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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Tartar

  1. I have the exact opposite problem, anytime I suggest we visit something like the Netherlands, Germany or whatnot my proposals get turned down due to them being too cold. And on that note, I'd love to visit Peru someday, specifically Machu Picchu. I'm in general crazy about historical sites and museums. And while I'd love to visit Japan, I can't help but dread the fact that it'd probably be a disappointing trip due to the lack English speakers and the difficult environment for tourists this provides. But yeah, visiting Japan is on my bucket list.
  2. Cold and calculated metallic entity
  3. Tartar


    Banned for walking without a purpose
  4. *Tries intensely to figure out for to pronounce OP's username* ... Is it like Mo (with a long O), and ceaum pronounced like "sea" and the "ium" suffix from minerals, or is it perhaps like eau in french... Perhaps it's ea (like the latin æ sound?) um, or can it be... *Head continues to spin*
  5. Tartar


    Banned for having too large a signature.
  6. 10/10 The cold and lifeless eyes suit your harsh persona very well.
  7. I remember seeing some time ago that these types of threads aren't actually allowed according to Forum guidelines? Could someone please confirm if this is the case, if we are to proceed to help with this problem.
  8. Tartar


    Sigh... Is this all people hear when seeing my name, I've yet to see someone make the connection to Tartarus. Perhaps I really ought to change it to Mictlan to highten the connection to the underworld or something... Banned for misunderstanding my name.
  9. Whoa whoa whoa... The words "boring" and "Adrien" should not be used in the same sentence. You could've picked Hardy at the very least or Noel, perhaps even Vero if you wanted someone boring/conventional. Someone with the title "Visionary" shouldn't be considered boring. (Oh, and happy Birthsday, may you have a great day)
  10. I beg to disagree. It very much depends on the focus of the work. In fact, I'd say the majority of literary works and most people in real life are without the types of flaws present in Reborn's characters. In fact, many of the greatest literary works of all time include characters without deep flaws, as the flawed hero is itself a relatively new invention. I can't speak for the types of people you've met that have made you come to such a realization, but if I were to tell you that my experiences with different people have convinced me of the opposite view of people you see, with most people being inherently good and without major flaws, you'd probably not believe me. So, for now, let's agree to disagree on this point. Pardon me for saying this, I don't think you actually like reading about flawed characters as you claim, but instead how flawed characters come to grips with their flaws and seek to improve their flaws. Personally, I despise reading about miserable people who through inaction or their flaws create misery for themselves and those around them. Case in point, when I read Crime and Punishment the main character made me feel incredible discomfort and disgust at how flawed he was as an individual. Despite possessing incredible mental faculties and great people around him who desire to help him, his own self-destructive tendencies warped sense of morality compelled him to act in ways to hurt himself and those around him over and over. And after reading how he ruins his own life, and nearly drags his family down with him, he never once surpasses or overcomes his flaws (in fact, he never even tries ). Perhaps, you do in fact enjoy these types of characters, but every time I've stumbled upon reading self-destructive characters, or characters with no redeeming value, I've never been able to enjoy reading about them. Sure classical heroes always have a tragic flaw which is supposed to make them more relatable (case in point, classical Greek and Roman works), but for the most part, these serve as plot devices rather than as actual flaws. In fact, I'm very happy that you find so much value in reading misery and suffering. But like you stated yourself, you don't like these aspects in and of themselves, but since they serve as vehicles to show how character better themselves and improve. In the end, I doubt anyone likes to read about flawed characters who remain flawed until the end.
  11. Now that I think about it, I don't think matching the personality of a character in Reborn is a good thing. Most have profound psychological issues and deep traumas that hinder them as characters. Not really something to aspire to nor admire... Makes you wonder why Ame chose to write a story about such flawed characters.
  12. 7,5/10 I love the design, and the smile is wonderful. The monochrome colours kinda drag it down though
  13. Tartar


    Banned for being indecisive in choosing a name
  14. How would you describe the relationship between yourself and Amethyst, the character in Reborn? Is she an author avatar, alter ego or perhaps just another character with no relation to yourself? And Kurotsune would definitely be Lin. Because they're both tsundere
  15. I'd like to think that I'd be one of the main protagonists. But in truth, I'm probably closest to one of the numerous NPC's scattered about the world.
  16. After scavenging through my collection of Pokémon cards, I found these two.




    I'm pretty excited for using these as bookmarks in the future. 

  17. Just out of curiosity, how did you happen to get a Gibble, I don't believe they've been in any past release yet? But I may be wrong.
  18. I spent some time mapping the development time between episodes last year (and for some reason that thread has disappeared!?) but development has drastically slowed after EP11. Where at first episodes released every 2 months, it slowly became 3-4 months, until EP14 and 15 took 6 months to make and EP16 took a year to make. Hopefully now that Ame is dedicated herself fully to the completion of the game, it won't take a year to develop each episode.
  19. Ame posted a formula to calculate how many days it would take to complete an episode 3 months ago, it went something like this: Time till next episode = 90 days + Amount of times people have asked when the next episode will release.
  20. What a pity, and if not for this we could've probably been friends.
  21. Honestly speaking, I don't know whether that development progress is indicative of how long EP17 will take to develop, as the 40% progress have primarily been from Ame working on adding Gen 7 content. New Content for EP17 like a continuation of the story and added side-quests haven't even begun. In general I'd wager we're still 5-6 months away from the new episode. Edit: And with Ame also starting pre-development of Starlight Road this may also hinder development of Reborn (?)
  22. Ahh yes, Terra Mystica should be among the best Board-Games ever made, though I personally haven't tried it, though the concept seems incredibly appealing to me. Like Baldr stated, many modern board games completely remove the random element such as the use of dice that has been used in earlier times, and replaced them with systems that are entirely skill based with zero random elements, which is what makes many modern board games so appealing. I would love to hear what else you've played, as you seem quite to have played many designer board games. Yeah, Chess is a timeless classic. And Risk and Stratego are quite fun, albeit eclipsed by many modern wargames like A Game of Thrones: The Board Game and Kemet which are primarily more skill based, but also more thematic with asymmetrical factions that play differently. Though to me, whenever a board game meetup come up, I always cancel all other plans for that day, as I simply love the hobby so much. Board games are quite a big hit with my family too, though we primarily play either Quiz games, or a new board game from last year called Codenames which has quickly become a modern classic the world over. It's kind of amazing how many have played chess at some point or another. I didn't realize it was that popular.
  23. Most people consider card games such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic and the plethora of smaller card games to be board-games. The definition of board-game is kinda vague in general. A game called Ultimate Werewolf is what's called a social game, where every player gets a single secret role card (Werewolf or Villager), and then with the help of a Moderator, play the game over the course of a number of days, where during the night phase the werewolves (who know one another) secretly decide to kill a villager, while during the day the villagers (who don't know one another) vote for who amongst them is a werewolf to kill them. Despite being a game about talking, and each player only having one card which they see briefly at the beginning of the game, it's considered a board-game.
  24. Most people primarily know Board Games as kids games like Monopoly, The Game of Life or Battleship. But today's board games are in truth amazing enteties that are fun, engaging and strategic, because in these past 10 years we've been in a board-game golden age, where board games have grown increasingly better to the point where board-games, at least to me, in many ways rival if not surpass even the best of video-games in many ways. Today we've got story-based board games that play like video-games, real-time board games where people compete in teams to fulfil objectives, puzzle-games that play like real escape room games and many other game-types that are actively invented. It's a hobby that has seen exponential growth these past years, and is quickly becoming a favourite for many people. And because of my own enthusiasm for the hobby, I was wondering, how many other people on here play Board Games?
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