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seki108 last won the day on July 24 2019

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1228 Sage

About seki108

  • Birthday February 7

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    Somewhere in the multiverse
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    Besides Pokemon: Anime, especially in the Mecha; several video game franchise, mainly Super Robot Wars; back into Touhou after many years

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  1. Well, I think I might be done with all/most of the sidequests/extra things in Rejuvenation V12.  I still  have some event/hidden Pokemon to find (and even more mons to evolve) but all the high points have been hit (and most of the items found....except for TM 49 because of version differences I think).


    And maybe getting a bit more money since buying all those crests, TMs/RMs, and the Scholar District game corner mons depleted a lot of the funds.  I'm not sure what the best repeatable money making method, but hopefully Pickup will come through when I level up some mons for the dex. 


    Goomy Kingdom best sidequest. 



    A bit about another sidequest. Spoiler-tagged because it's best not spoiled:



    I'm still honestly surprised at the second option you get if you decide not to save Karen at the end of that sidequest.  Having the option to intentionally not save someone is one thing, but have the option to 'potentially' murder someone on purpose was jarring.  I'm not complaining about the option by any means.......I'm just surprised.



    Regardless of which path did what, I needed the Life Orb more than the Banetite, so I'm glad it was on the 'Save Karen' path.  I like Karen well enough, even if she'll be crazy next time, and V11's reveal made Karina much less trustworthy.


    1. SilverAngelus


      Do you go around the game looking for quests or do you have a source that you look back to complete the quests?

    2. seki108


      Some of the former some of the latter.  Most are findable with backtracking/exploring, but some I would have missed (or maybe found a good while later) without occasional skimming of the in-between sections of the 100% guide.  Looking at it and the 'enhancements' section of the item guide, I think I did most everything.

    3. SilverAngelus


      Have you found the Archives? I think that's the only one I haven't done ._.

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