT IS LMAO.  @andracass LMAO he's just so good at being annoying

  12. im a NERD and the text portion of this is my new cover photo (see image lmao) 

    Screen Shot 2019-10-05 at 4.44.03 PM.png

  13. i toLD MYSELF i wouldn't check for Reborn ep 19 updates until the winter so i dont start obsessively checking way too early...but here i am...

  14. Important wooloo x reborn meme attached 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lilyawaka


      @Ikaru I have a bad feeling about her but I really hope it’s wrong 

    3. Candy


      do we really have to protecc Fern

    4. lilyawaka


      @Candy yes we do (u don’t have to but I do 😂😂)

  15. My favorite hobby is dragging my Youtube coverist friends into Reborn hell 

  16. the only one I love more than Fern is silver 

    1. SilverAngelus


      And here I thought you couldn't possibly love anyone more than Fern 😅

    2. lilyawaka


      ^ I’ve loved silver since I was fetal LMAO I have not changed over 2 decades WHY  @SilverAngelus

  17. Screams about fern again 

    6 drinks later it’s been a month I need to scream about fern PLS LET HIM SURVIVE THE REBORN FINALE 

    1. ZEL


      big mood

    2. lilyawaka


      ^if fern doesn’t live my life as I know it is over 

  18. Biweekly image about my love for Fern 


    1. Ikaru


      I actually saw this image a bit ago and showed it to a friend whose favorite in Reborn is also Fern hahah. 

    2. lilyawaka


      @Ikaru I need to meet your friend and become bffs lmao I’m so glad this image made u think of fern too 

  19. Am I an idiot or is the Speed ev room card not buyable in Rejuv V11

    1. DemICE


      its not byable because the speed room is available right from the start

    2. lilyawaka



  20. Ren is a Walmart brand ver of Fern 

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      Ugh I dislike ren. He was inoffensive at first and I liked the goldenleaf town arc but later on his character just becomes wholly unlikable and not in a good way.


    2. seki108


      I still have yet to play V11 to see Ren's role in it, but his messiah complex in V9 definitely bugged me more than some of Fern's antics.  Fern probably ends up being the bigger annoyance for me, atm, but we'll see how that ends up eventually.

    3. lilyawaka


      omg i'm glad some ppl agree LOL 

  21. This image is me @ Fern   


  22. Narcissas gym hurt my soul... or I guess more, playing voltorb flip for 3 hrs to get coins for flash bc I’m poor hurt my soul...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lilyawaka


      I'm past her now, but her field was making me really mad so i just wanted to destroy it LOL

    3. Monochrome_Complex


      Congrats! Yeah first time I played Rejuv she was kind of a monster. Meia or whoever the normal leader was named used to be really absurd too, thankfully she got nerfed to become more reasonable for the time she appears in the game. Narcissca is one of the harder early game leaders, actually I think she's the hardest  from the first 4 ATM.

    4. lilyawaka


      Ahaha yeah that makes sense, I haven’t had trouble with anyone till she comes in... and when I get frustrated I just wanna destroy their field so bad LOL 

  23. Is there still the selfie thread or is it deader than dead? I mean I love necroposting as much as the next person but... 😂

    1. seki108


      It's still active, though the last post was a month ago. Still within reasonable posting timeframe




  24. monthly post about how I love fern 

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      "You're damn right you do."


      -Fern, episode 15

    2. lilyawaka


      Ugh probably my favorite Fern phase too tbh LMAO. 

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