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Everything posted by Winter

  1. The Elite Four yo! Who are they? Where will we fight them? I don’t know but I have a pretty good idea, so let’s get on with it. First of all, why are the Elite Four significant? They’re a Pokémon staple, so of course there’d be an Elite Four in Reborn as well, but what is the story purpose for them as a whole, not just as individuals? I don’t believe you have to look very hard to find the answer, in fact, you just have to look at the games logo. You might have noticed how the Crystal Keys tend to shift hands a lot, and that they just so happen to end up in the hands of Elite Four members very often. Heather had the Ruby Ring at the beginning of the game, and got it back in Ametrine City. Elias currently has the Emerald Brooch, and Laura used to own the Sapphire Bracelets long before the events of game. Even Anna, though she technically hasn’t been confirmed to be an Elite Four member yet, used to own the Amethyst Pendant. In fact, Heather’s mom used to be an Elite Four member too, and she also had the Ruby Ring. I might be misremembering here, but Laura got the Sapphire Bracelets from her dad, who I believe was also a member of the Elite Four. But back to Heather, Laura, El and Anna. As we all know, the Crystal Keys aren’t just ordinary keys, they each represent a concept. Pain for Ruby, love for Sapphire, faith for Emerald and the beyond for Amethyst. While it might be a coincidence, the Keys appear to seek out people that embody or represent those concepts. For example, the Sapphire Bracelets found their way to Amaria, who is madly in love with Titania, despite the feeling unfortunately not being mutual. Not coincidentally, the Elite Four also happen to embody the concepts of their respective Crystal Keys: Heather has suffered the most pain of any character. (And that’s saying a lot) Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father became jaded because of it. Then she finds out her father is a member of the same organization she’s been fighting against, right before he kills himself. Immediately after that she’s captured by an evil doctor, who causes her both emotional and VERY physical pain. When she’s finally adopted by someone who seems to actually care for her, it turns out he’s just an even bigger asshole who locks her in a shed. YIKES. El embodies faith more than anyone, to the point that his faith supposedly restored his vision. We know he puts his faith above anything; above his status, above Team Meteor, above his own daughter. Anna is a seer of the unseen, in fact this is even what Shade calls her. She’s one of the only characters with a known connection to Shade at all. She sees things no else does, (Except for Lin apparently.) and these visions reflect the truest parts of people. She can also talk to Nomos and Nostra, and got physically ill when her pendant was taken from her. No other character embodies the beyond better than Anna, not even Shade. While this is all well and good, it leads us to the elephant in the room, Laura. Specifically, she’s not a member of the Elite Four anymore and her replacement Bennett has never even held the Sapphire Bracelets. In addition, neither of them particularly embody the concept of love. Laura obviously feels love for her family, but so does her sisters and we don’t see them being Elite Four members. The closest thing Bennett has to love is his stalker-ish obsession with Luna, which is a big ’do not want’. Hell, he doesn’t even seem to care about his mother much, not even saying goodbye before going off with a stranger to join a cult. (I suppose his obsession with Luna could represent a corrupted version of love, similar to how El has a very corrupted version of faith, but meh) I don’t really have an answer to how either Laura or Bennett are supposed to embody love, I’m kind of at a loss here. So does this break the theory? I don’t think so, the game isn’t finished yet so there’s still time for things to change. But since this is a theory about the Elite Four I guess I should mention that I do believe Laura will get her position back, for reasons I’ll get into later, but I’m not 100% sure yet. So there you have it, I believe the Elite Four will consist of Heather, Laura, El and Anna. That’s not exactly a groundbreaking theory though, Heather and El have already been confirmed to be Elite Four members, and Anna has been heavily implied by Noel when we first meet him at the orphanage, and by Gossip Gardevoir in her interview with Anna. But I wouldn’t be writing this if that was the entire theory. I don’t think who we will fight is as interesting a question