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Status Updates posted by Dylanrockin

  1. As a reminder for those of you who signed up for the "Draw my Character/OC Contest", there are 2 days left before the contest begins. You will still have time to join, but the deadline to submit and join the contest is March 10th. Cash prizes are involved, and feel free to check it out for those of you interested.



  2. As if my day couldn't get any worse... You know what. Fuck it. Just fuck it. Below is all I have to say in regards to the matter, at how cruel the human mind and reality can be. Because that's the way life goes. Never as you planned! The world is a very arbitrary place, isn't it? It's a place where you can be locked in emotional turmoil at the contradictions between good or bad, morally right and morally wrong. Oh, I know you'd like to think that your friendship would be enough to sustain you through any mishap or misfortune... but that's not the way the world works.


    No, the world is a place where fate intervenes when you least expect it, with consequences that can turn your world upside down. Just when you think you've etched the perfect portrait of your future, and your life couldn't get any better. Just when you let down your guard at last and against all odds, that's when tragedy decides to step in. When fate hits you with the cold slap of reality and shows you who's in charge. Yes, the world has taught me that reality doesn't give a shit whether you hate it or not. The contradictions between morally right and morally wrong has set my mind in a never ending, constant loop.


    This is the last that will be heard from me for a good while, until I can get my mind sorted out, and any and all outside issues in my life are a no issue. Especially in regards to another, outside, and personal matter on my hand that turned my entire past several months flat on its face, and my world shifted 180 degrees.

  3. As is tradition, I make a pilgrimage to watch this every year:






  5. Breath of the Wild had me until it decided "MOTION CONTROLSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!"


    Me: No! You-- youuuuu are the reason why I hated the Nintendo Wii, aside from MANY other things wrong with the Wii that I hated.


    There's never going to be an escape from shitty, unnecessary motion controls, is there? I still love Breath of the Wild, but I despise motion controls to no end.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azeria


      P sure that one puzzle can be solved by just flipping the controller, or so I've heard.

    3. Dylanrockin


      The puzzle wasn't that bad, but just the fact they keep trying to shove motion controls down our throats is just annoying. And to Wolfox, the motion controls were terrible in Skyward Sword, in my opinion, and Twilight Princess is better played on the Gamecube. That's just my opinion.

    4. Azeria


      While I personally don't care for them myself, It's one puzzle that I'm pretty sure can be completed even without it. That being said, personal opinions and all that. 

  6. Comm scans have detected an-- *sigh*



  7. Current mood while working on my game: 


    1. Paul25


      Good luck while working on your game.... :D


  8. Current mood: 


  9. Did anyone else play this game as a kid?



    1. Combat


      Wow, that's certainly a new one.

    2. Dylanrockin


      "He's dead Jim"

      "It's tail time!"

  10. Donate and vote for Sheena, for the Flanoir scene! The best choice tho.



  11. Dragon Ball Super ended on a good note and with that I have nothing to look forward to on my Saturday nights. However, here's to the best Dragon Ball ending and theme song:



  12. Dylan does Java recursive programming.png





    1. FairFamily


      Seems easy enough.

  13. Dylan here to give you all something entertaining on this otherwise uneventful night.


    Everyone has a catchphrase:



  14. Dylan's two-cents on Final Fantasy 7 Remake: well, I beat it and I was thoroughly satisfied. Enemies have too much super-armor sometimes and some bosses are just damage-sponges. Also the ending and last two chapters are freaking dumb, but whaddya gonna do? Wall Market was awesome, mostly because of how tasteful it was in its progressiveness than just being forcefully thrown in your face like some modern games have been lately. Also, the characterization of everybody has been improved times a thousand - much better than the original and I respect that.


    Overall 8.6/10 - better than the original, by a freaking mile. However, even then I should hold off on judgements until Part 3 in 2030, haha.

  15. Easily the best thing I've seen all week XD




    "We'll fuck your mom! That's right, we'll fuck your mom!" What? XD

    1. Tartar


      Easily the most incomprehensible thing I've seen all year.

