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Everything posted by Alistair

  1. Reborn Big Brother Mafia: Day Twelve Top of the morning to ya laddies my name is jacksepticali and welcome back to Big Brother Mafia Not too much is happening anymore but!! I do have some news for you!! This time I'm going to start with the evictions since they impact what follows. LykosHand was evicted. He was Walpurgis, the Woodpecker, Poisoner, and Bulletproof. and because I received instructions from the highest Big Brother authority... Newt was forced evicted. He was Amber, the Motivator, Confused Cop, and Scout. Since Newt, the HoH's choice, was evicted, the nominations for today are decided by the people's votes only. Factoring this, today's nominees are: 1. Nicki 2. Seal2 That's right, only 2 nominees! There are 5 of you left, so that's how it's gonna be from now on. Make the right choice... if there's one lol The next HoH is Seal! Congratulations to you @Seal The Everydaily Challenge still applies. Lastly, day phases now last only 24h because of the reduced number of players. That is all... for now. Day Twelve lasts 24h. Good luck, dear players. Remember: Big Brother is always watching. Always. (also grats everyone for making it to the final 5)
  2. Lykos is jumping on a bw that's sus!!!1!1!!1 /s never expected to have excellent rng so I won't risk a vote just yet
  3. Alistair


    henlo and welcome
  4. Reborn Big Brother Mafia: Night Eleven Good evening, dear players. I don't have much to share with you, I'm afraid... this season's become a bit stale, hasn't it? A shame! The audience is disappointed, and so am I. Our rules dictate that the show must go on regardless. Try not to succumb to the deepest despair and resignation right away, hmm? Nicki was evicted... or not. She survives! (shocker, I know) The HoH auto-nominates Newt for eviction. The Everydaily Challenge was failed, since less than 75% of the remaining House Guests have voted. No rewards for u. Lastly, since I have to play bad cop from time to time... @Newt and @Caimie haven't said anything here since Day 9. Please do something, I don't want to modkill you. That is all... for now. Night Eleven lasts 24h. Sleep well, dear players. Remember: Big Brother is always watching. Always.
  5. Is Volc a good replacement for Serperior? Depends on your team comp. Generally speaking it may provide better offensive presence but it's not like Contrary Serperior is bad either. You'll probably want to switch them in and out depending on the circumstances. Is Volc worth it? Yes, absolutely. Regardless of what you prefer using, it's never a bad idea to have one ready to go.
  6. Reborn Big Brother Mafia: Day Eleven Good morning, dear players! A fine day it is, and I suppose a bitter moment as well. For most of you, at least. Some must be doing just fine~ Either way, let's not disappoint the audience. We still expect great things from you! You know the drill by now; let's start with today's nominees. Day Eleven's nominees for eviction As per the wishes of our former HoH and the combined wills of the people, today's nominees are: 1. Candy 2. Nicki 3. Seal2 Choose wisely. Nightly eviction It is my duty to inform you that a terrible tragedy fell upon our House! While most of you were still sleeping, someone stealthily approached one of the last few players and mercilessly dragged them out! Quite the atrocious sight to behold. What could this mean, I wonder...? ECT was evicted. He was Crimson Dragon, the Gunsmith, Thief, and Crimson Dragon. Head of Household election: Since she kindly volunteered (*cough* and was the only one to vote *cough*), Candy is the new HoH! @Candy good luck, friend! You might need it. To conclude, the Everydaily Challenge remains the same and the only challenge applicable. I believe that is all... for now. Day Eleven lasts 48h. Have fun! And remember... Big Brother is always watching... Always.
  7. You'll probably get more mileage out of Dragalge. It has the advantage of resisting Grass and Electric, both of which threaten your Water-heavy team. Plus having Hydro Pump and Sludge Bomb via level up is pretty nice.
  8. Reborn Big Brother Mafia: Night Ten Well well, what's that...? The end is near, blades are drawn, blood is boiling in the last few contestants' veins... and in the end, today is the day we are plagued with a tie, of all times! After you people seemed so set on evicting a specific player on Day Nine, too. What an ironic twist of fate! Anyway, RNGesus was consulted, and thus RNGesus spoke. Jace Stormkirk was evicted. He was Bazaro, the Jailkeep, Informant, and Monster Pineapple Pizza. Our current HoH, Nicki, chose to nominate Candy for eviction on Day 11. Please don't forget to select the next HoH, everyone. Lastly, the Everydaily Challenge was completed. Players due to receive their rewards will be selected and informed shortly. That is all... for now. Night Ten lasts 24h. Sleep well, dear players, and remember: Big Brother is always watching. Always.
