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Maqqy last won the day on February 12 2020

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  • Birthday May 10

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  1. Have I told anyone that I genuinely, wholeheartedly and undoubtedly loathe essays? Well yes, I do. I banish it.



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    2. Maelstrom


      That's actually a neat trick when you want to be fun/funny without making yourself vulnerable- pick a persona/mask/impersonation you want to do. In a way, it's not really you, but a role, so you aren't hurt when things don't work out, but have something to claim if it goes to plan or better. 


      This has been life hacks with Mael. So yeah, practice a silly accent or character and stash it in your pocket for later. 

    3. Maqqy


      You know what? Sometimes you surprise yourself. You won't even realize that you had actually become the one you were faking in the first place, or in reality, it was you the whole time. You just never knew you had it in you. Fake it till you make it until you actually become it, that is the secret mi lad.

    4. SilverAngelus


      Please banish the essay I've been assigned due on Thursday.

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