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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Tartar

  1. Yes Would you like it if another wave of "What I Think Each Member's X" threads started?
  2. @sardinesI feel a certain steadfast resolve from you, but also a desire to not be tied down and be free. Your partner Digimon will embody this duality within you, at once a humongous island containing a multitude of life, but at the same time a giant bird that soars in the sky. Your Partner Digimon is Ceresmon: @Another Retired Shipper As you wish, I will bestow upon you a brave and gallant warrior who saved the Digital World in the past. But not one assosiated with light like Jesmon, but one assosiated with Darkness and the night. Fear not, darkness is not evil, it is merely an element like any other. Your partner is a peerless warrior: Fierce and regal. It's majestic figure leaves all in awe. Your partner is AncientSphinxmon!
  3. @Ice Cream Sand WitchThis one was quite tough to think of. You're quite a mysterious individual despite your frequent posts, your core personality is still quite a mystery. So while Ranamon, the Water Magician digimon may have been a better fit, I went with another one. ~ I think you'll like it. Your partner is as mysterious as you are. It is the lord of Ice and a master of the night. Within its grace and beauty conceals a terrifying power for making puns. Your partner is none other than Dianamon
  4. @Mazeclelllo An insect you asked for, and an insect you shall be bestowed. Your partner will match your fervour and tenacity. It's a battler by heart and loves nothing more than competition, as graceful as it is powerful. Your partner is BanchoStingmon @Monsieur DivergentYour partner Digimon will match your straightforward enthusiasm and love of life. You partner an exalted knight. The fastest one of all the Royal Knights, clad in Blue Digizoid armour and a blazing sword. Your Digimon is the protector of all life, the very model of what a true knight ought to be: UlforceVeedramon @Hycrox Your Digimon will match your playful nature. A true prankster if I do say so myself. In fact, your partner is the most fearsome Demon Lord of all. It is the source of all chaos and dank memes across the whole Digital world. Your partner Digimon is Boltboutamon @Wolfox GlaceYour partner Digimon will compensate for that which you lack, together you shall complete one another and be unstoppable. A combination of the fiery passion of Veemon, and the divine grace of Angemon. It is a warrior basked in light and splendour. A perfect incarnation of that which you aspire to be. You partner is the Radiant Jesmon
  5. So, I haven't done one of these in a while (The previous one), and now that exams are over and I have a whole 2 days worth of vacation, what better way to spend them than to make another one of these threads? And since I'm rather tired of looking at anatomical structures, I'd rather not make a "What I Think Each Member's Favourite Anatomical Structure is", (Would people even be interested in that?) the only other option to go for was obviously this one. So for those who haven't kept up with Digimon since the original series aired, there are currently over a thousand Digimon (46 of them being Greymon variants...) So if you think you're going to get some lame partner like Angemon, or Garurumon, you're sadly mistaken, nay, only exotic and semi-unknown partners will be given here. So leave a post, it can involve whatever. Perhaps a bit about yourself, your alignment or even some random gibberish. Based on that and how well I know you, I'll try to find an appropriate partner for you! So, as to my own partner? The shining beacon of hope, whose passion burns brighter than the sun: ShineGreymon! So, who's your amazing partner going to be? Well, you'll have to post to find out ~
  6. I don't know what that means. If you're referring to my height, that depends. I'm higher than the world average, which is quite short all things considered, and taller than people in my ethnic group typically, but lower than the average gargantuan heights of people in Scandinavia. Is it true that one can get any response they want from another person by phrasing the question correctly?
  7. As in whether I'd want to be an astronaut as a profession? No. If we're talking about going into space as a tourist like close to what Space X is planning in the near future, or if something more sophisticated were to be developed. I wouldn't pass up the chance. Uhm... A question, these are getting harder to make... Do you agree with this sentiment?
  8. No, probably not. All languages chance and evolve over time as local communities invent their our dialects and words. This is normal and healthy for languages. Between Cerulean (left) and Azure (right), you prefer azure?