as for HOW we will be fighting them. That’s right, I’m gonna be speculating on the last few boss-fights in Reborn, and the ending of the game as a whole. Admittedly, this is where the theory goes a little off the rails, so don’t take it too seriously. So, we all know that in E19 we will get the last badge from either Saphira or Hardy, then climb up Victory Road to challenge the Elite Four at the Pokémon League. (and some other stuff probably also happens or something) Well, that might not exactly be untrue, but I don’t believe it is the entire story. First of all, I believe that by the time we get to the Pokémon League, each member of the Elite Four will be in possession of their respective Crystal Keys. Heather and El already have theirs, and if Anna and Noel truly are Radomus’s children like has been theorized, Anna will probably get her Amethyst Pendant back from him. (Especially considering that if this is true, Radomus was the one who gave it her in the first place.) I’m not sure how Laura or Bennett would get their hands on the Sapphire Bracelets, but Bennett at least will definitely be looking for them given he’s a member of Team Meteor now. Second of all, I believe the order we will be facing the Elite Four in will be Heather, Laura/Bennett, El and finally Anna. Not only because Solaris introduces the Crystal Keys in that order when we first meet him. Heather makes sense to be first, while she’s certainly powerful I’m not sure that she’s as powerful as the other Elites. Given its Flying-type advantages, I believe she will be fought on the Mountain Field… which also happens to be the Field Effect in Beryl Cemetery. Oh geez. Second is up is either Laura or Bennett, and here’s where things get a little messy. As I said, I’m not entirely sure which of them we will fight, but the one thing I am sure of is that we will fight them on the Flower Garden Field. It’s a given that we’ll have a fight with Laura and a last rematch with Bennett sometime in these last two episodes, and I believe both of these battles will take place on the Flower Garden Field. As for which one of those battles will be part of the Elite Four challenge, my money is on Laura. While the Field does give some boosts to Bug-types, like strengthening Bug-type moves and making Swarm overpowered, most of its buffs are reserved for Grass-types. Grass-types are also able to use the field more effectively thanks to their wider access to the move Growth. Simply put, fighting Laura on this Field will be harder than fighting Bennett on it, and that’s why I believe Laura will be fought last as part of the Elite Four. That’s the only reason I believe Laura will get her position back really. I legitimately spent time analyzing Field Effects to figure out the plot. I spent a lot of effort on this theory, even if it turns out to be super wrong y’all better appreciate it the effort. Inb4 the answer is some third option like branching story paths where we fight Laura in one path and Bennett in another. maybe laura and bennett will fall in love and we’ll fight both of them in a double battle and that’s why they represent love (forgive me for being so cursed) Speaking of Field Effects, next up is El, and he’ll most likely be fought in the Holy Field. Not only does it fit El best thematically, it’s also serves Normal-types very well. Remember when it said things started to get messy before? you better remember it was literally one paragraph ago Well I lied because here’s where it starts to get REALLY messy. We know that the Champion, or at least the person we’ll fight in place of the Champion, is Lin. One or two Elite Four members are working under her at this point, which means she basically has control over one or two of the Keys. And since all the Keys are concentrated in one place, she’ll likely try and succeed in taking the Ruby Ring and the Amethyst Pendant, as well as the Sapphire Bracelets if she doesn’t have them already. When she’s got all the Keys she has no reason to stick around at the Pokémon League, and will likely high-tail it to meteor site. This is where the Holy Field comes in, the only place we know it exists is the Subseven Sanctum. El will likely fight us there to try to prevent us from stopping Lin. Remember the little girl crawling on the walls of Citae d’Arc Astrea? It’s been speculated that girl is the true version of Lin. Here is probably where we will get all the Lin backstory we’ve been craving. Anyways, with all the keys in hand Lin will open the door to the meteor. Now we finally get to our final Elite Four battle against Anna. Anna will most likely be fought on the Starlight Field, it gives big buffs to Psychic-types, and