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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by J-Awesome_One

  1. Yes! Yes! Yeeeees!!!

    Despite the fact that I'm new to the universe of Pokemon Essentials, I tried to make some custom battles operational since last night. And guess what: it works like a charm 😄 😄 😄

    I have to admit that it's a very entertaining experience by the way 😉

  2. Omg... OMG! I swear to Arceus, I almost quit the Bug Type Mono playthrough! AND NO! Not because of Amber. I'm expecting that to be hell. (lol pun fire = hell) I almost rage quit because of the 1 man who uses the same type as me. That's right. Motherfuckin' Crawli! Whenever that episode, have fun watching me battle him at least 20 to 30 times! Ugh! Dx

  3. Omg... OMG! I swear to Arceus, I almost quit the Bug Type Mono playthrough! AND NO! Not because of Amber. I'm expecting that to be hell. (lol pun fire = hell) I almost rage quit because of the 1 man who uses the same type as me. That's right. Motherfuckin' Crawli! Whenever that episode, have fun watching me battle him at least 20 to 30 times! Ugh! Dx

  4. Wow... whenever you guys get the card key for Melia’s room in the lab, go there immediately. I like Melia even more now.

  5. Does anyone know where Goldenwood Park is? Need to find it in order to find a certain bug type Pokemon.

  6. How is it that the 1st hard battle I had (more like middle hard battle. had to restart only once) in my Bug Type Mono Run of Rejuvenation is against Keta the 1st time you battle him?!

  7. has anyone noticed

    Reborn forums have two ways to 🍭:

    "Lollipop" 🍭

    "lollipop" 🍭


    ... but now that I've explored, it's not just this emoji that has doubles. anyhow that's enuf pointless posting for tonight. bye~

  8. Soooo anybody remember that Pokemon Fan Made game a few years back called Etheral Gates? Well... that's unfortunately gone... The good news however is that its new name is now Pokemon Sea & Sky! 😄 Did anyone like that fake out? Yea? Ye- No? You didn't? Alright. I'll just leave then... Sorry... o.o

  9. Next episode will come soon...



  10. Expect episode 52 of my Awesome Pokemon Adventure to be up either sometime Friday or Saturday. I spent all day today making a video of sorts to go with this episode and I'm so happy with it. I hope y'all will be too. Consider this to be an early Christmas gift to all of you fantastic, AWESOME people! 😄

  11. Sooo for anyone else that's doing a written story run on Reborn or any game for that matter, let me ask you something. When you have your character interact with someone else, do you (as in your actual self) become more attached or hate a certain character more than you used to? Because I've went from "Ehh. Blake's annoying." to "OMG! I WANNA RIP YOUR FUCKING FACE OFF YOU FROZEN WANNABE CHARACTER!!!!!"

  12. this morning I woke up happy. why? the second I looked outside I saw the neighbouhood covered in white. and as you may know, I love snow

  13. I am SOOOO happy with myself. I spent the last like 5 hours editing a sprite for a very near future episode of My Awesome Pokemon Adventure and I'm so happy how awesome it turned out.

  14. I am SOOOO happy with myself. I spent the last like 5 hours editing a sprite for a very near future episode of My Awesome Pokemon Adventure and I'm so happy how awesome it turned out.

  15. So, did the 'profile not updating to show your recent posts' issue get fixed then immediately stop again once it was caught up?

  16. Spoil this for me because I haven't seen E18 stuff yet but is there a scene where Bennett and Laura are seen together or no? It's important for my 1 written story run.

  17. So My Awesome Pokemon Adventure will be returning sometime this week or earlier next week (and will be updated throughout the rest of this month until around Christmas) but I thought I'd give a little teaser on what is to be expected of the next episode and have everyone maybe guess what happens.


    I must join a gang in order to get access to 7th Street. I join a gang but 1st must help them take out another gang. The 1st mission goes without a hitch. The 2nd mission also goes almost as easily but when I defeat the leader in battle he retaliates and someone or something defends me but is heavily damaged and will never look the same again. Despite that though, I am given the info about 7th Street and continue towards our quest of rescuing Luna.

