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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Kaito

  1. Huh. I just won a free copy of Battleblock Theater from Pam's stream. Awesome. :D

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      We should play sometime <3

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Good game right there, good game.

    3. Simon


      I haven't even tried it yet since I bought it from the Winter Sale. Noice though.

  2. God dammit stop nerfing Sona, that is practically all she's gotten since her rework. ;~; Making me sad Riot. Although that Vel'Koz skin is amazing, I must buy it. Luckily I got a nice chunk of RP earlier today.
  3. Nice to meet you! My name's Kaito, one of the aformentioned auth that Jericho mentioned above. He's already taken care of all the formal stuff thankfully, so welcome! Hopefully you enjoy it here, we're glad to have you. Stop by the Showdown server sometime too if you'd like, it's where a lot of activity takes place. And yeah, Reborn is a fun game. Tough too... Although I've yet to start the newest episode yet. ^^;
  4. Should probably show myself once in a while... Anyway, welcome to Reborn! Like Jericho said, ask any of the staff on that page that he linked you or himself ( We also have staff/admin/;some kind of official title as our membergroup underneath the avatar if that's more helpful ), for any questions you may have. He kind of already covered all the formal stuff, but we'd be happy to go into detail for anything you may be curious about. Enjoy it here, we're glad to have you!
  5. The hidden option: None cause you're too terrible at this game to teach. <3 Jokes aside, I love the idea! Maybe starting with everyone's favorite pubstomp boxer could teach people how to fight AGAINST him when they inevitably go for glory.
  6. Merry Christmas to all! Not the most christmas-y photo I've done, but it works on short notice! Also I apologize for my face but I'm horribly unphotogenic. ._. New coat, it's warm and classy~
  7. Hah! What a fun thread, shame I'm not very musically inclined... Alright, I'm curious to see what anyone can come up with for me, if any.
  8. I actually want to note that Aegis was never suspected in the first place for Reborn, nor actually banned. It was a side effect of moving onto Smogon tiers during our showdown move, and as such is techically uber due to said tier list. But if we're moving it to a Reborn style list, it's still OU. So it's a wierd point considering as a community we never actually banned it, it just happened by matter of circumstance.
  9. I've been doing boxing for around 2 years now, and I took up Kendo at college a little while back. So I know my way around a sword.
  10. Let's see, who hasn't been put up for nominations yet.... Jack Frost: Renzo Snow Queen: Horizon Polar Monarch: Poetic/Poeseph/Whatever name he goes by atm
  11. The King's game has been revealed! Although the spoiler tag is a bit broken... still working on fixing that. Don't forget to nominate people, people!
  12. I third Ame and Zeph. Raspberry Juice is fucking amazing.
  13. Flattered, but no. I'm not the pairing kind of guy, honestly. That being said, I just read the last 7 pages or so and this went from being hilarious, to serious, and back again. Bravo everyone.
  14. I'm going to kill you. Slowly and painfully.
  15. Well. Black is totally my color. Pajamas, Thermals, Dress Clothes, I look damn suave. *Narcissism +3*

    1. Kaito


      Nevermind that suave is usually used to refer to behavior, but it sounded more pleasant than good.

    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Black clothing of idiocy: Stats: +5 theoretical charisma +2 ego -5 women's interest in you. Special Effect: Forever alone.

    3. Flux
  16. I will be posting an update thread come Friday, and that thread will be updated once or twice a week post-tribal counsil or reward challenges.
  17. ... MIA? No, I just have club till about 10 PM my time and had stat work to do. ^^; Patience. They're being sent out now.
  18. Finished my stat work with 3 minutes to spare... anyway! Sending out the Survivor Reborn results now! Please be patient, I have to do them one at a time.

    1. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      Yay!....(Doesn't get one) ;(

    2. GotWala


      I'm more than certain a little bit more waiting should be fine, haha.

    3. Sparky


      Never enough waiting

  19. His avatar is best character, what did you expect?
  20. Actually the 20th is a Thursday. ... Which means I can't actually attend either, that's the day I don't get home till 10. Shame, this looks fun. Best of luck to the participants though!
  21. And this is why you don't impersonate me. Trying to duplicate such magnificence will destroy everyone.

  22. It's fine, just note what Jericho said.In other news, the lucky chosen players will be sent out PM's on Thursday night! It's all said and done with selection, I just had to postpone the start for a week because of academic obligations. Those who don't make it, don't fret, there is always next season!
  23. Last call for Signups! They'll be ending on November 8th!
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