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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. Playing both Metal Gear Solid 2 and Digimon World: Next Order at the same time has been an...interesting experience. 

  2. Jeez I've been on such a Digimon kick again...about twice a year it seems. 

  3. I'm a huge Godzilla fan, and Rodan is easily my favorite. The new info and art released for the new "King of the Monsters" movie has my hyped! 

  4. Replaying Digimon World: Next Order...again...because I so needed another addicting game right now...

  5. I've told myself to cool it on the Trophy hunting...but there are so many games I own that have plats that are calling my name! 

  6. I'm ashamed to say I've never played FFVI. I have it on a GBA emulator and I have no excuse for not having played it. I just recently finished my first ever playthrough of FFV. So maybe soon will be a good time to jump into VI as well.
  7. Here's actually one that was taken this weekend, so it's as recent as there is. No, I do not typically wear floral print fancy shirts, but it was a date night with the wife and I was trying to look snazzy-er. Haha!
  8. Started Metal Gear Solid 2 last night for the first time! Hoo boy am I digging it so far! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CodeCass


      See, and MGSV was my first Metal Gear game. I absolutely adored it's absurdity, and found everything about it appealing, epic, and cool. This caused me to invest in the Legacy Collection, which is how I'm playing through MGS1, 2, and so on now. 


      To be fair, I can see why folks who've been with the series for years would dislike it so much, but to me, it was fresh and different and unlike any of my typical games that I've played. It brought me into that world, and I fell in love with it all, which is why I'm playing through the franchise and quickly loving everything about it.

    3. 5hift


      MGSV's story was cut short by Konami. The story and even a good amount of the cutscenes were written and rendered but never made it to game.


      Aside from that, the gameplay is what really stood out to me. I took Peace Walker's Mother Base system to a whole new level and I absolutely loved the hell out of it.

    4. CrossImpact


      yeah, Konami should surely take a straight hand to the face for what they did. or two. or five.

      and see, I thought the mother base system is good for a handheld. gives you something to do in order to acquire some items and such.
      despite Peace Walker being a pretty long game in itself, especially since it's ripped into all the small missions with returning to base in between... even if you ignore any management, the game takes long. but theoretically, these features give it more longevity and it does not feel like a waste at all.

      but man, as part of the next and last big next gen installment, in a series that was perfectly known for its linear, often breathtaking cinematic gameplay (especially 4 since it benefitted from the graphics at the time), the whole army management stuff is just, ugh what
      running around collecting plants...??
      imo it's not the right game for that, doing that -within- the main series is highly questionable when it is famous for the whole opposite.
      however, obviously they decided to break with a good amount of their traditions. I wish I knew their motives, but to me it looks like they combined 'open' world with online features to ride on the wave of "hey what's new" at the time.

      so, since we'll never know why things were decided one way or another, all we can do is say and explain why we like or dislike stuff. and discussing that is super fair.
      I'm deffo very glad you enjoy the series!!! it will always stay a significant part of video gaming history, it's just way too good. have a blast, and you can always tell me what you think! (...or is it what they want you to think? heh.)

  9. I'm pretty well set on the newer side of things. I hit my JRPG stride in the PS2, then PS3 and PS4 and haven't looked back! All Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Xenosaga, Digimon, Shadow Hearts, and everything in between. I think I've tried to pick up every real JRPG that's come out in the past 10 years and have really enjoyed them. I've just been on an older-games kick at the moment. I just know there are a ton on the PS1 that I missed out on!
  10. After completing it, I can see why MGS1 is hailed as a masterpiece. 

    1. 5hift


      Wait till you play the rest of the series.

    2. CodeCass


      I just started MGS2 last night. The opening cinematic alone had me hooked. Played through the entire opening level with Snake, and wrapped it up after starting up with Raiden. Loving it so far. Just taking a bit to get used to the controls!

  11. Finished Metal Gear Solid 1 and my Omegamon gunpla over the weekend! Very productive! haha. 

  12. This may be blasphemy around here, but here's my recently completed and custom-painted Omegamon!
  13. Just found out that Legend of Legaia doesn't play on the PS3 after a certain point in the game due to a glitch...great...Well at least I learned of that issue before putting a bunch of time into it. 

  14. How has it taken me this long to play Metal Gear Solid 1? I'm only 3.5 hours in, but I'm hooked and can tell it's a masterpiece despite it's age. 

  15. I've heard Azure Dreams is good, and it's on my "Look For" list, haha. I've got the PSP version of FF Tactics. As for the VII, VIII, and IX, I own them all already actually! ….I actually own FFVII on PS1, PS4, and PC... I've never tried Suikoden though, so I'll add them to the list. Never played MR 2, but MR4 is one of my all time favorite PS2 games! Thanks for all the tips!
  16. Feeling so much better today. Finally slept through the night, and the weekend awaits. 

