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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by StormLord

  1. Satomi's strike lands for 9 damage, severing the spine of the Slasher and causing it to go tumbling towards the ground. The Slasher fails to attack Vitor again, due to being too busying being dead. Vitor's shot hits the Spinner in the back of the head for 22 damage. Between the two of them, Satomi and Vitor manage to wipe out the Spinner before it can seriously harm anyone else. Victory!
  2. The Slasher beings its sword down on Vitor dealing 12 damage and prepares an uppercut to follow. Satomi's blade arcs across the Slasher's exposed ribcage severing at least four bones with another 11 damage. Vitor's pistol shot burns into the Slasher's chest for 16 damage, yet it remains unphased! The Spinner drifts like a top and comes careening into Satomi. The chains lash against her armor and find a near critical weakness, dealing 3 damage 6 times(18 total). The Spinner slowly comes to a stop near a wall, it wavers looking dizzy. The Kamikaze snore. Init: Status:
  3. Tim reaches up and scratches his beard in thought. "Well I'd like to get some Blaze Rods, and Wither Bones wouldn't be bad. Soulsand would also be useful." He steps out of the room and gestures to the hallway leading down stairs. "We might encounter wild Blazes, or we could go looking for a Blaze Monster Cage. We also may find a plantation room somewhere in this old fortress."
  4. Cell puts a hand on Edmond's shoulder and gives him a nod of thanks before drawing the Giant Killer, the energy from his few remaining wounds causing it to glow a brilliant orange and crackle with power. Cell turns to charge the new beast, taking the opportunity of its fixation on Gozer and Cap to find a place less likely to explode to strike. Cell uses Giant Killer on the Bazelgeuse, striking it once for (7d10+12)+100% damage. Aura of Laceration is still active for [2] rounds.
  5. Cell takes a breath as the giant stinging bug lunge and swipe around. He reaches into the bag of grenades he lugs around and pull out a cylindrical one with a copper colored top and black base, not dissimilar to a fist size battery with a pin. He pulls the ring pin and chucks it towards the greatest mass of Nui-Rama. Cell uses Flashbang targeting(at least two) of the Nui-Rama making them choose random targets, friend or foe.
  6. Freidhold shrugged at Kyle's answer, there wasn't much more to say on the subject so he turned to answer Scrapper and Lesya. "I am...passing through. But I believe we may be able to help each other. For one thing I can fix your leg." He gestures to Scrapper who had been favoring one of his legs earlier, and then turns to Kyle. "I may have something for your cough as well."
  7. Spicy HG took several steps forward, walking with a sort of cold intent that betrayed her usual smooth flowing movement. She didn't bother trying to the door, either the Imp was smart and locked it or left it open to lock behind them. She didn't intend to leave it on its hinges. So she took another two swipes with her weapon, trying to knock down the door.
  8. Atton’s speeches reach Lyra and Perlita, boosting their abilities.(+7 Str/Syn respectively, -1 cooldown on an action of choice.) Perlita floods the battlefield with a radiant light that restores as much as 19 HP to several party members. A nova ice and freezing air rushes out from the Dolphin leaving patches of snow and icy concrete as it passes. The wind engulfs Atton, Lyra, 6D, and Mira causing layers of snow and ice to condense on them, their soaking wet clothing and armor doubles the effect! They’re each now frozen, suffering -80% damage on their next attack. Theme Override: Lyra manages to scrape enough ice off her swapper and hit the button to exchange her place with the Dolphin’s. Despite the cold jamming her joins 6D dashes forward and slides into place to protect Lyra with a defensive stance, only to find herself staring eye-to-eye with Lyra and their enemy somewhere else… 6D’s drone blasts apart the ice covering itself and its master, a stray shot flying toward Lyra that she reflexively dodges(Adrenaline Dodging used). The Dolphin immediately summons up another raincloud as it gives several confused glances to its new position. The raincloud finds its way over to Perlita. Mira breaks what ice she can to charge the Dolphin with another, admittedly weak, strike. Only to see at the last second Lyra appear and the Dolphin vanish, far too late to change course. Mira’s sword impacts with Lyra dealing 7 damage. The two rainclouds flash with lightning dealing 22 and 24 damage to Atton and Perlita respectively. Init: Status:
  9. [29] Zoe has a vague recognition of the script used in some places, but no real idea whats being said. [50] Hirata finds an unsealed crate and within a bunch of what are basically oversized hair driers. Most of them have degraded beyond function and into spare parts, but she finds one working, even has a batterypack. Oddly enough she even finds another record stashed in the crate as well. As Harmony approaches the dais she notices a smooth channel carved in a ring around it, leaving a "platform" about eight foot across. The dais itself is made from a stone different than the surrounding construction, a darker blue-grey piece that looks more like it was melted into shape than carved. There is a small spike in the center of the dais, it has an odd discoloration from the rest of the stone.
  10. Spicy HG listened to the Imp's response and watched from the ground as the rain clouds slowly formed above Mitsu and let out a cold drizzle. "That's enough of that." With a half step forward she made two wide slashes leaving crossing diagonal cuts in the gate, and then followed up with a small ball of fire that blew the gate aside at the weak points. Leaving a round smoldering indent in it. As the rubble settled and the fire flared up more Spicy HG held her glaive to the side and addressed the Imps in an overtone of a slightly deeper, and angrier voice. "If you think she is the destructive one you've got something else entirely coming."
