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Duskfang Shadowpaw

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Everything posted by Duskfang Shadowpaw

  1. We can have a rematch without Drapion if you have something similar
  2. not at the moment, I only need my Woona to be Mega
  3. Well, that was a extremly pathetic performance from my team....anyway thanks for the battle
  4. of course, so should i inquire you or do you inquire me
  5. Should I inquire you or do you inquire me?
  6. I never take any challenge lightly
  7. yep, It wouldn't be more fun otherwise Let's see if you are able to embrace the night in all it's glory
  8. I'm a shortly before Serra and always wanted to try this I hope that I'm in your level range
  9. yeah...that would definitly be the better choice. I have not much knowledge about Komala or his ability, sry
  10. I would give it Guts as an hidden Ability, since most players, or at least myself, always try to cripple it with a status condition. Imagine if that burning or paralysis would make it to an even bigger offensiv juggernaut... I get shivers just thinking about it.
  11. All in a days work, I'm happy if everyone else is happy. Give me heads up if you think you're ready to embrace the night, and all it's glory
  12. Very well the, cya again someday, and who knows, maybe for a challenge
  13. I don't have a doubt about that, but Eclipse is still a baby, if she craves for her mommy give her the doll, please. Maybe someday, If she's a big girl maybe she would want to visit her mom again
  14. I gave up breeding for a Shiny One, you can have Eclipse now If you want. She's already potty trained and if she gets a little cranky just give her the pokedoll she's holding
  15. so far I was unsuccessful with hatching a shiny one, but I won't give up
  16. My Luna is a shiny one, should the kid have a nickname for when it's hatched, if yes which one would you like for each gender?
  17. yea, that would be fine with me, would you like to have the egg or should I hatch it?
  18. Okay, and what about my offer, you want one of Luna's kids?
  19. I'm only asking because I would present to you one of Luna's kids, cause the learn perish song with helps sometime later in the game?
  20. Sooo....a shinylocke is where you are only allowed to have Shiny-Mons and everymon which gets defeated has to leave your team, right?
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