  16. Fire Emblem: Warriors character that I really, really want is Mia, because goddamn she hasn't gotten anything since Awakening in Spotpass. I was hoping she'd be usable in Heroes, but no. Sad face. She might be behind a paywall, like what they did in Hyrule Warriors where they did the Wind Waker DLC pack, etc.


    I just want to play as a female swordsman that was from my favorite Fire Emblem game ;w; Lyn is cool too, and I'm most certainly sure she's gonna be in it.

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      I'm gonna correct you twice here, but it's a "she" who drew it.

    3. Anime


      Rip, sorry about that 

    4. Dylanrockin
  17. For as much as I hate this game, the parodies of it are freaking hilarious:



    1. Godot


      To be fair the 3D Sonics range from meh to utter crap with their saving grace being their OST.

  18. For people who do YouTube and do the whole "please like, comment and subscribe" nonsense at the end of their videos isn't there a better way of saying that without sounding like annoying pest? I've done YouTube videos for literally 10 years now (November 11, 2007 to be precise) and never have I once said that at the end of any of my videos. I'm sure there is a less intrusive way of saying that without coming off as annoying and sounding like you're begging for that extra like/sub. Even still I'd never do it, because I'd rather leave it up to my viewers to judge for themselves, than have me tell them what to do.


    Just to add to the whole "like/comment/sub" thing. If I want to comment or have something to comment about I will. I'd rather you not remind me to do that, thanks. Also, I'll subscribe if I actually found your content not irritating like the rest of people on YouTube.

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      @Busti For me I develop an irrational hatred for that person and then I say to myself "thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life that I'll never get back, kindly die in a fire". I spare the rod in some instances, but with clickbait... no. Not at all. Especially on "journalism" websites that rely on it far too much.

    3. Tartar


      @Dylanrockin  Just so you know, an extension isn't needed. Youtube has that feature innately. Pres the 3 dots next to a video, and say "not interested" and when asked why, say you don't want videos from that channel to show up anymore. 


      Again, what exactly are you watching that you're getting constant clickbait videos? 

      My homepage looks something like this: https://prnt.sc/fba91k , my homepage is mostly a combination of science videos, anime/game analysis and various music.  If anything my only complaint is that Youtube is getting too good at predicting things I would like to watch. 

    4. Dylanrockin


      Oh wow, I didn't even know that existed. I always used the extension. Hm, oh well I already have several channels and videos already applied to being blocked by it. The more you know.

  19. For the longest time I've had a crush on Jennifer Hale. Scratch that, I still do have a total crush on her.


    Favorite voice actress, tbh.

  20. For those of you Doctor Who fans, this official Japanese dub is... actually quite good. Don't know why you'd want to watch in a Japanese dub, but... there ya go.



  21. For those of you who haven't read the Tales of Symphonia Manga, this is the greatest thing ever and it needs to be a thing:



  22. For those of you who use Unreal Engine 4 as well, I just made a blueprint class that creates a post-process, cel-shading effect. It's pretty neat-o!




    Don't mind the clashing environments, I'm just playing around with foliage and testing the lighting of the scene XD But yeah, the cel-shader, post-process effect is pretty rad, however, the trees look a little... odd, compared to it's non-cel-shaded form.

    1. Dylanrockin


      Side note: This is so adorable it makes my head spin:



    2. Wolfox


      that kinda gives me RWBY vibes. that's a good thing

  23. For those of you wondering what I've been up to, well, this: I got 7th Place in Help Desk at PBL Nationals and I've been working on Musicals and other sorts of competitions. I got awarded for my contributions to community service in Circle K, among other things. And, I dabbed on stage in front of a few thousand people.




    Also, Hunchback of Notre Dame was probably the best musical I've ever done, ever. I'm the one with the beard, kneeling, by the way. Because... I didn't shave at all.





  24. For those of you wondering, the Symphonic Horizon manga is almost finished! We are now finalizing the last 6 pages and after that we will begin printing and publishing the books!



    1. Commander




      I'm not good with congratulating people with their accomplishments. Out of curiosity though, how big is it?

    2. Dylanrockin


      It's ~100 pages +- 5 or so.

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