makes Jirachi absolutely busted. Now, given the Starlight Fields very nature as a space-based Field, it’s probably not a field that can be replicated on earth, unless it was around something that came from space, like a meteor. I’m not sure why exactly Anna would fight us here unless it’s revealed she’s been secretly evil all along. (Which would be dumb) You would think stopping Lin would take priority. I do have a theory about this however. Yep, we’re doing a theory inside a theory, theoryception. Remember the prophecy by Miss Direction? She says that there will be a future where we don’t exist, where we would never have existed to begin with. In that same prophecy, it’s stated that the timeline with us in it was created by Anna wishing on a Jirachi. What if Anna is planning to stop Lin by making a wish on Nostra, not realizing that the wish would erase us from the timeline as well. (And presumably bring back the lady in black and red that was also mentioned in the prophecy.) Given the title of E18- Void-Kissed- it’s not a stretch to assume that episode is going to be centered on the future where we don’t exist. There we would learn the repercussions of wishing on a Jirachi. When we get to the meteor site we would be forced to battle Anna so she doesn’t make her wish and accidentally delete us. This isn’t necessarily the most likely explanation, but I feel it does make some sense. With the Elite Four defeated, there’s nothing left for us but to battle the Champion killer herself, Lin. This would likely be the hardest fight in Reborn, and a fight of such epic proportions requires an equally epic Field. This Field would be none other than the New World Field. With all the Crystal Keys and the power of the meteor, Lin would actually succeed in creating her New World, a world where everyone would be able to play with her forever… You might have noticed that in addition to boosting every Legendary and Mythical signature move, Hydreigon also excels on this Field. This isn’t the only evidence for Lin being fought on the New World Field however. You see, the way we get the New World Field Effect Read-Out (That’s a mouthful) is by pressing colored books in Beryl Library in a certain order. This order isn’t random, it’s the same order as the colors of the six pillars mentioned in the text ”Light’s End”. Light’s End last line says that ”The blackest beast lies at Light’s End”, the blackest beast in this context must refer to Lin, or possibly her Hydreigon, and Light’s End must refer to the New World where we fight her. In an epic fight for the fate of all worlds, we will defeat Lin once and for all. Maybe. So that’s the long and short of it, I was gonna write more but this theory got long enough already. I’m still probably gonna need a tl:dr huh? Anyways, there’s most certainly going to be some other stuff happening in between in all this, but unfortunately the Field Effects don’t have any clues about that. A lot of this theory will probably be proven wrong, but I’m feeling confident this time. If this theory does turn out to be true the Elite Four in Reborn might be the hardest one ever, because damn all these Fields are overpowered. TL;DR: The Elite Four will consist of Heather, either Laura or Bennett, El and Anna in that order. Each of them embodies one of the concepts represented by the Crystal Keys. They will each obtain their respective Crystal Keys before we fight them. Our League challenge will be interrupted by Lin taking the Keys. After we battle El and Anna, Lin will succeed in her plan to create a New World, and we will fight her there, saving the world probably. Please correct me if I got something wrong or missed anything. I tried my best to be thorough in my research, but maybe I missed some line of dialogue that proves PULSE Budew will be the final boss actually. I spent a lot more time on this theory than I probably should have. If you like this theory, please upvote it to validate my poor time-management skills. /Winter
  2. Forum name: Winter Showdown alt(s): iamnotadisaster Discord: Winter#1256 Availability*: Always (More or less) (GMT + 2) Favourite type(s): Fairy, Grass, Dragon, Water, Psychic Least favourite type(s): Electric, Rock, Fighting
  3. Texen's hair is so much prettier now, I almost feel bad about it burning up. Almost. (And all the other ones are really good too)
  4. Not sure if you were aware, but lesbians do in fact exist outside of tumblr. My favorite thing about Rejuvenation are the characters and their interactions. There are too many good characters to count, but my favorite is Venam. Other favorites of mine include Nim, Aelita, Tesla, Amber, Marianette and Florin.
