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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by J-Awesome_One

  1. Soooo probably an impossible question to answer (but knowing my luck, the answers are out there and so easy to find but I just can't find them) buuuut does anyone know the ages of Victoria, Julia, Florinia, Cain and Charlotte?

  2. I wonder why the final evos of the pokemon with lowest BSTs tend to be bug types?? Am I missing the charm of bug types or something??

  3. I wonder why the final evos of the pokemon with lowest BSTs tend to be bug types?? Am I missing the charm of bug types or something??

  4. I wonder why the final evos of the pokemon with lowest BSTs tend to be bug types?? Am I missing the charm of bug types or something??

  5. Irrelevant, but I promise that, in this weekend, I will upload two new chapters of my Gundham Tanaka Rejuvenation run. Plan was one per week, but studying and work happened, so I couldn't do it this weekend... But expect stuff in the next days! ;) 

    Sorry to those who follow it for keeping you waiting... :( 

  6. Is Aya's Badge called the Blight Badge or Venom Badge?

  7. Is Aya's Badge called the Blight Badge or Venom Badge?

  8. Hunting for a Dome Fossil suuuuucks.

  9. Hunting for a Dome Fossil suuuuucks.

  10. Hunting for a Dome Fossil suuuuucks.

  11. Hunting for a Dome Fossil suuuuucks.

  12. Reborn Penta-Opp Predictions on Pulse Tangrowth number 1.


    Twit: will have an Anime Arc.

    Nexus: "I wanna say somehing I shouldn't say."

    NAPPY: "Okay, this is kinda wild."

    Mo: "Wow WTF IS this? Let me look it up for a sec."

    Jay: One Shots it with a Mewtwo.

  13. Reborn Penta-Opp Predictions on Pulse Tangrowth number 1.


    Twit: will have an Anime Arc.

    Nexus: "I wanna say somehing I shouldn't say."

    NAPPY: "Okay, this is kinda wild."

    Mo: "Wow WTF IS this? Let me look it up for a sec."

    Jay: One Shots it with a Mewtwo.

  14. Reborn Penta-Opp Predictions on Pulse Tangrowth number 1.


    Twit: will have an Anime Arc.

    Nexus: "I wanna say somehing I shouldn't say."

    NAPPY: "Okay, this is kinda wild."

    Mo: "Wow WTF IS this? Let me look it up for a sec."

    Jay: One Shots it with a Mewtwo.

  15. So I just read that the Penta-Op for Insurgence will be ending this Saturday and I just realized that this means that (hopefully) Penta-Op for Reborn will happen soon. Can't wait to watch all of that madness go down.

  16. So I just read that the Penta-Op for Insurgence will be ending this Saturday and I just realized that this means that (hopefully) Penta-Op for Reborn will happen soon. Can't wait to watch all of that madness go down.

  17. So I have exciting news for you all.

    1. Thanks to @DreamblitzX, I have basically solved that music problem I had for like the past week.

    2. For the 1st time ever, I've finished a run on here! YAY! So through out the next couple of days, I'll be updating my Pokemon Legends Of The Arena thread on here with the recorded videos I made. So expect that. :)

  18. Vote people that haven't voted yet!


  19. I'm in that kind of mood when you just wanna bicker and argue and be the devil's advocate in EVERY conversation you see. My salt levels are too high atm.

  20. Tfw you reach 200 reps... that said, why is it that I want to make a post every +100 reps? What about the number 100 makes it so satisfying?

  21. Tfw you reach 200 reps... that said, why is it that I want to make a post every +100 reps? What about the number 100 makes it so satisfying?

  22. So does anyone know how to successfully put in music into Pokemon Reborn Audio files and having them actually play on the game itself? I tried just putting in the song with its original name and then I tried to rename it to 1 of the other files but no matter what, no music will play. Do I have to do something before I just try to put in/replace the music into the audio file? Any help is appreciated. FYI, I know I can just mute the game and play the song on iTunes/YouTube but I'd rather it like this.

  23. So does anyone know how to successfully put in music into Pokemon Reborn Audio files and having them actually play on the game itself? I tried just putting in the song with its original name and then I tried to rename it to 1 of the other files but no matter what, no music will play. Do I have to do something before I just try to put in/replace the music into the audio file? Any help is appreciated. FYI, I know I can just mute the game and play the song on iTunes/YouTube but I'd rather it like this.

  24. So does anyone know how to successfully put in music into Pokemon Reborn Audio files and having them actually play on the game itself? I tried just putting in the song with its original name and then I tried to rename it to 1 of the other files but no matter what, no music will play. Do I have to do something before I just try to put in/replace the music into the audio file? Any help is appreciated. FYI, I know I can just mute the game and play the song on iTunes/YouTube but I'd rather it like this.

  25. So, here's an idea. If I manage to get a date (longshot, I know) I'm brining a hammer. Why you ask? So I have my Ice Breaker.

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