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Dreamy last won the day on December 23 2022

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1345 Sage

About Dreamy

  • Birthday 11/25/1998

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    NZ, Rakuen

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  1. So in V -1 of rejuv, does anyone know where capsule key 1 (and I guess the capsule itself if you need to find that) is? 


    I've played through to the full regular ending already, so spoilers for anything not specific to the true ending shouldn't be an issue.

    1. Pozyher


      Jan said it is bugged, so i would wait before trying to collect the keys since the second key you pick does not register.The locations are Sheridan ( inside carotos ) i think thats the first one .No idea where the capsule to put the keys is however.

    2. Dreamy


      I got capsule 2 from beating nihelego on my first run. is it bugged in that it's supposed to be capsule 1?

      I would've thought that there would be one capsule per chapter, because that lines up with me getting 2, 3 and was was probably 4. or maybe I misread and the thing I got in ch.4 was the capsule itself, and it discarded because I didn't have all the keys?

    3. Pozyher


      Its bugged in the sense that the first capsule you pick ( either the carotos or the nihilego one ) is registered.The second one you pick though is nowhere in you bag.And once you find all 3 , you only have 2 in your bag thus you are not able to open the capsule.Also sorry if i spoiled the episode . Realised that you might not have finised chapter 3 and edited the answer but i was not fast enough. The capsule though i have no idea where it is or if it is given to as at some point.In al of my runs, i never found it.Lastly as far as i know there are only 3 keys.

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