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Maqqy last won the day on February 12 2020

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853 Noble

About Maqqy

  • Birthday May 10

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  1. It's tiiiime to dive in on Chap 2!! Sneak peek of the team so far: 😁




    I'm still going on order with how I gathered all the members. So H'aanit comes first naturally!! Oh yea her chap 2 is *recommended lvl. 27..... rip

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      *That feel when half the party's subclasses are aligned to the Noble/Rogue counterparts, and the other half isn't*


      ...Not gonna lie, I don't remember what Ha'anit's Ch. 2 was. Now I feel kinda bad... 😓

    2. Maqqy


      Jezaz I'm back after 2 hours of beating the final boss and let me tell you...... you're better off not remembering it.


      It wasn't because the boss was hard but it I battled it for far too LONG I was in the constant state of head banging smh 


      H'aanit's story is becoming a c.s.i. ep..... I'm kinda dreading the final battle with Redeye now. Should I be ready for a 72 hour battle?

    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      72 hour? Ha'anit's Battle at Journey's End is one of the longer ones, true, but none of the games battles drag on for quite that long... 


      Then again, I've seen all the endgame bosses being cheesed by


      Tressa being Tressa (sometimes with a side of Just Ha'anit Things),

      so maybe my sense of timing for these things is a bit skewed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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