  5. Go to the police office in the Judicial District, the sidequest continues there.
  6. Wow Jan, I can't believe you finished version 10 in two days even though you deleted everything. Nice work!
  7. Damn, I can't believe Rejuvenation is canceled. :// Now that version 10's release date has been pushed back to never, I might as well just tell you all what happens: Melia tries to revive Venam with a true love's kiss, then she goes to jail for kissing a statue. The end.
  8. It's weird that Titania is my favorite Reborn character, but Saki is my least favorite Rejuv character. I suppose Steel-leaders can be rather polarizing  *badum tiss*

    1. Gastronely


      I actually find Titania, *clears throat*, attractive [drum noises]

  9. Tesla and Karen have already been confirmed to be members of the Elite 8, so they're easy. Dylan's also a safe bet, since at the end of the Missing Children sidequest he mentions that he's a strong battler and that he has gotten a position not many others have. Since we've already fought the Water-leader, it'd only make sense if he was an Elite 8 member. Figuring out the other five is tricky, and I'm almost certain we haven't met them all yet anyways. There are a few good guesses though. Crescent is a likely candidate, considering we've only seen her use one type of Pokémon. There aren't any clear ties between her and the Pokémon League, but her strength is definitely Elite 8 class, if not stronger. I don't think she's the Champion though, since the Champion would probably have more variety in their Pokémon-types. Speaking of the Champion, the most likely candidate is Alexandra/April/Krystal, given the foreshadowing in the train with her and Venam. There are a few characters I'm sure aren't in the Elite 8 though. Damien definitely isn't an Elite 8 member, since according to Huey he's the Dark-type Gym Leader. (Although he also has a Latios? Oh well, I'm sure there's an explanation for that.) Melia for sure isn't one, since she's was trying to become the Normal-type leader at the start of the game. Why would she need to become a Gym Leader if she was already an Elite 8 member? Kanon obviously isn't one either, as he; 1. Doesn't have any Pokémon, and 2. Didn't exist in this time until recently. I suppose he could become an Elite 8 member later, although we have had no reason to believe that all eight spots aren't filled already. The white-haired fellow we meet in Valor Mountain could certainly be an Elite 8 member, though it's impossible to say either way vOv.
  10. Adrienn said that since Lin beat Ame, she's technically the champion. In all likelihood, we'll fight Lin after taking down the Elite 4. As for the Elite 4 themselves, Heather and El have already been confirmed. Anna hasn't been outright stated to be an Elite 4 member, but Gossip Gardevoir says Anna has a high ranking League position when interviewing her. Right now Bennett holds the remaining slot, and according to Ame he was strong enough to get in... Somehow. I'm fairly sure Laura will get her spot back though, simply because of symbolism. Each of the other three member has owned one of the Crystal Keys at one point at another, and represent the concepts they embody. Heather currently owns the Ruby Ring, and has certainly been through her fair share of pain. El owns the Emerald Key (Its name is slipping my mind right now.) and represents faith, for obvious reasons. Anna used to own the Amethyst Pendant, and represents the beyond, due to being able to see things that aren't there. Bennett has never owned the Sapphire Bracelets, and though his obsessive crush on Luna could be interpreted as representing love, it's a stretch. Laura, on the other hand, has owned the Sapphire Bracelets, and she definitely feels love for her family. There's also field effect, as has already been pointed out. The flower garden field seems almost tailor-made for Laura, while Bennett has no field that specifically suits him. So my guesses for the Elite Four are; Laura (Grass), Heather (Flying), El (Normal) and Anna (Psychic) in that order. The champion is of course Lin, who specializes in Dragon-types, although I doubt she'll use exclusively dragons. She'll probably branch into other types at least a little.