  9. Reborn Big Brother Mafia: Day Ten Spotlight uh Moonlight uh XXXAlitacion here to bring you the one and only 10th Day Post! That's quite the milestone we've reached together, dear players. So many evictions, plot twists, juicy action... but now, could the end be drawing near? Only one way to find out... Daily nominations The nominees today are: 1. Jace 2. Nicki 3. ECT Your fate is in the hands of the mob. Do your best to emerge victorious! Nightly eviction: No one was evicted last night. You guys are all safe! What a relief. Too bad that can't last forever~ Head of Household: Our latest HoH is none other than one of the nominees, who was appointed thanks to a whopping one (1) vote from Bazaro: Nicki! @cicada the weight of leadership is yours to bear. And as usual, the only challenge left is the Everydaily Challenge. Everydaily Challenge: United We Stand Task: The House Guests must stand together to continue surviving in the Big Brother House. To succeed, at least 75% of the living House Guests must vote and the votes shall only be split between 2 nominees or less. Reward: Two players, selected at random, will receive a totem with a special 1 time use ability. I believe that is all... for now. Do not falter, boys and girls! The audience is on the edge of their seats for you! Day Ten lasts 48h. Have fun, House Guests! Remember: Big Brother is always watching. Always.
  10. Upupupupu... we're nearing midday, dear players. So far, the votes are as follow: Jace: 4 (Newt, Lykos, Nicki, Caimie) Nicki2: 1 (Jace) and of course 4 players haven't voted yet. By all means, keep satisfying our audience's morbid curiosity
  11. this game is weird but i'm joining owo
  12. Reborn Big Brother Mafia: Night Eight Howdy folks! We're exceptionally shortening this Day phase, thanks to the majority that was quickly reached. At least you people were eager to evict someone this time! You all know who the unfortunate evictee is already, but let's announce it formally, in true Big Brother fashion... Bean the 2nd was evicted. He was L'Belle, the Paparazzi, Bride, and Bulletproof. Yes, watching someone lose is always sad indeed. But for everyone else... The game continues~ It continues without a HoH, however, since our current one has been shot and evicted. Awkward! That means no automatic nomination tonight. The Everydaily Challenge has obviously been completed, and the two lucky winners will receive their reward shortly. Keep the audience satisfied! Some say the end is near... Some say we'll see Armageddon soon. Either way, we're entering the last stretch of this Big Brother season. Hang on, friends! Let's end the game with a bang! Night Eight lasts 24h. Sleep well, dear players, and remember: Big Brother is always watching you. Always.
  13. Reborn Big Brother Mafia: Day Eight Greetings dear players, and our sincerest apologies for the delay! The show is back on track, albeit on a slightly lighter version for now. Big Brother Productions doesn't have a lot of flavor to offer today, however the necessary info is there as usual! Without further ado, let's start with today's nominees... who are only 3, because of a massive tie for 4th place in the votes! 1. Chickenborn (Bean) 2. Caimie 3. Alaris One of them falls today. Vote well, dear players. There was no eviction on Night 7. However, someone did leave the House willingly, due to achieving their primary win condition! Astra left the House with joy. She was Yahy, the Nicki Slayer, Penguin, and Spammer. Congrats to them! The newly elected HoH is none other than one of our nominees, Alaris. Be prepared to accomplish your duty, honorable HoH! @Alaris Lastly, the only challenge for today is the Everydaily Challenge: United We Stand. Task: The House Guests must stand together to continue surviving in the Big Brother House. To succeed, at least 75% of the living House Guests must vote and the votes shall only be split between 2 nominees or less. Reward: Two players, selected at random, will receive a totem with a special 1 time use ability. That is all... for now. Day Eight lasts at least 48h. Good luck, everyone! And remember, Big Brother is always watching you... Always.
