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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CodeCass

  1. That's a weird way to spell Final Fantasy X, lol. But in all seriousness though, VII is still one of my favorites. I even have an FFVII tattoo. I just spent soo much time with that and IX and other FF's on the PS1 that they really were my only JRPG experience until the PS2. Just need to spice things up a bit!
  2. I've gotten Breath of Fire 3 recommended to me a couple times! Guess I really need to check it out! I'm really interested to try Suikoden. I've always heard such good things!
  3. So shortly, I'm going to try and start going back and playing some of the older PS1 JRPGs that I missed out on, or didn't finish in my childhood/teenage years because I was too obsessed with Final Fantasy. The three I've currently tracked down hard copies for are Legend of Legaia, Jade Cocoon, and Legend of Dragoon. I'm really excited to try these three as they seem like collectively they sort of run a gamut of different JRPG styles. Legaia has intriguing combat, Dragoon has it's transformations, and Jade Cocoon has awesome monster fusing/collecting. I'd be curious if any of you folks knew of any other highly recommended, but maybe lesser known JRPGs from the PS1 era that I might look into? My only stipulation would be that I'd like them to be "different" from maybe the standard Final Fantasy games of the day, or have some sort of gameplay mechanic that helps it stand out. To date, the only PS1 JRPGS I've ever really played are: Any Final Fantasy released on PS1 except VIII, I've just never tried it. Dragon Seeds Monster Rancher Digimon World 1, 2, 3 I honestly never really hit my JRPG stride and obsession until the PS2. Thanks for any and all help folks! I very much appreciate it!
  4. I'll have Detroit: Become Human beat tonight! Then it's back onto MGS1 and Danganronpa

  5. Danganronpa, Metal Gear Solid, Omega Ruby Nuzlocke, Yakuza Kiwami, and Nioh...I've got my hand in too many games and too many genres all at once! 

  6. Started Detroit: Become Human over the weekend. Loving it. 

  7. Was going to play Nioh...but it had a 14GB update...so played Danganronpa while that downloaded. Long story short, I'm really digging Danganronpa! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dragonza11


      just to be sure, are you only gonna play the games or are you interested in the complete hope's peak arc?

    3. CodeCass


      Well in theory I'd like to experience everything. Again, I'm super new to the series so outside of Danganronpa 1, 2, and 3, I'm not sure what else I'd need play/read/do to experience the full arc. 

    4. dragonza11


      if you need some help i can give you a link that tells in what order you need to play/watch the series
      i used that myself and it helped me quite a lot
      either way, have fun with the series and enjoy the despair 😛


  8. So I'm (hopefully) about to finish my Nuzlocke of Omega Ruby. I suffered a loss though in Victory Road where my Zangoose was killed. So I'm brining in my Nuzleaf to help fill the gap. My issue now though is that all of my team are 52+, and my Nuzleaf is 21. I'm trying to level him up appropriately so I can evolve him to max effect and get ready to finish this game ASAP! So my question is, where is the best place to grind up a low-level Pokémon to get it ready for the Elite 4 in Omega Ruby? Thanks so much for any and all help folks! I greatly appreciate it!
  9. Hoo Boy did I drink way too much yesterday. Hope those who celebrated did so safely! 

  10. For those celebrating tomorrow: have a happy and safe 4th of July. I'm going to attempt once again  to not blow myself up this year! Plenty of drinking, food, and swimming though! 

  11. I'm at the Victory Road on my Omega Ruby Nuzlocke and I'm having to force myself to continue. This is the farthest I've ever gotten in a Nuzlocke and don't want to lose here! The anxiety is real!

  12. I can't decide what to play after Yakuza Kiwami...Thinking about Nioh, SMT Nocturne, Legend of Legaia, or Metal Gear Solid

  13. Worked on Gunpla, drank, and swam all weekend. The Omnimon is slowly but surly looking like something! 

  14. Curious if any of the rest of you Reborn fans are also fans of the Yakuza series? Admittedly, I'm a fairly new fan. I had played Yakuza 4 back on the PS3 back when it was first released. Felt a little lost (I was taking up the 4th game in a series after all) so eventually set it aside, but I enjoyed what I played. Fast forward to about 2 months ago when I picked up Yakuza 0. Hoo Boy! I was instantly hooked on Zero. The characters, the combat, the mini games, the world and the story: everything was incredible! I found myself both getting a rush and wiping away a tear throughout various scenes! It takes a lot to elicit such emotions from me during games these days...I'm dead inside after years of JRPGS, haha! Anyway, after putting 80+ hours into a game I was ready to laugh away as a beat-em-up at first, I knew I was hooked! So last night I finally started up Yakuza Kiwami. For those not in the know, Kiwami is a PS4 remake of the original Yakuza game from the PS2. Once again, I can tell I'm playing something special! Kiwami 2 (a remake of Yakuza 2) is being released in a few months and I'm already excited! Can't wait to see the series through to the finish! It's so cool to think that I've got 4 full games to go after this one! I've seen folks throw out terms like "Japanese GTA", and that's a very big misconception. Not that GTA is a bad series or anything, but the two really couldn't be more different, to the point you can't even really compare the two. But yeah, figured I'd make a thread for folks to discuss this awesome series if they see fit!
  15.  So ready to get home and hop on Yakuza Kiwami again! 

  16. I have returned! Finally over being sick! 

  17. Time to go give platelets yet again. Have a good rest of the day fellow Reborn friends! 

  18. I'm so close to finally finishing this awesome game. I just really need to sit down and knock out the last couple of hours I have! Been a wild ride!
  19. I appreciate you guys' responses! Ended up going with Armaldo. As of Mossdeep City it's been proving to be a good choice. Keeping Shiftry as a viable option though!
  20. My backlog is reaching a crisis point...Need to finish platinuming God of War (2018) and San Andreas, need to finish Digimon Story: Hacker's Memory, .hack//GU: Last Recode and Hollow Knight. Not to mention I'm dying to try Detroit: Become Human and Jurassic World: Evolution! And now on top of all that, I'm getting the urge to play my older games like SMT: Nocturne, Jade Cocoon, and Legend of Legaia! 

  21. Sorry Celeby, I'm not Candy! But maybe Corso can hear our call!
  22. Finally took down Soul Master! That guy was a pain! That bad thing is, his fight wasn't even the hardest part. Getting to him is what was such a pain after each loss. So glad I can move on now!
  23. Thrilled to have the Shining Gundam completed. Now to take a break for a few days before jumping into Omegamon! 

  24. CodeCass


    Thought it would be fun to make a thread where gunpla builders could show off their work! Also go ahead to dont heaitate to show off your Zoids and other mecha as well! Feel free to post your completed, customized, or works in progress! Gunpla is Freedom! ————————————- For starters, here’s my recently completed MG 1/100 Shining Gundam! This was my first attempt at hand painting! Love how the gold turned out.
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