  18. Got done recording a Gym Battle for an episode of Pokemon Reborn last night. Gonna take break from Reborn right now and start getting things ready for my new Pokemon playthrough which the name of it is called Pokemon Empyrean. No idea what the game is about but since looking at the screenshots of it, I've been having a crazy itch to play this game and now it looks like the time is near. So 2 Episodes of Reborn are going up today. (1 is already up and another is currently uploading) Tomorrow, another 2 episodes of Reborn will be going up. I'm not too sure if anything will be going up Saturday due to putting Christmas decorations up. So, if nothing goes up that day, then Sunday I'll put uploading the last video I recorded for Reborn. And then depending if I have already done a video of it by then, Episode 1 of Pokemon Empyrean will be going up. So look forward to all of that.

  19. If all the Meteor members at the Glass Workstation were female, it'd be the Lass Workstation. 

    If it was a project for school, it'd be the Class Workstation.

    If it was Florinia's gym, it'd be the Grass Workstation. 

  20. Just got doing a mini batch episodes of my playthrough of Pokemon Reborn. All the way up to the battle with Samson. Now I'm not too sure but I'm almost positive that I'm undefeated when it comes to Gym Battles. Well... Fuck you Samson. Not only did he defeat the streak but he punched my face, kicked me in the gut and knocked a couple of my teeth out. Basically, he defeated me over and over again. Now if anyone remembers if I did lose to a Gym Leader before, then so be it but they didn't kick my ass as bad as he did! Btw, is it just me or does anyone else get a WWE vibe from Samson?

  21. Just got doing a mini batch episodes of my playthrough of Pokemon Reborn. All the way up to the battle with Samson. Now I'm not too sure but I'm almost positive that I'm undefeated when it comes to Gym Battles. Well... Fuck you Samson. Not only did he defeat the streak but he punched my face, kicked me in the gut and knocked a couple of my teeth out. Basically, he defeated me over and over again. Now if anyone remembers if I did lose to a Gym Leader before, then so be it but they didn't kick my ass as bad as he did! Btw, is it just me or does anyone else get a WWE vibe from Samson?

  22. Look at that- perfect 900. Now once it becomes 901, I can be happy and pull the "it's over 9000!!!!!" beaten joke out my beaten joke box xD

    Now, seriously I can feel y'all's loves wae too much. Gotta turn the heat a lil fam 😉 

  23. So I was gonna start writing my Reborn Written Story Run (better known as My Awesome Pokemon Adventure) but then last night, something happened. Something... happened... AND IT'S ALL @Candy's FAULT! SHE MESSAGED ME AND SENT ME THIS!




    So expect an episode of that dropping sometime today. I must say thank you to her for taking time out of her already busy schedule for making me this. (although in video it won't show the shiny glow thing going through the word Pokemon so I apologize for that) Btw, sorry if I made you worry there for a second but I thought it was funny. xD

  24. So I was gonna start writing my Reborn Written Story Run (better known as My Awesome Pokemon Adventure) but then last night, something happened. Something... happened... AND IT'S ALL @Candy's FAULT! SHE MESSAGED ME AND SENT ME THIS!




    So expect an episode of that dropping sometime today. I must say thank you to her for taking time out of her already busy schedule for making me this. (although in video it won't show the shiny glow thing going through the word Pokemon so I apologize for that) Btw, sorry if I made you worry there for a second but I thought it was funny. xD

  25. So I was gonna start writing my Reborn Written Story Run (better known as My Awesome Pokemon Adventure) but then last night, something happened. Something... happened... AND IT'S ALL @Candy's FAULT! SHE MESSAGED ME AND SENT ME THIS!




    So expect an episode of that dropping sometime today. I must say thank you to her for taking time out of her already busy schedule for making me this. (although in video it won't show the shiny glow thing going through the word Pokemon so I apologize for that) Btw, sorry if I made you worry there for a second but I thought it was funny. xD

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