  11. Cell dashes over to a tent and retrieves Giant Killer and his own disk, before heading back to meet the group. As he made his way back the smoking image of a laughing skull appeared over him and by the time he reached the group he was out of breath and visibly bleeding. He sluggishly hefted his sword and moved it to try and block oncoming attackers. Cell prepares to Parry the Nui-Rama's attack should they make one. If an attack is Parried this way he'll follow up with a counter for (7d10+12)+15% and an additional +50% on Elite/Boss enemies. Aura of Laceration activates! Causing any enemies who target Cell with a melee attack will take 12 slashing damage.
  12. Cell shrugs and gestures towards the woods. He flips through his metal cards showing "FOUND", "IN", "WALL". He turns to put his cake down and grabs a pair of nearly fist sized metallic cherries. He walks slowly towards Tsubasa while gestures to hand the cherries her while showing her a card marked "CELL".
  13. A somewhat distant and intermittent tapping stopped and slowly Cell wander back towards the firelight of camp. His arms now loaded with biomechanical turkey legs, slices of glowing cake, and some kind of red fruit like an oversized cherry. He gave the two newcomers a cheery wave and started handing out food to anyone who looked interested. He then plopped down with his own slice of cake, giving it a puzzled look as he tried to figure out how to eat it without a mouth.
  14. Sha'Tith stands with a slow groan, putting away his knife and slinging his ukulele onto his back. He then pulled out two delicate blades knapped from blue crystal with tenuous cloth wraps around the "handle" portion. The crystal pulsed with soft blue glow that quickly spread to Sha'Tith. Sha'Tith uses Flame Breath on Doc Ock as a free action dealing 2d6+23 undodgable damage. Sha'Tith uses Bully as an action to prevent Doc Ock from targeting him with any attacks for a round. Barbed Wire triggers for 1(pure)+20(normal) damage against Doc Ock. Ukulele triggers for 4d6 damage against the Deadite hoard, it they still live. +20 damage taken from *single hit* attacks. Loadout:
  15. Ignia stands up with an indignant look at Jun. "What the hell? Do you always just knock people out of chairs while they're working?" Once Jun moves again Ignia will root around in the computer some more, looking for anything that points to who exactly the cameras are actively tracking. One of our party members or the kid.
  16. With the final swipes from the battered and scared blade the figure sends stone flying into the room, peppering the party with light stone shrapnel. The first skeletal figure wears a tattered black cowl and the shredded remains of a cloak, while the figure behind wears bits and pieces of old red armor on its shoulders and torso paired with a wide, flat, razor-rimmed black hat and shattered, sharpened manacles. [9] Satomi raises her crossbow and fires a series of bolts, most of them hit with some meaning of the word, leaving deep gouges in the bone as they fly through or clatter to the ground. She deals 13 damage, it seems the Slasher resisted her Piercing attack. Vitor jabs at the Slasher, knocking loose a whole rib bone with his strike of 12 damage, the Slasher doesn't really seem phased by his Piercing attack either. The Slasher spends its turn recovering from its attack! The Spinner lets out a low hollow groan and puts its arms out, with a jingling whip of chains it starts spinning and becomes a blurry tornado of chains and bones. The "bats" on the ceiling of the hallway behind the skeletons shift and stir slightly. Init: Status: Notes:
  17. Spicy HG bares her Vorpal Glaive, preparing to start cutting through the gate should Mitsu and Lexiel be drawn into a fight.
  18. Cell walks over to collect his disk then using his whips swings over the open pit gap. He stands and listens to Nuparu's speech until he finishes, then he pulls the Giant Killer of his back and plants it firmly tip-down in the sand. He gives Nuparu and firm nod, he's ready for a fight.
  19. [18, 20] The ship is moved behind a nearby peak to hide it from view. Eventually the dragon flies towards its mountain home again. It lands somewhere near the edge of the landing outside its cave, about 30 foot from the explosive trap. It's just sitting there acting funny, smelling the air and generally making everyone nervous. It looks towards the cave entry several times, but makes no effort to move towards it, instead roasting the whole sheep in its claw and occasionally taking bites.
  20. Harold coughed several times, signalling that Scarlet's nanites had finally done enough work. He shot up and quickly looked around for a moment before realizing where he was and narrowing in on the corpse in the street. He motioned to catch his chest and winced at the pain. After a few moments of holding soft green light to the wounded area he took a few deep breaths and stood again. "Tha' was a hell of a fight if I've ever been in one. An' not one I'd seek to repeat...." He finally took a second to glance down at the rain and water collecting in the street. "Didn' one of ya say somethin'bout the rain be'ain highly radioactive?" At about the same time he pulled off his hat and reached up to something on his collar, pressing it his head suddenly becomes wrapped in a dull beige helmet with a wide reflective visor. Setting his hat back on his head and adjusting something on a dial over causes the visor to become fully transparent again.
  21. As Cell approaches the edge of the pit he looks back and thinks fast. He throws the mysterious object Makuta gave him at the boulder and then dives for cover in the corner of the hallway, where the boulder *hopefully* won't crash him.
  22. Alpha prepares to roll the huge bombrock into the nexus reactor room once all of his allies are out of it.
  23. Alpha continues to suck down mostly cooked hamburgers and grow his bombrock as fast as he can.
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