  14. Reborn Big Brother Mafia - Night Seven Good evening, dear players! Wew, that was a heated and eventful day. I couldn't help but feel a bit tense and twitchy! However, such excitement is bound to occur in a set up like this. No biggie, as long as everything ends well... … and by ending well, I mean ending with a delicious eviction for our audience's eyes to feast upon! Drakyle was evicted. He was Nicki, the Veteran Mafioso, Good Veterinarian, and Hooker. One by one they fall, and for the others, the Grand Prize is getting near. Good luck on the end of your Journey, contestants. Other news include… *drumroll* The HoH hasn't nominated someone for eviction yet. You will be informed in a future post. The results of the Daily Challenges are in! Day 7's daily challenge was completed by one player who will receive their reward tonight. The Everydaily Challenge was completed too. Two players will be RNG'd and receive their rewards tonight. I believe that is all... for now. Hit me up if I missed anything lol Night Seven lasts aproximately 24h. Sleep well, dear players! And remember: Big Brother is always watching you. Even at night.
  15. Hello hello, here comes a fresh midday vote count just for you delightful entertainers! Alaris: 2 (Bean, Drakyle) Drakyle: 1 (Candy) Not too many votes yet... but I believe in you. I know you can evict the right player! Hm? Who is the right player? Well, that depends entirely on your point of view, upupupu... Good luck! 24h left in Day 7.
  16. Reborn Big Brother Mafia - Day Seven Greetings, dear players! Seven is a bit of a strange number, is it not? Lucky to some, mystical to others, mundane to most... but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Day Seven of this Big Brother season starts in a very peculiar manner! Fret not, you will understand soon. Let's get going with the daily nominations! Day Seven's nominees for eviction The players nominated for eviction this phase are: 1. Alaris! 2. Lord Drakyle! 3. LykosHand! 4. Roswell! Nothing extraordinary here. You know the drill; one of them is going to have to leave! Good luck to you all. Head of Household election Once again a HoH was elected, and in a perhaps ironic twist of fate, one who had several votes against him yesterday became the top dog today! @Seal, the floor is yours! Go ahead and nominate your worst enemy (or anyone you want, really). Seal has been selected as the Head of Household. Nightly eviction Now, this is where things get stranger... for you see, I was delighted to announce who pewished last night, however no one was evicted! Even better (or worse?), two players who were apparently doomed are back in business, ready to fight for the ultimate prize! Crimson Dragon wakes up from being shot by a toy gun. He is ???. Bean was brought back to life by the Priest. He is ???. He will receive his new Role PM soon & he is not allowed to disclose any information he knew prior to his first death, else he is modkilled immediately. Hohoho, I can't wait to see these two leap at each other's throat again! *cameras follow them as they triumphantly return to the Big Brother House* Daily Challenges Lastly, it is time for me to tell you about your daily challenges. One of them is a bit unusual, as it is not really a challenge, or should I say... Not Really a Task! Literally. Day 7 Daily Challenge: Not Really a Task Task: A maximum of 2 players can sacrifice all their Day and Night Actions (both Passive and Active) to become a Vanilla Character. The Head of Household will accept willing volunteers. If the number of volunteers exceeds 2, the Head of Household will select two among them. Reward: These volunteers will receive a totem in exchange for their sacrifice. One will receive a 1 Time Use Vigilante Totem (kill another player at night) while the other will receive a 1 Time Protection Totem (protect oneself or another from death at night). Everydaily Challenge: United We Stand Task: The House Guests must stand together to continue surviving in the Big Brother House. To succeed, at least 75% of the living House Guests must vote and the votes shall only be split between 2 nominees or less. Reward: Two players, selected at random, will receive a totem with a special 1 time use ability. Wew! I believe that is all... for now. Day Seven lasts 48h. Have fun, dear players! And remember: Big Brother is always watching you. Always.
  17. Reborn Big Brother Mafia - Night Six Good evening, dear players! Getting tired, are we? You people have been comparatively quiet today… well, except that one unfortunate event near the end. But to be fair, you are fewer with each passing phase! I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on you. Just remember to provide us with the Entertainment our audience utterly deserves, upupupu. Moving on, today (like any other today) one of our esteemed guests was evicted. Alas! Bean was evicted. He was EndearingCharacterTrait, the Coyote, Lightningrod, and ECT. And he really didn't seem happy about it either. But that's how it is, folks. Out of the House with ye! In other news, the HoH nominated someo-- wait no, they didn't. They're dead. Silly me. The HoH couldn't nominate anyone because of their untimely demise. An amusing turn of events if I ever saw one. The results of the Daily Challenges are in! Day 6's daily challenge was completed, and the reward will be given within 12h. The Everydaily Challenge however, was failed! How disappointing. Moreover, starting next day phase, there will be only 4 nominees. I believe that is all... for now. Night Six lasts 24h. Sleep well, dear players! And remember: Big Brother is always watching you. Even at night.
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