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Everything posted by Candy

  1. I have chansey with x Sp attack (for breeding purposes) and with x Attack (for battling purposes). Which would you like?
  2. @Shingo I have a 5IV axew, which I would like to trade for your 5IV vullaby But I won't be able to trade until a few hours later, I can let you know when I'm online
  3. If you still have it, I would love to have it. What would you like in return?
  4. @Zarc Can I get Ivysaur, Dewott and Monferno? Let me know if you have any specific mon you'd like I have a trading thread as well
  5. @lifesapity The shinies I have are: female 5IV x sp def spheal (EM belly drum, fissure, roll out, signal beam) 5IV x sp def staryu, male 5IV x sp attack elektrike (EM crunch, flame burst, shock wave, switcheroo) male 5IV x HP skrelp w/o egg moves female 5IV x attack snubbull (EM close combat, metronome, mimic, snore)
  6. I have jolly nature riolu and timid nature ralts (dunno if you still want the jolly tyrunt), and can get you the nidoran too for the steelix but will take aegislash if not available
  7. Sorry, I'll go check and will let you know what shinies I have as soon as I can get to it (which won't be any time soon because I'm busy tomorrow) :/ Just to let you know in case anyone else wanted those... I was there first! haha
  8. Can I get the riolu with x on attack and the scatterbug with x on attack please?
  9. Sorry for the meager donation I'm short on cash this summer Also, maybe you could do Venmo for those who don't have Paypal
  10. I know! I'll trade you a 5IV female snivy for your skorupi
  11. Unfortunately the nidorans I have are in normal pokeball :/ Sorry
  12. This still exists - bumping to get it off the second page haha
  13. I can give you any of those items, but I'm assuming you've got plenty from our friends here I'd like the shiny Mienshao for any of the mons listed on my thread:
  14. I'd love the x Attack bagon I have a shiny 5IV zorua (x attack) and shiny 5IV cranidos (x sp def) Other non-shiny pokes can be found on my trading thread!
  15. Thanks for requesting im at work right now so I can't complete trade requests, but I'll PM you when I'm free. Meanwhile, @Nakoles might want to complete his side of the trade
  16. This game has the same issue as Full Moon where when playing on Wine, it crashes when you catch a wild pokemon or try to heal up (it crashes whether you try healing with the machine in the protagonist's room or when you enter the pokemon center) :/ It was looking cool so far though
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