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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by J-Awesome_One

  1. So... I've been thinking about 1 of the 3 stories I've been doing for the last year and a half. It's the James 1. As you know I haven't touched that for about almost 9 months now. And I've been wondering why I haven't been into it as much as I have been with the Bonnie 1 and the 1 with myself and I figured it out. Bonnie is using the Pokemon that she would use and a few extras that I could see her having. I'm using the Pokemon I would use. Stantler is a curveball there because I don't consider Stantler even a part of like my top 50 but I am enjoying using it. James? He's not using his own Pokemon. And I think that's where I made the mistake of his story by not having him use any of his Pokemon except for Growlie. So I HEAVILY tempted to restart his story from scratch but use the Pokemon he originally had. I mean obviously Weezing, Victreebel and some others wouldn't be instantly brought back but a few of them would come back right away. But yea. I know a lot of you were really wanting to see that series continue but I think a restart is necessary. Besides, my writing has gotten better. At least, I think so. So yea. Expect the Epilogue to the 1st episode drop sometime next week.

  2. So... I've been thinking about 1 of the 3 stories I've been doing for the last year and a half. It's the James 1. As you know I haven't touched that for about almost 9 months now. And I've been wondering why I haven't been into it as much as I have been with the Bonnie 1 and the 1 with myself and I figured it out. Bonnie is using the Pokemon that she would use and a few extras that I could see her having. I'm using the Pokemon I would use. Stantler is a curveball there because I don't consider Stantler even a part of like my top 50 but I am enjoying using it. James? He's not using his own Pokemon. And I think that's where I made the mistake of his story by not having him use any of his Pokemon except for Growlie. So I HEAVILY tempted to restart his story from scratch but use the Pokemon he originally had. I mean obviously Weezing, Victreebel and some others wouldn't be instantly brought back but a few of them would come back right away. But yea. I know a lot of you were really wanting to see that series continue but I think a restart is necessary. Besides, my writing has gotten better. At least, I think so. So yea. Expect the Epilogue to the 1st episode drop sometime next week.

  3. So... I've been thinking about 1 of the 3 stories I've been doing for the last year and a half. It's the James 1. As you know I haven't touched that for about almost 9 months now. And I've been wondering why I haven't been into it as much as I have been with the Bonnie 1 and the 1 with myself and I figured it out. Bonnie is using the Pokemon that she would use and a few extras that I could see her having. I'm using the Pokemon I would use. Stantler is a curveball there because I don't consider Stantler even a part of like my top 50 but I am enjoying using it. James? He's not using his own Pokemon. And I think that's where I made the mistake of his story by not having him use any of his Pokemon except for Growlie. So I HEAVILY tempted to restart his story from scratch but use the Pokemon he originally had. I mean obviously Weezing, Victreebel and some others wouldn't be instantly brought back but a few of them would come back right away. But yea. I know a lot of you were really wanting to see that series continue but I think a restart is necessary. Besides, my writing has gotten better. At least, I think so. So yea. Expect the Epilogue to the 1st episode drop sometime next week.

  4. I'm currently playing To The Moon. Let's see how will this turn out.

  5. If Sobble had a ghost type evolution




  6. I didn't expect so many birthday wishes considering I've only started talk on here more often again recently but thanks for those who sent bday wishes my way yesterday.


    And thank those in the community who have made this a positive place for the most part to be in. 


    Sorry I've been a downer for the past week or so but I'm finally getting back to a positive mindset. 😊

  7. I’m blind





  8. Wolfy early 2019: This year I'm gonna be more positive and less pessimistic! pixpixpix~!
    Wolfy now: well, I'm still trying but shit is fucked

  9. Wolfy early 2019: This year I'm gonna be more positive and less pessimistic! pixpixpix~!
    Wolfy now: well, I'm still trying but shit is fucked

  10. So very recently, I joined a group on my facebook that's basically about talking about Pokemon, trading Pokemon, battling etc etc. We also decided to have 18 Gym Leaders and an Elite 4. (Btw, I'm the Poison Type Gym Leader. 😛) And to kind of celebrate having them wanting me to join in, I really wanna do a playthrough of a Pokemon Fan Made Game with their favorite Pokemon. Of course mine would be in it too. But the problem is I'm not sure which Pokemon Fan Made Game I should play. I'm HUGELY tempted to do 1 of Reborn (And don't worry. If I did, the other playthrough would still happen.) or of Rejuvenation (Again, current playthrough I'm doing of it would not be cancelled.) If you guys have any ideas, I'd love to know.

  11. So very recently, I joined a group on my facebook that's basically about talking about Pokemon, trading Pokemon, battling etc etc. We also decided to have 18 Gym Leaders and an Elite 4. (Btw, I'm the Poison Type Gym Leader. 😛) And to kind of celebrate having them wanting me to join in, I really wanna do a playthrough of a Pokemon Fan Made Game with their favorite Pokemon. Of course mine would be in it too. But the problem is I'm not sure which Pokemon Fan Made Game I should play. I'm HUGELY tempted to do 1 of Reborn (And don't worry. If I did, the other playthrough would still happen.) or of Rejuvenation (Again, current playthrough I'm doing of it would not be cancelled.) If you guys have any ideas, I'd love to know.

  12. Just curious. How many of you would ever want to see a Dora The Explorer Live Action Movie?

  13. Just curious. How many of you would ever want to see a Dora The Explorer Live Action Movie?

  14. Just curious. How many of you would ever want to see a Dora The Explorer Live Action Movie?

  15. Just curious. How many of you would ever want to see a Dora The Explorer Live Action Movie?

  16. Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with the Pokemon they love the best.

  17. I'm sad there's no Reborn episode but at least soul link is back :3

  18. I've been writing the same essay for 5 hours. Save me. 



  19. I've been writing the same essay for 5 hours. Save me. 



  20. I've been writing the same essay for 5 hours. Save me. 



  21. I've finally completed the Pokedex (for now) in Reborn 😩👌 It's the first time I've done it in any game ever so I'm proud (of the time I've wasted lol)

  22. I've finally completed the Pokedex (for now) in Reborn 😩👌 It's the first time I've done it in any game ever so I'm proud (of the time I've wasted lol)

  23. You know, I just realized that I am kind of like Ash from the anime. He ALWAYS (except Gen 7 for some reason) catches the "starter" Flying Type and I have as well. Except for Gen 5. Pidove and all of its evolutions are trash but hey. That's my opinion. I'm kind of hoping Sword and Shield has a pretty cool "starter" flying that isn't Normal Type but even if it is, I'll prob use it.

  24. So maybe it's because deep down inside of me, I'm a kid... Ohh who am I kidding. I'm a kid at heart. Anyways, maybe it's the kid in me but I have been HYPED AS FUCK since Sword and Shield were announced yesterday. I've probably watched the trailer of it (mostly watching reactions of it or thoughts and theories on it) for almost 36 hours now. I want it SO BAD RIGHT NOW! 😄

  25. So maybe it's because deep down inside of me, I'm a kid... Ohh who am I kidding. I'm a kid at heart. Anyways, maybe it's the kid in me but I have been HYPED AS FUCK since Sword and Shield were announced yesterday. I've probably watched the trailer of it (mostly watching reactions of it or thoughts and theories on it) for almost 36 hours now. I want it SO BAD RIGHT NOW! 😄

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