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Duskfang Shadowpaw

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Duskfang Shadowpaw

  1. I totally agree with the statement that every 12-year old girl would break down or be near the brink of it if they witnessed a scenario like this. But after Shelly has calmed down she even tells us that she has no time to be shaken up by something that was beyond her control, she even wanted to be there for Heather during that dark time and how does Heather thank her? She questions her benevolence by scolding her because she was going to agree with Cain, that is not how you treat people who try to be there for you, friend or acquaintance alike. After we rescued her from Sigmund and left the Railnet in the Chrysolia Region (Heather hasn't spoken a single word during all of this), she simply takes off on her Salamence...of course someone could interpret this as her regular behavior, but I think that Heather has begun to understand that her general behavior was the source of all this. A long time later after we pulled her out of Blake's Shed where she was ranting about "stupid" Blake and "stupid" Dad, but ultimately comes to the conclusion that it was all her fault. Would she have listened to her Dad why he kept so strict rules on her and has joined Team Meteor and not just badmouthed him for (in her eyes) stupid rules, she would've understand that he did all that to keep her safe As for Blake, I think she simply was so deluded by her own needs to find someone who "shared" her own mindset and took her in with the adamant belief that people with "don't care about rules" mentalities are always good persons. Of course I don't wanna give Heather or Shelly the Jackass Card in a Place like Reborn City, such a criminal infested city is simply no place for young girls at all.
  2. As far as I remember it is Shelly who wanted to fight Victoria first, but she wanted to wait till everything is sorted out, so Shelly goes to fight us instead. Why should Shelly be shaken up by something that doesn't affect her at all. Coming over that loss is a big part in Heather's character development, namely becoming a better person, since I believe it hadn't come this far if she hadn't marginalized everyone who cared for her. (Corey, Cain, Shelly and Player) As of the reason why Victoria blocks us, I presume it was her mother instinct kicking in, nothing more. We never learn which character the reserve Bug Type Gym Leader is, as of Episode 18 we only have met 5 Reserve Gym Leaders so far. As far as I have understood the whole scenario is that Elias has forged a resignation letter on a Computer or something similar. After that they apprehended Laura when she left Calcenon for some reason or another to force her to sign that letter or that she writes the whole thing herself with the help of.... You will see, if Laura get's her Position back or not. As for Reborn's Elite Four...over the course of the Game we already meet 3 confirmed Members of the League.
  3. I could give you a Deino, if you wish
  4. At first let me "warn" you: Only attempt this Nuzlocke if you know what comes You are only allowed to catch the first Pokémon you meet in each new area, if it faints or flees, no second chances Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, which means it has to be either released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently The general consensus is that players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds. The general consensus is that a black out/white out is considered to be "game over", even if there are Pokémon left in the PC, exceptions can be made for one specific battle only Strongly implied is the stipulation that the player can use only Pokémon they have captured themselves, meaning traded Pokémon, mystery gifts, etc., are prohibited. Trading and retrading the same Pokémon (for the purpose of evolving a Graveler, for example) is something of a gray area, and may fall under optional rules. it is implied that the player can accept Pokémon that are received freely from NPCs. Also strongly implied is a prohibition against voluntarily resetting and reloading the game when things go wrong. Being able to do so would render all of the other rules pointless.
  5. currently reducing my load of overtime ours and doing Mono Runs of Sword/Shield as well as talking to acquaintances over WhatsApp/Threema
  6. I could give you one, if you want
  7. You're always welcome Feel free to PM me up again, should another problem arise or if you want to test the strength of your team Take care
  8. I don't have a mediafire account, unfortuately
  9. maybe there doing something on it right now, try again later I presume you don't have any mods running?
  10. Sorry, change of plans, I'm afraid I'll have to trade you one, for whatever reason I can't upload your savegame on here (probably due to size) My online name would be Hyena2305
  11. I could give you one, if you want. All I need is your game.rxdata for it.
  12. Hello, from what I've seen, you seem to be missing Phione. If I remember correctly, you should be able to reel it in using your Super Rod in one of the Pond's in the alternate Dimension of the Mirage Tower, where you can achieve Honedge as well. Unfortunately it takes the bait very rarely Always happy to help
  13. This is the Abandoned Power Plant, the 5th gym, the Beryl Gym is on the other side of the Bridge, turn right and go straight up
  14. As far as I know, the Beryl Gym has no doors at the entrance, Are you sure you didn't mix up the buildings?
  15. I could give you a Chikorita, if you want
  16. If you're not interested in downloading any mods I'm afraid, as for Reborn, it isn't possible to manually customize the IV's of Slowking, as far as I know. Sorry
  17. Good evening, I gave you an EXP Share Always happy to be of service Game.rxdata
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