  11. The MC is probably younger than eighteen, considering they still need to travel with their mom. (Or maybe they wanted to go on a cruise with their mom, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Melia's age is hard to pin down due to time-stuff, although I think I agree with walpurgis that she's probably around 15 when you first meet her in Gearen and 18 after the time stuff. Venam is probably 16 or 17, it'd be weird if she was much older than Melia was when we first met her. Aelita seems to be slightly younger than the rest of the group, so maybe 15 years old. Idk about Ren, maybe 17 or 18? It doesn't seem like he lives at home anymore, so he's probably at least old enough to live by himself. Zetta is most likely biologically in his twenties, although he must be chronologically younger than Melia obviously. (Unless there are even more time-shenanigans going on there, I wouldn't be surprised tbh.) Madame X is 4 months old obviously.
  12. Rune is a college student. Madelis is like 40. Why would they be the same person lol
  13. [Ep17 spoilers]


    When you are about to deal the finishing blow to Amaria's last Pokémon after an excruciatingly long and difficult battle and the game decides to crash...


    Kill me now.

  14. This actually looks really interesting, good luck! I think this has a lot of potential! And Zumi's sprites also look amazing!
  15. The random starter machine is staying, only the jackpot starters are getting removed. Alex literally said so in the post you yourself quoted.
  16. This was a really good theory! It seems pretty plausible to be honest. And let's not forget that in Shade's gym, we see a vision of adult Lin getting sliced to pieces. But after the Water Sewage Treatment, Shade says only two of people in the visions would actually die for realizies. Since Corey and Kiki are dead, this means Amaria and Lin lives. We already saw the vision about Amaria come true, which means the only vision that hasn't happened yet is Lin's. It seems likely to me that Titania will confront Lin in the desert, and use her Aegislash to slice Lin into pieces. But if the adult Lin isn't the true Lin, then the true Lin would still be alive, and Shade wouldn't have been lying when he said only two of the people in the visions actually die. So that's my take on it. Titania will fight adult Lin in the desert, and she will succeed in killing her. But since the real Lin is still alive, it wouldn't help much. (Also, I don't think time freezes for the people near the meteor, it just moves way slower than on the outside, which is why Adrienn was able to see the girl.)
  17. Just because both Reborn and Rejuvenation have LGBTQ+ characters doesn't mean this mean this quest is inspired by Reborn. Reborn is hardly the first video game to have LGBTQ+ characters in it, and while Rejuvenation definitely does take notes from Reborn, it's not directly copying it by having gay people in a small sidequest, it just has gay people in a small sidequest. And here's the thing: The love letter guy's target of affection being a man isn't even meant to be a twist, it's just a thing that is. The quest never says or even implies that the one you're looking for is a woman, and there's no reason why someone would be surprised that they are a man. Because to most well-adjusted people, same-sex relationships are normal to the point of being practically mundane. Most people who did that quest didn't as much as bat an eye at it, the only reaction you would get from most people would be a fairly dull: "Oh, so he's gay." The entire joke of the quest is that the guy who wrote the letter is embarrassed to admit his crush is male, when no one really cares. Sure, it's a very simple quest, and I agree that it'd be nice if it was more fleshed out, but in the end that's all there is to it. It's not trying to make a statement by having a man crushing on a man, that's just a thing that happens. If one of the two were a woman, the quest wouldn't change much really (Other than the admirer probably being more open about the gender of their crush.) and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have as much to complain about if that was the case. You seem to be under the impression that Jan was trying to make a statement by including this quest, or having two men just for the sake of for the sake of having a gay couple, but I can assure you that's not the case. Several members of the dev team (Myself included) are are LGBTQ+, and this is a fairly LGBTQ+ friendly website. No one is making a political statement or pushing an agenda by acknowledging that gay people exist. In your previous post, you said: "when it was my understanding those in the LGBTQ community just want to live their lives and have people let them." Yes, and we'd also like to be able to be included as something as simple as a sidequest in a Pokémon fangame without someone making a long rant about it. I might be misinterpreting what you are saying, and