  17. @JoStarNight and @Candy, thanks so much for your kind words. Today is indeed a new day, and I'm feeling much much better. I appreciate you all giving me some support yesterday when I greatly needed it!
  18. Outside of my wife, I don't really have many folks I bare my soul to. I thought maybe making a post here might help a bit. I view a lot of you as friends nowadays and I spend just as much time here it feels like than I do other sites. Let me preface this with something as well. I just started a strong steroid medication to help get over a poison ivy outbreak, and there's a fairly good chance that this is what's causing my emotional upheaval today. Still, I've always thought talking through things helps versus keeping it bottled up. Today has just felt like a horrid day. I've been anxious, shaky, depressed, jumpy, and just over all down. I've tried my best to put on a happy face while at work, but it's exhausting me today. I haven't felt like this since I was a teen. I don't get like this any more as an adult. All seemed fine until about 9am this morning. I was hit by this sudden, crushing feeling of dread. It was enough that I texted my wife and asked if there was something I should be upset about that I didn't remember. The best way I can describe it is: think about the time you've been in the worst trouble, or received just terrible news. That crushing feeling, that pit in your stomach opening feeling. The cold sweat and dizzy feeling. That's what I felt. Of course she assured me she was fine, we were fine, and everything in general was fine. Was going to be hotter than hell outside today, but it's been that way all week, so that's no big shocker. Otherwise, everything's good. After work she's suggested us going to grab an ice cream and maybe hit the park and play a little Pokémon Go, maybe take some gyms back and show these kids around here how to play Pokémon, haha. My issue is, every since then, I've been struggling to keep it together. I feel like I'm having to claw my way out of some dark pit today. I feel just completely mentally exhausted. I have no idea what's caused this. I know it all has to be in my head. I know it must be the meds or something. But that doesn't change how I'm feeling. Alone, depressed, worried, worthless. I'm hoping this passes soon. I'm not normally like this. I didn't mean to come into the Reborn world and rant about a bad day. I just...needed to spell it out. You all have helped me a lot over the past couple months that I've been back. Not just from your direct interactions with me personally, but just by being such a supportive community. I enjoy reading the posts and lurking around the site off and on all day. Just checking in to see what you all are up to, or what new memes or music you all are posting. For a site about game about a dark and depressing Pokémon world, you all do wonders to lift my spirits daily. So thanks for letting me...spill my guts, I guess? Haha. I hope everyone here can have a good day. You all are great folks in your own ways. Thanks again for everything.
  19. The new Pokémon: Let's Go trailer really has me stoked for this game even more now. 

  20. See these two suggestions really make me interested in checking out Xenogears. The only "Xeno" games I've played to date are Xenosaga 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
  21. Aaaaand Code Vein is delayed 'til 2019... As frustrating as that is, I keep telling myself that it will result in a better game when it's finally released. 

  22. Metal Gear Solid is calling my name. I'm hooked. I'm only 3 hours into my work shift on this hot Wednesday...and I'm already anxious to get home and further my sneaking exploits! 

  23. Cried like a baby at Detroit: Become Human last night. Not even ashamed. I ended up getting Kara and her group killed so close to the end of the game. It was just so sad and I hated myself for it. Was able to get the good endings for the rest of the crew though...so that sort of helped. Clancy Brown lived and Lance Henrikson was still alive, so those are both positives I suppose. Finished the game and that was that. I really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful experience that carried some good messages. 

    1. GenEric


      oh my 

      kara and alice?

      what did you do

    2. CodeCass




      It was the end of the Crossroads chapter where they're trying to flee the attack at Jericho. I made some bad choices when she was getting shot at and the soldier gunned them both down. Looking back I should have "played dead" I guess, but I kept trying to get up and run away... The bad thing is I'd done so well with them up until that point.


      I legitimately gasped when it happened and teared up enough I had to step away from the game for a few minutes. It just hit that deep a chord I guess. I didn't realize I'd become that attached.

  24. I'd prefer it be a JRPG, but I'm not beyond taking suggestions for other good PS1 games. I missed out on a lot.
  25. It hurts my soul to know I'll be 30 before I get to play Kingdom Hearts 3 and Devil May Cry 5...

    1. Wolfox


      I'm 20 and haven;t even played one game of etier franchise, you're foing fine

    2. Dante52


      I'm not too familiar with the timeline on the Devil May Cry series, but the Kingdom Hearts one is ridiculous. I mean, when there's 13 years between 2 and 3, that's just on them, and the vast majority of "original" fans are probably mid twenties and up by now (myself included). So, you have company 🙂


    3. CodeCass


      No doubt. I've kept up with every KH game up to this point such as CoM, BBS, Days, DDD, etc. Not to mention replayed they're HD remakes. So I've kept myself busy, but I'm very ready to see that good part 3! 


      The original Devil May Cry came out in 2001, then 2 in 2003, DMC3 (my favorite) came out in '05, with DMC4 in '08. We don't talk about "DMC" from 2013 because it's a "reboot" and was awful. So Devil May Cry 5 is still coming out 11 years after DMC4, which is far too long! I'm just glad it's going back to it's roots! 

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