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Everything posted by J-Awesome_One

  1. Scratch what I said last time. I'll leave the poll up til I wake up tomorrow. I mean I'm still gonna stay up right now but... YOU GET WHAT I MEAN! Dx Haha. I'm really excited though. Ice and Fighting are kinda neck and neck with each other. And if Ice wins, I have the BEST name for the character! xD
  2. So anyone new that visits here, I've decided to keep the poll open til tomorrow's midnight. So far, Ice Type is winning.
  3. Yea. I'll be honest, I legit just figured out about the back up file thing in the settings of the game like a couple of days ago. I always set it to 0 before I did anything cus I didn't know what it was there for. Should have at least looked it up waaaaay earlier instead of now. Heh. Stupid me on that part. I hate that I can't continue it. Btw, for everyone else reading this, the Favorite Pokemon (Pokemon) Reborn Run is not over. But I will be taking a long break from it.
  4. Well my Ground Type Mono Run can't continue cus the save file got corrupted and I'm starting to get bored with training more than 6 Pokemon in my Favorite Pokemon (Pokemon) Reborn Run. (To which I really apologize for everyone that participated. I really appreciate all of you for that.) BUT, I still want to do a Mono Type Run but not Ground. So I shall make a poll and keep it up for a while. Either like for a week or at least when I think a lot of people have voted. Here are the types that you can choose from. Ice, Dark, Fighting or Rock. And if for some reason, there are top 2 votes, I suppose there will be a dual type run. Haha. Have fun voting everyone! (Anymore votes from this point on do not count so please do not vote at this point)
  5. Soooooo I got bad news, worse news but then somewhat good news.

    Bad News: As much fun as I am having with the Favorite Pokemon (Pokemon) Reborn Run, it's taking a long time for me to train all the Pokemon I've chosen (thanks for everyone that's done that btw) and it's causing me to lose interest in continuing. I know it sucks. I'm gonna keep trying but if I can't enjoy it, I just can't keep playing like it.


    Worse News: My Ground Type Mono Run will not continue because my file got corrupted and it's now lost. Ohh joy. >.>


    Somewhat Good News: I'm getting the itch to get back into the Mono Run but not the Ground Type. So I think I'm gonna make a new post and post a poll on which mono type run everyone would want me to do. And yes. This will be a Journal Entry as well.


    I'm sorry that I can't continue my Ground Type Mono Run and I'm really sorry I'm starting to get bored of the Favorite Pokemon (Pokemon) Reborn Run. I think I'm only good with sticking with 6 Pokemon and training them. Haha. I hope you all understand.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      Thanks. I'm afraid for people being mad at me for the Favorite Pokemon (Pokemon) Reborn Run cus I'm losing interest. But I just need to be honest about it.

    3. Paul25


      You are welcome^^ B) 

    4. LykosHand


      I appreciate your honesty Awesome, and i don't hide that i was having fun with your Runs, but don't worry i'm not angry, but i understand why you are bored and i agree with you :) 

      And i'm so sorry that the file of Ground Type Run has been corrupted :( 

      But i will look your next Mono Run like the previous :D 

  6. Journal Entry 8 - Jasper Ward Destruction Pokemon Team/Rotation
  7. Lol. Well hopefully you'll think of something. xD
  8. Lol. Well considering I've been sleeping on a couch and on a sleeping bag, very relaxing! xD Hoping to get more people to tell me their 10 Top Pokemon on my other posts though. Would love to get more Pokemon.
  9. My Favorite Pokemon (Pokemon) Reborn Run is going along very well and is very fun! But I'd still like to hear more people's Top 10 Favorite Pokemon. I will choose my favorite one and sometime during my playthrough, I will catch, name it as your Profile name and it shall join the rest of my time! So please join in the fun!
  10. Journal Entry 7 - Fern, Florina And The Canopy Badge Pokemon Team/Rotation
  11. Journal Entry 6 - Mutated Tangrowth?! Pokemon Team/Rotation
  12. Dang. That really looks amazing. Well good luck to Ash and his team. Can't wait to see what all happens.
  13. Lol. I was trying to make it look like it's sitting on my head. But it kinda does look like that. xD And thanks!
  14. Journal Entry 5 - Pokemon Gangs, Pokemon Rescues And Battling Old Rivals Pokemon Team/Rotation
  15. I'm loving doing this Favorite Pokemon (Pokemon) Reborn Run! I'd love to use more Pokemon though. All you gotta do is list your Top 10 Pokemon, I shall pick the 1 I want you to be, get the Pokemon sometime in the story and of course, nickname that Pokemon after you. So please, do this and I'm sure you all will enjoy our adventure together!
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