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Dylanrockin last won the day on September 6 2020

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371 Altruist

About Dylanrockin

  • Birthday 09/16/1995

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    Solving a Case
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    It's probably a fact now at this point that I'm probably the biggest fan of Tales of Symphonia on the Earth, since I now own EVERYTHING Tales of Symphonia related, including all of the overly expensive figurines, blu-ray dvd's, posters, Japanese manga, Japanese novelization, wall-scrolls, and all versions of the game (including Japanese exclusive versions). Yes, I am a nerd, yes, I am a huge fan-boy who has plans to go to a Tales of Festival in Japan, and YES... I want to get my stuff autographed.

    Currently, I am an Animator, Animation Director, Fan-Game Developer, Stage Actor, and Computer Science Major with a Secondary Major in Performing Arts.

    Also... I don't like Pokeplayers. Fact.

    Animation and voice acting directing work, down below:

    Japanese Dub


    English Dub


    Feel free to join my Groups Page! http://symphonic-horizon.deviantart.com/

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  1. This feeling when your parents don't believe in psychological scarring and refuse to admit to their flaws as parents. There's nothing worse than a parent who thinks they're always right and I'm wrong, and that I just endlessly respect them because they birthed me.


    No. They lost my trust and I deflect their attempts at speaking to me for a very good reason: they belittle me, act like what I do is pointless, hate that I put my time, effort and money into game development, and their hatred towards art. I don't respect parents like that.


    On top of that my dad acts like I should've been done with college 2 years ago, and is the most impatient human being I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. Threatens to disown and kick me out of the house, WHILE I'M IN COLLEGE TRYING TO GET A JOB TO LEAVE! You want me out? Then let me fucking finish school and leave to where I can sustain myself financially!


    How do you sleep at night knowing that you do stuff like this? Acting like you're justified in being literal scum? If I had kids, which I won't because I'd be repeating what they did, I sure as shit wouldn't subject them to that kind of torture for 18+ years of their lives. A lot of what I say and do now has been dictated by their awful parenting throughout my lives. Their constant fights growing up as a kid and me having to be around it and "putting up with it", because lol they're my parents and I have to endlessly respect them.


    In short: fuck them, fuck what they say and do to me, AND FUCK what they have made me into! As if I even had a choice about it anyways.

    1. BRS swag

      BRS swag

      Remember one thing my dear friend, you come thru your parents, not just because of them. They aren't the only reason for your existence. Even if they are wrong, respect them but don't lose your temperament. You are nothing without it. Think of it like this, the strong warriors never bother with the weak even if they come in swarms. Your life is yours. Live it well. May the almighty ease your tensions. This is an age where parental care can also be harmful to us, we should endure everything and move on ahead. I can't give you a panacea to this, but you yourself are the best solution here. Smile at everything. Then, people wouldn't bother saying anything coz ur attitude will be strong once you learn to smile. There is a fine line of difference b/w parental affection and trouble here. Be careful and yet saintly happy. Know what to speak where(most importantly) and how.

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