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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Tartar

  1. Our age has been confirmed on the forums, that's pretty set in stone. And Ame literally says "You must be an accomplished Trainer" when she sees us for the first time in Reborn. And due to how strong we actually are, and how everyone implicitly trusts us and our strength (Adrienn even says we're the most suited to become Champion), it's pretty likely that we're an incredibly strong trainer to begin with.
  2. The real reason? Because we need the game to be challenging, and having a fully levelled team to start off with would be boring. Lore reasons? Because we need to start from scratch to be eligible for the challenge, and it's pretty much tradition at this point with how Ash has been doing it.
  3. At exactly 1 HP there's around 4% chance to catch it with a Great ball. Don't give up, you'll get it eventually, it may take some time however. A good way to prevent it from KO'ing itself with struggle, get a Ghost Pokémon, so that struggle always fails.
  4. You could probably do it on the same computer, were it not for your two active save files conflicting with one another. While not having tried it, you should be able to trade with yourself quite easily.
  5. What you ask about is all explained in the first few moments of the game, though it may be easy to miss. The MC is around 18 years old, and an accomplished trainer, it's implied that we've already conquered other leagues previously. The premise of the game is that the Reborn League has recently reopened after years of being closed. We play as one of the many trainers who came to Region to challenge it. This is why we don't have any Pokémon with us, because we're arriving as a challenger. Ame is the champion of the League, and it is her duty to help any and all trainers who arrive in the region who want to take challenge the League. That is why she meets us in the city, and gives us a Pokemon. She doesn't merely help us, but also Cain, Victoria and every other challenger you meet along the way since it's her job to do this. Hopefully, this answered your question. If you have any other questions, I'll try to answer them as well as I can.
  6. It would be interesting for people to write what the first gen they played were. Because I have a hunch that for the majority of people, their first gen (the one they spent the most time on) will in most cases be their favourite.
  7. But wouldn't it be fun if he redeemed himself. Realising the error of his ways, he will join us in the final confrontation against Lin, and sacrifice his life in a heroic moment, that buys the Hero enough time to defeat Lin? ... Yeah, I guess it's too far fetched.
  8. Oh my, such boastfulness - is this the exhilarating swagger of youth? Don't worry, we were all like you when we first came here With starry eyes we eagerly set forth on this journey, only to face the horrors of Reborn We all floundered, many failed... but a few succeeded Do enjoy this wonderful game you're about to play We can't do much for you, but we can give you this assurance: This game can be beaten despite not seeming to be at times ~ I guess what I'm trying to say is, welcome to Reborn
  9. Despite how bleak and heavy-handed Reborn's story has been thus far, I'm pretty positive that Reborn will have a happy ending because I don't believe that Ame would write a story about various people overcoming adversity and societal expectations of them, to all just die in the end.
  10. Are you perhaps referring to this one? It's not a review, but more of an introduction to the game though.
  11. @Viridescent 2.0 Viridescent, for as much as I love your posts for how well researched, written and interesting they are, it is their excellence that is this thread's downfall. When one such as you makes many thoughts about a subject in their mind, and then proceeds to explore said topic to such depths as you do, it can't help but discourage people, due to setting the bar of entry into the topic so high, since anything anyone else writes would pale in comparison. Naturally, it may be weird to criticise the excellence of your posts, but I truly think that is the reason behind the lack of activity on this post. This all harkens back to the fact that people, in general, don't read, nor study philosophy in depth, but merely know pop-philosophy, ie. summarizations of the thoughts made by famous philosophers, and even that is made from a western-centric point of view. People could easily describe the various thoughts made by people such as of Nietzsche, Camus, Satre and perhaps a few others, through some of their quotes and thoughts that permeate our culture. But due to not actually having studied them, we wouldn't be able to discuss their views, nor how they've made them. I along with most others on this forums merely have periphery knowledge of the great works of philosophy, and have hardly read much of them, so this goes back to my main point: Few on here have a good enough understanding of philosophy to be able to properly discuss it at the level you do. (Perhaps this could be a topic of discussion, Why philosophy is not acknowledged as a topic worth of study by the general public). So I have to ask you Viridescent, what type of response do you want from us? To agree with you? Perhaps to ask you questions so that you can answer them? Or is it to actually take a stance on a topic and try to argue against you? Because at this point, this topic has devolved into your personal blog of sorts, which I'm perfectly fine with since your entries are great. But perhaps you wanted something else from the topic?
  12. In the Reborn world becoming a gym leader is primarily about strength. If you're strong enough with a type you can take a Gym Leader Qualification Test and if you pass you're allowed to become a Replacement Gym Leader, and you can take over the spot once the main leader becomes unqualified to continue his position. We saw this in EP16 where Ameria had to retake the challenge because her strength after her amnesia was in question.
  13. If you found the game fun, sure, go for it. But it's kind of a long time commitment, and you could as well complete several games during the time it takes to replay Reborn. It's all about what you personally find more fun and worthwhile.
  14. Not as of this moment. The best way to follow the development is through her updates on Patreon. People on the dev team sometimes comment on the development and their plans, but nothing like a centralised development topic.
  15. It should say the episode number on the title screen. Alternatively you could just download the newest version of Reborn, and overwrite the previous files. Then you could make certain that you have the newest version.
  16. Tartar


    Banned for spouting heresy
  17. Tartar


    Banned for because the Universe demands it.
  18. As Ame has stated throughout her various posts, she intends to add some of the new Pokémon to the game in future episodes, and also retroactively add the Gen 7 Mons to previous areas, and onto the teams of Gym Leaders. This has been the thing she's primarily worked on these past 5-6 days, adding sprites and whatnot. But this is something that will be added in the future, so don't expect it anytime soon. As for Gen 7 Mechanics, that's probably gonna take a while, if it even ever happens.
  19. The savefile should be in C:\Users\*Username*\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn\Game.rxdata
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