  9. @HongaarseBeer You seem to misunderstand the difference between deep web and dark web The dark web is really just parts of the internet not accessible through normal means, but require authorization either through special software like Tor, or by being connected to a Peer to Peer network to access. The deep web is literally any part of the internet which can't be accessed normally but, but requires access through a database. So in short, anything that's protected by a password and whatnot... So we are literally on the deep web at this exact moment, since we're logged into Reborn through our accounts. Very exciting I don't have a particular desire to leave my current plane of existence to assist people I don't know on matters that aren't related to me. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon is probably a bad example. In Blue Rescue Team, your life in the Pokémon world is pretty miserable, you're hunted, reviled, people try to kill you... And once you save them and their world from destruction they don't even reward your with anything but depend you continue to do fetch quests for them... I'll stay where I am, thank you very much. If you find someone has made a mistake on the internet, do you tend to correct them?
  10. No, my tastes in music are very niche and specific. Despite any and all effort to diversify I haven't found much enjoyment outside of classical piano pieces (mostly new age stuff), select video game soundtracks, anime song covers , and English Vocaloid song covers. So no, I don't enjoy many genres of music. Do you believe it to be important to be able to enjoy a great variety of things?
  11. I play various online games, competitive board games and even sports. But I play those because I enjoy the activity itself, and socialising with others, not because I have an inherent desire to win and compete with others. No, I play games to have fun, not to compete, as I see those two as complete antonyms. Do you consider yourself frugal in the use of money?
  12. Sometimes action movies can be good, though I typically don't enjoy movies that are only about action. But things like Fullmetal Alchemist, Madoka Magica and Fate/Zero are among my favourite animes. But it all depends on the story of the movie. I like the first Matrix movie due to it having a good story and inventive action scenes. But heavily disliked the 2nd and 3rd due to their worse storylines, despite their great action scenes. If it were possible with the flick of a button to erase every single currently available and all future cat video/gif/picture on the internet from the internet, would it have a positive impact on society as a whole? (Why?)
  13. Wow that's pretty amazing, and here I thought I had a lot after crafting nearly nothing for 1½ years. It must've taken such a long time to amass such an amount ~ Have fun, and remember to not spend it all at once...
  14. @Eviora I should probably craft something... But I'm way to stingy for some reason, and have 16k dust hoarded up, and probably 5k more if I want to disenchant cards that aren't duplicates but merely worthless. ... By chance, what have you crafted thus far this set? The only thing that looks interesting to me is the Murloc archetype, with Finja and Gentle Megasaur looking fun in Paladin and Shaman. But I'm uncertain about how viable they will be in the long term.
  15. No, and it's not really something I'd want to do either even I found writing enjoyable and had the skills to write well. It's simply a too uncertain a career path that with no guaranteed future prospects. Would you rather betray others, than have others betray you?
  16. That very much depends on the people I'm with. If I like all the people there, then sure. If it's just a bunch of strangers with whom I have little to nothing in common with, in all likelihood I won't have too much fun. Do you use something special as a bookmark rather than whatever scrap of paper you can find when reading books? (If so, what do you use?)
  17. Tartar


    Whoa, what have I ever done to you? Banned for disturbing the natural order of things.
  18. No, the meta hasn't settled yet, and they need to collect data. They get around 15k game submissions a day, which is available to the public in their Live Reports. But they tend to wait a few weeks once the meta stabilises before posting their reports, and then post them every few weeks after that.
  19. Tempostorm hasn't been relevant for a while now. They're too slow and have failed to predict the rise of new decks before they've already overtaken the Meta. That isn't to say they're useless, just that they state what the meta was a while ago, instead of vS Data Reaper which has successfully predicted the rise and Fall of Reno Mage, the fall of pirate warrior, and the rise of aggro shaman in the short term and the rise of midrange shaman in the long term, and once the nerfs hit, the rise of aggro shaman, among other small trends in the meta. Frankly speaking, vS Data Reaper is magic and I don't know how, but they've successfully predicted every single change in the meta that has happened in the past 6 months. So while Tempostorm may say that Rogue is top tier at the moment, I'm gonna trust vS Reaper stats for now and say that Rogue will be pushed out of the meta quite quickly as their matchups are bad against the other top tier decks.