if I am I am truly sorry, but as an Agender person, I have had to deal with people with this attitude both online and off; but it really seems to me like you view LGBTQ+ being treated the same as cisgendered hetero people as some sort of political statement. But being treated with basic human decency isn't a right we should have to earn. Let me repeat that: It's not our responsibility to make sure other people view us with the same respect as everyone else. Granted, today most people view LGBTQ+ people as something normal and mundane, and I am grateful for that. There is still a lot of suffering and abuse happening to LGBTQ+ people around the world, but things are improving. However, even still there are "allies" who feel the need to judge every little thing we do. Speaking from my own experience, there are things that are incredibly mundane for your average person, that I have gotten heavily judged for. People feel the need to comment on my name, my appearance, little things that don't even concern them. Even (And especially) people who are supposedly "allies". You remind me a lot of those kinds of people, and you might think I am being rude here (And again, it's possible I'm entirely misinterpreting what you're saying), but I have gotten very tired of people who view supporting LGBTQ+ people as an "accessory" that they can just take off if it becomes too inconvenient. And back to Reborn; it's true that Reborn has a fairly diverse cast of characters, several of whom are LGBTQ+. But again, no one is making a political statement by including non-binary player character and same-sex relationships. That's just a thing that is in the game. There's no ulterior motive behind having diverse characters, the characters just happens to be diverse because guess what? Not everyone is straight in real life. It's not a "highlight" of the game, and it's definitely not "ham-fisted", as it's not even trying to push any sort of political message. There just happens to be LGBTQ+ characters in the game living their lives. And that's the point I'm trying to make here; you view including LGBTQ+ as making some sort of political message, but it's not. And it's not "ham-fisted" to simply include these characters in a work, and if you (hypothetical you) view LGBTQ+ characters just existing as a turn-off, then I'm very to say this but: You are the problem. This got longer than I expected, but I hope I got my point across. Thank you and have a good day! /Sincerely, Winter
  18. You're all wrong. Clearly the REAL Rejuv OTP is shipping MC x MC: MC love map. do not steal.
  19. I really don't think Crescent is Madame X either. Crescent has been directly working against Team Xen from the start, and judging by the "message" Crescent told Geara to give to Madame X back on Valor Mountain, I doesn't seem like they like each other very much. As for Crescent being an Elite Eight member, that could definitely be possible. But I don't think she's the Champion though as April/Krystal is implied to be the Champ. I'm pretty sure the protag and Melia are two of the lights. Kanon might be one too. I don't think Venam is one though, since we've met both of her parents, and they seem pretty human. If I had to guess I'd say Aelita is a light too. The Puppet Master seemed to know her, so it's obvious she's important. And at the end of version 9 we see her get exorcised, and she briefly turned into a demon. So she might fit the "born not of man" criteria. For that matter, I don't think Saki, Adam and Valarie are the other shadows. Memory loss or not, they aren't evil. Cosmia and Comet most likely aren't Latias and Latios. Because in an optional scene in version 9, you can find Damian. And he has a shiny Latios. The rest of these theories seem plausible though! Good job on coming up with these!
  20. holy shit, rejuvenation just got really damn good out of nowhere (not that is bad before tho, but just wow)

  21. Name-change because reasons.

  22. Dropping of some more Improvements™. I can't promise these are the last ones, but they probably are. I just wanted to say that this has been really fun. Rejuvenation is a great game (At least, from what I've played so far. I haven't gotten that far yet, heh.) and I am glad I have been able to leave my mark. No matter how small. So thank you everyone, because this has been really fun. And seeing all the wonderful shinies that everyone has created motivated myself to get a lot better. So again, thank you everyone! Until next time, or always, take care!
  23. And then there were none. But first of all, improvements! There were some other shinies I would have liked to improve upon, but I guess I didn't really have time for that. But now that we are at the end, I'd like to celebrate. With ice cream in every flavor! Welp, these were easily the most time-consuming recolors that I have ever done. But I hope it was worth the wait! Also, where's my shiny Bagon at?
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