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Everything posted by Anstane

  1. I would say...davidangel64's original let's play of Minecraft turned me to the game and, by extension, the genre itself with games like Terraria and Starbound that I still enjoy. What game do you feel is massively overrated?
  2. I'm avoiding the Gen 7 hype train. Mostly because I don't own a 3DS nor am I likely to own one in the near future because I just flat can't afford one, not even a used one. BMIC?
  3. http://prnt.sc/c59so9 Gotta love Berserkers in FE6. Seriously, this never gets old.
    1. YinYang9705


      It's gonzales, he tends to do that.

    2. krim


      Swordmasters are even better. Rutger can reach 102% Crit.

    3. Anstane


      Highest crit I've ever seen Rutger reach was 97%. I would love to see him with 100+% crit.

  4. I'm a little confused by what you mean by "Restricted". Are you doing some sort of mono-type run? Or do you mean that you're just restricted by levels which makes more sense? In that case... For starters, you might as well get Braixen one more level to evolve him to a Delphox. That, and get a full team of six, unless you're somehow restricted. I heard a lot of good things about Kricketune, so look into getting Kricketot and leveling it up. Otherwise, just a balance of flying, fire, and ice should work, though you do need to look out for Pin Missile (Bug), Sand Tomb (Ground) and Cradily's Smack Down (Rock). Those and the upcoming field effect mean that you'll need quite a diverse cast.
  5. "Suffer" -Corey. I'm assuming that only Gym Leaders and not the E4/Champion. In that case... "Hm… So, you did get four Gym Badges. Fine, as I promised, we will have a Pokémon battle. <player>… I'm so happy that I can have a real battle with my own child. But, a battle is a battle! I will do everything in my power as a Gym Leader to win. <player>, you'd better give it your best shot, too!" -Norman, Pokemon RSE. I just really like this pre-battle quote because it just feels more personal then just about all others, plus it's from the very first Pokemon game I played, so it's just that much more special. What Pokemon dual-typing is your absolute favorite?
  6. I was asleep, earlier then usual because I had to get up early and I pretty much only just got back. Anyway, light blue, not cobalt. Lugruf?
  7. Now I have this wonderful mental image of a Gastly floating out of range of Chandelure and shouting "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries". ...before said Gastly uses Shadow Ball, anyway. (And yes, I know it's technically insulting, not cursing in either sense of the word, but still)
  8. Off to parent's garden I go, so will be gone for large part of day. At least I get to be productive for once.

  9. Erm, is there any chance of adding a time limit to how long you are to make your move? So we can actually keep this going instead of the RP dying before the first map is done. Basically "If no post within 2 days, you're treated as if you passed your turn".
  10. 8.5/10 I like the coloring and the shading, but I don't understand what it's supposed to be.
  11. I can try to cool everything down, but fire is kind of stronger then ice. Still, one can try, right? Dragon116?
  12. I honestly want to make a post explaining how I feel, what I'm thinking and such things, but I dare not because I'm worried about what a response, if any, to it might be, especially for something as seemingly silly as what I'm feeling right now. Maybe sometime later, but I just can't right now...

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Sometimes talking about something is the way to go

  13. I'll bite this time, but pass on the next. Dragon116?
  14. Still here, still trying to sort my thoughts... Lugruf?
  15. Well, I'm blue if not necessarily cobalt. Lugruf?
  16. I had a plan but a certain development is forcing me to change said plans. Ah well, I guess I can do that for now, maybe once I have a strong place to stop and will be able to focus on one will I be able to properly push forward. But not now because reasons. And yes I'm being vague because, again, reasons. As for the post, nope, it's just me. Any chance for BMIC to make an appearance?
  17. Um, that's assuming it does become implemented, as I don't know if the engine supports multiplayer play. Well, there's always the Trading thread if you're looking for trading, and the Reborn Showdown chat if you want battles, but those are outside the game itself.
  18. Woo, Lithuania's Olympic basketball team is 3-0! I know it happened a few hours ago, but I only just saw the news.

    1. Hect


      There's people who actually still care about the Olympics. That's surprising. :D

    2. Anstane


      I only care about our basketball team, as Basketball is basically our national sport.

    3. Shamitako


      I normally care about the Olympics, they're really cool, but I'm tired and hot and they take forever

      But nothing can keep me from the winter Olympics and the awesomeness of curling

  19. Golem used Stone Edge! It's super effective!
  20. There is the Wide Lens. Bad news is that you can only get it after acquiring 7 badges.
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