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Everything posted by Candy

  1. No problem Hope they're of good use haha
  2. @Yash Sorry yo I got goomy already :/ Will let ya know if I need something Thanks anyways!
  3. Got both of your eggs ready I'll go online now
  4. Ok, I'll offer to breed but I won't be home to do so until an hour from now. Lemme know if you get the egg before that time
  5. I can breed you a Beldum egg, but won't know about IVs. If you just want beldum, I can trade you a 5IV one
  6. The Zorua has x Attack, while the Electrike has x Sp Attack. @Nakoles can tell you about his 5IV shinies
  7. I'm interested in your 6IV joltik For the trapinch, message @Nakoles Yep I'm interested in your Rotom I can go online now if y'all are available
  8. I can breed you a 5IV archen (w/o egg moves, and in egg form) if you want I don't have a particular preference for a return mon
  9. I'm EST and will watch as long as it's not at a crazy time, but I think you'd get more views during summer (assuming most of us are around high school- college age) or on the weekends
  10. I have the 6IV reserved for 6IV trades, sorry But I can trade you a 5IV male snivy for one of your 5IV male eevees
  11. Dam I just got the Klefki :/ But if you'd like to trade anything from my list for your 5IV Eevee, let me know
  12. Candy


    I have one, and can trade for a random mon
  13. Got them I'll go online in a few minutes. My ID is Candy Oh and no worries about the return - you can either surprise me or give me junk mons
  14. It'll take around 15 minutes
  15. I can give you magnemite, happiny (or I can evolve it into chansey), and possibly snubbull if you allow me a few minutes to breed it No egg moves in particular though - if you want any, I can breed them for you but it'll take a little longer
  16. Good luck! I have a box designated for Flabebe, and every time I find them on WT, regardless of IVs I adopt them hahaha Soon I'll have a colorful box... I guess
  17. I kind of adopted one of your Flabebes and two more non-IV ones Turned away the other 5 that came by though (so ppl can get the best pokemon ever too) haha Thanks again to all that traded amazing pokes Especially Leia and Exavier who traded EV trained 6 and 5IV pokes. Now that I have a 6IV shiny sylveon, I don't have an excuse not to use it... even if Florges is still my fave! haha
  18. No problem Yep I can give you Helioptile - give me a few mins to start up
  19. I can give you drifloon, helioptile, murkrow and zorua, if you're ok that they're not IV mons or have particular egg moves.
  20. Well they said the next batch is at 6PM EST so maybe you'll be back? Saturday work is a bummer
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