  20. Pardon me, but I can't actually agree with this part. Every single piece of literature, movie, game... Everything is political in nature and pushes for certain agendas, whether actively or not. Reborn too is heavily political and rooted in contemporary political issues of terrorism, environmentalism and numerous other social issues, and actively portrays certain ways of thinking and acting as being morally right and others wrong. This isn't a bad thing, most of the greatest works of humanity have pushed agendas that either promoted or rejected the status quo. And that is how it should be, games like everything else are a tool to spread ideas, and not merely meaningless entertainment. It's exactly because all the heavy themes of Reborn that it's such a worthwhile game as compared to many other Pokémon Fangames, which are "meaningless entertainment". But works like Reborn go above and beyond to try to spread awareness and push for change. Something that is important and needed in every day and age.
  21. @Zarc From what the statistics say, it actually seems that Rogue isn't doing too hot right now. They're being beaten regularly by Pirate Warrior, Taunt Warrior and Hunter. We can't say anything for certain before the new Data Reaper report comes out due to the lower sample size of their Live Reports, but so far the top decks in Legend are Freeze Mage, Pirate Warrior, Midrange Paladin and Midrange Hunter. In that order. Which is surprising since Rogue is winning lots of tournaments, though this is either due to it simply being a deck which is hard to pilot and thus performs badly on ladder as most don't know how to play it, or the ladder decks have started pushing Rogue out of the meta. In either case, I doubt Rogue will be viable for much longer. It punished the greedier list the meta produced early on, but will be outclassed as Aggro and Midrange Decks start to dominate.
  22. You have to remember that outside of the US, Canada, and the Northern European countries designer board games like those you and Baldr have played aren't actually available, and what most people know about are those exact games mentioned by Animefan. Board games are meant to be for everyone, and as long people have fun playing them, that's all that matters. So let's try not to be hostile towards people who aren't as deep into the hobby. Settler of Catan is such a fun game, and considered a classic for a good reason, and what got me into board gaming in the first place. I'm glad to see that other's are enjoying it as well. I haven't actually tried Exploding Kittens, is it any fun?
  23. Oh my... Yes... I'd like to replace/improve everything. The human body is beyond flawed and unsuited for the modern lifestyle of humans. - Firstly... I'd make my teeth regenerative like those of sharks (ie. we'd get new teeth every 10 years or so)... Human dental genetics are simply not suited for the long lives we live in the 21. century - I'd redesign my spine to be able to withstand sitting down for long periods of time... And let's add higher blood circulation to every joint in my body while we're at it so they regenerate at a higher rate. - Let's improve the cell division mechanism so that it's more accurate and makes fewer mistakes so that mistakes don't accumulate and I get cancer and become "old". * Let's also add a telomerase gene that actives once every 10-20 years or so to replenish the vitality of my cells... Because again, growing old is a pain. - I'd also redesign my immune system to be able to accept organs from others without having my body reject said organs. - Redesigning my metabolism so that I could control it at will would be awesome too. And I could continue... Now as for mental traits, I'm quite happy with my mental state at the moment. But I wouldn't mind changing parts of my brain to have better memory and be able to retain the liquid memory of children into old age so that I could continue to learn and adapt all throughout life. But as for my personal traits, I'd have them stay the same. Would you rather live a short but glorious life, than a long uneventful one? (Why, why not?)
  24. I played a 6 hour game of The Game of Thrones Board Game a year ago (imagine a complex version of Risk with Unique Factions and simultaneous turns). It was a really fun Wargame, and one I can highly recommend you try if you get the option to.
  25. No. I try to keep distractions to a minimum to focus on my work. Between reading books and watching movies, do you find more enjoyment in watching movies?
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